September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Pisces

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Pisces

Dynamic duos: It’s Virgo season until September 22

Partner up for the win, Pisces! September is your month for dynamic duos as the Sun travels through your opposite sign of Virgo until September 22, then moves into Libra and your joint-ventures zone for the duration. Virgo governs your seventh house of committed relationships, and for the first three weeks of the month, bonding with your inner circle takes top billing.

Don’t forget the people who “knew you when.” With Mercury turning retrograde this month (more on that momentarily), everyone from an old love to a former business partner could resurface with an offer.

Mercury is retrograde September 9 to October 2

Should you stay or should you go? All of your closest connections and contracts are due for a refresher and a review this month. Communication planet Mercury will be retrograde from September 9 until October 2, which can disrupt communication, travel and technology.

Mercury will backtrack through Libra until September 23, putting the press on your eighth house of intimacy and shared finances. An ex could resurface, tempting you to re-engage. Though the attraction may still be strong, have those lingering issues actually cleared up? If you dare to go there, conduct your due diligence before handing over your trust. If you’re still stinging over a past betrayal, Mercury’s backspin could poke the old wound. What part of the lesson or healing still needs to happen, Pisces?

The eighth house also rules long-term finances, wealth and investments. Press pause on any fast-moving collaborations, especially if they involve plunking down cash or equity. Mercury retrograde can be a blessing in disguise, buying you time to really think your plans through. If a prospective partner starts to stall or waffle, get clear on their hesitation. Do they need more information? Is there something specific they object to?

Instead of feeling intimidated, get interested. Ask the questions, do the research and be thorough. Maybe you need to tweak your own presentation before unveiling a big pitch. Take this extra time to prepare before getting involved in any entanglements you can’t escape!

From September 23 until October 2, Mercury will reverse through Virgo and your partnership house, which could provoke vexing quarrels with romantic and business partners alike. Slow down and really listen to what people are saying before you jump to conclusions (and down their throats). Bring more equality into your relationships if the give-and-take has tipped off-balance. Reconnect with people from your inner circle and do repair work on any shaky ties.

An important person, possibly an ex, could resurface from your past. Don't take this as an immediate sign that you're meant to reunite, though. With messenger Mercury at the wheel, this person could simply reappear as a sort of karmic reminder: Is there a sacred part of yourself you've abandoned or a passion project you need to pick up again? Maybe you need to connect with the vibrant spirit you were back when this person was in your life (more curious, an intrepid traveler, creatively woke). This could also be an opportunity for closure, to release lingering pieces from that relationship—or put the torch out for good.

The Pisces full moon spotlights you on September 10

While this month finds you focused on your relationships, September 10 puts the limelight back on YOU. As the Pisces full moon lights the skies, your own passion projects and priorities command center stage. This lunar lift is the only one in your sign this year, and it will be impossible to hold back your feelings.

The next two weeks are all about you, Pisces, and there's to be zero guilt about that. If you need to advocate for yourself or promote a personal project, the stars support you. Got a big announcement to drop or a creation to debut? Craft that viral post and book the venue! You’ve been building toward this month since the March 2 Pisces new moon. Now’s the time that all your birthday intentions come together!

Libra season starts September 22, along with the September 25 Libra new moon

Slip off the grid to rejuvenate starting September 22, when the Sun plunges into Libra and your private, restorative eighth house. With el Sol heating up this erotic sector, a mind-body-soul connection could turn into a sizzling fall romance, especially at the September 25 Libra new moon.

The eighth house rules shared finances and investments, and over the next four weeks, you’ll find ways to make your money work harder for you. The new moon may serve up an opportunity to join forces with a fellow power player before the month ends.

Take your time: New moons can take up to six months to fully yield their harvest. And with Mercury retrograde until October 2, you’ll want that extra time to think this one over. Optimistic Jupiter is also opposing this year’s Libra new moon. With Jupiter in Aries and your practical second house, ensure that any big moves also fit into your current day-to-day agenda. You may need to move a few items around on your calendar before you can commit to a big, life-changing opportunity or relationship shift.

Explore synergies and follow your extra-sharp instincts now, but be sure to do all the proper research before you make anything official. With all this permabonding energy, you're playing for keeps. Better to be sure you're fully committed before you dive in!

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