July 2022: Career Horoscopes

July 2022: Career Horoscopes


While it is business as usual on the professional front for the majority of the month, there are signs of change in the air. Since his return to your career sector in 2008, Pluto has always spent from April to September in retrograde motion and as this year got off to an especially busy start, this has been a valuable chance to regroup. Pluto will leave in March but while he will retrograde back in for a few months, he will only scratch the surface. This last full retrograde phase is an important chance to not only regroup and process this professional year so far but the last 14 years. The Moon's return is always a valuable chance to check in but its return from 12th July to 14th July could pack a lot more punch this month. After spending nearly 48 hours fuelling your professional instincts and imagination, a Full Moon during the Moon's final hours in your career sector could act as a trigger, bringing things to fruition or to a head, turning and/or tipping point. Halfway between the Sun's last visit and the next and with Pluto in retrograde motion for over two months, this is the jump start that career matters have been waiting for. Meanwhile, with no planetary activity in your work sector since last year, the Moon's return every four months is key to keeping work and job matters on track. The Moon will move through from 4th July to 6th July, giving you an intuitive read on work and job matters and acting as a trigger. What makes the timing auspicious is that the Moon will be here when Mars returns to your income sector on 5th July. However, equally auspicious is the timing of the Moon's return again on 31st July. As well as ending the month with an intuitive read on work and job matters, with Mercury returning to begin the first planetary activity on the job front for the year on 3rd August, you will be ready when new doors open.


As much as there are not a lot of changes on the professional front this month and instead, a sense that things have become settled and stable, there is still a lot to be excited about. This is the first full month of Saturn's third retrograde phase in your career sector in as many years but also his last. When Saturn leaves in March it will be another three decades before he returns and as a lot of water has passed under the bridge since his retrograde phase last year, there is a lot to process and nail down. While Saturn returned in 2020, it was having Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion here for much of 2021 and then Mars and Venus coming together earlier in the year that has created a lot of untapped professional potential. Saturn will spend five months going back over old ground, making sure no stone has been left uncovered and reinforcing and cementing what you have already begun, reinforcing any gaps and exploring missed opportunities or potential. With the first planet to reach your work sector this year returning next month and then continuous planetary activity on the job front through to the end of October, this also makes July an important month to catch your breath. Saturn has put the brakes on career matters and will spend most of the month at a standstill and new doors won't open on the job front until next month, giving you a chance to catch your breath. However, with Mars returning to Taurus on 5th July you will find that your warrior and competitive spirit kicks in while having Venus, the planet of money in your income sector until 18th July has the potential to make this one of the most lucrative months of the year so far. This is creating a strong link between Venus' focus on new income potential and Saturn's focus on the past, second chances and untapped professional potential. Meanwhile, the Moon's return to your work sector from 6th July to 8th July and from 14th July to 16th July will be a valuable chance to get an intuitive read on job and career matters.


Whether it was the adrenaline ride that career matters took you on in the first five months of the year or an eclipsing Full Moon on the job front, as you move into the new month there is a chance to pause. The activity around the lunar nodes that created a series of eclipses has settled back and it won't be until a solar eclipse in your work sector in October that work and job matters will be shocked into action again. At the same time, Neptune's retrograde turn in the closing days of June has slowed things right down but for the time being, allows you to keep one eye on the rear view mirror and another on the road ahead. This has been an especially active professional year with Jupiter, who will normally spend 12 months in your career sector having rushed through in just five months. As Jupiter's final weeks coincided with Mars' first visit in four years, things were not only hectic but rushed and when you rush things, there are bound to be gaps but also things that need time to play out. Jupiter will return to tie up loose ends later in the year but for now, Neptune's retrograde turn brings a chance to pause, go back and fill in some of the gaps and in general, cement the progress already made. The asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment will remain in direct motion in your career sector until 25th July, allowing you to keep your eye on the goals and resolutions already set before having a chance to review them. Yet at the same time that things settle professionally, you have entered what could be the most lucrative part of the year. With the Sun in your income sector until 23rd July and Venus, the planet of money returning on 18th July, they will be working to exploit the professional momentum already gained this year, making this month more about the money. Meanwhile, the Moon's return to your work sector from 8th July to 10th July and to your career sector from 16th July to 18th July will give you a better and more intuitive read on job and career matters.


Having Jupiter and Mars, the planets of luck and war in your career sector at the same time is something you don't experience every day, having last come together here in 2011. While both returned within days of each other in May, Mars will leave on 5th July, ending the pressure and urgency you may have been under and allowing you to relax into the journey. Mars is a planet that can generate a lot of energy, enthusiasm and the drive to make things happen but he also wants them to happen now. While Jupiter has until May 2023 to create professional growth and expansion, Mars has just six weeks to gain as much traction as possible. If you have been under the pump professionally, never quite getting to the point where you can ease back to a more sustainable level, you are almost there. Mars will not only be flooding his final days with a sense of urgency but he spent the final days of June aligned with the dwarf planet Eris. This is something that once every two years will bring the warrior prince and princess of the cosmos together, always in your career sector and in a way that can fire up your warrior and competitive spirit. The difference this time is that whatever this can fire up, Jupiter will help to maintain. The pressure and urgency will drop back once Mars leaves on 5th July, allowing you to catch your breath without losing any of the momentum or gains made over recent months. However, with Jupiter slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn on 29th July, this will allow you to better pace yourself and even catch your breath. With Mercury returning to your income sector on 20th July and the Sun on 23rd July there will be a chance to start benefiting financially from all that has been invested professionally. Meanwhile, the Moon's return to your work sector from 10th July to 12th July and to your career sector from 18th July to 21st July will give you a more intuitive read on job and career matters while potentially acting as a trigger.


Even though the Sun left your career sector in May, with the solar spotlight always shifting off your career and professional situation, matters and options at the same time each year, things continued to unfold. To start with, this was because Mercury retrograded back in after the Sun left but this also meant that you had your head back in the game when held back by a retrograde phase, Venus finally returned. This is also something that kept work and job matters active into June before first Mercury and then Venus left. As you move into the new month it has only been a week since Venus left, allowing you to begin the month knowing what you want and with plenty of momentum. With Uranus and the North Node staying on to keep the momentum going but in a low key way and Pluto entering his third month in retrograde motion in your work sector, this is the point where things should be scaling back and to begin with, this appears to be the case. With the faster planets having moved through both your work and career sectors for the year but Uranus and Pluto keeping a low profile, there should be nothing left to do but settle back and let things play out. However, this professional year is about to catch its second wind, with two events set to energize both job and career matters. The first event is Mars' return to your career sector on 5th July, with the warrior planet of the cosmos returning for his first visit in two years just 12 days after Venus left. Here now until later next month, Mars is on a mission to capitalize on what has already been invested, making July and August two of the most exciting months of this professional year. The next event is the Moon's return to your work sector from 12th July to 14th July. While an ordinary monthly chance to check in, it is the Full Moon this will create on 14th July and its friendly aspect to Mars that will energize and act as a catalyst for both job and career matters.


As you move into the new month it has been 10 days since the Sun left your career sector. As the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of June in your career sector, by the time you move into July and into the second half of the year it is with the lights on and with a lot of transparency. While it is fairly common to have either Venus or Mercury still here, with the tail end of a visit that usually coincides with the Sun's annual visit still playing out. What is less usual is to have both still here, with heart and mind on the same page and both still engaged. The last time that happened was in 2014. In both cases, this is because of being held back by a retrograde phase, something that you are now benefiting from. For Mercury, it was a retrograde phase in your career sector that meant that while he returned for what is normally a 14 to 15 day visit at the end of April, it is on 5th July that he finally leaves. This extraordinarily long visit will leave you with the means to keep your head in the game moving forward. For Venus, it was starting the year in retrograde motion that meant that she was late to return to your career sector this year and therefore late to leave. Venus won't leave until 18th July, which is the latest point in the year that she can be here. Venus is stretching her influence out to the very limit, working until she leaves to fuel your professional confidence, attract opportunities and steer things in a lucrative direction. This is also narrowing the gap between Venus' departure and Mars' return next month, to begin a rare seven month visit. With Saturn spending his first full month in retrograde motion in your work sector, this month won't be as busy and you should find it easier to pace yourself. Meanwhile, the Moon's return to your work sector from 14th July to 16th July and to your career sector from 23rd July to 26th July will give you a better read on job and career matters.


Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July in your career sector, the solar spotlight is always on your career and professional situation, matters and options at this time of year. This year, this comes just as a particularly busy first five months on the job front is scaling back, with Neptune's retrograde turn at the end of June allowing you to pull back. This is less a case of the brakes going on and more a chance to pull back and work on and with what has already been invested so far this year. With Jupiter returning later in the year, there is a chance to pull back and let things play out. Yet as things are easing back on the job front they are opening up on the career front, where until now nothing much is happening. Where a focus on work and job matters has been the driving force in this professional year, it is career matters that are now driving things forward. It is no longer just about your work on a day to day basis, with a chance to explore new career paths or opportunities. A New Moon in the closing days of June even allows you to move into the new month with a tailwind at your back. You are also benefiting from the five weeks that the dwarf planet Ceres had already spent here before the Sun's return. This is something that has given you a better read on your professional needs and priorities from the start. Meanwhile, it is Mercury's return on 5th July that will bring a chance to get your head in the game and while only here for 15 days, this will be an important time for making choices, decisions and plans. While Mercury will leave on 20th July, the Sun on 23rd July and Ceres on 24th July, Venus' return on 18th July will not only keep the momentum going but as the planet of money will work to exploit both the financial and professional potential.


While you have reached an exciting point in this professional year, this is a month where there is a lot of excess energy and activity in the first five and the final 11 days of the month, with a chance in between to let things settle, play out and even catch your breath. The month not only begins with Mars in his final days in your work sector but wrapping up a visit that began six weeks earlier with an alignment with Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. Mars returned just days after Jupiter returned to begin your biggest year for job growth and expansion in over a decade though with a different time frame and approach. With Jupiter not leaving until May 2023, he is playing a long game and much of what is being set in motion now might not fully evolve until the early months of next year. Slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn on 29th July, Jupiter is playing it slow and steady while Mars, always a firebrand is coming in hot and heavy, ready to stir things up as he urges you to fight for the things that you are passionate about. What has created even more urgency was an alignment with the dwarf planet Eris in the final days of June. This is something that will bring the warrior prince and princess of the cosmos together once every two years and always in your work sector. Mars will always try and make his time here the busiest weeks of any year with his alignment with Eris having fired up your warrior and competitive spirit and a sense of urgency. This will get the month off to a busy start but once Mars leaves on 5th July things will dial back, giving you a chance to catch your breath knowing there is enough momentum to let things play out. This gives you 15 days before Mercury's return to your career sector on 15th July, followed by the Sun's return on 23rd July will open the doors to the first planetary activity on the career front this year.


As you move into the new month and into the second half of the year, it has been a week since Venus left your work sector, just over a month after the Sun took the solar spotlight off your work situation and job matters. It was a week earlier that Mercury had finally wrapped up his second visit for the year, having returned to give you another chance to take advantage of his intellectually savvy and articulate edge. With the Sun, Mercury and Venus having moved through but only just, as you move into the new month you are still regrouping, as you adjust your focus to the journey ahead. However, while first impressions might suggest that the main push to get work and job matters up to speed is behind you and you have explored all your options, in reality, that is not the case. Instead, what you have is a chance to catch your breath before not only the next wave but what could be the busiest weeks of the year begin. Just when things should be dialing back, Mars' return to your work sector on 5th July will change everything. It has been two years since the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos was last here and returning just 12 days after Venus left, Mars can get a running start. Where the planets that have been before him have been ready to explore and expose your options, Mars is here to make things happen. With Mars here until 20th August, he will not only fire things up for the rest of this month but into the first three weeks of August and that could have long term implications. This means that Mars will still be here, firing things up and working to gain maximum traction when on 3rd August, Mercury will be the first planet to reach your career sector this year. Mars will be there during the early weeks of a period of planetary activity on the career front that won't run its course until the end of October. The best and most exciting months of your professional year are not only in front of you but they begin on 5th July.


As you move into the new month and into the second half of the year, it has been 10 days since the Sun left your work sector. As the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of June shining the solar spotlight on your work situation and job matters, this is always a time of year when things are more transparent, the path forward is clearer and most if not all of your options are on the table. While things will continue to develop, this is a point in the year when you can move forward with confidence, with the Sun having put a light on those things that were previously in shadow. While it is not uncommon to have either Venus or Mercury still in your work sector as you move into July, this is often the tail end of a visit that is more about tying up loose ends. What is less common is to have both still here, with heart and mind on the same page and still exploring options. While Mercury will leave on 5th July, not before leaving you with the intellectually savvy and articulate edge that will allow you to keep working smarter, with your head in the game, ideas on the table and the communication lines open. It is having Venus here until 18th July that is unusual and will be a real advantage. Venus began the year in retrograde motion so was late to return and therefore leave. Venus didn't return until two days after the Sun left, allowing her to benefit from having the spotlight on your work situation and job matters from the start as she works to fuel your job confidence, attract opportunities and steer things in a lucrative direction. This will also keep the momentum on the job front going much longer into the year than is normally the case. This will make this easier to maintain until Mars returns to begin a rare seven month visit to your work sector next month, just days before new doors are due to open on the career front.


Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of July in your work sector, the solar spotlight is always on your work situation and job matters at this time of year. While this is the ordinary focus that is put on work and job matters at this time each year, everything is set up to not only make this a good month for work and job matters but through to the majority of August as well. As you move into the new month the Sun has been in your work sector for 10 days but this year you had an unusual advantage from the start. By the time the Sun returned last month the dwarf planet Ceres was already here and was five weeks into her first deep dive into your needs and priorities on the job front in five years. Ceres' focus is less on the practicalities of work and job matters and more on helping you to better understand your needs and priorities, especially when it comes to job satisfaction and a sense of purpose. With Ceres here throughout the Sun's month long visit, this is something that will continue to evolve while keeping you centered and grounded. The Sun and Ceres will be joined by Mercury on 5th July and while he is only here for 15 days, this will allow you to work smarter, get your head in the game, ideas on the table and the communication lines open through the middle part of the month. With Mercury leaving on 20th July, the Sun on 23rd July and Ceres on 24th July, this is the point when all planetary activity on the job front for the year should run its course. Instead, having begun the year in retrograde motion, Venus is still running behind schedule and while late to return to your work sector will return with perfect timing. Venus will return on 20th July to spend the next 25 days fueling your job confidence, attracting opportunities and steering things in a lucrative direction. For 48 hours, from Venus' return on 18th July to Mercury's departure on 20th July, every planet that will visit your work sector in 2022 will all be here at the same time.


Since Mars left your career sector in January, apart from a Full Moon there last month, the Moon's monthly visits to your two professional houses have been all that you have had to keep job and career matters on track. That is normally the case in the first half of the year, with having Mars in your career sector until 25th January an advantage that you continue to benefit from. However, while last week's Full Moon has energized things professionally, you are ready for some solid planetary support that can stick around and get things moving. Because the Sun's return to your work sector on 23rd July is the point in any year when the solar spotlight will shift onto your work situation and job matters, this was always going to be the month when things would start opening up on the job front. However, things begin opening up a few days earlier when on 20th July, Mercury becomes the first planet to reach your work sector since the Sun left last August. While only here for 14 days, this will give this smart and intellectually savvy planet plenty of time to get your head back in the game, allowing you to work smarter and think on your feet just three days before the Sun returns. While the Sun returns at the same time each year, in a case of perfect timing, it comes just a day before the dwarf planet Ceres will return on 24th July, beginning her first deep dive into your needs and priorities on the job front in four years. It is pure coincidence that this happens just as new doors are opening on the job front. Ceres will stay on throughout the Sun's month long visit and will be here when held back by a retrograde phase, Venus will finally return on 12th August. While it might be business as usual and if anything a little slow during the first three weeks of the month, things are set to become a lot more exciting from 20th July.

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