September 2022: Love Horoscopes

September 2022: Love Horoscopes

September 2022 Aries Love Horoscope

Tap into the power of two! Your ruler, lusty Mars, is in Gemini and your third house of kindred spirits, staying for an extended seven-month run. From August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023, the randy red planet will heat up this expressive sector of your chart, which will dial up the flirtatious banter (great for any relationship status) but also make you more argumentative (especially tricky for couples).

Mars is in Gemini four times longer than its usual six- to seven-week stay in any sign. That’s because it turns retrograde from October 30 until January 12, inconveniently timed with the holidays. Take that as your cue to work out differences NOW, before the retrograde, and get things out into the open. Better to be proactive than be forced into it by circumstances down the line.

Luckily, hashing out the details can be productive, even pleasurable, while harmonizer Venus visits Virgo and your analytical sixth house from September 5 to 29. After the vixen planet’s romp through Leo and your flamboyant fifth house, you’re ready to restore some balance and simplicity to your love life. If you had a few too many hedonistic summer moments, get grounded again. Couples might embark on fall fitness and clean-eating missions, enjoying the sweet shared experience of cooking a few veggie recipes or taking an autumn bike ride together. Single Aries could meet someone through healthy pursuits or volunteer work. The sixth house rules pets, so leash up your critter and let them play four-legged wingman.

Need to have a talk about an issue you’ve been avoiding? Ready or not, the September 16 Venus-Mars square (90-degree clash) could force you to address something that’s been bugging you. Just be careful because this day could bring a serious know-it-all streak or make you overly critical of the other person’s flaws. (Mirror, mirror?)

When Libra season starts on September 22, you have a whole month to get serious as the Sun travels through your committed relationship house. Earmark the September 26 Libra new moon as an especially powerful date for making things official—or at least for starting to explore the idea of it.

September 2022 Taurus Love Horoscope

Security or spontaneity? You could be torn between competing desires for both this month. Vixen Venus is in Virgo and your passionate, playful fifth house from September 5 to 29, making you crave flirtatious encounters and a lavish date or three. Cast off the faded sundresses and flip flops: Venus in this glamorous zone wants you to spruce up and serve a few head-turning summer-into-fall looks!

You might splurge on a couple of statement pieces or high-end staples, especially since sexy Mars is now in Gemini and your sophisticated second house, sharpening your edges even more. The red planet is taking an extended tour of this pragmatic yet posh zone, visiting from August 20 until March 25. That’s five times longer than Mars’ usual visit to any zodiac sign, so you’ll feel this energy amplifying over the rest of the year.

Because Mars can be impatient and a little pushy, you may press for a guarantee or seek to know where a certain relationship is going. Ask yourself: Is this because you’re dragging your feet on a commitment…or just because you’re anxious sitting in the unknown? There’s a chance you’ll be on the receiving end of somebody’s ultimatums, which you won’t take to kindly.

When Venus and Mars lock into an embattled square on September 16, disagreements could get heated. And with Mercury retrograde already muddling your communication, there’s even more risk that you’ll be splitting hairs over issues. Do your best to find a middle path. If you’ve gotten hung up on the practical details, break the tension by doing something fun. A good laugh or an endorphin rush (think: a boardwalk bike ride or a Ferris wheel ride at the county fair) could put your problems in perspective. And if things have been nonstop drama, call a mid-month timeout and get yourself grounded again. When you feel centered, you’re less likely to be thrown off by another person’s off-kilter orbit.

September 2022 Gemini Love Horoscope

Feel the heat! You might have just won the libido lottery, Gemini—so welcome your sexy new head-turner status. Scorching Mars is in Gemini for four times its usual duration, from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023. You’ve got the next six months to enjoy being the zodiac’s most wanted!

With Mercury retrograde in Libra and your romantic fifth house until September 23, this month could be a little bumpy. You might come across as stressed, scattered or argumentative. Be direct without coming across as confrontational, a thin line right now. In most cases, just a dab of that Gemini charm and wit will more than do the trick! Tap into the confidence and proactive energy that Mars is offering but make sure you’re not dominating the conversation or making it all about you.

Luckily, some of this is offset by romantic Venus in Virgo and your caring fourth house from September 5 to 29. This softening and emotional influence can be a welcome boon. You might exchange keys, leave a few items at a love interest's place or make plans to spend the holidays together. A pregnancy or even baby plans could get underway. But be careful: On September 16, Venus and Mars lock into an embattled square, and you could get pulled between your emotions and your personal pursuits, which may be out of sync. Is someone delivering a world-class guilt trip?

When the Sun enters Libra and your passionate fifth house for a month on September 22, you'll really be in the mood for coziness—and you could find just the right person (or people) to snuggle up with. Just remember that Mercury is still retrograde until October 2 (and now in your emo fourth house), which could make you moody and easily sucked into petty bickering.

September 2022 Cancer Love Horoscope

Is your mojo in slo-mo? Lusty Mars is napping in Gemini and your restful and dreamy twelfth house until March 25, an extra-long visit that could either dial up the fantasy or make you way too emotionally fragile. (Possibly both!) If you find yourself on the edge of snapping, take a step back and get some support rather than charging in for a confrontation. While you may have reached your breaking point, this confusing period could also find you projecting some of your own issues onto the other person. In fact, if you start obsessing or getting way too attached, that’s a likely sign that unresolved issues are creeping into the present tense.

Is a relationship constantly in the “in-between place,” or are you harboring a clandestine attraction? With Mars in this secretive sector, sorting fact from fantasy could be challenging. The twelfth house rules surrender, so the more you try to force an outcome, the less likely you are to create it. A slower pace will help you see through illusions, especially while communication and information planet Mercury is retrograde from September 9 to October 2. Someone could appear who seems like a soulmate, but don't be too quick to grant them that status. Your sizzling attraction to this person could cause you to overlook red flags. Conduct your due diligence now, before Mars slips into a tricky retrograde from October 30 to January 12.

Combative Mars in your internal twelfth house could bring out a passive-aggressive streak (yes, Cancer, they know something's bugging you). While you're wise to choose your words carefully, along with your battles, it's better to be clear than make someone walk on eggshells.

Luckily, peacemaker Venus is in Virgo and your communication house from September 5 to 29, mitigating some of this intensity. You’ll be able to muster your diplomacy and even humor to help lighten the mood. Getting out and socializing with your S.O. or amour du jour can also keep you out of the emo swamplands. During this time, the couple that plays together stays together!

Can’t get past a sticking point? Better to get any conflict out in the open so you know where you stand. The September 16 Venus-Mars square, an embattled 90-degree standoff, could bring suppressed grievances into the open. Set some ground rules for any tough conversations because you’ll be tempted to throw some low jabs. It’s hard to repair the damage of irrevocable words, especially when they hit a painful spot.

September 2022 Leo Love Horoscope

Keep things loose or make it official? You could be torn between both head-spaces this month as the love planets, Venus and Mars, visit contrasting signs. While Venus in your stabilizing second house wants to commit, lusty Mars is in Gemini and your freedom-seeking eleventh house for an extended trip from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023. The emotionally detached energy of this Mars cycle could make you a little wishy-washy and restless over the next six months. Anyone who tried to fence you in with rules and demands will NOT win your favor!

Spicy Mars in this unconventional part of your chart could whet your appetite for a walk on the wild side, especially in the boudoir. But with romantic Venus in Virgo and your grounded second house from September 5 to 29, your sensible side would probably put the kibosh on anything too experimental. You’ll feel this tension strongest on September 16, when Venus and Mars lock into an embattled 90-degree square. One minute you’re an OG traditionalist; the next you’re rebelling against every rule! Proceed with a spirit of both curiosity and caution if you’re going to color outside the lines of your current relationship comfort zone.

Sure, a frisky romp might sound appealing on paper, but in reality, a whole host of feelings can crop up now, from jealousy to fear of abandonment to possessiveness. Keep drama to a minimum by being authentic about where you’re at instead of trying to be cool when something is actually bothering you, or by going along to get along.

September 2022 Virgo Love Horoscope

Summer just got a little hotter, thanks to romantic Venus sashaying through Virgo from September 5 to 29, giving you the It factor. Take a bold risk and ask someone for coffee or dinner. Confess a spicy fantasy to your partner (preferably before Mercury goes retrograde September 9 for best reception). You're feeling assertive and independent now, and you might crave a little more room to roam. If things have gotten too coupley, mix it up by hanging solo with your friend crew from time to time.

Meantime, lusty Mars is in Gemini and your tenth house of long-term goals and status, an extended visit that spans from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023. Getting dressed up like a power-couple with all eyes on you? Suddenly, that might sound appealing. If you're eyeing an edgy style upgrade, play around (but maybe try the temporary hair color and flash tattoos before you dip into dyes and inks too quickly).

Pressure alert! While Venus in Virgo makes you crave autonomy, Mars could find you hyper-fixated on the future. You could be on the receiving end of someone's stressful ultimatums, or you might be the one issuing them, especially when Venus and Mars lock into a stressful 90-degree square on September 16. Easy now: While you don't want to waste time on an indecisive person, no relationship ever really flourished under duress. Step off the gas on that ten-year plan—or at least, wait until Venus moves into Libra and your stabilizing second house on September 29, giving you a couple solid weeks to get into Virgo planner mode.

September 2022 Libra Love Horoscope

Drifting on a fantasy? With Venus in Virgo and your escapist twelfth house from September 5 to 29, your romance-meter is dialed up high. But are you seeing this situation clearly? You’ll be prone to projecting hopes and illusions onto someone as your ruler Venus spins through this sector of your chart.

Breaking you out of this fixation is hot-blooded Mars, which is visiting Gemini and your adventurous ninth house for the next six months, giving you an appetite for freedom and variety. Long-distance and cross-cultural chemistry could heat up during this elongated visit.

Both Venus and Mars are making you itchy to be “anywhere but here” this month. You could feel torn between an urge to run away and a conflicting desire to dive into a torrid affair headfirst, especially when Venus and Mars lock into an embattled square on September 16. For longtime couples, it’s practically mandatory that you spice things up by breaking out of your comfort zone. The same old same old will NOT cut it now!

If things have been tense with a partner, Venus in your compassionate twelfth house can help you take a softer and more openhearted approach to solving any conflict. Drop gentle but direct hints about how you’d like to be wooed. Or just take the lead and show your love interest how it’s done!

With Venus in your zone of closure and Mars in your sector of growth and expansion, there could be some overlap between an old relationship fading out and a new spark igniting. Or maybe you still have some inner work to do. If so, take a little break from your wild Mars in Gemini nights for healing, processing and nurturing any raw emotions. (Yes, Libra, you CAN write ten tear-stained pages in your journal and still burn up the dance floor that same night.)

When Venus moves into Libra on September 29, you’ll get your groove back, along with a lot more clarity about the direction you want your love life to take.

September 2022 Scorpio Love Horoscope

Temperatures may be dropping outside, but indoors, they’re just starting to heat up! For the next six months, passion planet Mars is blazing through Gemini and your intimate, seductive eighth house. This slow burn, which began on August 20, continues until March 25, and will turn up your erotic appeal (and appetite), along with strong feelings like jealousy and possessiveness.

This extended stay isn’t all good news, though. Next month (on October 30), Mars will turn retrograde until January 12, which could bring back some issues from the past. You could be tempted by a clandestine affair or a risky attraction. Attached? You might feel opposing forces at work: a rekindling of sexy sparks but also tension around shared finances or power struggles that arise from unexpressed resentment.

One way Mars could help is by inspiring you to be direct about addressing touchy topics, even if you feel vulnerable in the process. Take advantage of the bold and sexy energy of this assertive planet, which happens to be your cosmic co-ruler.

Although this Mars cycle could find you caught up in intense emotions or melodrama, Venus will have a balancing effect while it's in Virgo from September 5 through 29. Virgo rules your eleventh house of friendship, group activity and technology. You could meet someone (or a few fun prospects) online and enjoy some flirtatious, no-strings dates.

Friends could introduce you to their friends or you could meet someone when you're "off-duty," hanging out at a street fair or meeting friends for dinner. Stay open and make an extra effort to be present instead of zoning out or obsessing. It all starts with eye contact and a smile—and that shouldn't be too hard to do now! For coupled Scorpios, time spent hanging with your separate groups instead of being attached at the hip could keep the spark burning.

Watch for tension on September 16, when Venus and Mars lock into an embattled 90-degree square, pulling you between desires for control and autonomy. One part of you wants more breathing room, but your jealous impulses could interfere. Instead of acting like you don’t care then privately obsessing, aim for greater transparency—and catch yourself when you’re blaming someone for “making” you feel a certain way.

September 2022 Sagittarius Love Horoscope

Revved up for romance? Lusty, passionate Mars is spending the next six MONTHS in Gemini and your seventh house of partnership, turning up the heat—and the tension—in your most intimate ties. This is an extra-long visit (Mars is normally in each sign for six to eight weeks), so prepare to deal with relationship issues until March 25, 2023.

You could make love and war in equal measures with restless Mars in Gemini, especially when the red planet turns retrograde from October 30 to January 12. Some Archers are feeling the pressure to pair up…or to get some breathing room fast! Needy, demanding people will turn you off and leave you feeling burdened by their attachment.

If you're the one feeling angsty about the future, try to disperse that worry instead of projecting it onto your love interest. Mars in this decisive zone can provoke anxiety, especially for an independent sign like yours that doesn't like to commit under duress. Get out of your head and MOVE—energetic Mars wants you to be physically active. Whether that happens in the bedroom or at the gym doesn't matter…just get that frustration out of your body!

This month, romantic Venus is in Virgo from September 5 to 29, warming up your tenth house of long-term plans and professional success. Paired With Mars in this committed zone, things could start moving into official terrain fast. Hello, power couple!

But are you really ready for this much at once? A moment of (inconvenient) truth could reveal a few cracks in the foundation on September 16, when Venus and Mars lock into an embattled 90-degree square. Your relationship and career goals could also be at odds, or maybe you’re not sure you both want the same things five or ten years from now. Pause to address these matters with full honesty. When communication planet Mercury is retrograde from September 9 to October 2, use this window to get everything out in the open—and hopefully devise some savvy solutions that work for you both.

September 2022 Capricorn Love Horoscope

Late-summer vacation romance, anyone? Romantic Venus, the celestial flirt, is backpacking through Virgo and your worldly, risk-taking ninth house from September 5 to 29. You're attracted to people quite different from your usual type—possibly from another culture or country. And with Venus giving you the gambling urge, you're not afraid to talk to someone who might normally intimidate you. You could roll the dice on a long-distance connection or crave the freedom to date multiple people. For couples, attraction sizzles when you move far out of your comfort zone and try new things.

But wait…can you really let go of all that control? Just as Venus is saying “ooh la la!” and “mais oui,” intense Mars could slam the brakes. The passion planet is spending the next six months in Gemini and your analytical, micromanaging sixth house. This extended trek will last until March 25, 2023, and it could bring out an uptight and critical side of your personality (eek!).

On September 16, Venus and Mars will lock into an embattled 90-degree square, pulling you between dueling urges to hold on tight and throw caution to the wind. You might feel overwhelmed by all of your options, unsure which direction to take in a relationship. Maybe you jumped into something too quickly and are now having second thoughts. It’s okay to change your mind, but don’t drag an unsuspecting person through the process, especially if you’re still unsure.

September 2022 Aquarius Love Horoscope

Temperatures rising! Spicy Mars is in Gemini all month, heating up your fifth house of passion and pleasure. The red planet only comes here every two years, amplifying your desires and giving you instant head-turner status. Even better? Mars is making an extended trip through Gemini that runs from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023. You’ll be slaying all the way past Valentine’s Day (well, minus a tricky Mars retrograde cycle from October 30 until January 12).

Make your bold moves this month while Mars is feeling the heat! This is no time to wait for love to "just happen." With proactive Mars putting your needs on the front burner, you have cosmic permission to be direct, whether you're choosing locations for a date or instructing a lover how and where to touch you. (Sometimes there's no room for subtlety in those kinds of geography lessons, Aquarius!)

Adding to the spice is vixen Venus, sashaying through Virgo and your erotic, intimate eighth house from September 5 to 29. If you’re not feeling sexy and glamorous yet, Aquarius, this is your license to do something about it, quick!

The only pressure here is that the fifth house (where Mars is visiting) is flamboyant and flirtatious while the eighth house (Venus’ September HQ) is more private and one-on-one. There could be some moments of jealousy, or you might feel torn between getting serious with one person and pursuing the many new options you’re attracting. You’ll feel this tension the most on September 16, when Venus and Mars lock into an embattled 90-degree square.

With Mercury retrograde all month, take your time to explore before locking yourself into anything too permanent. But DO respect the agreements and commitments you’ve made. If your love interest has nothing to be threatened by, don’t dim your lights or tone down your bold personality. Their insecurity is not YOUR problem!

September 2022 Pisces Love Horoscope

Emotions ablaze! Passion planet Mars spends all month in Gemini, activating your sensitive and sentimental fourth house. This transit, which happens every two years, inspires you to deepen your bonds and take a chance on getting closer. This time around, Mars in Gemini comes with a twist: Rather than spending the usual six to eight weeks in one sign, Mars is here from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023. The downside is that this extended visit is due to a tricky retrograde (October 30 to January 12). However, this is a rare opportunity to get more assertive and courageous with your emotional expression.

This month, open up and reveal your vulnerable side or share some nostalgic pieces of your personal history by taking your S.O. on a stroll down memory lane. Is it time to show them your childhood home, introduce your partner to your family or even begin talking babies and cohabitation?

Warning: Your moods will be prickly with the red planet intensifying everything, and you're naturally prone to taking things a bit too personally. Watch those knee-jerk reactions! Mars here can activate some abandonment fears and also a few "parent issues." If you find yourself edging into needy territory—or pushing someone away because you realize how dependent you've grown—take a step back and ground yourself.

Play those cards right and you might find yourself on more secure relationship ground than ever. From September 5 to 29, romantic Venus is in Virgo and your seventh house of partnership, putting you in the mood to get serious. Single? You could meet someone who complements you to a tee. Set aside your reservations and let friends fix you up or talk to that intriguing person, even if you feel awkward at first. Coupled Pisces will enjoy sweet moments of connection. Take time for just the two of you, planning special outings where you can talk, bond and enjoy each other's company.

But don’t rush any binding decisions, especially since Mercury is retrograde from September 9 to October 2. This can be an unfavorable time to make things official because hidden information can be obscured. Mercury will also reverse through Libra and Virgo, the two most intimate and committed zones of your chart. Issues from your past might flare up. Don’t be surprised if an old flame pops up out of nowhere—and you consider giving this a second chance! Watch out for emotional overload on September 16, when Venus and Mars clash in an embattled 90-degree square. Strong feelings come rushing out and this burst dam could cause you to lose perspective, overwhelming you and anyone in your path.

September 2022: Career Horoscopes

September 2022: Career Horoscopes

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aries

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aries