All in Air Signs

October 2022: LOVE Horoscopes

Are you ready to fall more deeply in love than ever before? Your love horoscope for October 2022 beckons intense, radical change that alters the timelines of love. Singles and couples may find that their romantic standards will undergo profound introspection. Focus on developing a heartfelt relationship instead of obsessing over romantic and sensual desires. After all, Libra is known for being the biggest flirt and a huge tease for a reason!

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius

Take a load off, Aquarius! September was heavy with SIX retrograde planets slowing your roll. As the sign of progress and the future, you don’t appreciate anything cramping your style, especially not when you’re on a mission.

This month, three of those luminaries will correct course: communicator Mercury, transformational Pluto and structured Saturn—the last of which happens to be in YOUR sign. Stalled plans and disrupted dreams will get back on track, and it will be much easier to set clear boundaries when needed.

But don’t get too settled! A change-making eclipse season starts at the end of the month with the October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse, which will sweep into your career sector demanding a fresh start. Are you up for a promotion or a professional pivot? Ready or not, one could be on its way. Your home life could weather some surprises on November 8, when a Taurus lunar eclipse caps off this two-week cosmic period. Either way, get ready for a shift of work/life balance before the close of 2022!

Profitable pastures await at the end of October, and the chance to stabilize even in the midst of two eclipses. With lucky Jupiter backing into your money house from October 28 until December 20, work could get busy for the rest of the year—whether you take a new job or stay put. But pace yourself, since energizer Mars will be retrograde October 30 until January 12. A budding romance or a creative venture that’s been zooming along might cool down a bit.

Pssst…don’t forget Halloween! This year, the spookiest night features the moon in YOUR sign, which makes you feel feisty and free. A spontaneous costume party, jumping into the local parade…you’re up for just about anything in the tricks AND treats department. Fly your Aquarian freak flag as high as you like—whatever you do will draw plenty of attention.

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Libra

Libra season is (finally) coming in hot! It got off to a rocky start, or at least, not a very balanced one, thanks to the six retrograde planets in September, including communicator Mercury in YOUR sign. Thankfully, Mercury is the first one to get back on track this October 2, followed by intense Pluto and structured Saturn. Your personal life will especially improve as October progresses, and the October 9 Aries full moon could bring a decisive relationship moment.

Get out and flap those butterfly wings early because on October 23, the Sun shifts into Scorpio and your practical, productive second house. Your mind will be on your money and next moves—as it should be now. The October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse will bring a big boost or a new opportunity for work and financial gain, whether you’re seeking one or not!

The month ends with another flurry of activity. Expansive Jupiter backs out of Aries into Pisces this October 28, shifting its supersizing beams from your relationship to your wellbeing until December 20. Start Googling vegan, naturally-sweetened cookie recipes and prep for a healthy holiday season!

Energizer Mars also downshifts into retrograde from October 30 to January 12, backing through Gemini and your ninth house of travel, learning and growth. Ambitious plans may need to temporarily scale back until the new year. Use this time to perfect your final product—taking your time is always best for your judicious zodiac sign.

But first, Halloween. With the moon in Aquarius and your playful, celebratory fifth house, dressing up and having a blast is a cosmic mandate for you. Take a break from business mode and go have some much-deserved fun.

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Gemini

Let the fall fun (and flings) begin! There’s a lot to celebrate as October opens. For starters, the Sun is in Libra and your passionate, playful fifth house until October 23. And on October 2, your ruling planet Mercury ends a hair-raising retrograde that scrambled technology, travel and communication since September 9. Take the stage, Gemini! Instead of feeling misunderstood, you’ve got all eyes on you.

Your star power is amplified even more by confident and charismatic Mars, which happens to be in Gemini for an extended visit from August 20 until March 25. Prepare to captivate! The fly in that ointment is that on October 30, Mars will turn retrograde for a couple months. But let’s not go there just yet, because you’ve got all month to give the people what they want: you!

You’ll probably have to shake off a little planetary PTSD as October opened. September’s skies featured SIX retrograde planets, and this lead weight ground action to a halt. Here’s a new perspective: Think of last month like potential energy that’s about to turn kinetic. Mercury, Pluto (October 9) AND Saturn (October 23) will end their retrogrades. Reach out to power players and visionaries—they’ll be open to your big ideas! Don’t be surprised if someone contacts YOU first, sliding into your DMs at the October 9 Aries full moon.

Your pragmatic side emerges on October 23, when the Sun shifts into Scorpio and your efficient, healthy sixth house. Two days later, eclipse season begins with the October 25 Scorpio new moon partial solar eclipse. While eclipses can bring curveballs and sudden events, the solar ones are usually the gentler of these pairs. But brace yourself for an intense total lunar eclipse that will arrive at the November 8 Taurus full moon. Next month could bring a moment to release something that you’ve been holding onto. The universe has spoken: Nothing will hold Gemini back!

Well, almost nothing because um, go-getter Mars is turning retrograde in your sign from October 30 to January 12. But you’ll get some extra support from lucky Jupiter, which backs from Aries into Pisces and your tenth house of success from October 28 until December 20. Step on the gas with those ambitious plans that may have gotten sidelined over the spring and summer. Have one last Halloween hurrah (the Aquarius moon promises fun aplenty!) then get down to business, Gemini.