Hello June 2024!

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Welcome to Gemini / Cancer Season

June 2024 Horoscope

Welcome to the celestial overview for June 2024. This month is rich with transformative energies and nurturing vibes, as we navigate through a series of impactful transits. Using the Western tropical whole sign house system, let’s explore the major astrological events and their implications for each zodiac sign.


Embrace the transformative energies of June, and remember that each celestial event is an opportunity for growth and renewal. Trust in the cosmic process, nurture your inner world, and move forward with confidence and compassion. Happy celestial journey!

June 3: Mercury Enters Gemini “Communication and Curiosity Soar”:

As Mercury enters its home sign of Gemini, our minds become more active and curious. In the 3rd house, this transit enhances our ability to communicate effectively, engage in stimulating conversations, and explore new ideas. It’s an excellent time for learning, networking, and embracing a flexible mindset.

June 6: Gemini New Moon “Setting Intentions for Mental Expansion”:

The Gemini New Moon is a powerful moment to set intentions related to learning, communication, and intellectual pursuits. In the 3rd house, this lunation encourages us to start new projects that stimulate our minds and enhance our connections with others. Embrace new information and perspectives with an open heart.

June 9: Mars Enters Taurus “Building Strength and Stability”:

As Mars enters Taurus, our actions become more deliberate and grounded. In the 2nd house, this transit focuses our energy on building financial security and strengthening our resources. It’s a time to work steadily towards our goals, valuing persistence and practicality over impulsiveness.

June 17: Mercury and Venus Enter Cancer “Emotional Intuition and Heartfelt Connections”:

With Mercury and Venus both entering Cancer, our communication and relationships take on a more nurturing and intuitive tone. In the 4th house, these transits highlight the importance of family, home, and emotional security. It’s a period to express our feelings openly, deepen our bonds with loved ones, and create a comforting environment.

June 20: Sun Enters Cancer “Celebrating Solstice and Inner Nurturing”:

As the Sun moves into Cancer, marking the summer solstice, we enter a season of nurturing and emotional growth. In the 4th house, this transit encourages us to focus on our inner world, prioritize self-care, and foster a sense of belonging. It’s a time to honor our roots and cultivate emotional resilience.

June 21: Capricorn Full Moon “Balancing Ambitions and Personal Life”:

The Capricorn Full Moon brings a spotlight on our ambitions and responsibilities. In the 10th house, this lunation illuminates our career goals and public image, urging us to find a balance between professional aspirations and personal life. Reflect on your achievements and consider how they align with your long-term vision.

June 29: Saturn Retrograde Begins “Reevaluating Structure and Discipline”:

As Saturn begins its retrograde journey, we are called to reassess our commitments and the structures in our lives. In the 12th house, this retrograde period invites introspection and the review of our spiritual practices. It’s a time to release old patterns, focus on inner discipline, and prepare for future growth.


June 2024 is a month of nurturing growth and embracing change, guided by the energies of Gemini and Cancer. From the intellectual curiosity sparked by Mercury in Gemini to the emotional depth brought by the Sun in Cancer, we are encouraged to expand our minds and hearts. As we navigate through these transits, we find balance between our ambitions and personal lives, ultimately fostering a sense of security and emotional well-being.

Key Dates of June 2024:








New Moon in Gemini, June 6th

When Is the New Moon in Gemini in 2024?

The New Moon in Gemini for 2024 occurs on Thursday, June 6. If you're curious about the energies and significance surrounding this celestial event, you've come to the right place. Let's explore what the New Moon in Gemini means for you and how to harness its dynamic energy.

The Essence of Gemini

Gemini is the embodiment of curiosity, communication, and versatility. As an Air sign ruled by Mercury, Gemini is closely connected to the mind and our interactions with others. It's a time for embracing new ideas, fostering connections, and exploring diverse perspectives. Gemini invites us to stay adaptable and open-minded.

Understanding Gemini Energy

Gemini is about learning, exchanging information, and flexibility. It encourages us to engage with our surroundings, offering a sense of excitement amidst life's routine. This sign reminds us of the power of curiosity and the importance of staying intellectually stimulated. With Gemini, we are encouraged to be playful, inquisitive, and communicative.

New Moon in Gemini: What Does It Mean?

The New Moon represents new beginnings, and when it's in Gemini, it's an opportunity to set intentions related to communication, learning, and adaptability. This is a moment to realign with our intellectual pursuits and appreciate the value of diverse perspectives. It's a time to focus on mental agility, social connections, and embracing new ideas.

How to Work with the New Moon in Gemini

During this New Moon, it's crucial to create space for intellectual exploration and social interaction. Here are a few ways to harness the energy of Gemini:

  • Engage in Learning and Sharing: Take up a new course, read a book, or engage in meaningful conversations. Connect with others and exchange ideas. Notice the different viewpoints around you and be open to learning.

  • Reevaluate Communication: How do you express yourself? This is a perfect time to improve your communication skills and ensure your interactions are clear and effective. Gemini encourages you to be articulate and mindful in your conversations.

  • Embrace Flexibility: Gemini is not about rigidity. It's about adaptability and staying open to change. Find joy in exploring new paths and avoid getting stuck in a routine.

  • Cultivate Curiosity: Gemini teaches us that growth comes from a curious mind. Take time to explore new interests and ask questions. Embrace the thrill of discovery and let your curiosity guide you.

  • Strengthen Social Bonds: This New Moon is a reminder to nurture your social connections. When you build strong relationships, you create a supportive network that can help you navigate life's challenges.

Your Invitation for the New Moon in Gemini

As you work with the energies of the New Moon in Gemini, focus on stimulating your mind and connecting with others. The intellectual excitement you create allows you to embrace the creativity and adaptability that are waiting to flow into your life. Let go of rigid thinking and outdated beliefs that no longer serve you. Find excitement in your own curiosity and know that you have the power to adapt and thrive.

By embracing the dynamic energy of Gemini, you can create a life of intellectual growth, social harmony, and adaptability. Take this opportunity to connect with yourself and your surroundings, allowing the wisdom of Gemini to guide you toward a path of discovery, clarity, and inner strength. May the New Moon in Gemini fill your mind with wonder and your soul with inspiration.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) - "New Communication Goals"

The New Moon in Gemini will begin a new cycle in your third house of communication, learning, and local community. You may feel more engaged and curious as you consider the six-month lunar journey. Luna could help you manifest something intellectually stimulating into your life, like starting a new course or writing project.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - "Financial Insights"

For Taurus, the New Moon on June 6 falls in your second house of personal belongings, values, and financial security. This is a powerful time for reevaluating your financial goals and setting new intentions for abundance. Embrace this opportunity to redefine your sense of security and prosperity.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - "Personal Reinvention"

Gemini, the New Moon activates your first house of self and identity. This is a perfect time for personal growth, reinvention, and new beginnings. Use this energy to set intentions for the coming months. Consider changes in appearance, attitude, or personal goals. This is your chance to plant seeds for a new chapter in your life.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) - "Inner Exploration"

Cancer, the Gemini New Moon highlights your twelfth house of spirituality and subconscious. It's an excellent time to retreat, meditate, and connect with your inner world. Set intentions for inner healing and let go of what no longer serves you. Consider journaling or dream analysis to explore your subconscious mind.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) - "Networking Opportunities"

Leo, the Gemini New Moon activates your eleventh house of friendships and social networks. This is a prime moment to network, join new groups, or reconnect with old friends. Set intentions for the kind of relationships you want to cultivate in your life. This energy encourages you to build meaningful connections that align with your values and goals.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) - "Career Vision"

Virgo, the New Moon in Gemini energizes your tenth house of career and public life. This is a great time for career advancement, setting new professional goals, or seeking recognition for your hard work. Set intentions for strategic career moves and consider reaching out to mentors for guidance.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) - "Expanding Knowledge"

Libra, the Gemini New Moon highlights your ninth house of travel and higher learning. This is an ideal time to plan a trip, start a new course, or explore new philosophies. Set intentions for personal growth and expand your horizons. You might find inspiration in books, documentaries, or spiritual practices that open your mind to new possibilities.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) - "Transformative Insights"

Scorpio, the New Moon in Gemini activates your eighth house of transformation and shared resources. This is a potent time to deepen intimate relationships, address financial matters, or work through emotional blockages. Set intentions for transformation and healing. You may also consider exploring topics related to metaphysics, psychology, or other hidden realms.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - "Relationship Focus"

Sagittarius, the Gemini New Moon energizes your seventh house of partnerships and relationships. This is a perfect moment to focus on your relationships, whether romantic or business. Set intentions for improving communication, resolving conflicts, or attracting a new partnership. This energy encourages you to create balanced, harmonious connections.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) - "Health and Habits"

Capricorn, the New Moon in Gemini highlights your sixth house of health and daily routines. This is an excellent time to set goals related to your health, fitness, or daily habits. Consider implementing a new exercise routine, exploring dietary changes, or finding ways to improve your work-life balance. This energy supports you in creating a healthier lifestyle.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) - "Creative Ventures"

Aquarius, the Gemini New Moon activates your fifth house of creativity and self-expression. This is an ideal time to start a new creative project, explore hobbies, or focus on romance. Set intentions for embracing joy and having fun. You may find inspiration in artistic pursuits, entertainment, or activities that bring out your playful side.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) - "Home Harmony"

Pisces, the New Moon in Gemini energizes your fourth house of home and family. This is a wonderful time to focus on your home environment, family relationships, or personal roots. Set intentions for creating a nurturing space and strengthening family bonds. You might consider redecorating, organizing, or planning a family gathering.


As you can see, the New Moon in Gemini on June 6 offers unique opportunities for each zodiac sign to focus on specific areas of life. Take advantage of this energy by setting intentions, embracing new beginnings, and cultivating a sense of curiosity and growth. May this month bring you clarity, inspiration, and the courage to pursue your dreams.

Full Moon in Capricorn, June 21st

When Is the Full Moon in Capricorn in 2024?

The Full Moon in Capricorn for 2024 occurs on Friday, June 21. If you're curious about the energies and significance surrounding this celestial event, you've come to the right place. Let's explore what the Full Moon in Capricorn means for you and how to harness its disciplined energy for personal growth and achievement.

The Essence of Capricorn

Capricorn is the embodiment of ambition, structure, and perseverance. As an Earth sign ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is closely connected to career, responsibilities, and long-term goals. It's a time for setting practical intentions, building solid foundations, and achieving tangible results. Capricorn invites us to take a serious look at our ambitions and work diligently towards them.

Understanding Capricorn Energy

Capricorn is about discipline, commitment, and hard work. It encourages us to focus on our goals and put in the necessary effort to achieve them. This sign reminds us of the importance of perseverance and the value of long-term planning. With Capricorn, we're encouraged to be patient and persistent, knowing that our efforts will eventually pay off.

Full Moon in Capricorn: What Does It Mean?

The Full Moon represents culmination, completion, and illumination, and when it's in Capricorn, it's an opportunity to gain clarity on your career goals and see the results of your hard work. This is a moment to reflect on your progress, understand where you've come from, and set your sights on new heights. It's a time to celebrate your achievements and release anything that no longer serves your path to success.

How to Work with the Full Moon in Capricorn

During this Full Moon, it's crucial to focus on your long-term goals and embrace a spirit of discipline. Here are a few ways to harness the energy of Capricorn:

  • Set Clear Goals: Define your long-term goals and break them down into manageable steps. Capricorn encourages us to be strategic and practical in our approach.

  • Evaluate Your Progress: Reflect on your achievements and assess what has worked and what hasn't. Use this energy to make necessary adjustments and stay on track.

  • Commit to Hard Work: Embrace the discipline and perseverance needed to achieve your goals. Capricorn teaches us that success comes from consistent effort and dedication.

  • Build Solid Foundations: Focus on creating a strong foundation for your future endeavors. This could involve organizing your finances, planning your career path, or strengthening your personal relationships.

  • Celebrate Your Achievements: Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments. Recognize the hard work and dedication that have brought you this far.

Your Invitation for the Full Moon in Capricorn

As you work with the energies of the Full Moon in Capricorn, focus on embracing the spirit of discipline and commitment. This energy invites you to step into your power with confidence and determination. Let go of any fears or doubts that hold you back, and allow yourself to dream big. Find joy in your hard work and trust that every effort is part of your growth and evolution.

By embracing the structured energy of Capricorn, you can create a life filled with achievement, stability, and long-term success. Take this opportunity to connect with your inner ambition and let the wisdom of Capricorn guide you toward a path of discipline, clarity, and inner strength. May the Full Moon in Capricorn fill your heart with determination and your soul with a thirst for achievement.


Welcome to the astrological overview for June 2024! This month brings the Capricorn Full Moon on June 21, an event that signifies culmination, completion, and revelation. As the energies of this Full Moon play out across the zodiac, each sign experiences a unique activation in a specific house of the chart. Let's explore the themes of the month and how you can embrace the energy of this Full Moon to guide you through transformation, realization, and growth.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) - "Career Milestones"

Aries, the Capricorn Full Moon illuminates your tenth house of career and public life. This transit can bring insights about your professional path and public image. You might experience a breakthrough in your career or reach a significant milestone. Use this energy to advance your professional goals and embrace new opportunities for growth.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - "Expanding Horizons"

Taurus, the Full Moon in Capricorn activates your ninth house of travel, education, and philosophy. This transit may reveal significant insights about your beliefs, academic pursuits, or long-distance travel. You could gain clarity on your personal growth journey or complete an educational goal. Embrace this time to broaden your horizons and explore new ideas.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - "Transformation and Intimacy"

Gemini, the Capricorn Full Moon lights up your eighth house of shared resources and deep transformation. This could be a pivotal moment in your financial or emotional commitments, bringing clarity to your intimate relationships. You might undergo a profound personal transformation or resolve a significant issue in a joint venture. Use this energy to embrace change and release what no longer serves you.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) - "Relationship Revelations"

Cancer, the Full Moon in Capricorn activates your seventh house of partnerships and relationships. This transit might bring revelations about your personal or professional relationships. You could gain insights into dynamics that need resolution or reach a new level of understanding with a partner. Use this energy to establish balance and harmony in your relationships.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) - "Health and Routine Adjustments"

Leo, the Capricorn Full Moon illuminates your sixth house of health, work, and daily routines. This is a powerful moment to gain insights into your wellness habits and work-life balance. You might complete a health goal or find a new approach to your daily routines. Embrace this energy to improve your well-being and create a healthier lifestyle.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) - "Creative Breakthroughs"

Virgo, the Full Moon in Capricorn energizes your fifth house of creativity, self-expression, and romance. This transit may bring revelations related to your creative projects or romantic life. You could complete an artistic endeavor or experience a breakthrough in your personal expression. This is a great time to celebrate your unique talents and passions.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) - "Home and Family Insights"

Libra, the Capricorn Full Moon activates your fourth house of home and family. This transit might bring revelations about your living situation or family dynamics. You could reach a conclusion on a home-related matter or gain insights into your roots and ancestry. Use this time to focus on creating harmony within your home and family.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) - "Communication Clarity"

Scorpio, the Full Moon in Capricorn lights up your third house of communication, learning, and local community. This transit can bring important information or a breakthrough in how you communicate. You might complete a project or gain insights into your local environment. Use this energy to improve communication and connect with your community.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - "Financial Realizations"

Sagittarius, the Capricorn Full Moon activates your second house of finances and personal resources. This transit might bring revelations about your income, assets, or self-worth. You could complete a financial goal or gain clarity on managing your resources. Embrace this time to focus on financial stability and abundance.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) - "Personal Growth"

Capricorn, the Full Moon in your sign illuminates your first house of self and identity. This is a transformative moment, allowing you to reflect on your personal journey and sense of self. You might gain insights into your path or experience a personal breakthrough. Use this energy to embrace your individuality and step into your power.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) - "Spiritual Awakening"

Aquarius, the Capricorn Full Moon activates your twelfth house of spirituality, dreams, and the subconscious. This transit may bring profound spiritual insights or awakenings. You might gain clarity on hidden patterns or complete a cycle of inner growth. Embrace this energy to connect with your inner world and find peace within.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) - "Community Connections"

Pisces, the Full Moon in Capricorn energizes your eleventh house of friendships and social networks. This transit might bring revelations about your social circles or a community project. You could complete a significant collaboration or gain new insights into your social life. Use this time to strengthen connections and embrace the support of your community.


The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21 brings powerful energies for each zodiac sign, offering opportunities for revelation, completion, and transformation. As you navigate the month, embrace these energies and allow them to guide you toward growth and clarity. May your journey through June 2024 be filled with insights, breakthroughs, and new possibilities.

Readings By Marvelous Madame Tarot Channel

June 2024: Video Playlist(s)

This MASTER playlist includes ALL uploaded Videos on the channel for All 12 Signs Monthly, each sign should get (2) per month *(unless otherwise advised)*:

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Readings By Marvelous Madame Tarot Channel

Master 2024: Video Playlist(s) Per Zodiac Sign

Readings By Marvelous Madame Tarot Channel

June 2024: Collective Reading Video Playlist

This playlist includes the following Weekly Video Readings:







Total of 6 Videos per Month For All Signs: ♈️♉️ ♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️