September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aries

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aries

Healthy habits: It’s Virgo season until September 22

You're in full make-it-happen swing as September begins, Aries, and you're staying on top of the details! The Sun is in Virgo and your orderly sixth house, the zone of work and wellness. As spontaneous as you can be, you also have a systematic part of your brain that's adept at connecting dots and putting together a master plan. When you have a clear goal in mind—and can keep yourself motivated—nobody can power to the finish line quite like a Ram on a mission.

If you’re been wanting to get back on a health and fitness routine, now’s your time, especially since September opens in the tailwind of the August 27 Virgo new moon. However, make sure you order those fitness trackers and juice extractors before Mercury turns retrograde on September 9 (more on that in a minute) and scrambles your best-laid plans.

Mercury is retrograde September 9-October 2

Communicator Mercury turns retrograde again on September 9, which can disrupt communication, travel and technology. The quicksilver planet will split its time between Libra (until September 23) then Virgo (for the duration, until October 2). Its first two weeks will shake up your closest relationships, spotlighting the cracks and the areas that need improvement. Misunderstandings can abound, so take extra care to explain yourself and listen to the other person’s POV.

Starting September 23, Mercury will backtrack through Virgo and your healthy, organized sixth house. Stress levels will rise, and you could risk a multitasking meltdown if you take on too much. Guard against careless injuries and germs, as you could be susceptible to picking up that late-summer flu or cold. The best use of this retrograde is to streamline and simplify your life. This is a great time to declutter your workspace, appropriately store files and data, and reevaluate your exercise and eating habits. Hold off on any sweeping changes until Mercury turns direct next month, though.

Sweet surrender? The September 10 Pisces full moon brings healing closure

Ready to close the door on a difficult or emotional chapter? You'll get a cosmic assist in assuming from the September 10 full moon in Pisces, which illuminates your twelfth house of healing, closure and release.

This is like a double dose of transitional energy: Full moons also symbolize endings, and this one particularly emphasizes completion. Spiritual epiphanies could also abound. If you've been holding your feelings back or avoiding a difficult situation, this lunar light can snap you out of denial. Sometimes the hard thing to do is also the right thing to do. If that resonates, let this full moon fill your courage cup and help you create space for the next phase of your life to begin. (Spoiler: Next month’s full moon is in Aries, so the more you release, the more room you’ll have for a miracle then!)

If you need to grieve, it’s okay. The Pisces full moon opens emotional floodgates—ready or not. Have yourself a good, cleansing cry or drive out to a deserted spot to unleash a primal scream. Your intuition is dialed up high; pay attention to any strong gut feelings or "signs" you may get. Someone's true colors could be revealed at this full moon. Have you trusted too readily? Observe quietly and don't jump to conclusions, but note any behavior that seems “off” to you. It may be nothing, but before you decide that, investigate.

September 22 welcomes Libra season and the September 25 Libra new moon

Aries is the zodiac’s solo sign, but this time of year is about cooperation and partnership. That begins on September 22, when the Sun shifts into Libra and your seventh house of partnerships for a month. Commitments turn serious, whether for romance or business. Prioritize your most important relationships and give them your devoted attention.With Mercury retrograde in Libra and Virgo this month, there may be a few cracks to repair with a special person who’s gotten sidelined by your busy schedule.

Libra is your opposite sign, and with the Sun at its farthest position on the zodiac wheel from yours, your energy could be in short supply. That's all the more reason for you to lean on your team and delegate to capable crew members. Just because you CAN do it alone doesn't mean you should, Aries! If you're always the one in charge, dial down the DIY and allow others to take the helm for the next couple months.

Ready to make a partnership official? At the September 25 Libra new moon, someone could propose a permanent arrangement, whether that's with a ring, a promise or a signed contract. Since new moons can take up to six months to unfold, pay attention to the people you meet near this date. One or two could become prominent players in the coming days or weeks.

However, no need to rush! In addition to six planets being retrograde, this new moon will sit opposite ( bountiful Jupiter in Aries. Translation: You won’t want to give up an ounce of your freedom, and you may even want to keep some of your options open. Explore the idea of a long-term commitment, but make sure your autonomy doesn’t get compromised in the process.

If you’re already in an arrangement, you might feel a desire to travel, study or pursue independent interests. Whether you do that with a companion or solo, you’ll want to make sure your world feels like it’s expanding, not shrinking. If saying “yes” to someone else’s desires means saying “no” to something really important to you, this will merit more time and consideration before you commit.

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September 2022: Love Horoscopes

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview