All in Air Signs

July 2022 Horoscope: Aquarius

Time to declutter your life, Aquarius! The Sun is in Cancer and your sixth house of health, organization and systems until July 22. You're pumped to get your day-to-day affairs and wellness into fighting shape. This analytical cycle is a great time for strategic or detailed work. Your critical thinking skills are sharp, but be warned: So is your critical eye. Catch yourself before delivering any scathing feedback. Keep it constructive!

Another reason to do some sorting and sifting? Neptune, Pluto and Saturn are retrograde, setting off a thoughtful summer. And on July 28, expansive Jupiter joins the retrograde parade, reversing through Aries and your third house of communication, kindred spirits and ideas. You might revisit a back-burnered project or slow your roll with a fast-moving collaboration.

zNo need to fret about this retrograde summer, Aquarius: The slow-moving outer planets, which span from Jupiter to Pluto, go retrograde for four to five months every year. Think of it as a mindfulness retreat, a chance to step back and be more strategic.

Has a situation reached an important turning point? The July 13 full supermoon in Capricorn touches down in your twelfth house of healing and conclusions. You may be ready to close the door on one chapter so you can open another one.

And that might happen sooner than you think! On July 22, the Sun moves into Leo and your seventh house of committed partnerships, setting off a month of dynamic duos. The Leo new moon this July 28 could initiate an important chapter for pairing up in love, business or both.

When changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node connect on July 31, changes could arrive on the home front. Get ready for some shifts to your living situation or family structure. If you don’t love where you live or want more work-life balance, this rare aspect could make some fast adjustments!

July 2022 Horoscope: Libra

Hold off a little longer on those vacation plans, Libra. The Sun is making its annual sojourn through Cancer and your ambitious tenth house until July 22, keeping your mind focused on lofty long-term goals. We know better than to stop a Libra from summer socializing—but during Cancer season, combine business with pleasure. Turn that July Fourth barbecue into a networking opportunity. If you do travel, chat up your seat-mate flipping through the Harvard Business Review. Surround yourself with well-connected people, mentors and VIPs from your industry. This month, it truly IS about who you know!

With lucky Jupiter circulating through Aries and your partnership sector since May 10, dynamic duos can be wildly abundant for the next few months. But DO try to sign the contracts and seal your deals before July 28. That’s when Jupiter starts its annual retrograde (backward) spin, which could give you second thoughts about a fast-moving relationship. That’s true on a personal level too, Libra—and even if you’re contentedly partnered, you may not have as much time to focus on the object of your affections while Jupiter’s in repose.

Before you start worrying, know this: The slow-moving outer planets, which span from Jupiter to Pluto, turn retrograde for four to five months every year. Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are already in this stopped-down state for the summer. So it’s not that anything bad will happen; more like a period to review and reflect. Libra, your thoughtful sign appreciates the chance to adopt a less frantic pace and mull things over from every angle. See the silver lining there?

Leaning on friends and teammates is also advised—and could be pretty fun once Leo season begins on July 22. With the Sun leaving your serious tenth house and moving into your social eleventh, you’ve got a month of exciting collaborations ahead. Your social life also gets a boost. (Yes, you CAN take a break from working the room at every party and light off the dance floor instead.) The Leo new moon on July 28 is a great kickoff for any group endeavor. And if you’re thinking of visiting loved ones or taking a personal day? Circle the July 13 Capricorn full supermoon, which sends its once-a-year beams into your home and family zone—a decidedly OOO moment.

July 2022 Horoscope: Gemini

Plant your feet on solid ground, Gemini. While Cancer season has the world feeling emo (through July 22), it’s one of your most practical and productive times of year. That’s because Cancer rules your second house of work, money and daily routines. Contrary to your sign’s reputation as breezy and scattered, you actually have a strong Type A side to your personality. For the first three weeks of the month, lean into it! You’ll get so much done and will feel pleasantly grounded—at least, until Leo season begins after that and changes the script.

Another reason to chill? There are three slow-moving outer planets retrograde (Saturn, Neptune and Pluto), meaning they’ve made their annual downshift. For the rest of the summer, you’ll do well to step back and evaluate some of your projects. Where are you putting your energy—and is that giving you a return on the investment?

Speaking of investments, the July 13 Capricorn full supermoon beams into your eighth house of wealth, intimacy and joint ventures, helping you see the truth about your closest people. When expansive Jupiter turns retrograde in your teamwork sector on July 28, you might bow out of a collaboration or take a scaled-down role for the rest of the year. You’re only one person—in body, anyway—and it’s fine to say no to things that don’t truly light you up! When changemaker Uranus and the north node make their ultra-rare connection on July 31, that lukewarm commitment might be swept away from you, whether you’re ready or not.

July 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

It might be summer, but July is no vacation. June gave us a much needed reprieve from the tumult of the last few years, but the astrology of July puts us right back in the ring for another round. That said, though there is a fair share of frustration and difficulty this month, there are also some dreamy and romantic moments to keep us going through the hard times.

Mars and Mercury both change signs on the 5th, setting things up to immediately feel very different than how they did last month. Mars leaves bold Aries for stubborn Taurus while Mercury leaves chatty Gemini to join the sun in sensitive Cancer. Under these influences, our communications become more nuanced and intuitive while our actions slow down. Mars in Taurus only puts energy into what’s absolutely necessary. Try not to push too hard against something unwilling to budge.