All tagged Aries

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aries

Ready to mix it up a little, Aries? August was a heavy month, especially with work. A pileup of cosmic activity erupted in Taurus, activating your productive, practical second house. But this busy-bee moment was poorly scheduled, arriving during Leo season and peak playtime for your sign. If you’re feeling on the edge of burnout as September starts, we’re not surprised!

Your prescription for the month ahead: Slow down, get support and hold off on starting any huge new projects. With the Sun in Virgo and your sixth house of health and helpmates, you’re best served by handing off whatever duties you can and getting back on a schedule of workouts, clean eating and proper sleep.

That may sound boring, but it won’t be. With your ruling planet, Mars, on an extended spree through Gemini (August 20 until March 25), your third house of friends and local activity is lit up for the next seven months. Look forward to an active social life and lots of fun invitations and collabs. Once Libra season begins on September 22, a kindred spirit connection could turn into a real-deal partnership, especially near the September 25 Libra new moon. But no need to rush as new moons can take six months to fully unfold.

Another reason to slow your roll, Aries? All of the languid outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) are in powered-down retrograde this month, a better time to evaluate plans than act on them. Joining the retrograde brigade from September 9 until October 2 is speedy Mercury, the ruler of technology, communication and travel. With six planets now in this rear-facing retrograde, think of September as a much-needed 2022 “deep cleaning” and catchup month. Focus on finishing incomplete projects and getting your relationships back on track. Clear the slate for next month, when the planets start moving forward again, along with your life!

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

As you pack in the last ocean side days of the late spring and anticipate the thing that's coming down the road, things are moving in the stars and September introduces an entirely unexpected energy. While things cool down temperature-wise, the change-production power of August relaxes all in all too. It is not necessarily the case that September isn't overflowing with turns and vacillations, yet it's certainly not quite so overpowering as what we traveled through a month ago. The soothsaying of August pushed us as far as possible, it showed us the kind of extraordinary tension that we are fit for making due. September presents to us an essential snapshot of respite as a Mercury Retrograde, allowing us to stop, pause and rest, glance around, and continue forward with some effortlessness and nobility. However, it's a cycle.

Mercury stations retrograde on September 9 and stays in reverse movement until it stations direct on October 2, when retrograde finishes. At the point when Mercury — the planet that oversees correspondence, the sharing and getting of information and data, as well as nearby travel — dials back to a stop and turns to go in reverse on September 9, dialing back and turn too is our sign. Explicit pieces of your life will be up for audit, re-assessment, or re-dos during the retrograde period. Whether you're voyaging this month or remaining in, you'll say thanks to yourself in October by noticing the call to exploit this three-week gateway in Retrograde Land by utilizing an opportunity to dial back and reflect before life — and travel — fires up back in October. Underneath, your September 2022 horoscope.