All in Earth Signs

July 2022 Horoscope: Capricorn

It’s relationship high season for you this month as the Sun travels through Cancer (until July 22) then Leo (from July 22 to August 22), heating up the most commitment-oriented parts of your chart. Take stock of your inner circle and think of the people who deserve top-tier status. Are you nurturing or neglecting those bonds? Get back into balance with your most important connections. If you’re hoping to upgrade a business alliance or romantic tie to a more official status, this is the month to do it.

But no need to rush if the timing doesn’t feel right just yet. Three of the slow-moving outer planets—Saturn, Neptune and Pluto—are retrograde (backward) all summer, sounding the call for a more mindful pace. On July 28, Jupiter will join the retrograde parade, downshifting in Aries and your domestic fourth house. Spend a little more time feathering your nest and tending to your family ties too. No need to fret about all these retrogrades, Sea Goat: The outer planets all spend four to five months every year in reverse.

One day that IS set for action is July 13, when the year’s only Capricorn full moon beams into your first house of self. With this potent supermoon putting the spotlight directly on you, it’s your moment to make your mark.

Another day that could bring some hype your way? The July 31 rare conjunction between the karmic north node and changemaker Uranus (with energizer Mars circling closely). As this dynamite duo connects in Taurus and your fifth house of fame, you could find yourself in the headlines fast. Remember, there IS such a thing as bad PR, so avoid any volatile situations that could attract the wrong kind of attention.

July 2022 Horoscope: Virgo

Share the love, Virgo! The Sun is making its annual visit to Cancer and your eleventh house of group activity until July 22, putting you in social spirits. It's a great time to collaborate with like-minded people or to join a trailblazing crew. Got a digital venture to launch or a world-changing message to spread? Your inner activist could be lit up during Cancer season, so take to the social channels and let the world know. In the mood for summer loving or excitement? The July 13 Capricorn full supermoon awakens your passions.

If things feel a little slowed down, that’s okay. Three of the outer planets (Saturn, Neptune and Pluto) are in their annual retrogrades all summer, and at the end of the month, Jupiter joins the retrograde parade. As the red-spotted planet reverses through your eighth house of intimacy and investments starting this July 28, you might downshift a close connection sometime before late November. No need to fret: Just consider this an opportunity to evaluate things from an objective distance. Jupiter in this intense placement has made you unusually driven by instinct and emotion. You might actually welcome this less impulsive time, Virgo.

Things get even more mellow after July 22, when the Sun slips into Leo and your restful, healing twelfth house. Take the next four weeks to tie up loose ends before Virgo season and your birthday kick off a new 12-month cycle. An opportunity to travel, start a business or try a completely new path could arrive at the July 31 rare meetup of changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node. Stay ready: Things could really happen fast!

July 2022 Horoscope: Taurus

Chat 'em up, Taurus! You're in social spirits this July as the Sun visits Cancer until July 22, heating up your third house of communication and local action. With energizer Mars blazing through Taurus from July 5 to August 20, (baby) you’re a firework this month. Your own neighborhood could be a hotbed of parties and celebrations that double as networking opportunities. Make the most of those Independence Day celebrations because you’ll be feeling pretty free yourself!

The July 13 Capricorn full supermoon is another liberating day as this lunar lift sweeps through your ninth house of growth, adventure and risk-taking. If you’re planning summer travel, this could be an optimal date. A budding indie business venture could take flight. The ninth house also rules learning, so you could be asked to teach or speak about what you know—or you might get the urge to sign up for a workshop yourself.

Things get decidedly more domestic starting July 22, when the Sun settles down into Leo and your foundational fourth house. It’s a great time to visit family, connect with your roots and spend quality time at home. Your personal life will take center stage now, especially at the July 28 Leo new moon.

While you’re swinging in the hammock or basking in the sun, take time to contemplate your big-picture plans. Several of the slow-moving outer planets (Saturn, Neptune and Pluto) are making their annual retrogrades this summer. Jupiter will join the retrograde brigade on July 28, giving you a few months to map out some important next moves, including a life chapter that could be coming to a close.

The month ends with equal dynamism as trailblazing Uranus and the karmic north node make a rare connection in YOUR sign on July 31. Ready to activate your destiny, Bull? With Mars hovering super-close, things could happen fast. Keep your wits about you as you’re also likely to be reactive and a little accident-prone with all this sharp energy swirling. Slow down and get centered if things start moving too fast.

July 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

It might be summer, but July is no vacation. June gave us a much needed reprieve from the tumult of the last few years, but the astrology of July puts us right back in the ring for another round. That said, though there is a fair share of frustration and difficulty this month, there are also some dreamy and romantic moments to keep us going through the hard times.

Mars and Mercury both change signs on the 5th, setting things up to immediately feel very different than how they did last month. Mars leaves bold Aries for stubborn Taurus while Mercury leaves chatty Gemini to join the sun in sensitive Cancer. Under these influences, our communications become more nuanced and intuitive while our actions slow down. Mars in Taurus only puts energy into what’s absolutely necessary. Try not to push too hard against something unwilling to budge.