July 2022 Horoscope: Scorpio

July 2022 Horoscope: Scorpio

Lift the veil, Scorpio! Your normally tight-lipped style gives way to refreshing candor as the Sun makes its annual trip through Cancer and your outspoken ninth house until July 22. This expansive month could bring opportunities to travel, study or broaden your horizons in a meaningful and inspired way. Craving a summer vacation? Go now, even if it’s just for a night or two. Any opportunity to get away from the familiar will pay major dividends.

You’ll be a bit more reflective, too—eager to dive deeper into a topic that’s captured your fancy or to reflect on the meaning of life. With three of the slow-moving outer planets (Saturn, Neptune and Pluto) in powered-down retrograde all summer, you might take your time pondering some personal matters, including how much time you spend with friends, family members and love interests. Need to have an important conversation? The July 13 Capricorn full supermoon helps get everything out into the open.

Ambitious energy kicks in on July 22, when the Sun moves into Leo and your tenth of career, structure and long-term plans. It's been an adventurous July, but you'll be ready to focus now. Home in on your highest-priority goals and pursue them with gusto. The July 28 Leo new moon plants the seeds for a new six-month cycle on your professional path—and possibly even a whole new gig.

But no need to rush. On July 28, expansive Jupiter will join the retrograde parade, making you think twice about anything that could upend your life. At the same time, you may need to embrace a bit of chaos on July 31, when the karmic north node and shock-jock Uranus make a rare meetup in your partnership zone. A close person could throw a curveball your way (hopefully a good one!). So keep a flexible mindset even if you don’t initiate any hasty moves. The stars will serve up enough action to keep you on your toes!

Cancer season brings adventure and possibilities 

The pace is picking up again, Scorpio! If you've felt stuck in a bit of a holding pattern for the last couple of months, you'll be happy to hear that's about to change. Get ready to say "out with the old, in with the new" in a big way. Shake off any frustration or pessimism and focus on what's ahead: an unscripted and exciting adventure. You'll feel it palpably for the first three weeks of the month as the Sun roars through Cancer and your expansive ninth house, heating up travel, study and entrepreneurial plans, as well as your insatiable curiosity.

Mars-Pluto square on July 1 pushes buttons

Tone it down and be kind, Scorpio. On July 1, a tense alignment of assertive Mars and domineering Pluto (your two ruling planets) could stir the pot when it comes to communication. Your claws (or fists) could come out in an important pitch meeting or brainstorming session. Planning a long weekend event with friends and family? Be ready to compromise and collaborate—or to wind up in a heated disagreement. Trust us: These are NOT the kind of July Fourth fireworks you want to set off, okay?

Someone's perfectionism—maybe your own—could become the bane of your existence by creating irksome speed bumps. Watch out for pushing your own agenda at all costs: That could backfire big-time. Stay hyper-focused on a writing project, but don't forget to check in with your team. Their input could save you a headache or two down the line.

The July 13 Capricorn full supermoon brings news and important conversations

The July 13 Capricorn full supermoon sets the stage for productive dialogue as it illuminates your third house of communication. Conversations and projects that you've been exploring all year could reach a turning point. You could team up with a kindred spirit or finally get the green light from decision makers. A sibling, neighbor or colleague could figure into events. If you've got a message to share, get it out there, both locally and on social media.

Power struggles at the July 19 Sun-Pluto meetup

Did you really have to say THAT, Scorpio? On July 19, the Sun is exactly opposite your celestial co-ruler, powermonger Pluto, which is in Capricorn and your third house of communication and community. Your delivery could be extra harsh, even if you’re serving up the truth. Take extra care to consider the other person’s feelings and preserve their dignity, regardless of whether or not you’re justifiably mad at them. Why? Going low-vibe will only leave you feeling ashamed of yourself later on. Keep it classy, and tuck that stinging Scorpion tail away!

With secretive Pluto in the mix, you’ve got galactic orders to hold back before spilling your news. Keep some of those exciting plans under wraps, even if you want to crow it from the rooftops. A sibling, colleague or friend could be surprisingly unsupportive, perhaps because they feel jealous or threatened by your success. If you're planning to spring a big change on anyone, do it gently—or wait until everything is fully confirmed. The unexpected shade could take the wind out of your sails, making you second-guess an awesome idea before you give it a fighting chance. Don't let any seeds of doubt take root, Scorpio!

Chiron turns retrograde in Aries July 19

It’s good to feel in control of your life—up to a point. But if you’ve been fixating or trying to manipulate an outcome, that stress could take a toll. Today’s stars help you shift gears as “wounded healer” comet Chiron begins a five-month retrograde through your sixth house of duty, self-care and fitness. If your work or wellness (or lack thereof) feel off-kilter on any level, you can come back into balance starting today. Your sign veers toward obsession, and this transit can bring more self-awareness and healthy self-control. Where are you micromanaging or acting out of fear rather than love? That’s the place to begin. You might want to work with a therapist or a spiritual teacher now to make the most of this growth opportunity.

Are you struggling to delegate and trust others to do things up to your sky-high standards? Letting go is hard, but taking on too much is even tougher (on you especially!). With Chiron’s healing balm in your sixth house of helpful people, reflect on how you could build Team Scorpio into an empowered and capable crew that performs at the level you want.

Career momentum: Leo season and the July 28 Leo new moon

Ready to make some power moves? (Always, Scorpio!) You can begin to put some of those blue-sky visions into a structure on July 22, when the Sun commences its month-long visit to Leo and your tenth house of ambition, goals and professional success.

Your energy will become more focused now, which is ideal. Use the next month to plan and refine your mission. Sort the best of your creative "crops" and select the keepers. Think large-scale and long-term and choose a project that’s worthy of your efforts. Though this is the thick of summer, save your vacations for after August 22. Work could get busy and demanding during Leo season, but if you play your cards right, your diligent efforts could pay off with a sweet reward or promotion. While everyone else is checked out (read: zero competition), sidle up to the decision makers and pitch them your ideas.

On July 28, a new moon lands in Leo and this success-driven zone of your chart. Prepare for liftoff! This once-a-year moment kicks off a six-month trajectory for success. Think about where you’d like to be by early 2023 and work backward from there to identify the most sensible steps to take. Daily efforts and prioritizing will help you incrementally rise and reach your goal!

Jupiter turns retrograde July 28

Treat your body like a temple this summer, Scorpio. On July 28, fortuitous Jupiter turns retrograde (backward) in Aries, your sixth house of health and wellness. This annual slowdown lasts until November 23, and for the first three months of Jupiter’s backspin, you’ll thrive by paying special attention to the details. Get on a regular exercise regimen and book those overdue checkups to make sure all your vitals are on track. Be sure to pace yourself and avoid the extreme bootcamp-style workouts. Best bet is to move your body gently and regularly, doing restorative exercises and activities like taking daily walks and getting acupuncture and health-boosting massages. The sixth house also rules employees and helpful people. You might lessen stress by delegating or outsourcing a few tasks that have been sitting on your to-do list for far too long.

Relationship revolutions at the July 31 Uranus-north node meetup

New you, new crew? On July 31, changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node will make a rare conjunction (meetup) in Taurus, sending potent ripples through your seventh house of one-on-one relationships. Get ready for shifts in your inner circle under this electrifying and explosive aspect. If a partnership isn’t “meant to be,” it could blow up or face a challenge that demands a speedy response. And if you’ve been dragging your feet around making things official, you might be forced to make a quick decision, especially since speedy Mars will also enter this union on August 1.

Your strategic sign doesn’t love this pace—and we can’t blame you, Scorpio. You want to think through every angle, outcome and potential pitfall. You might try the 10-10-10 principle created by Suzy Welch. Consider how a decision will impact you in ten minutes, ten months and ten years. It can be a surprisingly clarifying lens when you simply can’t stall any longer.

The last time the north node and Uranus were conjunct was in 2007 (in a different zodiac sign), so this is an extremely infrequent connection. Consider that it’s also an ultra-rare opportunity to join forces and become a power duo—or free yourself from a commitment that’s holding you back.

July 2022 Scorpio Love Horoscope

Your duos are about to get extra dynamic this month, Scorpio. Motivated and intense Mars is blazing a fiery trail through Taurus and your seventh house of committed relationships from July 5 to August 20. Meantime, romantic Venus is in Gemini and your intimate, sizzling eighth house until July 17. Things could turn sexy AND serious fast.

If you've been feeling irritated with your partner or anxious about finding someone worth your time, the restless red planet might be the culprit. Mars blasts you with energy, and that can be a lot to handle all at once. And this transit can stir up forceful and impatient energy that doesn't exactly scream "come hither."

The prescription? Don't waste time on going-nowhere players or senseless and circular arguments. DO address hurt feelings directly and be upfront about your needs and desires. That said, deadlines and demands can take the mystery out of relationships, so if you find yourself forcing an outcome, step back. This Mars period is best for clearing the air and getting a better understanding of what makes a relationship work. Turn passionate disagreements into productive conversations and, thanks to the red planet's lusty nature, a perfect opportunity for hot makeup sex.

Things settle into a more playful and open-minded place in the second half of July. Venus sails into Cancer and your adventurous ninth house from July 17 to August 11, inviting you to spread your resplendent wings. If you're unattached, pay attention to the people who clearly like you but you don't necessarily think of "that way." You don't have to go out on an official date, but dive a little deeper in conversations and see if just maybe you do feel a spark. Couples can make the most of this expansive energy by taking a class or workshop together—perhaps a weeklong retreat on a sandy beach.

July 2022 Scorpio Career Horoscope

Big ideas: welcome! With the Sun in Cancer and your visionary ninth house until July 22, your “impossible” ideas now seem achievable. Book some brainstorming sessions and unleash the blue-sky thinking. You could come up with a killer idea for an indie business under these entrepreneurial skies. No need to do it alone, either: Go-getter Mars is in Taurus from July 5 to August 20, igniting your partnership sector. With the karmic north node and innovative Uranus traveling in tandem (and making an exact meetup on July 31), this whole month is ripe for forging dynamic duos.

Once the Sun storms into Leo and your tenth house of achievement on July 22, your sights are set on success. The next month might find you in full-on-production mode. Even when you're out at happy hour or lounging at home, you're thinking about ways to advance your career. With the confident Sun in your corner, you could make some gutsy moves, connecting with decision makers and influential mentors who open doors.

The July 28 Leo new moon energizes your career sector, so get ready! A fresh six-month career chapter kicks off in your professional life. Set intentions, take concrete actions around goals, step into a leadership role. Make sure your support team is rock-solid before today, though. With expansive Jupiter also turning retrograde in your sixth house of helpful people on July 28, the next three months will demand extra attention to staying organized and handling all the details.

Horoscope taken from https://astrostyle.com/horoscopes/monthly/scorpio full credit goes to the AstroTwins website, I am merely a fan and reposting it on my website for reference. Marve-✨

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