All in Water Signs

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Pisces

So. Many. Feelings! The Sun is moving through the most committed parts of your chart this month, visiting Virgo and your partnership house until September 22, then plunging into Libra and your intimate eighth house. With activator Mars in Gemini and your emotional fourth house for the next six months, your sensitive Pisces nature will be on full display. While we’re all for being vulnerable and transparent, be discerning about who gets access to this deeply personal side of your life.

Here’s something you’ll find surprisingly helpful: All of the slow-moving outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune AND Pluto—are powered down in retrograde (backward) motion this whole month. This is your permission slip to take things at a more measured pace. Step back and evaluate where you’re heading and how all of the moving parts of your life fit together. Late next month, expansive Jupiter will make one final return to Pisces until the end of the year. Get clear about where you’re heading and who’s coming along for the ride.

On September 9, communication planet Mercury joins the retrograde parade, a tricky time that can foil technology, schedules and day-to-day interactions until October 2. Mercury will back through your partnership and merger zones, a make-or-break moment for a few key members of Team Pisces. Will they come along for the next chapter, or is it time to find a better fit?

Don’t rush into these decisions but DO hone your criteria and see who passes the test. The September 25 Libra new moon could be especially eye-opening. One unexpected person who’s quietly supported you could rise to the top of your list.

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Scorpio

Regroup with friends old and new this month, Scorpio. September spotlights all varieties of relationships, from casual connections to intimate ties. With the Sun traveling through Virgo and your collaborative eleventh house until September 22, it’s a great time to join forces with kindred spirits socially and for a shared mission. Whether you’re registering voters for the upcoming midterm elections or dusting off your synthesizer to start a jam band, the more is the merrier now.

With energizer Mars spending the next six months in Gemini and your intense eighth house of mergers, a powerful partnership could heat up between now and March. There will be nothing light and breezy about this one. It might be a business alliance that creates serious mutual gain. Or it could be a relationship that’s either deepening into official terrain or splitting up for good.

Warning: If you’re dividing up any shared property or pursuing a legal battle, things could get contentious, especially when Mars turns retrograde from October 30 until January 12. Take that as a cue to hash things out sooner rather than later so it doesn’t have to get ugly. Since Mars is the minor/classical ruler of Scorpio, you’ll feel its transits strongly.

Speaking of retrogrades, there’s a whole bunch of them this month. All of the slow-moving outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune AND Pluto (your ruler)—are powered down in retrograde (backward) motion for the whole month. And on September 9, communication planet Mercury joins the retrograde brigade, foiling technology, schedules and day-to-day interactions until October 2.

Whew! You might be ready for a break by the time the Sun downshifts into Libra and your restful twelfth house this September 22. Take one, Scorpio. Pull back from the fray as much as you can. Focus on tying up loose ends before your birthday—and Scorpio season, which includes another game-changing eclipse in your sign this year.

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Cancer

There’s so much going on now…but could you use a nap? You may volley between a million social engagements then an energy crash under September’s skies. Virgo season keeps your schedule packed as the Sun travels through your social and curious third house. You’re percolating with ideas, eager to share them with kindred spirits and just enjoy the fun of back-from-summer season.

The sleepy or introspective energy comes courtesy of motivator Mars, which is in Gemini and your restful, healing twelfth house. This is a challenge transit for the action planet since all that “yang” energy gets turned inward. You may feel wired and tired at the same time, besieged by waves of strong emotions that make it hard to relax and sleep.

Start taking those supplements and prioritizing self-care, Crab: Mars is here for an extended seven-month visit, from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023. That’s four times the usual residency in any zodiac sign, so you’ll need to plan accordingly. Rule number one: Don’t overbook or overextend yourself. This an opportunity to do some powerful inner work—but also a clear signal from the universe that you can’t sweep unfinished business under the rug. Break through subconscious blocks with hypnotherapy; listen to some binaural beats on a meditation app to balance your brain hemispheres and calm anxiety. If you’ve wanted to explore your artistic or spiritual gifts more, the long Mars in Gemini cycle can be extremely fruitful.

With all five of the outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune AND Pluto—in powered-down retrograde mode this month, you’re best served taking your time anyhow. And on September 9, Mercury, ruler of communication and technology, joins the retrograde parade, backing through your home and communication sectors until October 2.

When the Sun sneaks into Libra and your domestic fourth house on September 22, your already-strong desire to nest dials up to the max. Treat yourself to new kitchen equipment, upgrade your bedding and spend time with your most nurturing loved ones. Looking for a new place to live? The September 25 Libra new moon could bring changes to your home and family situation.

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

As you pack in the last ocean side days of the late spring and anticipate the thing that's coming down the road, things are moving in the stars and September introduces an entirely unexpected energy. While things cool down temperature-wise, the change-production power of August relaxes all in all too. It is not necessarily the case that September isn't overflowing with turns and vacillations, yet it's certainly not quite so overpowering as what we traveled through a month ago. The soothsaying of August pushed us as far as possible, it showed us the kind of extraordinary tension that we are fit for making due. September presents to us an essential snapshot of respite as a Mercury Retrograde, allowing us to stop, pause and rest, glance around, and continue forward with some effortlessness and nobility. However, it's a cycle.

Mercury stations retrograde on September 9 and stays in reverse movement until it stations direct on October 2, when retrograde finishes. At the point when Mercury — the planet that oversees correspondence, the sharing and getting of information and data, as well as nearby travel — dials back to a stop and turns to go in reverse on September 9, dialing back and turn too is our sign. Explicit pieces of your life will be up for audit, re-assessment, or re-dos during the retrograde period. Whether you're voyaging this month or remaining in, you'll say thanks to yourself in October by noticing the call to exploit this three-week gateway in Retrograde Land by utilizing an opportunity to dial back and reflect before life — and travel — fires up back in October. Underneath, your September 2022 horoscope.