Hello July 2024!

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Welcome to Cancer / Leo Season

July 2024 Horoscope

Welcome to the celestial overview for July 2024. This month is rich with transformative energies and nurturing vibes, as we navigate through a series of impactful transits. Using the Western tropical whole sign house system, let’s explore the major astrological events and their implications for each zodiac sign.


July 2024 is a dynamic month filled with significant astrological transits that promise transformation, new beginnings, and opportunities for personal growth. As we navigate through the powerful energies of this month, it's essential to remain open to change and embrace the lessons the cosmos offer.

July 2: “Neptune Retrograde Begins & Mercury Enters Leo - Embrace the Mystical and the Majestic”:

Neptune's retrograde motion in Pisces invites you to revisit your dreams, subconscious, and spiritual beliefs. This period is perfect for inner reflection, uncovering hidden truths, and connecting with your intuition. It's a time to address any illusions or escapism tendencies, fostering a clearer understanding of your inner world.

As Mercury moves into Leo, your communication becomes bold, confident, and expressive. This transit encourages you to speak your truth and share your creative ideas with the world. It's an excellent time for self-promotion, public speaking, and expressing your unique personality.

July 5: “Cancer New Moon - New Beginnings in the Home and Heart”:

The New Moon in Cancer highlights your need for emotional security and a sense of belonging. This is a powerful time for setting intentions related to home, family, and personal foundations. It's an opportunity to nurture your inner self, create a safe haven, and strengthen your emotional roots.

July 11: “Venus Enters Leo - Radiate Love and Joy”:

With Venus gracing Leo, your charm, magnetism, and creativity are amplified. This transit brings a focus on love, pleasure, and self-expression. It's a wonderful time to indulge in artistic pursuits, enjoy romantic moments, and pamper yourself. Embrace the spotlight and let your heart shine.

July 20: “Mars Enters Gemini - Dynamic Communication and Mental Agility”:

Mars' entry into Gemini energizes your social interactions, intellectual pursuits, and community involvement. This transit fuels your curiosity, encourages lively discussions, and motivates you to pursue new ideas. It's an excellent time for networking, collaborating on projects, and exploring diverse interests.

July 21: “Capricorn Full Moon (Anaretic 2nd in a Row) - Culmination of Ambitions”:

The Capricorn Full Moon, especially being anaretic (at the final degree), brings a sense of urgency to achieve your goals and fulfill your responsibilities. This is a time of culmination and realization in your work, health, and daily routines. Reflect on your accomplishments, make necessary adjustments, and solidify your plans for future success.

July 22: “Sun Enters Leo - Shine Your Inner Light”:

As the Sun enters its home sign of Leo, your confidence, vitality, and creativity soar. This is your time to shine, take the lead, and embrace your individuality. It's a period for pursuing your passions, showcasing your talents, and enjoying life to the fullest. Celebrate your unique gifts and share your warmth with others.

June 25: “Mercury Enters Virgo - Precision in Thought and Communication”:

Mercury's transit into Virgo sharpens your analytical skills, attention to detail, and practical thinking. This is a favorable time for organizing your finances, refining your communication, and focusing on tasks that require precision. Use this energy to enhance your productivity and make informed decisions.


July 2024 is a month of significant shifts and opportunities for personal growth. The transits encourage you to delve into your inner world, express your creativity, and connect with others on a deeper level. Embrace the transformative energies, set your intentions, and align with your true self. This is a time to nurture your dreams, build solid foundations, and radiate your unique light. Trust the cosmic flow and enjoy the journey!

Key Dates of July 2024:








New Moon in Cancer, July 5th

When Is the New Moon in Cancer in 2024?

The New Moon in Cancer for 2024 occurs on Friday, July 5. If you're curious about the energies and significance surrounding this celestial event, you've come to the right place. Let's explore what the New Moon in Cancer means for you and how to harness its nurturing energy.

The Essence of Cancer

Cancer is the embodiment of sensitivity, nurturing, and emotional depth. As a Water sign ruled by the Moon, Cancer is closely connected to our feelings and home life. It's a time for introspection, caring for ourselves and others, and seeking emotional security. Cancer invites us to create safe spaces and deepen our emotional connections.

Understanding Cancer Energy

Cancer is about nurturing, emotional bonds, and home. It encourages us to tune into our inner world, offering a sense of comfort amidst life's chaos. This sign reminds us of the power of compassion and the importance of creating a sanctuary for ourselves and our loved ones. With Cancer, we are encouraged to be gentle, protective, and empathetic.

New Moon in Cancer: What Does It Mean?

The New Moon represents new beginnings, and when it's in Cancer, it's an opportunity to set intentions related to home, family, and emotional well-being. This is a moment to realign with our emotional needs and appreciate the value of nurturing ourselves and others. It's a time to focus on creating a supportive environment, deepening family bonds, and embracing our emotions.

How to Work with the New Moon in Cancer

During this New Moon, it's crucial to create space for emotional exploration and nurturing interactions. Here are a few ways to harness the energy of Cancer:

  1. Create a Cozy Space: Enhance the comfort of your home by decluttering, redecorating, or creating a peaceful sanctuary. This is a great time to focus on your living environment and make it more nurturing.

  2. Connect with Family: Spend quality time with family and loved ones. Plan a family gathering, have heart-to-heart conversations, and strengthen your emotional bonds.

  3. Self-Care Rituals: Prioritize self-care practices that nourish your body and soul. Take long baths, meditate, journal, or engage in activities that bring you peace and relaxation.

  4. Embrace Your Emotions: Allow yourself to feel and process your emotions. Cancer teaches us that it's okay to be vulnerable and that emotional expression is a path to healing.

  5. Cook and Nourish: Cooking and sharing meals with loved ones can be a wonderful way to connect during this time. Focus on nutritious, comforting foods that make you feel cared for.

Your Invitation for the New Moon in Cancer

As you work with the energies of the New Moon in Cancer, focus on nurturing your emotional world and connecting with your inner self. The comfort and security you create allow you to embrace the nurturing and empathetic qualities that are waiting to flow into your life. Let go of emotional blockages and outdated patterns that no longer serve you. Find comfort in your own sensitivity and know that you have the power to create a supportive and loving environment.

By embracing the nurturing energy of Cancer, you can create a life of emotional depth, family harmony, and inner peace. Take this opportunity to connect with yourself and your loved ones, allowing the wisdom of Cancer to guide you toward a path of compassion, security, and emotional strength. May the New Moon in Cancer fill your heart with warmth and your soul with serenity.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) - "Home Foundations"

The New Moon in Cancer will begin a new cycle in your fourth house of home and family. You may feel the urge to focus on your domestic life and emotional foundation. Consider making changes to your living space or reconnecting with family members.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - "Emotional Communication"

For Taurus, the New Moon falls in your third house of communication. This is a powerful time for expressing your feelings and connecting with your local community. Embrace the opportunity to have heartfelt conversations and share your thoughts with those around you.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - "Financial Nurturing"

Gemini, the New Moon activates your second house of personal values and financial security. This is a perfect time to set intentions for financial stability and self-worth. Consider how you can nurture your sense of value and create a more secure financial foundation.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) - "Personal Renewal"

Cancer, the New Moon highlights your first house of self and identity. It's an excellent time for personal growth, self-care, and new beginnings. Set intentions for your personal development and focus on nurturing your own needs and desires.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) - "Inner Peace"

Leo, the New Moon activates your twelfth house of spirituality and subconscious. This is a prime moment to retreat and connect with your inner self. Set intentions for inner healing and spiritual growth. Meditation and solitude can be particularly beneficial.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) - "Community Bonds"

With the New Moon in Cancer energizing your eleventh house of friendships and community, your social life comes into focus. Set intentions for building strong, supportive relationships and consider joining groups that align with your values and goals.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) - "Career and Public Life"

Libra, the New Moon in Cancer illuminates your tenth house of career. This is a great time to set professional goals and seek recognition for your hard work. Focus on creating a supportive work environment and consider how your career can provide emotional fulfillment.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) - "Expanding Horizons"

Scorpio, the New Moon activates your ninth house of higher learning and travel. This is a potent time to set intentions for personal growth through education and exploration. Embrace new philosophies, plan a journey, or start a course that broadens your perspective.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - "Deep Connections"

Sagittarius, the New Moon in Cancer highlights your eighth house of transformation and shared resources. This is a perfect moment to focus on intimate relationships and financial matters. Set intentions for deep emotional connections and address any financial planning.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) - "Relationship Focus"

Capricorn, the New Moon energizes your seventh house of partnerships. This is an ideal time to focus on your relationships, whether romantic or business. Set intentions for harmonious and supportive partnerships and work on improving communication with your significant other.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) - "Health and Routine"

Aquarius, the New Moon activates your sixth house of health and daily routines. This is an excellent time to set goals related to your well-being. Consider new health regimes, improving your diet, or finding better work-life balance.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) - "Creative Expression"

Pisces, the New Moon in Cancer illuminates your fifth house of creativity and self-expression. This is a wonderful time to start a new creative project, explore hobbies, or focus on romance. Set intentions for joy and artistic expression.


The New Moon in Cancer on July 5 offers unique opportunities for each zodiac sign to focus on specific areas of life. Take advantage of this nurturing energy by setting intentions, embracing new beginnings, and cultivating a sense of emotional security and growth. May this month bring you clarity, inspiration, and the courage to pursue your dreams.

Full Moon in Capricorn, July 21st (Anaretic Degree (2nd Capricorn moon in a row)

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21, 2024: An Anaretic Degree and a Rare Second Occurrence

The Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on Sunday, July 21, 2024, marking a powerful and rare celestial event. This Full Moon, situated at the anaretic degree of 29° Capricorn, holds immense significance as it is the second Full Moon in Capricorn this year. Let's delve into the profound energies and implications of this unique occurrence and explore how it can influence each zodiac sign.

The Essence of Capricorn

Capricorn symbolizes ambition, structure, and perseverance. As an Earth sign ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is deeply connected to the principles of hard work, responsibility, and long-term goals. This sign encourages us to build solid foundations and pursue our ambitions with determination and resilience.

Understanding the Anaretic Degree

The anaretic degree, also known as the "critical degree," is the 29th degree of any sign and is considered a point of karmic completion and intense energy. When a Full Moon occurs at this degree, it signifies a culmination or turning point, often bringing matters to a head that require final decisions or closure.

The Significance of Two Full Moons in Capricorn

Having two Full Moons in Capricorn within a single year is a rare event that amplifies the themes of Capricorn, providing us with a second chance to address and resolve key issues related to this sign.

Full Moon in Capricorn: What Does It Mean?

The Full Moon represents culmination, completion, and illumination. When it's in Capricorn, it's an opportunity to gain clarity on your career goals and see the results of your hard work. This moment allows us to reflect on our progress, understand where we've come from, and set our sights on new heights. It's a time to celebrate achievements and release anything that no longer serves our path to success.

How to Work with the Full Moon in Capricorn

During this Full Moon, it's crucial to focus on your long-term goals and embrace a spirit of discipline. Here are a few ways to harness the energy of Capricorn:

  • Set Clear Goals: Define your long-term goals and break them down into manageable steps. Capricorn encourages us to be strategic and practical in our approach.

  • Evaluate Your Progress: Reflect on your achievements and assess what has worked and what hasn't. Use this energy to make necessary adjustments and stay on track.

  • Commit to Hard Work: Embrace the discipline and perseverance needed to achieve your goals. Capricorn teaches us that success comes from consistent effort and dedication.

  • Build Solid Foundations: Focus on creating a strong foundation for your future endeavors. This could involve organizing your finances, planning your career path, or strengthening your personal relationships.

  • Celebrate Your Achievements: Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments. Recognize the hard work and dedication that have brought you this far.

Your Invitation for the Full Moon in Capricorn

As you work with the energies of the Full Moon in Capricorn, focus on embracing the spirit of discipline and commitment. This energy invites you to step into your power with confidence and determination. Let go of any fears or doubts that hold you back, and allow yourself to dream big. Find joy in your hard work and trust that every effort is part of your growth and evolution.

By embracing the structured energy of Capricorn, you can create a life filled with achievement, stability, and long-term success. Take this opportunity to connect with your inner ambition and let the wisdom of Capricorn guide you toward a path of discipline, clarity, and inner strength. May the Full Moon in Capricorn fill your heart with determination and your soul with a thirst for achievement.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) - "Career Milestones"

Aries, the Capricorn Full Moon illuminates your tenth house of career and public life. This transit can bring insights about your professional path and public image. You might experience a breakthrough in your career or reach a significant milestone. Use this energy to advance your professional goals and embrace new opportunities for growth.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - "Expanding Horizons"

Taurus, the Full Moon in Capricorn activates your ninth house of travel, education, and philosophy. This transit may reveal significant insights about your beliefs, academic pursuits, or long-distance travel. You could gain clarity on your personal growth journey or complete an educational goal. Embrace this time to broaden your horizons and explore new ideas.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - "Transformation and Intimacy"

Gemini, the Capricorn Full Moon lights up your eighth house of shared resources and deep transformation. This could be a pivotal moment in your financial or emotional commitments, bringing clarity to your intimate relationships. You might undergo a profound personal transformation or resolve a significant issue in a joint venture. Use this energy to embrace change and release what no longer serves you.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) - "Relationship Revelations"

Cancer, the Full Moon in Capricorn activates your seventh house of partnerships and relationships. This transit might bring revelations about your personal or professional relationships. You could gain insights into dynamics that need resolution or reach a new level of understanding with a partner. Use this energy to establish balance and harmony in your relationships.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) - "Health and Routine Adjustments"

Leo, the Capricorn Full Moon illuminates your sixth house of health, work, and daily routines. This is a powerful moment to gain insights into your wellness habits and work-life balance. You might complete a health goal or find a new approach to your daily routines. Embrace this energy to improve your well-being and create a healthier lifestyle.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) - "Creative Breakthroughs"

Virgo, the Full Moon in Capricorn energizes your fifth house of creativity, self-expression, and romance. This transit may bring revelations related to your creative projects or romantic life. You could complete an artistic endeavor or experience a breakthrough in your personal expression. This is a great time to celebrate your unique talents and passions.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) - "Home and Family Insights"

Libra, the Capricorn Full Moon activates your fourth house of home and family. This transit might bring revelations about your living situation or family dynamics. You could reach a conclusion on a home-related matter or gain insights into your roots and ancestry. Use this time to focus on creating harmony within your home and family.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) - "Communication Clarity"

Scorpio, the Full Moon in Capricorn lights up your third house of communication, learning, and local community. This transit can bring important information or a breakthrough in how you communicate. You might complete a project or gain insights into your local environment. Use this energy to improve communication and connect with your community.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - "Financial Realizations"

Sagittarius, the Capricorn Full Moon activates your second house of finances and personal resources. This transit might bring revelations about your income, assets, or self-worth. You could complete a financial goal or gain clarity on managing your resources. Embrace this time to focus on financial stability and abundance.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) - "Personal Growth"

Capricorn, the Full Moon in your sign illuminates your first house of self and identity. This is a transformative moment, allowing you to reflect on your personal journey and sense of self. You might gain insights into your path or experience a personal breakthrough. Use this energy to embrace your individuality and step into your power.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) - "Spiritual Awakening"

Aquarius, the Capricorn Full Moon activates your twelfth house of spirituality, dreams, and the subconscious. This transit may bring profound spiritual insights or awakenings. You might gain clarity on hidden patterns or complete a cycle of inner growth. Embrace this energy to connect with your inner world and find peace within.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) - "Community Connections"

Pisces, the Full Moon in Capricorn energizes your eleventh house of friendships and social networks. This transit might bring revelations about your social circles or a community project. You could complete a significant collaboration or gain new insights into your social life. Use this time to strengthen connections and embrace the support of your community.


The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21 brings powerful energies for each zodiac sign, offering opportunities for revelation, completion, and transformation. Embrace these energies and allow them to guide you toward growth and clarity. May your journey through July 2024 be filled with insights, breakthroughs, and new possibilities.

Readings By Marvelous Madame Tarot Channel

July 2024: Video Playlist(s)

This MASTER playlist includes ALL uploaded Videos on the channel for All 12 Signs Monthly, each sign should get (2) per month *(unless otherwise advised)* and the following Weekly Collective Audio Readings:







Total of 6 Collective Videos per Month For All Signs: ♈️♉️ ♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️ *unless otherwise noted

Readings By Marvelous Madame Tarot Channel

Master 2024: Video Playlist(s) Per Zodiac Sign

The Marvelous Minute Blog Articles of Major Astrology Happenings for July 2024: