September 2022: Career Horoscopes

September 2022: Career Horoscopes

September 2022 Aries Career Horoscope

Streamline and systematize! For the first three weeks of the month, the Virgo Sun is heating up your organized sixth house, ramping up productivity and making you crave efficiency. Any areas of your life where you may have been slacking are spotlighted during this focused solar spell. Tackle your to-do list, and make a point of doing it quickly. Mercury, the planet of technology and information, turns retrograde from September 9 until October 2. While you may want to stretch out those last lazy days of summer, you could end up with an administrative mess on your hands if you don’t start tackling those piled-up projects a bit at a time.

Get ready for your phone to ping like crazy this month as energizer Mars blazes through Gemini all month (and until March 2023!). With your communication house revved up, expect exciting news, lots of meetings and plenty of opportunities to pitch your brilliant ideas. The squeaky Ram gets the premium-grade oil!

Dynamic duos are only getting more of a boost as the month wears on. On September 22, the Sun blasts into Libra and your partnership house for a month. An exciting contract or business partnership could come your way, especially near the September 25 Libra new moon.

September 2022 Taurus Career Horoscope

Money could be a source of stress AND motivation this month. Energizer Mars is in Gemini from August 20 to March 25, an extended seven-month stay that’s activating your second house of work and money. You could field exciting opportunities to boost your revenue and income.

Settling into hustle mode can be a bit challenging though, Taurus. With the Sun in Virgo and your playful fifth house until September 22, you're not in the mood for any serious business just yet. Mine this richly creative (and social) period to express your artistic side. Soak up culture: Take yourself to see the latest museum exhibit or hear an author reading at the symphony hall. It will keep your inspiration tanks full.

On September 22, the Sun moves into Libra and your methodical sixth house for a month, joined by a Libra new moon on September 25, the perfect moment for a fresh start. With the beautifying beams of Libra in your methodical sixth house, find ways to do work that makes you both effective AND creative. How can you stay organized while still adding a personal flourish? Test-drive some productivity apps and track how you spend time so you know how long it actually takes you to accomplish your daily tasks. Start and end your day with calming rituals—the next four weeks are all about wellness and balanced living.

September 2022 Gemini Career Horoscope

We'll be honest, Gemini: September isn't historically your most industrious month. The Sun is moving through the homey and personal parts of your chart—a great time for creativity and nurturing your bonds, but not necessarily a get-'er-done time. Until September 22, the Sun is in Virgo and your domestic fourth house. You might just be most productive at home, giving your faded sundress and flip flops their last hurrah or typing cover letters from the coffee shop terrace.

But this year, motivator Mars is in Gemini (from August 20 to March 25) on a lengthy seven-month visit. Outside of a tricky retrograde from October 30 until January 12, Mars will keep you feeling pumped about a personal project or something that puts you in the spotlight.

The one day you CAN focus on your career wholeheartedly is the September 10 Pisces full moon. Make the most of this potent 24 hours by taking inventory of what you've accomplished over the past six months. Full moons are a time of harvest and contemplation. Revisit your goals: Take stock of (and celebrate!) your achievements—large and small—and don't be afraid to toss out what no longer suits you. This is also a stellar time to organize your work area: invest in supplies, clear your desk, throw out old files.

Your enthusiasm returns starting September 22, when the Sun soars into Libra and your fifth house of creativity and play for a month. Don't forget to inject fun into your day—it's always a choice—whether that's a dance break or taking in some culture to inspire a fresh mindset. The September 25 Libra new moon could spark an original idea that draws buzz for you in the coming six months. Don't dismiss the muse when she arrives!

September 2022 Cancer Career Horoscope

Get your ideas out to the world, Cancer. With the Sun in Virgo and your expressive third house until September 22, this month is favorable for meeting with prospective clients, polishing your online presence and sharing your message with the world. Well, mostly. You’ll have to navigate communicator Mercury’s retrograde (backward) spin from September 9 until October 2, which can scramble signals and put your data at risk. Back up your electronic files and devices well before this date, Crab.

When the September 10 Pisces full moon illuminates your ninth house of study and entrepreneurship, an exciting opportunity could arise, perhaps from afar. Got a big idea but not sure how to pull it off, much less even begin? Your visionary concepts might benefit from additional training or joining an inspired mastermind.

The Sun moves into Libra and your domestic sphere for a month on September 22. Ramp up the self-care and turn your home into a hub of productivity—especially at the September 25 Libra new moon. There’s no better time to transform your space into a pretty and productive nest. Find a comfy place to sit, then take “inventory”: Could your walls use a vibrant coat of paint? Have you made any room for your free weights or yoga mat? Does your home office feel like a place you actually want to get work done? Clear out the clutter (be ruthless!) and make room for the new. You never know: Your spruced-up abode could become a profit zone by renting your place out on Airbnb-type sites for additional income.

September 2022 Leo Career Horoscope

It's hustle time, Leo! With the Sun and values-driven Venus in Virgo and your productive, profit-driven second house until September 22, money's on your mind. But don’t just look ahead for opportunities. With six planets retrograde, including Mercury (and in your finance house from September 23 to October 10), your past could bring prosperity. There may be money hiding in plain sight—checks owed to you, a former client that has a side project, a job offer from an old employer. Look “back to the future” if you need a change!

When the September 10 Pisces full moon beams into your eighth house of investments, you could make a savvy move—no matter how big or small—toward long-term security and solvency. If you're home-hunting, these moonbeams could help you score a sweet real estate deal. This full moon has “joint venture” written all over it. However, you’d be wise to wait until Mercury retrograde ends on October 2 before you move forward with any binding agreements since this can be an unfavorable time to sign contracts. Make sure to read the fine print, and if need be, hire an attorney.

When the Sun moves into Libra and your social third house for a month on September 22, multitasking mania can easily creep in, along with an overloaded dance card. Sign up and RSVP only to the events that are aligned with your goals—no guilt allowed! The Libra new moon on September 25 could bring another opportunity to link up with a synergistic person on a shared project.

September 2022 Virgo Career Horoscope

What do YOU want, Virgo? You’ve got license to explore the bluest of skies this month as the Sun soars through your sign until September 22, boosted by cosmic catalyzer Mars, which is in Gemini and your ambitious tenth house for an exciting extended visit (until March 25, 2023). Normally Mars only visits each sign for six to eight weeks. In a rare turn, you’ll have its activating superpowers on your side for four times the usual stay. Prioritize and focus on your loftiest goals: launching, scaling and making your mark. You could move up to a management or leadership position or pivot into a new job that really challenges you to grow.

While you’re doing great riding solo during Virgo season, an excellent day to include others in your big plans arrives at the September 10 Pisces full moon, which beams into your seventh house of partnerships. Team up with a complementary person or debut your novel ideas to a select few people—preferably ones who can support them in some concrete way. (Think: An angel investor for your socially aware standup show or a coder for your killer app idea.)

When the Sun moves into Libra and your productive second house for a month on September 22, you're ready to roll up your organic cotton sleeves and hustle! One of the best days to plot your profitable ideas? The September 25 Libra new moon, which beams into this money-minded zone of your chart. Meditate on the work you wish to create and incorporate a visualization practice to help you see (and attract!) a lucrative outcome.

Normally, we’d tell you to spring right into action, but with Mercury retrograde from September 9 until October 2, you’ll be wiser to map out a few plans and wait a week or two to execute.

September 2022 Libra Career Horoscope

Pace yourself this month, Libra. With the Sun in Virgo and your restful twelfth house until September 22, you could be sleepier or less focused than usual. Adding to the muddled atmosphere, communication planet Mercury is retrograde (backward) from September 9 until October 2, partially in YOUR sign. Even your best ideas might not hit the bulls-eye, so it’s best to work on crafting and tweaking them then giving a slam-dunk pitch next month.

The silver lining? This is a richly creative and imaginative month when the muse will be a regular houseguest between your ears. Spend time on more right-brained activities or visualizing the prosperity you want to create. Guided meditations, time in nature (especially near water) and supportive feedback will help make your ideas even better.

Need to go into focus mode? Save it all for the September 10 Pisces full moon, which beams in your analytical and organized sixth house. A major fall cleanup of your workspace and home could get you back into a productive zone. The full moon is all about letting go—perhaps this is a good time to Konmari the clutter or corral it into pretty storage boxes that blend with your decor?

You'll be back in business when the Sun moves into Libra for a month on September 22, followed by the Libra new moon on September 25. This lunation marks your "personal new year"—a great time to make a fresh start! Libras love to look good (hi, ruling planet Venus!), so pin some Fashion Week looks from the show bloggers, pull out magazine tear sheets and get inspired! Incorporate office- and Zoom-friendly versions into your wardrobe. If you really want to make a personal statement, consider getting a subtle tattoo featuring an inspiring power word or support an emerging artist with a custom print or a handmade piece of jewelry.

September 2022 Scorpio Career Horoscope

There's power in numbers, Scorpio! With the Sun in Virgo and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology until September 22, collaborations are the key to success. Thanks to energizer Mars in Gemini and your eighth house of wealth and joint ventures, the next six months could bring opportunities to make major money through a collaboration. Do ALL your research and make sure any potential partners can pull their weight and walk their talk.

While you’re at it, leave the divas and drama queens off the roster. Mercury is retrograde from September 9 to October 2, which could find hidden agendas and flaky team members showing their hands when you least expect it.

When the September 10 Pisces full moon illuminates your fifth house of fame and creativity, your talents could draw major buzz. You’ll definitely want to leave the jealous haters who said you’d never do it OFF the guest list for any celebrations. Not to be petty—but this month is no time to allow anyone into your circle except those who 100 percent have your back!

Take a slower pace starting September 22, when the Sun slips into Libra and your twelfth house of rest and closure. Focus on tying up loose ends for the next month—and preparing for a fresh start when Scorpio season begins in a month. Make time for creativity, meditation and a few much-needed breaks to refill your inspiration tanks.

September 2022 Sagittarius Career Horoscope

Make your power moves, Sagittarius! The Sun is in Virgo and your ambitious tenth house until September 22, setting your career zone ablaze! A leadership position or promotion could be yours for the taking if you play your cards right. Working with a mentor or an accountability partner can help you stay on track. No matter what you do, be brutally vigilant about protecting your time. Write out your goals in detail, then display the list someplace where you will see them every day. Track your time and how much you spend on each task.

Tap into the power of teamwork when the Sun moves into Libra and your collaborative eleventh house for a month on September 22. Got a digital venture or group project to launch? Circle the September 25 Libra new moon as a great day to debut your first inaugural effort. If you've been flying solo for too long, this lunar lift could bring like-minded trailblazers into your sphere.

With go-getter Mars in Gemini for the next six months, partnerships are a heat zone for you. Just bear in mind that Mercury, ruler of communication and technology, is retrograde from September 9 to October 2. Explore your options fully before making anything official just yet. If you must sign on the dotted line, make sure you’ve reviewed the fine print and gotten it all checked out by any expert advisors.

September 2022 Capricorn Career Horoscope

Give 'em something to talk about, Capricorn! You’re inspired and eager to share about it as the Sun blazes through Virgo and your adventurous ninth house until September 22. With go-getter Mars in Gemini and your sixth house of organization, you’re eager to start mapping out plans and moving on them. But with Mercury retrograde September 9 to October 2, it’s better to take things one step at a time. Use this month to get your plans in order, then go into implementation mode in October.

Got an idea to pitch? Start sharing about it around the Pisces full moon on September 10, which will beam into your communication zone and give you the gift of gab. Since this full moon falls on a weekend, you might get some advice from a friend over brunch. Listen up: They could have helpful and constructive feedback. You might even feel a synergistic click with someone. Could there be dynamic-duo potential? Test your chemistry with a small project before you go filing that joint LLC or drafting a shared business plan.

On September 22, the Sun starts a four-week trip through Libra, heating up your tenth house of career and ambition. Break big dreams into bite-sized action steps and get seasoned support for your ascent from a mentor or expert in your field. The September 25 Libra new moon opens a new six-month chapter of your success story. If you’re not loving your current professional path, you might decide to make a pivot!

The tenth house rules status and recognition. Have you been working on a noteworthy project? Submit your work for an award or apply for a fellowship. Anything that supplies credibility and raises your profile could be great now. If you're due for a raise, ask for one!

September 2022 Aquarius Career Horoscope

Dive into the deep end of the pool, Aquarius With the Sun in Virgo and your eighth house of research, merging and shared finances until September 22, this month is all about powerful alliances and transformational projects. The key will be to FOCUS!

Plot some money moves at the September 10 Pisces full moon, which will illuminate your second house of work and financial gain. Update your resume with your most recent achievements. Put your name in the ring for a promotion or plum project.

Optimism returns starting September 22, when the Sun starts a monthlong visit to Libra and your ninth house of growth, entrepreneurship and travel. Let a vacation be your motivation. Start saving for a trip to a beautiful (and budget-friendly) bucket list trip. If you're a freelancer, make it a "work-cation"—have laptop, will travel— and head somewhere you can quietly develop your passion projects in a serene setting. Shake loose from your everyday surroundings and allow yourself to be inspired. The Libra new moon on September 25 could spark a visionary idea or a novel concept for a savvy startup!

September 2022 Pisces Career Horoscope

Bring on the dynamic duos! The Sun is zipping through Virgo and your seventh house of partnerships until September 22, restoring harmony to your bonds. For the first three weeks of the month, focus on clear and effective communication. This is all the more imperative since Mercury, ruler of technology and information, will be retrograde from September 9 to October 2. Be especially cautious about sharing proprietary intel and signing contracts. Hold off until next month if you can, and make sure to have confidentiality agreements inked before you let anyone into the vault.

On September 10, the Pisces full moon shines a spotlight on your grandest personal goals. This is the culmination of the March 2 Pisces new moon, and it will bring your last birthday wishes to manifestation. Since full moons can signify endings, it might be time to release an outmoded habit or self-defeating belief that no longer serves your best interests.

On September 22, the Sun shifts into Libra and your eighth house of joint ventures and long-term finances for a month. You'll gain insight about who can be trusted for the long haul. Explore opportunities to merge your resources for mutual gain or to make a savvy investment. Passive- income prospects could pop up, such as a chance to earn affiliate money, royalties or commissions.

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Taurus

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Taurus

September 2022: Love Horoscopes

September 2022: Love Horoscopes