September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn

September 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn

Think big: It’s Virgo season until September 22

Widen your viewfinder, Capricorn—to the broadest settings possible! The Sun is in Virgo and your ninth house of travel, expansion and risk-taking. You're ready to step out of any restrictive boxes and color outside the lines a bit more. If you're still recuperating from summer vacation, there's no need to leave city limits. Your curious mind is primed for novelty and is eager to learn. Many Caps will be in full-on "back-to-school" mode, signing up for workshops or other mind-expanding and metaphysical outlets. Embrace the bounty of inspiration and soak it all in!

Mercury is retrograde September 9 to October 2

Hang on…are you sure you’re ready to commit? Second thoughts are not a bad thing, especially once communicator Mercury turns retrograde from September 9 until October 2. This three-week cycle can disrupt communication, travel and technology, a challenging time to sign contracts or move forward with new undertakings. Key information may be hidden, and you might not be seeing things as clearly as you should.

From September 9 to 23, Mercury will back through Libra and your tenth house of career, giving you second thoughts about your professional path. There could be breakdowns at work—everything from disruptive coworkers and difficult clients to project mismanagement and lost files. Keep supertight tabs on any projects and back up all electronic files to the cloud. Keep earlier versions in case you decide to go back to an idea or change directions. You can’t be too careful now! Looking for work? An old boss or colleague could be the link to your next gig, since Mercury retrograde brings back people from the past.

On September 23, Mercury will back into Virgo and your worldly ninth house until October 2. If you're planning a vacation, especially overseas, be extra diligent about making sure passports are up to date (and packed!), and guard against potential security breaches on the road. Inform your credit card company and bank of your plans so they don't freeze your card over a "suspicious charge" that YOU make. Arrive early for the airport and check the air in your spare tire if you’re hitting the road. Not that we hope you end up needing these precautions, but as your fellow Capricorn Benjamin Franklin said, an ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure.

Big news arrives at the September 10 Pisces full moon

If there's any day to commune with your people, it's the September 10 full moon in Pisces, which will beam into your third house of communication and community. Since this falls on a weekend, you could host a gathering—or tell everyone to meet at a favorite park or pub. Make the rounds, catch up with your crew, and do it all in one fell swoop. Bonus: You might just play super-connector (or Cupid!), introducing some of your favorite folks to each other. Who knows where that could lead?

With this full moon amplifying your third house of news, you could receive a call or message that changes the course of events. Have you been waiting for an answer for the past few weeks, even months? This could be the day when you finally get the word that allows you to move forward or adjust your plans accordingly. Looking to collab with like-minded allies? Be proactive: Slide into their DMs or reach out via LinkedIn to see about exploring synergies. You never know unless you ask!

Libra season starts September 22, plus the September 25 Libra new moon

Your career takes the main stage starting on September 22, when the Sun moves into Libra and your tenth house of status, professional pursuits and leadership. The blue-sky dreaming of Virgo season gives way to revved-up ambition during Libra season, with clear goals and milestones to map out.

Since Capricorn is the natural ruler of the zodiac's tenth house, you feel most in your element here. But don't abandon all those adventurous ideas you came up with! While you may need to do a scaled-down version for starters (especially while Mercury is retrograde through October 2), keep plenty of passion in those practical plans.

The September 25 Libra new moon is the perfect day to make a fresh start around your career or to get going on a major goal. Consider where you'd like to be six months from now, then reverse-engineer the steps you'll need to take to accomplish that. You've got this, Capricorn!

Just watch out for an oppositional beam from Jupiter in Aries, which will stare down the new moon from your domestic fourth house. Some of your family or personal life demands could be at odds with your current career goals. You may need to ask relatives to pitch in a little more or take a few more self-care breaks!

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