July 2022 Horoscope: Pisces

July 2022 Horoscope: Pisces

Summer gets charismatic and colorful as the Sun bursts into Cancer and your expressive, theatrical fifth house. Until July 22, you're consumed with an exciting creative project, a romance or just having full-bodied fun wherever you go. This childlike energy can make you an in-demand adventurer (and at moments, a demanding diva). Bring on the summer romance and fun!

Take a few timeouts to do some life review work this month, too. Some parts of your life are up for a good inventory, namely your personal goals and friendships. That’s because three of the slower-moving outer planets (Saturn, Neptune and Pluto) are retrograde all month—and for the rest of summer—an important time to step back, evaluate and correct course. On July 28, expansive Jupiter will join the retrograde brigade, making an about-face in Aries and your financial district. Trim your budget and scale back excessive spending until later in the year. We’re not saying to cramp your summer fun; just be mindful of your moolah!

Sharing the costs—and everything else—can allow you to have your fun without getting bogged down by hefty bills. A great moment for that arrives at the July 13 Capricorn full supermoon, which beams into your eleventh house of groups and collaborations.

You’ll be ready to buckle down starting July 22, when Leo season kicks in, activating your sixth house of wellness and organization. The July 28 Leo new moon is great for starting a fitness plan or getting all your affairs in order. You could receive some life-changing news on July 31, when shock-jock Uranus and the karmic north node make a rare meetup in your information sector. Keep those devices charged: You won’t want to miss this!

Cancer season pumps up the passion until July 22

The excitement is building to a fever pitch, Pisces! The Sun is in fellow water sign Cancer until July 22, igniting your lusty and creative fifth house. You're feeling bold and frisky, in the mood to dress up, hit the town and stir up some good-natured trouble. A summer fling could spark up for single Pisces, and even spoken-for Fish will enjoy some extra attention as the smoldering Sun gives you head-turner status. Fans will flock to you in droves, and your magnetic presence could earn you celebrity status. Use your fame for good, Fish, raising your voice to share a message of love and to speak for people who are silenced. And of course, to exchange flirty, witty banter wherever you go!

Power struggles at the July 1 Mars-Pluto square

Your diplomatic superpowers have mended many rifts in your circle, but this July 1, take a timeout from playing the olive branch-bearer. Mind your business, Pisces, as aggressive Mars in your stabilizing second house feuds with manipulative Pluto in your eleventh house of social ties. Not everyone shares your values, and if you try to enforce them, you’ll only get pushback. The road to hell may very well be paved with good intentions today.

With Mars in your money zone, you’ll need to keep your spending in check as well. Friends might talk you into a vacation you can't afford, or you might blow the budget trying to keep up appearances. Don't let a competitive streak drive your spending. In group projects, stubbornness could halt progress. Stay alert to power struggles and don't engage. Kill the drama by stating the facts plainly and focusing on shared goals. Once everyone is on board, your crew can move mountains.

The July 13 Capricorn full supermoon spotlights collaboration

On July 13, the Capricorn full supermoon illuminates your eleventh house of groups and friendships. This lighthearted energy could be a welcome break from some of the intensity of Cancer season. Get out and network, meet up for a big group dinner, launch a viral message on social media. A collaboration you’ve been working on all year could reach an important turning point. Hello, trailblazing influencer! You could be recognized for your do-gooding, or you might be inspired to get involved in an important social cause. (Take your pick—the list is long these days.)

Team tension spikes at the July 19 Sun-Pluto opposition

Group dynamics could hit a major pothole on July 19, at the annual opposition of the ego-driven Sun and calculating Pluto in your group activity zone. A friend could be astonishingly unsupportive of your exciting news or big plans. Don't let this take the wind out of your sails, Pisces. You don't need anyone like that in your life. We’re not saying you should cut someone off (though this Sun-Pluto clash could tempt you to)—but be firm and direct if a boundary is crossed. You don’t need some naysaying know-it-all knocking you down! A drama queen or diva in your circle could also try to stir up rivalry or triangulate members of your crew. Nip that in the bud everywhere, from work to your friend circle. If you’re the one who’s being indirect or manipulative, catch yourself and be authentic instead.

Chiron turns retrograde in Aries July 19

Is money a source of struggle for you, Pisces—or maybe something you just ignore? Starting today, as "wounded healer" Chiron turns retrograde in your second house of finances and values, you’ll have five months to explore the emotional aspects of your relationship to money and material “stuff.” You don’t read much about Chiron, but when it makes a significant move like this, it can be game-changing. For the rest of the year, you can get in touch with beliefs around self-worth and how you use money in both healthy and counterproductive ways. A lot has to do with the morals you were raised with, so dig into your past and generational patterns. Is it time to break a long-held family cycle or superstition around prosperity? Chiron will light the way.

Leo season (until August 22) and the July 28 Leo new moon

The frenzied (but fun) pace of July starts to level off a bit on July 22, when the Sun moves into Leo and your sixth house of health, fitness and organization. After a decadent Cancer season, you're ready for a little bit of a cleanup job. Here it comes! 

For the next month, focus on your well-being and getting the loose ends of your life streamlined and systematized. Pay attention to your eating and sleeping habits, and get regular exercise back on the calendar. Overwhelmed by work? Hire a specialist or service provider to help you knock out your to-do list. From a TaskRabbit-type to build your bookshelves to a financial adviser to help with retirement planning, your mission is to replace clutter and chaos with clarity.

You'll get a helping hand from the July 28 Leo new moon, which turns a clean page around health, work and organization. This is a great day to hire someone or change your lifestyle. Start a fitness program now, and you’ll see results build over the next six months, culminating around the Leo FULL moon in early 2023. One consistent step at a time will get you there!

Mind your money: Jupiter turns retrograde July 28

Finances are in the spotlight, especially in terms of your own self-sufficiency. But you might want to watch your wallet starting July 28, when bountiful Jupiter turns retrograde (backward) in Aries and your second house of money. Jupiter will reverse through this zone until October 28, then it will slip back into YOUR sign two months, staying retrograde until November 23. 

During this four-month stretch, scale your spending back and get ready to do some self-reflection work. Do you make a lot of impulse purchases, assuming that there’s going to be a steady stream of cash flow? Being mindful of your budget will certainly help avoid unnecessary stress or setbacks. Maybe you’ve been too optimistic about your finances. Reflect now on where your actions can line up with your core values. For example, if you want to save money for a house, are you following through by cutting out the splurges?

If expansive Jupiter has brought you a new gig, this is a good period to get prepared. Take this time to study and dive into the onboarding process. A practical approach is favored; don’t just wing it. With a measured M.O., you can get more integrated into your new workplace or a stabilizing project. When Jupiter returns to Pisces for the last two months of 2022, you’ll be in a secure and grounded place, ready to make another big debut or to dive into a solo project that makes your soul sing! Looking for a new source or revenue or income? Return to an old employer or client, as retrogrades favor people from our past.

Big ideas at the July 31 Uranus-north node meetup

Oops, did you really just say that, Pisces? On July 31, changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node will make a rare conjunction (meetup) in Taurus, sending potent ripples through your third house of communication and community. Your ability to self-censor will be MIA today and in the days surrounding this rare event. While it’s important to be authentic, you could drop a shocking truth bomb, especially with Mars conjoining this duo on August 1. Don’t be surprised if heads spin at the 180-degree switch from your usual placid Pisces way. Hey, nobody said you had to be a people-pleaser or tell folks only what they want to hear!

The last time the north node and Uranus were conjunct was in 2007 (in a different zodiac sign), so this is an extremely infrequent connection. If you’ve got a world-changing message, freedom fighter Uranus will help carry the torch. Pissed off about the SCOTUS ruling on reproductive rights and all the injustices of the world? Don’t sit there and steam or complain—this star-powered moment can spur you to activism and action.

July 2022 Pisces Love Horoscope

Feeling sensitive? Love planet Venus is in Gemini and your tender, emotional fourth house until June 17, stirring up all the feelings. It’s a great time to ramp up the self-care and get cozy with your favorite person. With beautifying Venus in your domestic zone, you might Feng Shui your bedroom or turn your home into a sanctuary that raises your spiritual vibration and attracts the kind of love you desire—whether with someone new or your current partner.

Need help speaking up for yourself, Pisces? You'll get a boost from in-your-face Mars, which is in Taurus and your communication house until August 20. In fact, once the floodgates open, it may be hard to stem the tide of truth serum. Just make sure you don't swing from meek to antagonistic. Aggressive Mars can make you argumentative. Remember, the goal of expressing yourself is to create a win-win scenario, not alienate people. With Venus making you a bit moody and thin-skinned, you might be a little too ready for a fight.

If you’ve been biting your tongue about your needs, don’t blame your partner or love interest for that. But DO start being more direct about what you want. With spicy Mars in this social, media-friendly sector, you could meet someone on the apps, through mutual friends or while hanging out at a casual event. RSVP “yes” to that poolside barbecue or rooftop drinks.

Moodiness, begone! July’s emo vibes will dissipate fast on July 17, the minute Venus strides into Cancer and your passionate fifth house. In fact, your love life could heat up to feverish levels. You won't have to wait around for Cupid to make a summer appearance; you'll be tuned in to his frequency right up until August 11. Make the most of these romantic vibes by personally turning up the flame on a budding attraction or dangling some exciting next steps in front of your partner. 

July 2022 Pisces Career Horoscope

Creativity reaches a peak during the first three weeks of July as the Sun visits Cancer and your expressive fifth house until July 22. This zodiac zone rules celebration, so find ways to combine work and play, motivating the troops (and let's be honest, yourself) by bringing a spirit of fun to your projects. This is an excellent time for brainstorming and inspirational research. Looking for summer reading? Check out Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way, one of our favorite self-study guides for living a creative life. 

Want to bring together like-minded people to network for a cause? The July 13 Capricorn full supermoon illuminates your eleventh house of teamwork and technology. 

On July 22, the Sun marches into Leo and your sixth house of efficiency, organization and health. You're back in business, ready to tackle all the odd jobs that have piled up. With your head back in the game, you can tackle administrative tasks, budgets and contracts—stuff that may have fallen by the wayside for the past couple months. Your mind is sharp, so put your analytical prowess to good strategic use by streamlining your systems and getting constructive feedback from co-workers. Hunker down and finish projects: You'll feel like a superhero as you slash things off your to-do list.

No need to do it all alone, Pisces! From July 5 to August 20, go-getter Mars is in Taurus, energizing your third house of kindred spirits and communication. Speak up, ask for help and crowdsource whatever you might need to get your mission off the ground. The perfect collaborator or service provider could be a DM or Facebook post away!

Horoscope taken from https://astrostyle.com/horoscopes/monthly/pisces full credit goes to the AstroTwins website, I am merely a fan and reposting it on my website for reference. Marve-✨

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