All tagged Sagittarius

July 2022 Horoscope: Sagittarius

Deep dive! July is your annual time to step out of the action and regroup, Sagittarius. The Sun is making the rounds through Cancer and your intimate, privacy-seeking eighth house until July 22. You might experience a few mood swings, or you could just be in "focus mode," with your mind laser-beaming in on a detailed matter. This is an excellent month for research and tackling the intricacies of everything from relationships and unprocessed emotions to long-term financial planning.

Another reason to spend time reflecting? Three of the slow-moving outer planets are in powered-down retrograde (backward) mode all summer: structured Saturn, dreamy Neptune and intense Pluto. Spend time getting everything from your friendships to your family ties in order—and catching up on any unfinished business there.

The July 13 Capricorn full moon spotlights your money and work in particular, an ideal moment to change your habits or pounce on a profitable opportunity. You’ll really soar into visionary mode when the Sun shifts gears into Leo and your expansive, adventurous ninth house—the zodiac sector ruled by Sagittarius—from July 22 to August 22. This golden month might be your favorite time of year, when you feel unstoppable and like everything is possible.

And it is…but just not maybe ALL at once. On July 28, your ruling planet, Jupiter, joins the retrograde brigade, making a U-turn in Aries as it pivots into a four-month slowdown. Be a little more cautious before taking those bold leaps of faith, especially when it comes to your heart. That same day, the Leo new moon arrives, bringing a burst of inspiration to your most forward-thinking projects. Plans to travel, study or launch a business could start to unfold.

Your well-being comes into the spotlight on July 31, when the karmic north node and revolutionizer Uranus make a rare conjunction (their last meetup was in 2007). This electrifying moment could inspire you to take charge of your health or bring someone into your life who can reduce stress, keep you organized and help you keep reaching for your goals every day.

July 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

It might be summer, but July is no vacation. June gave us a much needed reprieve from the tumult of the last few years, but the astrology of July puts us right back in the ring for another round. That said, though there is a fair share of frustration and difficulty this month, there are also some dreamy and romantic moments to keep us going through the hard times.

Mars and Mercury both change signs on the 5th, setting things up to immediately feel very different than how they did last month. Mars leaves bold Aries for stubborn Taurus while Mercury leaves chatty Gemini to join the sun in sensitive Cancer. Under these influences, our communications become more nuanced and intuitive while our actions slow down. Mars in Taurus only puts energy into what’s absolutely necessary. Try not to push too hard against something unwilling to budge.