July 2022: Love Horoscopes

July 2022: Love Horoscopes


Apart from the Moon's monthly visits, there has been no planetary activity in either your romantic or relationship sectors but that is about to change. Or at least, on the romantic front, with your relationships having to wait until later next month. To begin with, it is business as usual but the Moon's return to your romantic sector on 1st July will be a taste of things to come and a chance to put matters of the heart and all things romantic front and centre from the start. The Moon is only here until 3rd July, but these romantically charged lunar vibes get the month off to a good start. It is a few days later that the Moon will make its monthly visit to your relationship sector and the timing couldn't be better. The Moon will move through from 6th July to 8th July and with no planetary activity on the relationship front, this is always an important chance to become more emotionally engaged. What makes the timing auspicious is that the Moon will return a day after Mercury, the planet of communication leaves your communication sector on 5th July and while Venus, the planet of love is still here, on a mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice. Meanwhile, it is on 20th July that things start to come alive on the romantic front, starting with Mercury's return on 20th July. Three days before the Sun returns on 23rd July to put the solar spotlight on matters of the heart and all things romantic, this gives the planet of communication a chance to get the ball rolling with his ability to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page. It is when the Moon comes full circle from 28th July to 31st July that it will align with the Sun to create a New Moon on 29th July. As well as a chance for new beginnings, this will be an opportunity to embrace what are set to become the most romantically charged months of 2022.


While there is no planetary activity on the romantic or relationship fronts and there will be none until the Sun and the faster planets begin returning to your romantic sector next month, you have the next best thing, which is a planetary line up in your communication sector. The Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July in your communication sector but this year you have had a head start. It was back in May that the dwarf planet Ceres returned for her first deep dive into your communication needs and priorities in five years, allowing you to better channel the Sun's support from the moment he returned. While the Sun will keep the solar spotlight on communication until leaving on 23rd July and he will work to keep things real and authentic it is Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication that will do much of the heavy lifting. Mercury will only spend 15 days in your communication sector this year, returning on 5th July and leaving again on 20th July. However, with the Moon making its monthly visit to your relationship sector from 8th July to 10th July the planet of communication will be here when it counts, on hand to give your emotional responses and relationships a voice. It is just days before Mercury is due to leave on 20th July, the Sun on 23rd July and Ceres on 24th July that Venus, the planet of love will finally return. Venus is the last planet to reach your communication sector and will be the last to leave, benefiting from the hard work already invested as she returns to give your heart and your relationships a voice. Venus will still be here when the first planetary activity on the romantic front this year begins early next month, something that romantically charged lunar vibes from 4th July to 6th July and again from 31st July will give you a taste of.


Starting the month with both Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication in Gemini is rare, especially this late in the year. Both should have been and gone by now and the only way either can be here this late in the year is if they have been held back by a retrograde phase and the last time this happened to both was in 2014. This not only allows you to move into the second half of the year with heart and mind on the same page but is something that both matters of the heart and your relationships can benefit from. Until he leaves on 5th July, Mercury is on a mission to ensure the communication lines are open. While Mercury will leave before the Moon can return to your relationship sector from 10th July to 12th July, as this was the second of two visits and he first returned at the end of April, this leaves you with more than enough resources to give your emotional responses and relationships a voice as the Moon moves through. While Mercury is late to leave because of the extended time he has spent in Gemini, Venus is late to leave because she was late to return. Venus began the year in retrograde motion, something that has held the planet of love back to a point where she didn't return until late last month, after your birthday month had ended. This will keep Venus in Gemini until 18th July, with the planet of love not just working to update your romantic and relationship desires and expectations for the coming year but to turn desires into reality. Some of the most romantically charged days of the month could be when the Moon not only moves through your romantic sector from 6th July to 8th July but will form a friendly aspect to Venus as it moves through.


For several reasons, this is always an important point in any year on the relationship front and there can be what appear to be challenges but instead are opportunities in disguise. With Pluto in your relationship sector since 2008 but always spending the middle months of each year in retrograde motion, this is a time for looking back but also when old issues could come to the surface. More because with the Sun always spending the first three weeks of July in Cancer, at some point this will see them clash. This brings you to your birthday month and the start of your new solar year, something that is putting the focus on your own needs and priorities. As Pluto works to keep the focus on your relationships, inevitably this will create tension between your personal and relationship needs. It is the Moon's return to your relationship sector from 12th July to 14th July and the Full Moon this will create just before leaving that could bring this to a head in an emotionally charged way. However, this is a chance to get to the heart of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you and with Pluto leaving next year, the timing couldn't be better. What makes the timing auspicious is that held back by a retrograde phase Mercury, the planet of communication will finally return to Cancer. Mercury is only here for 15 days, returning on 5th July and leaving on 20th July, he will be here when it counts. Meanwhile, when it comes to matters of the heart Venus, the planet of love is making this a month of two halves. Until leaving a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart on 18th July Venus is taking your heart on a nostalgic trip down love's memory lane before returning to Cancer and looking to the future. It is the Moon's visit to your romantic sector from 8th July to 10th July that will add to a sense of romantic nostalgia.


With Saturn spending his first full month in retrograde motion in your relationship sector, the focus is on the past but also on a chance to review the journey that your relationships have taken you on, not just this year but over the last three years. Since his return in 2020, Saturn has turned retrograde just as we near the halfway point in the year and for five months will retrace his steps, something that can force you to confront the past. Saturn is on a three year mission to create real and authentic relationships and he doesn't let you stick your head in the sand. This brings a chance to take care of any relationship housekeeping but also to learn from the past. The difference this time is that with Saturn leaving in March 2023, this is his last retrograde phase here for another three decades. With Jupiter having spent much of 2021 in your relationship sector and Venus and Mars having spent time together here, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, with a lot to reflect on. This has also opened the doors to the past and second chances with support from Mercury, the planet of communication in your friendship sector until 5th July and from Venus, the planet of love there until 18th July. When the Moon moves through your communication sector from 6th July to 8th July it will form a friendly aspect to both Venus and Saturn, making these some especially good days for communication, friendship and relationship building. In the meantime, with no planetary activity on the romantic front, the Moon's return to your romantic sector from 10th July to 12th July is something to be embraced. Coming full circle from last month's Full Moon, these romantically charged lunar vibes could be more potent this time. Meanwhile, it is on 18th July that Venus will return to a nostalgic part of your chart to take your heart on a nostalgic trip down love's memory lane that will end with her return to Leo next month.


Since his return to your romantic sector in 2008, Pluto has spent from April to September in retrograde motion while since his return to your relationship sector in 2012, Neptune has spent from June to November in retrograde motion. While Pluto has been in retrograde motion for several months, it was only on 28th June that Neptune turned retrograde, with the doors having just opened to the past and second chances on the relationship fronts. While this is something that you are still adjusting to as you move into the new month, from the start the focus is on the past, as has been the case at this time of year for several years now. While Neptune won't leave your relationship sector until 2026 and with Jupiter returning later in the year the journey is far from over, with Pluto leaving your romantic sector in March, this is his last full retrograde phase here. The planet of change and revolution will retrograde back in for a few months next year but this will be more a recap. It was last month that Venus, the planet of love spent a lot of time in an adventurous part of your chart, with a friendly aspect to Pluto before leaving bringing a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia together. This is something that Mars will pick up on and run with when he returns to an adventurous part of your chart on 5th July, adding passion to the mix. As the planets of war and revolution come together, this will be a chance to declare war on old excuses or on anything that is keeping you in a romantic rut. The Moon's return to your romantic sector from 12th July to 14th July will add fuel to what by then will be a growing mix of nostalgia, romance, passion and adventure. This is something that will culminate in a Full Moon on 14th July. Meanwhile, the Moon's return to your relationship sector from 16th July to 18th July will be a quieter affair but with a valuable chance to check in and become more emotionally engaged.


It is rare to have a lot of focus on your relationships at this time of year but then this was already an extraordinary year. Having not only spent the whole of June in your relationship sector but alongside Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, Mars is getting ready to leave. Mars who returned just days after Jupiter in May and spend his early days here aligned was able to inject his passion and warrior spirit in the early days of this expansive new relationship period. With Venus, the planet of love still here at the time, this gave you a sense of what you were fighting for from the start. Knowing that once he leaves your relationship sector on 5th July it will be another two years until he returns, Mars will be working to inject the kind of passion and urgency that will encourage you to fight for what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. This could create a lot of intensity at the start of the month and especially as it was in the closing days of June that Mars caught up and aligned with the dwarf planet Eris, bringing the warrior prince and princess of the cosmos together. This will drop back once Mars leaves and with Jupiter slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn on 29th July, there will be a chance to catch your breath. This is a retrograde turn that will see Jupiter retrograde back out at the end of October, only to return before Christmas to spend another five months here. This is still the early stage of a journey towards stronger and richer relationships, with Mars able to shake things up in a way that you can then build on from. The Moon's return from 18th July to 21st July will be a chance to check in. Meanwhile, an alliance between Saturn, in his first full month in retrograde motion in your romantic sector and Venus, the planet of love in an adventurous part of your chart until 18th July will create a mix of romance, adventure and nostalgia.


By the time Venus left your relationship sector on 23rd May the Sun and Mercury, the planet of communication had already moved through. This is usually the point when things dial back and it becomes more about the journey. With Uranus in your relationship sector from 2019 to 2026 and the lunar nodes working to maintain a balance between your personal and relationship needs all year, things will never go completely off the boil but the most active months of the year on the relationship front are usually behind you by this point. This does appear to be the case when you move into the new month but that is about to change. Slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn later in the year, Mars will finally return to your relationship sector on 5th July and until leaving later next month will help you fight for what you want from your relationships and what they need from you. Fortunately, with so much water having already passed under the bridge and with Venus, the planet of love having left just 12 days earlier, you will have a good sense of what that is from the start. Having Pluto in your communication sector will be an advantage but it is the Moon's visit from 12th July to 14th July and the Full Moon this will create in its final hours that will really get the communication lines open. Meanwhile, it was in the closing days of June that Neptune turned retrograde in your romantic sector, something he has done since his return in 2012. Since his return Neptune has spent from June to September in retrograde motion and with perfect timing, with the Sun always spending the first three weeks of July in an adventurous part of your chart, bringing the spirit of romance and adventure together. This will be especially so when Venus, the planet of love returns to an adventurous part of your chart on 18th July. With the Moon in your romantic sector from 16th July to 18th July, these romantically charged lunar vibes will be the perfect warm up.


While to still have planetary activity in your relationship sector as you move into July and the second half of the year is not rare, to have Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication both still here is an advantage. What is rare is to still have active planetary activity on the romantic front late in the year, getting the month off to an exceptionally good start on both fronts. Because you have had the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos in your romantic sector since 1926, the spirit of romance will never go completely off the boil but once the last of the faster planets leave each year, she stays in the background, quietly keeping the romantic flame burning. However, you not only start the month with Mars still in your romantic sector but with Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion moving into his second full month. Mars will leave on 5th July but not before doing what he can to fuel your romantic passions and fighting spirit. Jupiter will turn retrograde on 29th July, something that will eventually see him retrograde back out but not until late October. Even then, Jupiter will return before Christmas to spend another five months, continuing what he is determined to make your luckiest year for love in over a decade. By the time the Moon moves through your romantic sector from 18th July to 20th July Jupiter will be at a near standstill, making these romantically charged lunar vibes a lot more potent. Meanwhile, while Mercury, the planet of communication will leave your relationship sector on 5th July, having returned for what is normally a 14 to 15 day visit at the end of April, he has spent an extraordinary amount of time getting the communication lines open. This is something that you will continue to benefit from while until leaving on 18th July, Venus will continue to work her magic. The Moon's visit from 23rd July to 25th July will be a chance to regroup.


There are some exciting twists and developments on the romantic and relationship fronts this week and in both cases, it is thanks to a planet returning later than expected, allowing things to catch their second wind. Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July in your relationship sector, the solar spotlight is always on your relationships at this time of year. However, while the Sun returned last month to find the dwarf planet Ceres here, with her first deep dive into your relationship needs and priorities in five years an advantage from the start, neither Venus nor Mercury have returned yet. Both have been held back by retrograde phases. Mercury, the planet of communication will finally return on 5th July and will spend just 15 days working to ensure the communication lines are open, until leaving on 20th July. Fortunately, Mercury will be here when a Full Moon in Capricorn on 14th July will put a balance between your personal and relationship needs to the test. Venus, the planet of love won't return until 18th July, missing the Full Moon but as she returns to work her magic she will benefit from a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you that this will leave you with. The Sun will leave your relationship sector on 23rd July and Ceres on 24th July but Venus will stay on and as the only planet left, will make it less about relationship housekeeping and more about the magic. Meanwhile, slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn later in the year, long after the most active months of the year on the romantic front should have run their course, Mars' return to your romantic sector on 5th July will see things catch their second wind. Fortunately Venus, the planet of love left just 12 days earlier. By the time the Moon moves through your romantic sector from 21st July to 23rd July, there will be a lot of magic on the romantic and relationship fronts, long after that is normally the case.


While the love and relationship gods are making this a good month on both fronts, it is at either end of the month, with one ending just as the other is due to begin. While the Sun left your romantic sector last month, taking the solar spotlight off matters of the heart and all things romantic, you begin the month with Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication still here. While you will often find one still here as you move into the second half of the year, the last time they were both still in your romantic sector on 1st July was in 2014. Until he leaves on 5th July Mercury, the planet of communication will be working to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page. This is the tail end of an extraordinary journey, with Mercury having originally returned at the end of April for what is normally a 14 to 15 day visit. Held back by a retrograde phase, Venus was late to return to your romantic sector this year and until leaving on 18th July will be working to make these some of the most romantically charged days of the year. While the asteroid Pallas Athena will stay on to keep the seat warm until Mars returns later next month, this will be in a more low key way. It is two days later and with romantic matters having had their turn that Mercury, the planet of communication will not only return to your relationship sector on 20th July but to begin the first planetary activity on the relationship front since the Sun left last August. This will be followed in quick succession by the Sun on 23rd July and then by the dwarf planet Ceres, who will return for her first deep dive into your relationship needs and priorities in four years on 24th July. This creates a month where until Venus leaves your romantic sector on 18th July it is all about matters of the heart but then two days later, Mercury's return to your relationship sector will shift the focus onto your relationships.


Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July in your romantic sector, the focus will always be on matters of the heart at this time of year. However, while Venus and Mercury have yet to return the Sun doesn't begin the month here on his own, having returned last month to find the dwarf planet Ceres already here. By the time the Sun returned Ceres had already been here for over five weeks, with her first deep dive into your heart's needs and priorities in five years giving you a head start. This year you also have the benefit of having the South Node in an adventurous part of your chart. It was an eclipsing Full Moon there during Ceres' first full day in your romantic sector that has already brought the spirit of romance and adventure together in a way not normally seen at this time of year. The Sun will keep the solar spotlight on matters of the heart until leaving on 23rd July and in that time, every planet that will return to your romantic sector this year will either already be here or will return. Mercury will be the next to return, with his visit from 5th July to 20th July a short opportunity to work with the planet of communication to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page. However, the most romantically charged weeks of the year won't begin until Venus, the planet of love returns on 18th July. With Mercury leaving on 20th July, the Sun on 23rd July and Ceres on 24th July, Venus will return in time to benefit from what they have already invested but this will leave the planet of love on her own, making it all about the magic. Venus will be on her own when the Moon moves through from 26th July to 28th July, making these some of the most romantically charged days of the month. With no planetary activity in your relationship sector, the Moon's visit from 4th July to 6th July will not only be a chance to check in but to capitalize on Mars' final hours in your communication sector, before leaving on 5th July.

July 2022: Career Horoscopes

July 2022: Career Horoscopes