September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Taurus

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Taurus

It’s Virgo season until September 22

Stretch out those late-summer days, Taurus—there's still so much fun to be had. The Sun is swirling through Virgo and your passionate, creative fifth house until September 22, and you won't want to waste one action-packed second. Lean into your joie de vivre and let your big ideas have the stage. Some of those back-to-school plans can wait until later in the month. For now, there are moments to be savored! Don’t let your practical side steal all the fun.

With Mercury turning retrograde early in the month (more on that momentarily), don’t be surprised if an old friend or flame resurfaces this month. For most of Virgo season, though, you may be dealing with some annoying tasks and unfinished loose ends that cut into your playtime. The sooner you handle these items, the faster you can get back to following your bliss. Better yet, outsource as many tasks as you can to a capable support person or specialist. This is YOUR time to let loose instead of carrying the load for everyone else.

Mercury turns retrograde September 9 to October 2

Screeeeech! Hit the brakes on any fast-moving plans and projects that are starting to gobble all your time, money and resources. Communication planet Mercury turns retrograde on September 9, splitting its time between Libra (until September 23) then Virgo (for the duration).

During the first two weeks, the cosmic tech lord will run roughshod through your organized and healthy sixth house, which could create chaos for any projects you’re trying to finish. Back up all your data and electronic files early in the month to prevent losing key information. Keeping track of the details will take extra vigilance, and members of Team Taurus could be distracted and difficult. Watch your stress levels, especially since Mercury’s backspin through your wellness zone can make you susceptible to airborne and contact infections. Skip the hugs and opt for an elbow pound—and don’t be shy about wearing a mask even if they’re not required.

From September 23 to October 2, Mercury backs into Virgo and your romance sector. You may hear from an ex or see a flare-up of drama in your love life. Thought that issue was resolved? Apparently not. Keep your own temper and reactiveness in check. Make sure you’re not pushing someone’s buttons just to get their attention or see if they care. And if anyone is doing that to YOU, don’t take their bait.

Collaborations ignite at the September 10 Pisces full moon

There’s power in numbers, Taurus! Tap into teamwork on September 10, when the Pisces full moon illuminates your eleventh house of group activity and technology. A creative collaboration could come together or you might join virtual forces with an eclectic group, perhaps around a political or social cause. With midterm elections coming up, U.S.-based Bulls might want to advocate for a political candidate who aligns with your values. At the very least, make sure you’re registered to vote and have a plan to get to the polls when it’s time to cast your ballot.

Launching a digital venture? The Pisces full moon could be an ideal day to roll it out since these moonbeams turn you into cosmic clickbait (the good kind!). Send out an email blast, debut a podcast or hire a developer to help you scope out that brilliant app concept. If you need support around your fall goals, look for online courses and communities where you can align with like-minded people on a similar path.

Cleanup time: Libra season starts September 22, and the September 25 Libra new moon

The hedonism of this month starts to wane on September 22, when the Sun shifts into Libra and your sixth house of health, fitness and organization. Now, you’re ready to buckle down and start following more of a plan—and the balancing fall equinox supports your mission. Break out the spreadsheets and calendars or fire up a project-management app like Asana. Get those action steps mapped out, and don’t forget to take your 10,000 literal steps too!

By the time the September 25 Libra new moon arrives, you'll be ready to clean up your eating habits, start an exercise routine and get into belated back-to-school mode. But don’t just put a Band-Aid on things. This new moon will sit opposite expansive Jupiter in your twelfth house of healing, closure and emotional depth, indicating that the mind-body-spirit connection is strong. It’s not enough to cut back on refined sugars or increase your workout duration, though those are admirable! If you’re resisting doing the hard but necessary work, there may be an underlying reason that needs resolution. In other words, it’s not just what you’re eating but, as they say, what’s eating you.

We’re not suggesting you make excuses or blame anyone for your procrastination or questionable choices. But if you notice the same self-sabotaging patterns keep cropping up, there could be a deeper issue at play. This day is your invitation to get honest with yourself and confront what you’ve been avoiding. New moons unfold over the course of six months, so don’t expect this to be an instant transformation. Take incremental steps to heal yourself inside and out, and by the time the Virgo full moon arrives in March 2023, you could be in a nice, stable place.

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