All in Water Signs

July 2022 Horoscope: Pisces

Summer gets charismatic and colorful as the Sun bursts into Cancer and your expressive, theatrical fifth house. Until July 22, you're consumed with an exciting creative project, a romance or just having full-bodied fun wherever you go. This childlike energy can make you an in-demand adventurer (and at moments, a demanding diva). Bring on the summer romance and fun!

Take a few timeouts to do some life review work this month, too. Some parts of your life are up for a good inventory, namely your personal goals and friendships. That’s because three of the slower-moving outer planets (Saturn, Neptune and Pluto) are retrograde all month—and for the rest of summer—an important time to step back, evaluate and correct course. On July 28, expansive Jupiter will join the retrograde brigade, making an about-face in Aries and your financial district. Trim your budget and scale back excessive spending until later in the year. We’re not saying to cramp your summer fun; just be mindful of your moolah!

Sharing the costs—and everything else—can allow you to have your fun without getting bogged down by hefty bills. A great moment for that arrives at the July 13 Capricorn full supermoon, which beams into your eleventh house of groups and collaborations.

You’ll be ready to buckle down starting July 22, when Leo season kicks in, activating your sixth house of wellness and organization. The July 28 Leo new moon is great for starting a fitness plan or getting all your affairs in order. You could receive some life-changing news on July 31, when shock-jock Uranus and the karmic north node make a rare meetup in your information sector. Keep those devices charged: You won’t want to miss this!

July 2022 Horoscope: Scorpio

Lift the veil, Scorpio! Your normally tight-lipped style gives way to refreshing candor as the Sun makes its annual trip through Cancer and your outspoken ninth house until July 22. This expansive month could bring opportunities to travel, study or broaden your horizons in a meaningful and inspired way. Craving a summer vacation? Go now, even if it’s just for a night or two. Any opportunity to get away from the familiar will pay major dividends.

You’ll be a bit more reflective, too—eager to dive deeper into a topic that’s captured your fancy or to reflect on the meaning of life. With three of the slow-moving outer planets (Saturn, Neptune and Pluto) in powered-down retrograde all summer, you might take your time pondering some personal matters, including how much time you spend with friends, family members and love interests. Need to have an important conversation? The July 13 Capricorn full supermoon helps get everything out into the open.

Ambitious energy kicks in on July 22, when the Sun moves into Leo and your tenth of career, structure and long-term plans. It's been an adventurous July, but you'll be ready to focus now. Home in on your highest-priority goals and pursue them with gusto. The July 28 Leo new moon plants the seeds for a new six-month cycle on your professional path—and possibly even a whole new gig.

But no need to rush. On July 28, expansive Jupiter will join the retrograde parade, making you think twice about anything that could upend your life. At the same time, you may need to embrace a bit of chaos on July 31, when the karmic north node and shock-jock Uranus make a rare meetup in your partnership zone. A close person could throw a curveball your way (hopefully a good one!). So keep a flexible mindset even if you don’t initiate any hasty moves. The stars will serve up enough action to keep you on your toes!

July 2022 Horoscope: Cancer

Light the candles, toss the confetti: It's your birthday season, Crab! The Sun is in your sign until July 22, and you’ve got plenty to look forward to this year. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve already set some lofty goals for yourself. Expansive Jupiter is in Aries and your ambitious tenth house from May 10 to October 28, inspiring you to create long-term plans that light you up. And when the Sun moves into Leo on July 22, you’ll be ready to monetize one of your big ideas or to start shaping it into an achievable plan.

One caveat, Crab: Start working on those visionary ideas during the earlier part of the month. On July 28, Jupiter will power down into retrograde (backward) motion, taking a slightly less robust pace until November 23. That doesn’t mean your luck comes to a halt (quite the opposite!). Rather than start a bunch of new initiatives, you’ll want to capitalize on the ones you’ve got going on. Chances are you’ve got plenty of irons in the fire already!

Another reason to downshift a bit? Three of the other slow-moving outer planets (Saturn, Neptune and Pluto) are already retrograde this summer. No need to panic: These planets spend four to five months of every year in reverse, giving us a chance to step back and get mindful about how we use our time, energy and resources. Embrace the pace! As a sensitive Cancer, you’ve probably absorbed a lot of intense energy, and it would be in your best interests to find some balance anyhow.

How about sharing some of the load with a capable counterpart? When the July 13 Capricorn full supermoon sweeps through your partnership sector, you could find the perfect plus-one for the job. One of your closest relationships will also get a boost—or reach a turning point—under these moonbeams.

July 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

It might be summer, but July is no vacation. June gave us a much needed reprieve from the tumult of the last few years, but the astrology of July puts us right back in the ring for another round. That said, though there is a fair share of frustration and difficulty this month, there are also some dreamy and romantic moments to keep us going through the hard times.

Mars and Mercury both change signs on the 5th, setting things up to immediately feel very different than how they did last month. Mars leaves bold Aries for stubborn Taurus while Mercury leaves chatty Gemini to join the sun in sensitive Cancer. Under these influences, our communications become more nuanced and intuitive while our actions slow down. Mars in Taurus only puts energy into what’s absolutely necessary. Try not to push too hard against something unwilling to budge.