July 2022 Horoscope: Cancer

July 2022 Horoscope: Cancer

Light the candles, toss the confetti: It's your birthday season, Crab! The Sun is in your sign until July 22, and you’ve got plenty to look forward to this year. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve already set some lofty goals for yourself. Expansive Jupiter is in Aries and your ambitious tenth house from May 10 to October 28, inspiring you to create long-term plans that light you up. And when the Sun moves into Leo on July 22, you’ll be ready to monetize one of your big ideas or to start shaping it into an achievable plan.

One caveat, Crab: Start working on those visionary ideas during the earlier part of the month. On July 28, Jupiter will power down into retrograde (backward) motion, taking a slightly less robust pace until November 23. That doesn’t mean your luck comes to a halt (quite the opposite!). Rather than start a bunch of new initiatives, you’ll want to capitalize on the ones you’ve got going on. Chances are you’ve got plenty of irons in the fire already!

Another reason to downshift a bit? Three of the other slow-moving outer planets (Saturn, Neptune and Pluto) are already retrograde this summer. No need to panic: These planets spend four to five months of every year in reverse, giving us a chance to step back and get mindful about how we use our time, energy and resources. Embrace the pace! As a sensitive Cancer, you’ve probably absorbed a lot of intense energy, and it would be in your best interests to find some balance anyhow.

How about sharing some of the load with a capable counterpart? When the July 13 Capricorn full supermoon sweeps through your partnership sector, you could find the perfect plus-one for the job. One of your closest relationships will also get a boost—or reach a turning point—under these moonbeams.

Cancer season favors fresh starts

It’s your time! The Sun is in Cancer until July 22, kicking off a brand-new solar cycle for the year ahead. While your sign is famous for nurturing everyone else, this is your month to focus on numero uno, pouring your energy into personal ambitions and passion projects. Thinking of trying a new look? Feel free to experiment with bolder colors and styles than you usually reach for—and allow the spotlight to warm your shoulders instead of shying away from it.

Intensity erupts at the July 1 Mars-Pluto square

In it to win it? A competitive streak could overrun an otherwise lovely relationship this July 1 as cutthroat Mars in Aries and your ambitious tenth house clashes with domineering Pluto in Capricorn and your seventh house of one-on-one commitments. Power struggles can erupt, so watch out for being hyper-focused on your own agenda.

Your myopic "my way or the highway" view might erase your usual care, concern and respect for the object of your affections. (Who needs Independence Day fireworks when so much emotion is detonating?) Maybe you don't want to yield on your professional plans, despite the complications those could cause your partner. Solo Crabs could struggle to balance the dueling demands of work and a relationship. If you’re negotiating a contract, get everyone’s primary concerns out in the open. That way, your talks will feel more like a collaboration than a competition.

The July 13 Capricorn full supermoon spotlights partnerships

Time to make it official…or move in a new direction? Your closest ties are illuminated by the July 13 Capricorn full supermoon, which beams into your seventh house of committed partnerships. Whether in business or romance, this annual lunar lift helps you make clear-eyed decisions about your most important relationships. Is it time to sign on the dotted line…or are you simply not on the same page for the long haul? Perhaps a few issues need to be discussed and renegotiated before you can comfortably move forward. La luna helps you bring those into the open.

The July 19 Sun-Pluto opposition demands compromise 

Getting on the same page just isn’t easy this month, and mid-July, your relationships might need some extra finesse. Power struggles could erupt with an important person this July 19, when the Cancer Sun locks into its annual opposition to Pluto in Capricorn and your partnership house. Someone whose support you need may be not-so-subtly trying to undermine or compete with you. Sometimes a little challenge keeps things interesting, but this one may not feel like “friendly fire.” Be savvy and nip the negativity in the bud by taking the high road—even if you’re tempted to stoop to their level.

Have you been making some self-affirming changes recently? As you emerge from your shell to reveal Cancer 2.0, don't be surprised if you get pushback or resistance from your closest people—even ones you'd expect to support you. Be selective about whom you share your nascent plans with now. They could project their own issue onto you in ways that throw you off.

Career pivot: Chiron turns retrograde in Aries July 19

Feeling bored with your work or idling at a professional plateau? Shift out of cruise control in your career and find a way to put more soul into your goals. Starting July 19, as wounded healer Chiron pivots retrograde in your house of leadership and ambitions, you can change not only what you do but your emotional connection to work. As an empathic Cancer, it’s not enough for you to collect a paycheck. You want to feel like you’re helping people or bettering their lives in some way. Chiron retrograde will support you in an exploration of what’s most important to you. Own a business? It’s a perfect time to hire an executive coach or a branding pro.

Get productive! Leo season and the July 28 Leo new moon

The independent month has been fun, but you’re ready to settle into a stable groove once the Sun enters Leo and your industrious second house for a month on July 22. As birthday season wraps up, it's time to focus on practical matters and lock down some security. Until August 22, the Sun in Leo heats up your zone of daily routines, work and money. You could start building some of those grand birthday season ideas into something tangible—and potentially profitable.

The month ends with a July 28 Leo new moon, which could kick off a prosperous chapter around your finances. Could one of your early 2022 ideas get monetized? You’ll find out over the next six months, especially if you make some intentional moves today. You might decide to turn a passion project into a side hustle or something more. Job hunting? Circulate your resume and update your LinkedIn profile today. You could hear news of a moneymaking opportunity in these last days of July.

Jupiter turns retrograde July 28

While today’s Leo new moon brings a financial boost, a simultaneous transit could slow things down on the professional front. Abundant Jupiter turns retrograde (backward) in Aries, pumping the brakes on any risky ventures in your tenth house of professional success and accolades. This annual reversal will last until November 23, a time to step back and evaluate what path and projects truly inspire you.

Jupiter has been in Aries since May 10, and it’s likely you’ve been making impressive strides toward your goals since then, whether by stepping into a leadership opportunity, taking a new job or scoring a high-profile client. Now the four-month slowdown gives you a chance to pause on your meteoric career ascent, revisiting and refining your plans. Are you on track to hit your larger target? Take this time to make sure Team Cancer is airtight and that your master plan is perfected (and checked, and then double-checked). Streamline operations, set your focus and go.

The rare Uranus-north node conjunction changes the game on July 31

It ain’t over till it’s over, Cancer! On July 31, changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node will make a rare conjunction (meetup) in Taurus, sending potent ripples through your eleventh house of technology and teamwork. A digital venture could rocket forward at lightning speed. Head-spinning shifts within your social and work groups could happen in the blink of an eye. You might even find yourself stepping into a leadership role, helming a community cause or taking a meeting with an angel investor.

The last time the north node and Uranus were conjunct was in 2007 (in a different zodiac sign), so this is an extremely infrequent connection. On August 1, activator Mars will elbow its way into the confab, adding heat to the mix. This could really spark up some fast-moving changes in a friendship or collaboration. If you’ve been holding back from speaking your mind in a group, that will end in an instant—whether you mean to or not.

July 2022 Cancer Love Horoscope

Friendly fire? Lusty Mars is in Taurus and your eleventh house of casual connections and technology from July 5 until August 20. An online attraction can heat up, so single Crabs should give those swiping claws a workout! Sparks could fly with a friend, and if you're both feeling the chemistry, why not explore? Your self-protective sign takes a while to fully trust and open up. And who better to do that with than someone who's passed your loyalty tests?

Of course, you’ll want to be on the lookout for any potential complications while flirtatious Venus is in Gemini and your twelfth house of illusions. Someone might not be telling you the whole story. Maybe they have other entanglements or some unfinished business. You might be tempted to toe the line between flirtation and friendship, starting an emotional thread with a person you can’t follow through on.

What’s really going on, Cancer? The part of you that desires fantasy and surrender—your inner siren—is begging to be seen. Find a healthy, non-destructive way to indulge that bodice-ripping creature that lives in every one of us. Free your imagination…and hopefully the rest will follow!

On July 17, charm magnet Venus sails into YOUR sign, and you'll get your playful friskiness back. Venus is here until August 11, bringing some peak summer moments for love! Go ahead and glam up or indulge any beautification projects that help you feel gorgeous and confident. While looking and feeling good about yourself is more than skin-deep, Venus encourages your pragmatic sign to get a little more decadent than you usually do. The unapologetic pursuit of pleasure will make you a magnet for everything from prosperity to a hot new admirer or three. Single Cancers could meet someone who shares your values while still stoking your adventurous spirit. Coupled Crabs might find they need a little more breathing room than usual, but autonomy makes the heart grow fonder!

July 2022 Cancer Career Horoscope

What do YOU want to do, Cancer? It’s fair game to ask yourself that now since it’s Cancer season until July 22—and your priorities come first!

Feeling the desire to get your ideas out to a wider audience? From July 5 to August 20, activator Mars is blazing through your eleventh house of groups and digital ventures. Tech projects could develop at the speed of light. Boost your social media presence, polish up online profiles and tap into your network to help spread the word. This is a fruitful time for networking. Since Mars can add stress and pump egos, there may be heated debates and in-fighting if the aggressive vibes aren't directed well. Channel the intensity into a healthy competition instead of fueling a rivalry.

Ready to make an alliance official? At the July 13 Capricorn full supermoon, a contract or partnership comes to completion. You could sign on the dotted line or make a major decision. If a business duo isn't working, it may be time to part ways.

The month ends with a July 28 Leo new moon in your stabilizing second house. Financial and emotional security are on the horizon as these moonbeams illuminate your work and money sector, igniting a fresh financial chapter. Set a budget and new financial benchmarks for the coming six months. Outline action steps for your grand plans.

Another reason to tighten up your plans? That same day (July 28), expansive Jupiter turns retrograde in Aries and your career zone. Until November 23, focus on finishing up the projects you’ve started rather than initiating anything new. If you do start a fresh endeavor, make sure to pace yourself and do a lot of research and development first.

Horoscope taken from https://astrostyle.com/horoscopes/monthly/cancer full credit goes to the AstroTwins website, I am merely a fan and reposting it on my website for reference. Marve-✨

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