Hello September 2024!

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Welcome to Virgo/Libra Season

September 2024 Horoscope

September 2024 is a dynamic month filled with significant astrological transits that promise transformation, new beginnings, and opportunities for personal growth. As we navigate through the powerful energies of this month, it's essential to remain open to change and embrace the lessons the cosmos offer.


September 2024 is a dynamic and transformative month, marked by significant planetary shifts that promise profound changes on both personal and collective levels. The key astrological events this month, including Pluto's reentry into Capricorn, a Virgo New Moon, a Pisces Lunar Eclipse, and multiple planet sign changes, bring themes of deep reflection, new beginnings, emotional renewal, and the balancing of relationships. With these transits occurring across different houses, this is a time to embrace change, set new intentions, and release what no longer serves you. Let’s dive into the key dates and how they may impact you this month.

September 1: “Pluto Reenters Capricorn – Restructuring Foundations”:

Pluto's return to Capricorn marks a powerful shift as it begins its final stretch in this sign before moving back into Aquarius in the coming years. This transit will reactivate themes related to Capricorn's house in your chart, asking you to reevaluate and rebuild structures in your life with a more empowered and transformative perspective. Expect to confront issues of power, control, and ambition, giving you a final chance to make necessary changes that align with your long-term goals. This is a call to dig deep and reshape the foundations of your life, whether in your career, home, or personal development.

September 2: “Virgo New Moon – A Fresh Start in Self-Improvement”:

The New Moon in Virgo highlights a fresh start in the house of Virgo in your chart, emphasizing themes of health, organization, daily routines, and self-improvement. This New Moon is an excellent time to set intentions around getting your life in order, focusing on wellness, and refining your skills. With Mercury ruling this lunation and entering Virgo soon, the energy supports meticulous planning and detailed action steps. Use this lunation to set goals that bring order and efficiency to your life, and take small but meaningful steps toward personal growth.

September 4: “Mars Enters Cancer – Nurturing Action”:

Mars moves into sensitive Cancer, activating the house associated with home, family, and emotional security. This transit encourages you to take action that supports your inner world, home life, and personal comfort. You might feel more protective of your loved ones and driven to create a nurturing environment. While Mars in Cancer is less about aggressive pursuit and more about emotionally charged action, it’s a powerful time to assert your needs in a gentle, compassionate way. Channel your drive into building a supportive foundation that aligns with your emotional desires.

September 9: “Mercury Enters Virgo – Clear Communication and Analytical Thinking”:

As Mercury enters Virgo, it returns to one of its strongest placements, enhancing our capacity for clear communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving. This transit is all about getting things right, paying attention to details, and improving how we convey our ideas. If you have important projects, writing, or communication tasks to handle, this is an ideal time. Use this energy to organize your thoughts, have important discussions, and make well-informed decisions, particularly related to the Virgo-ruled house in your chart.

September 17: Pisces Lunar Eclipse – “Emotional Release and Spiritual Awakening”:

The Pisces Lunar Eclipse brings a powerful culmination in the house of Pisces in your chart, shining a light on emotional matters, spiritual growth, and the need to surrender control. Eclipses often bring sudden changes or revelations, and this one might encourage you to let go of fantasies, illusions, or emotional baggage that has held you back. This is a deeply intuitive moment, encouraging you to connect with your inner world and release what no longer aligns with your soul’s journey. Use this energy to embrace healing, forgiveness, and closure.

September 22: “Sun Enters Libra & Venus Enters Scorpio – Balance and Passion”:

The Sun’s entry into Libra marks the Fall Equinox, a time of balance between light and dark, and a reminder to seek harmony in relationships and life decisions. The house of Libra in your chart is now highlighted, bringing focus to themes of partnership, aesthetics, and social connections. Meanwhile, Venus moves into intense Scorpio, amplifying desires for deep, transformative relationships. This combination encourages a balance between maintaining peace in your interactions and diving deeply into what truly matters to your heart.

September 26: “Mercury Enters Libra – Diplomacy in Communication”:

Mercury’s move into Libra shifts our communication style towards diplomacy, balance, and a focus on fairness. This is an excellent time for negotiating, mediating, and having honest yet considerate conversations. The focus is on finding common ground and ensuring that all sides are heard and understood. This transit will particularly influence the house of Libra in your chart, prompting you to refine how you connect with others, making it easier to articulate ideas in a way that fosters understanding and cooperation.

Conclusion: “Embracing Change with Intention and Balance”:

September 2024 is a month that invites us to embrace transformation with intention, find balance in our lives, and prepare for new beginnings. With Pluto’s reentry into Capricorn, the eclipses, and the personal planet transits, we are guided to release the old, refine our paths, and connect more deeply with our true values. Use this month to make mindful changes, set meaningful intentions, and step forward with a renewed sense of purpose. The cosmos is encouraging you to align your actions with your deeper truths and to trust in the process of growth and change.

Key Dates of September 2024:








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September 2024: Hidden Truth

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September 2024: Hidden Truth

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September 2024: Hidden Truth

September 2024: Hidden Truth

September 2024: Hidden Truth

September 2024: Hidden Truth

September 2024: Hidden Truth

New Moon in Virgo, September 2nd

When Is the New Moon in Virgo in 2024?

The New Moon in Virgo for 2024 occurs on Monday, September 2. If you're interested in the energies and significance surrounding this celestial event, you've come to the right place. Let’s explore what the New Moon in Virgo means for you and how to harness its grounded and practical energy.

The Essence of Virgo

Virgo embodies precision, service, and self-improvement. As an Earth sign ruled by Mercury, Virgo is deeply connected to our desire for order, health, and daily routines. It's a time for refining our habits, attending to details, and nurturing our well-being. Virgo invites us to focus on efficiency, humility, and the pursuit of practical goals.

Understanding Virgo Energy

Virgo is about organization, attention to detail, and a commitment to self-betterment. It encourages us to refine our processes, clean up our lives, and focus on what truly matters. This sign reminds us of the importance of service, being methodical, and taking a humble approach to growth. With Virgo, we are encouraged to be thoughtful, diligent, and attentive to the small things that create big changes.

New Moon in Virgo: What Does It Mean?

The New Moon symbolizes fresh starts, and when it’s in Virgo, it’s an opportunity to set intentions related to health, organization, and personal development. This is a moment to realign with our goals, focus on self-care, and clear away clutter—both physically and mentally. It’s a time to get practical about what needs improving in your life, whether it’s your routines, health habits, or work efficiency. Virgo energy supports making lists, setting realistic goals, and taking actionable steps towards a more structured and purposeful life.

How to Work with the New Moon in Virgo

During this New Moon, it's crucial to create space for planning, improving, and getting organized. Here are a few ways to harness the energy of Virgo:

  • Organize Your Space: Use this time to declutter and organize your surroundings. A tidy environment can lead to a clear mind and boost productivity.

  • Focus on Health and Wellness: Engage in activities that support your well-being, such as starting a new fitness routine, eating healthier, or scheduling medical check-ups.

  • Set Realistic Goals: Virgo’s energy is perfect for setting practical and attainable goals. Focus on what’s manageable and create a step-by-step plan to achieve it.

  • Refine Your Skills: Take time to improve or learn new skills that can enhance your work or personal life. Whether it’s taking a course, learning a new tool, or perfecting a craft, now is the time to invest in self-improvement.

  • Practice Self-Care: Pay attention to your mental and physical health. This is a perfect time for rest, detox, and finding balance in your daily life.

Your Invitation for the New Moon in Virgo

As you work with the energies of the New Moon in Virgo, focus on aligning your actions with your intentions and creating a sense of order in your life. This is an ideal time to clear away the old and make room for the new, especially in areas that need refinement or adjustment. Let go of what is not serving your highest good, and embrace habits that support your overall well-being.

By embracing the practical energy of Virgo, you can cultivate a more organized, healthy, and purposeful life. This New Moon invites you to reconnect with your personal goals, refine your path, and step into a routine that supports your highest self. May the New Moon in Virgo bring you clarity, discipline, and the motivation to create lasting positive changes.

Zodiac Insights for the New Moon in Virgo

Aries (March 21 - April 19) - "Healthy Routines"
The New Moon in Virgo lights up your sixth house of health and daily routines. Set intentions for improving your wellness and productivity habits.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - "Creative Focus"
Taurus, this New Moon activates your fifth house of creativity and joy. Focus on refining a creative project or dedicating time to hobbies that bring you happiness.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - "Home Improvements"
The New Moon falls in your fourth house of home and family. It’s a great time to declutter, reorganize, and make improvements in your living space.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) - "Clear Communication"
Cancer, this New Moon highlights your third house of communication. Focus on organizing your thoughts, engaging in important conversations, and improving your daily interactions.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) - "Financial Planning"
The New Moon energizes your second house of values and finances. Set goals for managing your money more efficiently and aligning your spending with your priorities.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) - "Personal Reinvention"
With the New Moon in your sign, it’s a powerful time for personal growth. Set intentions for self-improvement, appearance, and embracing your true potential.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) - "Inner Healing"
The New Moon in Virgo illuminates your twelfth house of spirituality. Focus on rest, reflection, and letting go of hidden fears or anxieties that hold you back.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) - "Community Contribution"
Scorpio, the New Moon activates your eleventh house of friendships and social networks. Set intentions for building meaningful connections and contributing to group efforts.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - "Career Refinement"
Sagittarius, this New Moon highlights your tenth house of career. Use this energy to refine your professional goals and take practical steps toward achieving them.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) - "Expand Your Mind"
The New Moon energizes your ninth house of education and travel. Set intentions for learning new skills, exploring new philosophies, or planning an enriching trip.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) - "Deep Transformation"
Aquarius, the New Moon in Virgo highlights your eighth house of transformation. Focus on personal growth, shared resources, and letting go of old habits.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) - "Relationship Focus"
Pisces, the New Moon activates your seventh house of partnerships. Set intentions for improving your relationships and finding balance in your connections.


The New Moon in Virgo on September 2 offers a chance for each zodiac sign to focus on refinement, self-care, and practical improvements. Take advantage of this grounding energy by setting realistic intentions, embracing new beginnings, and cultivating routines that support your overall well-being. May this New Moon bring you clarity, purpose, and the discipline needed to create the life you envision.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, September 17th

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, ushers in a time of deep emotional transformation and spiritual awakening. Positioned in the compassionate and intuitive sign of Pisces, this powerful lunar event encourages us to release old patterns, embrace healing, and connect with our innermost dreams. Let’s explore the mystical energies of this eclipse and how it can influence each zodiac sign.

The Essence of Pisces

Pisces is known for its empathetic nature, spiritual depth, and boundless imagination. As a Water sign ruled by Neptune, Pisces embodies the principles of intuition, dreams, and universal compassion. This sign invites us to connect with our inner world, tune into our feelings, and embrace a sense of oneness with the universe. Pisces inspires us to let go of what no longer serves us and to trust in the power of healing and surrender.

The Significance of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse represents powerful shifts, endings, and revelations. When it occurs in Pisces, it amplifies themes of emotional release, spiritual insight, and healing. This is a time to illuminate hidden fears, confront unresolved emotions, and surrender what is holding us back. The Pisces Eclipse highlights the importance of forgiveness, compassion, and letting go of the past, making way for profound personal and spiritual growth.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: What Does It Mean?

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces illuminates our need for emotional healing, spiritual connection, and creative inspiration. This is a moment to reflect on our inner worlds, release old wounds, and embrace our intuitive gifts. It’s a time to let go of self-doubt, trust in our spiritual path, and allow the flow of life to guide us toward our true purpose. Pisces encourages us to dream, heal, and open our hearts to the magic of the unknown.

How to Work with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

During this Lunar Eclipse, it’s essential to focus on healing, creativity, and spiritual practices. Here are a few ways to harness the transformative energy of Pisces:

  • Release and Forgive: Use this time to let go of past hurts and forgive yourself and others. Pisces energy supports emotional release and deep healing, allowing you to move forward with a lighter heart.

  • Embrace Your Intuition: Pisces heightens our intuitive abilities. Pay attention to your dreams, gut feelings, and inner guidance. Meditation, journaling, and spending time near water can help you connect more deeply with your inner wisdom.

  • Engage in Creative Expression: Allow your imagination to flow freely during this time. Whether through art, music, writing, or other forms of creativity, express your emotions and channel your visions into something beautiful.

  • Focus on Spiritual Practices: Pisces is the sign of the mystic. Engage in spiritual activities such as meditation, yoga, or energy healing to enhance your connection with the divine and find inner peace.

  • Let Go of Control: This Eclipse encourages surrender. Release the need to control outcomes and trust that the universe has a plan for you. Embrace the unknown and have faith in the journey.

Your Invitation for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

As you work with the energies of the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, focus on releasing what no longer serves you and embracing a deeper connection with your spiritual self. This powerful time invites you to heal old wounds, nurture your dreams, and trust in the magic of new beginnings. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, and remember that letting go creates space for something beautiful to enter your life.

By embracing the compassionate and healing energy of Pisces, you can transform your emotional landscape and align more closely with your true self. Let this Eclipse guide you toward a path of forgiveness, creativity, and spiritual growth. May the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces inspire you to connect with your inner light and find peace in the flow of life.

Zodiac Sign Insights for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Aries (March 21 - April 19) - "Inner Reflection"
The Eclipse in Pisces activates your twelfth house of the subconscious and spirituality. This is a time for deep inner reflection and healing. Let go of old fears, and embrace your spiritual journey.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - "Community Compassion"
Taurus, the Eclipse illuminates your eleventh house of friendships and social connections. You may gain insights about your role in groups or end a cycle within your social circles. Focus on compassionate connections.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - "Career Transformation"
Gemini, this Eclipse activates your tenth house of career and public life. Expect revelations about your professional path. It’s a powerful time to release outdated career goals and embrace new aspirations.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) - "Spiritual Exploration"
The Eclipse in Pisces lights up your ninth house of travel, education, and spirituality. This is a transformative time for your beliefs and spiritual understanding. Embrace new philosophies and trust your journey.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) - "Emotional Release"
Leo, the Eclipse highlights your eighth house of transformation and shared resources. This is a time to release deep-seated fears and heal emotional wounds. Embrace transformation and let go of control.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) - "Relationship Healing"
Virgo, this Eclipse energizes your seventh house of partnerships. Expect shifts in your relationships, whether personal or professional. Focus on healing, releasing old patterns, and embracing balance.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) - "Wellness Reset"
Libra, the Pisces Eclipse activates your sixth house of health and routines. This is an ideal time to release unhealthy habits and embrace new wellness practices that support your body and mind.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) - "Creative Awakening"
Scorpio, the Eclipse lights up your fifth house of creativity and romance. Allow yourself to release creative blocks and embrace your passions. This is a time for artistic expression and joyful pursuits.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - "Home and Family Healing"
Sagittarius, the Eclipse in Pisces activates your fourth house of home and family. Expect emotional revelations around family matters. Focus on creating a harmonious and nurturing home environment.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) - "Communication Breakthroughs"
Capricorn, this Eclipse energizes your third house of communication and learning. This is a time to release outdated thinking patterns and improve your communication skills. Speak your truth with compassion.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) - "Financial Realignment"
Aquarius, the Eclipse highlights your second house of finances and values. This is a time to reassess your relationship with money and align your spending with your deeper values.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) - "Personal Transformation"
Pisces, the Eclipse in your sign illuminates your first house of self. This is a powerful moment of personal transformation and self-discovery. Let go of old identities and embrace the new you.


The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17, 2024, offers powerful opportunities for emotional release, healing, and spiritual awakening for each zodiac sign. Embrace these transformative energies, set your intentions for new beginnings, and allow the wisdom of Pisces to guide you. May this Eclipse bring you profound insights, inner peace, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Readings By Marvelous Madame Tarot Channel

September 2024: Video Playlist(s)

This MASTER playlist includes ALL uploaded Videos on the channel for All 12 Signs Monthly, each sign should get (2) per month *(unless otherwise advised)* and the following Weekly Collective Audio Readings:







Total of 6 Collective Videos per Month For All Signs: ♈️♉️ ♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️ *unless otherwise noted

Readings By Marvelous Madame Tarot Channel

Master 2024: Video Playlist(s) Per Zodiac Sign

The Marvelous Minute Blog Articles of Major Astrology Happenings for September 2024: