September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius

Deep dive: It’s Virgo season until September 22

Resist the back-to-school rush, Aquarius. This month finds you feeling more private and internal as the Sun grooves through Virgo and your intimate eighth house until September 22. Your energy is best focused on one particular person or project since Virgo season sharpens your powers of concentration. Where can your energy best be directed for maximum return on investment?

Of course, your naturally social personality might not heed these suggestions so readily. It will be hard to say no to the many enticing invites that are sure to flood in, especially with Mars activating your fifth house of pleasure and play. Adopt a "quality over quantity" approach and choose your RSVPs accordingly. You don't have to be at every industry cocktail party, tailgater or welcome-to-fall gathering. But definitely attend the ones where you can meet well-connected insiders who might support your projects or make powerful new alliances.

We know, we know, you’re not a snob like that. But it’s okay to be choosy in September, Aquarius. The eighth house rules all manner of merging, from soul-searing sex to joint financial ventures—unions that create a force field of power through your shared energies. Whether you reach "super-couple" status or team up on a world-changing professional venture, those are #goals for Virgo time.

Mercury is retrograde September 9-October 2

Back up the truck! On September 9, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde until October 2, messing with your plans, data and interactions. Technology takes a hit during this three-week cycle, so be sure to back up your devices and save everything to the cloud, preferably before the retrograde begins.

For the first two weeks, Mercury is retrograde in Libra and your outspoken ninth house. Your normally refreshing candor could veer into offensive territory. Hold back on those truth bombs for now, Aquarius. The ninth house also rules travel and long-distance connections. If you have a trip planned, get to the airport early and make sure your flights are confirmed and your passport is up to date. If you have flexibility, schedule your getaways for next month instead.

On September 23, Mercury will backtrack through Virgo and your intimate eighth house, possibly bringing back an old flame or provoking an unresolved power struggle. For couples, this could be a time of below-the-belt fighting or steamy sexual reconnection (we recommend the latter). A session with a couple’s counselor or even a brief hiatus could do you good if you can’t seem to find a middle ground.

Money moves: The September 10 Pisces full moon

Get ready for a financial windfall or a professional pivot! On September 10, the year’s only Pisces full moon illuminates your grounded second house. This could bring a mid-month moment of clarity, a chance to prioritize and make an action plan to finish the year strong.

If you've been waiting for word on finances or work, you could finally hear concrete news. This full moon can also bring a confidence boost when you need it most. Don't wait for other people to call the shots or make a decision for you. Be firm and self-authorized today, Aquarius and lean in to leadership. If nobody steps up to the plate then…tag, you're it!

Libra season starts September 22, plus the September 25 Libra new moon

A taste of the freedom you're craving arrives starting September 22, when the Sun soars into Libra and your ninth house of travel, expansion and adventure for a month. Now you can pull yourself out of tunnel-vision mode and see the big picture again.

At the September 25 Libra new moon, start putting plans into action. Where would you like to be six months from now, at the corresponding Libra full moon? And what horizon-broadening experiences do you want to have between today and then? Get some bucket-list goals on the agenda, from launching your indie business to visiting a dream destination. Don't limit yourself—explore all possibilities during this blue-sky month without holding back!

Side-note: This new moon will receive a harsh oppositional beam from expansive Jupiter in your third house of communication and ideas. You’re liable to bite off more than you can chew, so be mindful how many projects you say “yes” to now. It’s all too easy to underestimate the time needed to pull these ideas off with a proper execution. Give them a firm “maybe” so you don’t get in over your head!

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Pisces

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Pisces