Hello January 2024!

Welcome to Capricorn/Aquarius Season

January 2024 Horoscope

Navigating Transformation and Creative Expression

As we embark on the first month of the new year, January 2024 promises a celestial tapestry of transformative energies, ambition, and creative expression. The cosmic stage is set for a month of profound shifts and empowering energies. As we bid farewell to the challenges of the past, the universe invites us to embrace transformation, assert our ambitions, and celebrate our unique selves. Let the celestial dance guide you towards personal growth, professional success, and vibrant self-expression.

January 1: "Clarity Dawns as Mercury Stations Direct at 22° Sagittarius"

House Activation: 3rd House (Communication, Learning)
Mercury stations direct, lifting the fog of confusion. Communication flows with clarity, enabling fruitful learning experiences. Embrace the newfound intellectual vigor and express your thoughts with confidence.

January 4: "Ambitious Energy Unleashed as Mars Enters Capricorn"

House Activation: 4th House (Home, Family, Roots)
Mars marches into Capricorn, infusing our homes and family lives with determination. Channel this energy into ambitious domestic projects and strengthen the foundations of your personal haven.

January 11: "Seeds of Ambition Planted with the Capricorn New Moon"

House Activation: 4th House (Home, Family, Roots)
The New Moon in Capricorn inspires intentions for a secure and ambitious home life. Plant seeds of domestic growth and set foundations that resonate with your aspirations.

January 13: "Mind Meets Structure as Mercury Re-enters Capricorn"

House Activation: 4th House (Home, Family, Roots)
Mercury's return to Capricorn aligns thoughts with structured planning. Communication within the family gains practicality—ideal for addressing domestic matters with precision.

January 20: "Embrace Change: Sun and Pluto Enter Aquarius"

House Activation: 5th House (Creativity, Romance, Self-Expression)
The Sun and transformative Pluto illuminate our creative selves in Aquarius. Embrace change in self-expression, creativity, and romantic pursuits. This celestial duo sparks individuality.

January 23: "Grounded Love: Venus Enters Capricorn"

House Activation: 4th House (Home, Family, Roots)
Venus graces Capricorn, infusing love with stability. Strengthen family bonds, create a nurturing home environment, and relish the grounded beauty of love.

January 25: "Illuminate Your Path: Full Moon in Leo"

House Activation: 10th House (Career, Public Life)
The Full Moon in Leo shines a spotlight on our professional paths. Acknowledge achievements, celebrate your journey, and let your professional prowess illuminate your path forward.

January 26: "Breakthroughs Await: Uranus Stations Direct in Taurus"

House Activation: 7th House (Partnerships, Relationships)
Uranus stations direct in Taurus, bringing breakthroughs in partnerships. Embrace change and innovation in your relationships, allowing for unexpected and exciting connections.


January 2024 invites us to dance with the cosmic energies of transformation, ambition, and self-expression. As Mercury clears the way for communication, Mars and the New Moon in Capricorn encourage the pursuit of ambitious domestic goals. The Sun and Pluto's entry into Aquarius inspires creativity and change, while Venus in Capricorn grounds our expressions of love. The Full Moon in Leo illuminates our professional paths, and Uranus in Taurus promises exciting breakthroughs in relationships. Embrace the transformative energies, celebrate your individuality, and set the stage for a year of personal and professional success. May the celestial symphony guide you towards a month of growth, joy, and vibrant self-discovery.

Key Dates of January 2024:

  • January 1: Mercury stations direct at 22° Sagittarius

  • January 4: Mars enters Capricorn

  • January 11: New Moon at 20° Capricorn

  • January 13: Mercury re-enters Capricorn

  • January 20: Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius

  • January 23: Venus enters Capricorn

  • January 25: Full Moon at 5° Leo

  • January 26: Uranus stations direct at 19° Taurus

New Moon in Capricorn

(January 11, 2024)

New Moon in Capricorn (January 11, 2024)

New Moon at 20° Capricorn

As the New Moon graces us at 20° Capricorn on January 11, 2024, it heralds a time of fresh beginnings, solid foundations, and a profound connection to ambition and responsibility. Let's explore the impacts on each zodiac sign using the Western tropical whole sign house system.


(March 21 - April 19): House Activation: 10th House (Career, Public Life)
Title: "Career Pinnacle Beckons"
Embrace opportunities for professional growth, Aries. The New Moon ignites your 10th house, encouraging you to set ambitious career goals. Plant seeds for success and step confidently into the spotlight.


(April 20 - May 20): House Activation: 9th House (Higher Learning, Expansion)
Title: "Expand Your Horizons"
The New Moon lights up your 9th house, inviting you to explore new intellectual frontiers. Consider travel, education, or spiritual pursuits. Embrace the unknown and broaden your perspective, Taurus.


(May 21 - June 20): House Activation: 8th House (Transformation, Shared Resources)
Title: "Transformative Bonds Await"
Intimacy and shared resources take center stage, Gemini. Use this New Moon energy to deepen connections and explore joint ventures. Embrace transformation in your partnerships.


(June 21 - July 22): House Activation: 7th House (Partnerships, Relationships)
Title: "Harmony in Relationships"
The New Moon graces your 7th house, highlighting relationships. Focus on creating harmony and balance in partnerships. Set intentions for mutual understanding and connection.


(July 23 - August 22): House Activation: 6th House (Health, Routine)
Title: "Revitalize Your Well-being"
Leo, the New Moon energizes your 6th house. Prioritize health and well-being. Set intentions for a balanced routine and self-care. Small changes can lead to significant improvements.


(August 23 - September 22): House Activation: 5th House (Creativity, Romance)
Title: "Unleash Your Creative Spirit"
The New Moon sparks creativity in your 5th house. Embrace your artistic side, pursue hobbies, and foster romantic connections. Let your heart lead the way, Virgo.


(September 23 - October 22): House Activation: 4th House (Home, Family)
Title: "Nurturing Home Foundations"
The New Moon focuses on your home and family life. Set intentions for a harmonious domestic environment. Strengthen family bonds and create a secure foundation, Libra.


(October 23 - November 21): House Activation: 3rd House (Communication, Learning)
Title: "Expressive Communication"
The New Moon energizes your 3rd house, boosting communication skills. Set intentions for clear expression and enhance your learning. Your voice carries great power, Scorpio.


(November 22 - December 21): House Activation: 2nd House (Finances, Values)
Title: "Financial Growth Ahead"
Sagittarius, the New Moon influences your finances and values. Set intentions for financial stability and align your actions with your core values. Abundance is on the horizon.


(December 22 - January 19): House Activation: 1st House (Self, Identity)
Title: "A Renewed Sense of Self"
The New Moon graces your 1st house, Capricorn. Set powerful intentions for self-improvement and personal growth. Embrace a renewed sense of identity and step into your own light.


(January 20 - February 18): House Activation: 12th House (Spirituality, Inner Growth)
Title: "Journey Within"
The New Moon highlights your 12th house, encouraging inner exploration. Set intentions for spiritual growth and release what no longer serves you. Find solace in reflection, Aquarius.


(February 19 - March 20): House Activation: 11th House (Community, Aspirations)
Title: "Connect and Aspire"
The New Moon energizes your 11th house, emphasizing social connections. Set intentions for community involvement and pursue your aspirations within a supportive network, Pisces.

Conclusion: As the New Moon graces Capricorn, it gifts us the opportunity to lay the groundwork for a year of growth and achievement. Set intentions aligned with the house activation for your zodiac sign, and watch as the seeds you plant now blossom throughout the months ahead. Embrace the energies of ambition, responsibility, and fresh starts, as they guide you toward a fulfilling and transformative journey in 2024.

Moons Podcast for New Moon in ♑️ Capricorn

January 11, 2024

All Signs: ♈️♉️ ♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️

Full Moon in Leo

(January 25, 2024)

Full Moon in Leo (January 25, 2024)

January 25, 2024: Full Moon at 5° Leo

As the luminous Full Moon graces us at 5° Leo on January 25, 2024, it brings forth an energy of self-expression, creativity, and the celebration of individuality. Let's explore how this celestial event influences each zodiac sign using the Western tropical whole sign house system.


(March 21 - April 19): House Activation: 5th House (Creativity, Romance)
Title: "Boldly Express Your Passion"
Aries, the Full Moon lights up your 5th house. Embrace your passions, express your creativity, and let your inner fire shine. This is your time to revel in the spotlight and celebrate your uniqueness.


(April 20 - May 20): House Activation: 4th House (Home, Family)
Title: "Harmony in Your Domestic Realm"
Taurus, focus on your home and family. The Full Moon energizes your 4th house, bringing emotional fulfillment. Strengthen family bonds, create a harmonious environment, and cherish the comforts of home.


(May 21 - June 20): House Activation: 3rd House (Communication, Learning)
Title: "Express Yourself with Clarity"
Gemini, the Full Moon illuminates your 3rd house. Communicate with clarity, share your ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations. Your words have the power to inspire and uplift.


(June 21 - July 22): House Activation: 2nd House (Finances, Values)
Title: "Prosperity Radiates Your Values"
Cancer, focus on your finances and values. The Full Moon highlights your 2nd house, aligning your actions with your core values. Embrace a mindset of abundance and watch prosperity unfold.


(July 23 - August 22): House Activation: 1st House (Self, Identity)
Title: "Celebrate Your Radiance"
Leo, the Full Moon graces your 1st house. Shine in all your glory, celebrate your individuality, and express your true self. It's your time to be seen and appreciated.


(August 23 - September 22): House Activation: 12th House (Spirituality, Inner Growth)
Title: "Embrace Spiritual Reflection"
Virgo, the Full Moon illuminates your 12th house. Dive into spiritual practices, reflect on inner growth, and find solace in moments of quiet contemplation.


(September 23 - October 22): House Activation: 11th House (Community, Aspirations)
Title: "Connect with Your Tribe"
Libra, focus on social connections. The Full Moon energizes your 11th house, inspiring community involvement. Collaborate with like-minded individuals and pursue your aspirations.


(October 23 - November 21): House Activation: 10th House (Career, Public Life)
Title: "Career Highlight"
Scorpio, the Full Moon lights up your 10th house. Celebrate career achievements and milestones. Your professional path is illuminated, and recognition is on the horizon.


(November 22 - December 21): House Activation: 9th House (Higher Learning, Expansion)
Title: "Expand Your Horizons"
Sagittarius, embrace the spirit of adventure. The Full Moon energizes your 9th house, encouraging exploration and higher learning. Open your mind to new possibilities.


(December 22 - January 19): House Activation: 8th House (Transformation, Shared Resources)
Title: "Embrace Transformative Connections"
Capricorn, focus on transformation. The Full Moon highlights your 8th house, encouraging deep connections and shared resources. Embrace the power of change.


(January 20 - February 18): House Activation: 7th House (Partnerships, Relationships)
Title: "Harmony in Relationships"
Aquarius, the Full Moon illuminates your 7th house. Strengthen partnerships, foster harmony in relationships, and celebrate the connections that bring joy to your life.


(February 19 - March 20): House Activation: 6th House (Health, Routine)
Title: "Nurture Your Well-being"
Pisces, prioritize well-being. The Full Moon energizes your 6th house, inspiring positive health changes and a balanced routine. Nurture your mind, body, and spirit.

Conclusion: As the Leo Full Moon casts its luminous glow, it invites us to revel in our uniqueness and express our authentic selves. Embrace the energy of celebration, creativity, and self-expression throughout the month ahead. Let this celestial event be a reminder that you are a radiant and unique individual, deserving of recognition and appreciation. Shine on, and let your light guide you on a path of fulfillment and joy.

Moons Podcast for Full Moon in ♌️ Leo (January 25, 2024)

All Signs: ♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️

Readings By Marvelous Madame Tarot Channel

January 2024: Video Playlist(s)

This playlist includes the following weekly Video Readings for the timeframe(s) of :

💥December 31st thru January 7th

💥January 7th thru January 14th

💥January 14th thru January 21st

💥January 21st thru January 28th

💥January 28th thru February 4th

Total of 60 Videos (4 Videos per Sign) For All Signs: ♈️♉️ ♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️

* This playlist may also include BONUS and/or any Astrology Inspired Uploads for each sign*

Readings By Marvelous Madame Tarot Channel

January 2024: Collective Reading Video Playlist

This playlist includes the following Weekly Video Readings:








Total of 7 Videos per Month For All Signs: ♈️♉️ ♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️