Hello August 2024!

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Welcome to Leo / Virgo Season

August 2024 Horoscope

August 2024 is a dynamic month filled with significant astrological transits that promise transformation, new beginnings, and opportunities for personal growth. As we navigate through the powerful energies of this month, it's essential to remain open to change and embrace the lessons the cosmos offer.


July 2024 is a dynamic month filled with significant astrological transits that promise transformation, new beginnings, and opportunities for personal growth. As we navigate through the powerful energies of this month, it's essential to remain open to change and embrace the lessons the cosmos offer.

August 4: “Venus Enters Virgo & Leo New Moon - Nurturing Love and Bold Beginnings”:

Venus entering Virgo brings a focus on practical love, attention to detail in relationships, and an appreciation for the small things that make connections meaningful. This is a time to show love through acts of service and to find beauty in everyday routines.

The Leo New Moon highlights the need for self-expression and new beginnings. It's a powerful time to set intentions related to creativity, leadership, and personal passions. This is an opportunity to start fresh projects and embrace your inner confidence.

August 5: “Mercury Retrograde Begins in Virgo - Reflect and Refine”:

Mercury's retrograde in Virgo urges you to revisit and refine your thoughts, communications, and organizational methods. This period is perfect for reviewing your plans, correcting mistakes, and ensuring that details are in order. Patience and attention to detail are key during this transit.

August 14: “Mercury Retrograde Enters Leo - Reevaluate Creative Ideas”:

As Mercury retrogrades back into Leo, it's time to reassess your creative ideas, communication style, and self-expression. This period encourages you to revisit past projects, refine your approach, and ensure that your message aligns with your true self.

August 19: “Aquarius Full Moon - Embrace Individuality and Collective Goals”:

The Aquarius Full Moon brings illumination to your unique qualities and your role within the community. This is a time of culmination and realization regarding your individual contributions and collective goals. Reflect on how you can balance personal freedom with social responsibilities.

August 22: “Sun Enters Virgo - Focus on Practicality and Wellness”:

As the Sun enters Virgo, your focus shifts to practicality, health, and service. This is a time to pay attention to your daily routines, improve your well-being, and organize your life. Embrace the energy of efficiency and make practical improvements in your environment.

August 28: “Mercury Retrograde Ends in Leo - Forward with Clarity”:

With Mercury retrograde ending in Leo, communication and creative projects regain momentum. This is a time to move forward with clarity and confidence, armed with the insights gained during the retrograde period. Express your ideas boldly and take action on your refined plans.

August 29: “Venus Enters Libra - Harmonize Relationships and Seek Balance”:

Venus entering Libra enhances the focus on harmony, balance, and beauty in relationships. This transit brings a desire for fairness, cooperation, and aesthetic enjoyment. It's a wonderful time to nurture partnerships, seek compromise, and appreciate the arts.


August 2024 is a month of significant shifts and opportunities for personal growth. The transits encourage you to delve into your inner world, express your creativity, and connect with others on a deeper level. Embrace the transformative energies, set your intentions, and align with your true self. This is a time to nurture your dreams, build solid foundations, and radiate your unique light. Trust the cosmic flow and enjoy the journey!

Key Dates of August 2024:








New Moon in Leo, August 4th

When Is the New Moon in Leo in 2024?

The New Moon in Leo for 2024 occurs on Sunday, August 4. If you're curious about the energies and significance surrounding this celestial event, you've come to the right place. Let's explore what the New Moon in Leo means for you and how to harness its vibrant energy.

The Essence of Leo

Leo embodies confidence, creativity, and self-expression. As a Fire sign ruled by the Sun, Leo is closely connected to our desire for recognition and the pursuit of our passions. It's a time for embracing our inner light, showcasing our talents, and taking bold steps towards our goals. Leo invites us to be authentic, courageous, and enthusiastic.

Understanding Leo Energy

Leo is about creativity, leadership, and self-expression. It encourages us to step into the spotlight and shine brightly. This sign reminds us of the power of confidence and the importance of pursuing our passions. With Leo, we are encouraged to be bold, generous, and true to ourselves.

New Moon in Leo: What Does It Mean?

The New Moon represents new beginnings, and when it's in Leo, it's an opportunity to set intentions related to creativity, self-expression, and personal goals. This is a moment to realign with our true selves and appreciate the value of embracing our unique talents. It's a time to focus on what brings us joy, ignites our passion, and showcases our individuality.

How to Work with the New Moon in Leo

During this New Moon, it's crucial to create space for creative exploration and bold self-expression. Here are a few ways to harness the energy of Leo:

  • Showcase Your Talents: Use this time to highlight your skills and abilities. Whether through art, performance, or leadership, let your talents shine.

  • Embrace Creativity: Engage in creative activities that bring you joy. This could be anything from painting and writing to dancing and designing.

  • Set Bold Goals: Leo's energy is perfect for setting ambitious goals. Think big and aim high, allowing your confidence to guide you.

  • Celebrate Yourself: Take time to appreciate your achievements and recognize your worth. Celebrate your unique qualities and the progress you've made.

  • Express Gratitude: Show appreciation for the people and experiences that bring joy into your life. Expressing gratitude amplifies positive energy and attracts more of what you love.

Your Invitation for the New Moon in Leo

As you work with the energies of the New Moon in Leo, focus on embracing your inner light and expressing your true self. The confidence and creativity you cultivate allow you to shine brightly and pursue your passions with enthusiasm. Let go of self-doubt and outdated patterns that no longer serve you. Find joy in your unique qualities and know that you have the power to create a vibrant and fulfilling life.

By embracing the dynamic energy of Leo, you can create a life of passion, creativity, and self-assurance. Take this opportunity to connect with yourself and your dreams, allowing the wisdom of Leo to guide you toward a path of confidence, inspiration, and personal growth. May the New Moon in Leo fill your heart with joy and your soul with passion.

Zodiac Insights for the New Moon in Leo

Aries (March 21 - April 19)-"Creative Initiatives"

The New Moon in Leo will energize your fifth house of creativity and romance. Set intentions for new creative projects and embrace playful, passionate pursuits.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) -"Home Harmony"

For Taurus, the New Moon falls in your fourth house of home and family. Focus on creating a warm and joyful home environment and strengthening family bonds.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - "Expressive Communication"

Gemini, the New Moon activates your third house of communication. Use this energy to share your ideas confidently and engage in meaningful conversations.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) - "Financial Empowerment"

Cancer, the New Moon highlights your second house of values and finances. Set intentions for financial growth and align your spending with your true values.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) - "Personal Renewal"

Leo, the New Moon in your sign brings personal renewal and fresh starts. Focus on self-improvement, set new goals, and celebrate your individuality.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) - "Spiritual Retreat"

With the New Moon in Leo energizing your twelfth house of spirituality, take time for inner reflection. Set intentions for spiritual growth and healing.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) - "Community Engagement"

Libra, the New Moon in Leo illuminates your eleventh house of friendships. Focus on building supportive relationships and participating in group activities.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) - "Career Aspirations"

Scorpio, the New Moon activates your tenth house of career. Set ambitious professional goals and seek recognition for your hard work.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - "Philosophical Exploration"

Sagittarius, the New Moon in Leo highlights your ninth house of learning and travel. Embrace new philosophies and plan adventures that broaden your horizons.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) - "Intimate Connections"

Capricorn, the New Moon energizes your eighth house of transformation. Focus on deepening intimate relationships and addressing shared financial matters.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) - "Relationship Focus"

Aquarius, the New Moon in Leo illuminates your seventh house of partnerships. Set intentions for harmonious relationships and improve communication with loved ones.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) - "Health and Wellness"

Pisces, the New Moon activates your sixth house of health. Focus on improving your well-being through new health routines and self-care practices.


The New Moon in Leo on August 4 offers unique opportunities for each zodiac sign to focus on specific areas of life. Take advantage of this vibrant energy by setting intentions, embracing new beginnings, and cultivating a sense of confidence and joy. May this month bring you clarity, inspiration, and the courage to pursue your dreams.

Full Moon in Aquarius, August 19th

The Full Moon in Aquarius on Monday, August 19, 2024, heralds a time of significant transformation and forward-thinking energy. Positioned in the progressive sign of Aquarius, this lunar event encourages us to break free from old patterns, embrace innovation, and connect with our communities on a deeper level. Let's explore the dynamic energies of this Full Moon and how it can influence each zodiac sign.

The Essence of Aquarius

Aquarius is known for its revolutionary spirit, intellectual prowess, and humanitarian focus. As an Air sign ruled by Uranus, Aquarius embodies the principles of change, innovation, and collective progress. This sign inspires us to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and work towards a better future for all.

The Significance of the Full Moon in Aquarius

The Full Moon represents culmination, completion, and illumination. When it's in Aquarius, it brings clarity to our visions for the future and highlights the importance of community, friendship, and social networks. This is a time to celebrate breakthroughs, let go of outdated beliefs, and embrace new ways of thinking and being.

Full Moon in Aquarius: What Does It Mean?

The Full Moon in Aquarius illuminates our need for freedom, individuality, and social connections. This is a moment to reflect on our contributions to the collective, understand our role in society, and envision the changes we wish to see in the world. It's a time to celebrate our unique perspectives and collaborate with others to create meaningful change.

How to Work with the Full Moon in Aquarius

During this Full Moon, it's essential to focus on innovation, collaboration, and humanitarian efforts. Here are a few ways to harness the energy of Aquarius:

  • Embrace Change: Be open to new ideas and perspectives. Aquarius encourages us to break free from old patterns and embrace change with optimism and enthusiasm.

  • Connect with Community: Strengthen your connections with friends, social networks, and like-minded groups. Collaboration and collective efforts are key themes during this time.

  • Focus on Innovation: Use this energy to explore new technologies, methods, and solutions. Aquarius inspires us to think creatively and push the boundaries of what is possible.

  • Celebrate Individuality: Honor your unique qualities and those of others. This Full Moon encourages us to celebrate diversity and recognize the value of different perspectives.

  • Engage in Humanitarian Efforts: Get involved in causes that promote social justice, equality, and the well-being of all. Aquarius motivates us to contribute to the greater good and make a positive impact on society.

Your Invitation for the Full Moon in Aquarius

As you work with the energies of the Full Moon in Aquarius, focus on embracing change and innovation. This energy invites you to step into your visionary power and make a difference in the world. Let go of any limitations that hold you back, and allow yourself to dream big. Find joy in collaboration and trust that your unique contributions are valuable to the collective.

By embracing the forward-thinking energy of Aquarius, you can create a life filled with creativity, connection, and progress. Take this opportunity to connect with your inner visionary and let the wisdom of Aquarius guide you towards a path of innovation, community, and personal growth. May the Full Moon in Aquarius fill your heart with inspiration and your soul with a passion for change.

Zodiac Sign Insights for the Full Moon in Aquarius

Aries (March 21 - April 19) - "Social Breakthroughs"

Aries, the Aquarius Full Moon illuminates your eleventh house of friendships and social networks. This transit can bring insights about your social connections and group involvements. You might experience a breakthrough in a community project or gain new perspectives on your role in social circles. Use this energy to foster meaningful connections and embrace new collaborations.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - "Career Innovations"

Taurus, the Full Moon in Aquarius activates your tenth house of career and public life. This transit may reveal significant insights about your professional path and public image. You might discover innovative ways to advance your career or reach a new milestone in your professional journey. Embrace this time to pursue new opportunities and think outside the box.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - "Expanding Knowledge"

Gemini, the Aquarius Full Moon lights up your ninth house of travel, education, and philosophy. This could be a pivotal moment in your quest for knowledge and personal growth, bringing clarity to your academic pursuits or travel plans. You might complete an educational goal or gain new insights into your beliefs. Use this energy to broaden your horizons and explore new ideas.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) - "Deep Transformation"

Cancer, the Full Moon in Aquarius activates your eighth house of shared resources and deep transformation. This transit might bring revelations about your financial or emotional commitments. You could undergo a profound personal transformation or resolve significant issues in a joint venture. Embrace this energy to release what no longer serves you and embrace change.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) - "Relationship Insights"

Leo, the Aquarius Full Moon illuminates your seventh house of partnerships and relationships. This is a powerful moment to gain insights into your personal or professional relationships. You might experience breakthroughs in your relationship dynamics or reach a new level of understanding with a partner. Use this energy to foster balance and harmony in your connections.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) - "Health and Routine Innovations"

Virgo, the Full Moon in Aquarius energizes your sixth house of health, work, and daily routines. This transit can bring clarity to your wellness habits and work-life balance. You might complete a health goal or find new approaches to your daily routines. Embrace this energy to improve your well-being and create a healthier lifestyle.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) - "Creative Breakthroughs"

Libra, the Aquarius Full Moon activates your fifth house of creativity, self-expression, and romance. This transit may bring revelations related to your creative projects or romantic life. You could complete an artistic endeavor or experience a breakthrough in your personal expression. Celebrate your unique talents and passions during this time.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) - "Home and Family Insights"

Scorpio, the Full Moon in Aquarius lights up your fourth house of home and family. This transit might bring insights about your living situation or family dynamics. You could reach a conclusion on a home-related matter or gain clarity about your roots and ancestry. Use this time to create harmony within your home and family.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - "Communication Clarity"

Sagittarius, the Aquarius Full Moon activates your third house of communication, learning, and local community. This transit can bring important information or breakthroughs in how you communicate. You might complete a project or gain new insights into your local environment. Use this energy to improve communication and connect with your community.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) - "Financial Realizations"

Capricorn, the Full Moon in Aquarius energizes your second house of finances and personal resources. This transit might bring revelations about your income, assets, or self-worth. You could complete a financial goal or gain clarity on managing your resources. Focus on financial stability and embrace new opportunities for abundance.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) - "Personal Growth"

Aquarius, the Full Moon in your sign illuminates your first house of self and identity. This is a transformative moment, allowing you to reflect on your personal journey and sense of self. You might gain insights into your path or experience a personal breakthrough. Embrace your individuality and step into your power during this time.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) - "Spiritual Awakening"

Pisces, the Aquarius Full Moon activates your twelfth house of spirituality, dreams, and the subconscious. This transit may bring profound spiritual insights or awakenings. You might gain clarity on hidden patterns or complete a cycle of inner growth. Use this energy to connect with your inner world and find peace within.


The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024, brings powerful energies for each zodiac sign, offering opportunities for revelation, completion, and transformation. Embrace these energies and allow them to guide you toward growth and clarity. May your journey through August 2024 be filled with insights, breakthroughs, and new possibilities.

Readings By Marvelous Madame Tarot Channel

August 2024: Video Playlist(s)

This MASTER playlist includes ALL uploaded Videos on the channel for All 12 Signs Monthly, each sign should get (2) per month *(unless otherwise advised)* and the following Weekly Collective Audio Readings:







Total of 6 Collective Videos per Month For All Signs: ♈️♉️ ♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️ *unless otherwise noted

Readings By Marvelous Madame Tarot Channel

Master 2024: Video Playlist(s) Per Zodiac Sign

The Marvelous Minute Blog Articles of Major Astrology Happenings for August 2024: