July 2022 Horoscope: Aquarius

July 2022 Horoscope: Aquarius

Time to declutter your life, Aquarius! The Sun is in Cancer and your sixth house of health, organization and systems until July 22. You're pumped to get your day-to-day affairs and wellness into fighting shape. This analytical cycle is a great time for strategic or detailed work. Your critical thinking skills are sharp, but be warned: So is your critical eye. Catch yourself before delivering any scathing feedback. Keep it constructive!

Another reason to do some sorting and sifting? Neptune, Pluto and Saturn are retrograde, setting off a thoughtful summer. And on July 28, expansive Jupiter joins the retrograde parade, reversing through Aries and your third house of communication, kindred spirits and ideas. You might revisit a back-burnered project or slow your roll with a fast-moving collaboration.

No need to fret about this retrograde summer, Aquarius: The slow-moving outer planets, which span from Jupiter to Pluto, go retrograde for four to five months every year. Think of it as a mindfulness retreat, a chance to step back and be more strategic. 

Has a situation reached an important turning point? The July 13 full supermoon in Capricorn touches down in your twelfth house of healing and conclusions. You may be ready to close the door on one chapter so you can open another one.

And that might happen sooner than you think! On July 22, the Sun moves into Leo and your seventh house of committed partnerships, setting off a month of dynamic duos. The Leo new moon this July 28 could initiate an important chapter for pairing up in love, business or both.

When changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node connect on July 31, changes could arrive on the home front. Get ready for some shifts to your living situation or family structure. If you don’t love where you live or want more work-life balance, this rare aspect could make some fast adjustments!

Cancer season gets you healthy and organized

After a fun and possibly hedonistic June, you’re ready to bring some order back to your lifestyle. The Sun is in Cancer and your sixth house of health, fitness and organization until July 22. Ramp up the self-care by loading up on a bounty of summer produce and getting regular exercise. 

Be careful about taking on more than you can humanly handle as too many irons in the fire could lead to a meltdown (and totally get in the way of a summer vacation). If you start a workout program or revamp your diet, pace yourself. This perfectionistic energy could send you to extremes or make you accident-prone at the gym. Prevent strained muscles by taking time to stretch.

The sixth house rules helpful people, and it's time to ask for help. You might hire a savvy service provider and replace the ones who aren't getting the job done. Call in some helping hands to finish up those tasks and projects that have been hanging over your head, like building bookshelves, steam-cleaning the couches, painting. Don’t wait—delegate!

Power struggles erupt at the July 1 Mars-Pluto square

Swimming with sharks? An undermining person could be in your midst this July 1 as assertive Mars in your communication house clashes with manipulative Pluto in your twelfth house of hidden enemies. Watch your own blunt delivery, too. Before you sound off on a brilliant idea or observation, take the temperature of your audience. If you sense that someone's not totally trustworthy—or on your side—consider keeping your opinions under wraps, at least partially. A coworker might be overly critical due to their own self-doubt. If you have to talk through a conflict, avoid lashing out since tempers could flare without warning.

Endings and transitions at the July 13 Capricorn full supermoon

Let go and surrender! On July 13, the year’s only Capricorn full supermoon illuminates your twelfth house of rest, release and escape. This could be a powerful healing day but also a time for closure. This realm rules endings and hidden agendas, and the full moon may expose a deal breaker or give you the courage to leave a painful situation. If you've been trying to force and control a situation (to no avail), surrender and let the universe co-pilot.

Manage your feelings at the July 19 Sun-Pluto opposition

On July 19, the Sun is exactly opposite (http://www.astrostyle.com/aspects/opposite) power-tripping Pluto in Capricorn and your twelfth house of illusions, closure and forgiveness. Pluto rules the unconscious, and in this hazy zone, an intense personality could show up, perhaps acting as a mirror or a messenger. Rather than rage at them, look at how they might be revealing some part of YOU that needs to shift. It’s also possible that you’ll have to stand up to a bully, for once and for all. Stay alert for people who gaslight you or make you second-guess yourself. This eclipse could be the first indication of who no longer deserves a place on Team Aquarius.

Chiron turns retrograde in Aries July 19

Time to change your mindset? Today, "wounded healer" comet Chiron turns retrograde in trailblazing Aries and your communication house. You don’t hear a lot about Chiron, but when it makes a major move like this, its influence can be significant. Consider this a chance to evaluate how confident you are authentically expressing yourself. Do you feel like you have to dim your brilliant, eclectic light around certain people? And if so, why? These next five months are a perfect time to explore this—and to practice speaking only from your heart.

Leo season (until August 22) and the July 28 Leo new moon

Save your energy for folks who truly know what mutual give-and-take is all about. On July 22, the Sun starts a four-week visit to Leo and your partnership zone, putting the spotlight on your closest relationships. You might decide to make things official in a romantic or business relationship, especially at the July 28 Leo new moon. Someone you meet near this date could turn into a much bigger influence in your life than you expect! No need to rush, though: new moons unfold over a period of six months. Take your time, but DO explore something that feels like it has long-term potential. For partnered Aquarians, this new moon starts a fresh chapter for your relationship, letting you begin on a clean slate! 

Jupiter turns retrograde July 28

Did you put an idea on the back-burner that deserves some attention now? On July 28, expansive Jupiter goes retrograde (backward) in Aries and your third house of communication, helping you be more mindful about where you direct your attention. While Jupiter is retrograde through November 23, one of your stalled projects could have a moment. Use this time to reconnect to what really lights you up intellectually, Aquarius. This might also mean taking a break from social media or oversharing to your friends. For you to get in touch with your innermost thoughts, it’s important to cut out some of the online static and distractions.

While your wildly creative and witty sign knows how to think on your feet, it’s a good period to be more discerning overall so that you don’t waste precious time. That includes the company you keep. If friends have been draining or simply not on your wavelength, don’t feel bad about taking some space. Time is money, after all. An old colleague, neighbor or kindred spirit could resurface, or a sibling might figure into events for the rest of summer. 

Changes on the home front at the July 31 Uranus-north node meetup

On July 31, changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node will make a rare conjunction (meetup) in Taurus, sending shockwaves through your fourth house of home and family. You might suddenly decide that you want to move to an entirely new location or gut-renovate your home. If you’ve been biting your tongue with a family member, especially a female-identified one, you’ll be unable to hold yourself back.

Uranus is your ruling planet, and you’ll be particularly impacted by this unusual cosmic alignment, which hasn’t happened since 2007 (and even then, it was in a different zodiac sign). Stay open to messages from the universe and pay attention to strong feelings and “signs” as July wraps up. There’s no harm in exploring your options, even if the opportunity comes completely out of the blue. Under these skies, it’s likely to happen like that.

July 2022 Aquarius Love Horoscope

Let the summer loving begin! Until July 17, love planet Venus is in Gemini and your passionate fifth house. This is a time for fun and exploration, and you’ll be a magnet for admirers with the cosmic coquette playing Cupid in this flirty, frisky zone. For partnered Aquarians, it’s a time to bring more spirited, joyful energy into your relationship and turn up the heat. Book some dynamic date nights. During this Venus phase, the couple that plays together stays together!

That’s not to say you can’t get cozy and emotional. On July 5, lusty Mars moves into steady Taurus and your domestic quarters until August 20, which could keep you planted at Chateau Aquarius for a big chunk of the next six weeks. This can turn up the dial on your already tender emotions. You might also be inspired to be more upfront about your feelings. 

Mars in this placement can accelerate the timeline to move in together, get pregnant or meet each other's families. For longtime couples, it's a time to talk about a real estate investment, family plans or to entertain together at home. Stressful Mars can turn up the tension at home, so if you find yourself fighting and bickering more than usual, dress up and get out of the house! Cue Venus in Gemini: Here’s an incentive to get out for those fun date nights in the first half of the month.

If your bank account starts to groan under the weight of those tequila and tapas tabs, fear not: Venus will pivot into Cancer and your sixth house of good clean fun and healthy living on July 17. Couples may be inspired to tackle a wellness mission during this transit, which lasts until August 11. Put something healthy in the Instant Pot or book an activity date instead of going out for a heavy meal and drinks. Or you might bond over more quotidian activities, like hammering out a Q3 budget or organizing reams of paperwork. Single? Slow down instead of rushing! Linger over a post-workout juice—and chat up the person on the neighboring stool. Watch out for self-criticism, a potential pitfall of the perfectionistic sixth house. Stay busy to avoid getting mired in negativity!

July 2022 Aquarius Career Horoscope

The Sun is in Cancer and your sixth house of organization and productivity until July 22, a great time to get your work life in shape. Pay attention to the details and check everything over twice. Little touches go a long way in helping you stand out. Be meticulous with budgets, timelines and anything you put in writing. Glossing over a seemingly small contract stipulation could come back to bite you, for example. Give it another look!

With motivator Mars in Taurus from July 5 to August 20, your home could be a hotbed of business inspiration. Get to work on that cottage industry (Etsy shop, anyone?) or set up your home office for optimum productivity. 

When the Sun moves into Leo for a month this July 22, partnerships take priority. No need to do it all by yourself, Aquarius. You could forge a dynamic duo with someone whose skills complement yours to a tee, especially at the July 28 Leo new moon. You might be offered a contract or chance to join forces. But tread lightly since risk-taker Jupiter turns retrograde that same day. Ask every question necessary and leave no stone unturned!

Horoscope taken from https://astrostyle.com/horoscopes/monthly/aquarius full credit goes to the AstroTwins website, I am merely a fan and reposting it on my website for reference. Marve-✨

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