All in Air Signs

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius

Lighter days are on their way! This summer had a LOT of heaviness, with so many planets in your fellow fixed signs and weighty Saturn slogging through Aquarius. If you felt unusually anchored—even if your life was all over the place—September will start to bring ease.

We say “start” because there’s still a certain intensity, especially while the Sun is in Virgo and your intimate, private eighth house until September 22. But once Libra season begins at the balancing equinox on the 22nd, your adventurous and worldly ninth house comes to life. The floodgates of inspiration open, bringing new opportunities to broaden your horizons, especially near the September 25 Libra new moon.

Even better? Energizer Mars is in Gemini for the next six months (from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023), making an extended trip through your fifth house of fame, romance and self-expression. Your PSL won’t be the only thing getting spiced up this autumn!

Still, patience will be required. All of the slow-moving outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune AND Pluto—are in powered down retrograde (backward) motion this whole month. On September 9, communication planet Mercury joins the retrograde brigade, foiling technology, schedules and day-to-day interactions until October 2. There will be obstacles to navigate, but nothing you can’t handle with a few deep breaths and the support of your friends.

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Libra

Ready for a little break, Libra? We know: Summer’s just ending. But the planets are directing you to spend some time in your cocoon this September, especially while the Sun is in Virgo and your restful twelfth house through September 22. Maybe you’ve got an artistic or spiritual project that’s calling (the muse will be waiting for you with open arms!). Perhaps there are some unfinished items that could be crossed off the list before your next birthday—and Libra season—arrive.

Another reason to take a measured pace? All of the slow-moving outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune AND Pluto—are powered down in retrograde (backward) motion this whole month. On September 9, communication planet Mercury joins the retrograde brigade, foiling technology, scheduling and day-to-day interactions until October 2.

Even trickier? Mercury will be retrograde in Libra for the first two weeks of the backspin (until September 23), leaving you feeling misunderstood and scattered if you take on too much. Hence the need for a cozy cocoon/escape pod where you can be left along with your imagination. A break from human drama will do you good and help you stay productive.

Fear not, Libra: There are plenty of adventures to be had despite these retrograde challenges. Go-getter Mars is in Gemini for the next six months (until March 2023), heating up your ninth house of travel, entrepreneurship and big ideas. And once the Sun moves into Libra on September 22, you’ll feel a sense of renewal, buoyed by the September 25 Libra new moon. Consider the new moon your “personal new year,” a hard reset that will give you a refreshed perspective and direction.

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Gemini

Wide awake! If you’re not feeling the electrifying jolt of Mars in Gemini yet, you’re really not paying attention. The restless red planet is blazing through YOUR sign for an extended seven-month trip (August 20 until March 25), amping up your confidence and charisma. While the surge of motivation is great, it will be hard to power down with Mars here. Luckily, Gemini is a sign that’s accustomed to multitasking and juggling. Still, it could be a lot of intensity, even for you.

To mitigate this, lean in to the soothing and earthy energy of Virgo season. The Sun is in your foundational fourth house of home, family and emotional nourishment until September 22. Stay in your PJs a little longer. Sneak in an afternoon nap between Zooms. Connect with loved ones, whether it’s for a short visit or a long phone call. Quality time is more important than quantity now. Remember: You don’t have to say “yes” to every invitation either! While Mars is in Gemini, you’ll be in high demand, so be selective with your RSVPs.

Another reason to pace yourself? All five of the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are in powered-down retrograde now. It’s a wise time to step back and evaluate your plans and path.

From September 9 until October 2, your ruling planet, Mercury, will join the retrograde brigade, setting off a tricky three-week cycle for technology, communication and travel. Combined with Mars in Gemini, you could come on too strong for some people, offending them with your bluntness. If you’re not sure whether to say or post something, err on the side of silence—at least until Mercury turns direct (forward) next month.

That advice goes triple-time during Libra season, when the Sun heats up your expressive and attention-seeking fifth house for a month starting September 22. Channel all that wild energy into a creative project or a fall romance, which could start heating up just as the outdoor temperatures begin to cool.

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

As you pack in the last ocean side days of the late spring and anticipate the thing that's coming down the road, things are moving in the stars and September introduces an entirely unexpected energy. While things cool down temperature-wise, the change-production power of August relaxes all in all too. It is not necessarily the case that September isn't overflowing with turns and vacillations, yet it's certainly not quite so overpowering as what we traveled through a month ago. The soothsaying of August pushed us as far as possible, it showed us the kind of extraordinary tension that we are fit for making due. September presents to us an essential snapshot of respite as a Mercury Retrograde, allowing us to stop, pause and rest, glance around, and continue forward with some effortlessness and nobility. However, it's a cycle.

Mercury stations retrograde on September 9 and stays in reverse movement until it stations direct on October 2, when retrograde finishes. At the point when Mercury — the planet that oversees correspondence, the sharing and getting of information and data, as well as nearby travel — dials back to a stop and turns to go in reverse on September 9, dialing back and turn too is our sign. Explicit pieces of your life will be up for audit, re-assessment, or re-dos during the retrograde period. Whether you're voyaging this month or remaining in, you'll say thanks to yourself in October by noticing the call to exploit this three-week gateway in Retrograde Land by utilizing an opportunity to dial back and reflect before life — and travel — fires up back in October. Underneath, your September 2022 horoscope.