October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Gemini

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Gemini

Libra season until October 23

Temperatures may be falling outside, but the heat is on for you! The first three weeks of October mark the Sun's annual visit to Libra and your playful, passionate fifth house. You're in full-on Gemini mode as you flirt, dash off witty #mic-drops and hold court at the center of every party. The fifth house rules fame, so don't be surprised if the spotlight stalks you. And when you've got it, keep it! Your unfiltered self-expression can win you fans—as long as you keep it positive. (Yes, Gemini, there IS such a thing as bad publicity, and you don't want to find that out the hard way.)

Romance could be in the picture during this sizzling solar cycle. Dress up and turn some heads, or plan a few epic dates. Coupled or single, this is your time to let loose and feel the joie de vivre. You could easily wind up with a slew of new admirers. If you're attracted to someone, let 'em know.

Mercury retrograde ends October 2

Now that’s more like it! Your ruling planet starts following the rules this October 2, as we bid adieu to Mercury retrograde. This stressful cycle began on September 9, disrupting technology, communication and travel plans. Mercury spent the bulk of its backspin in Libra and your fifth house of self-expression, pressing the mute button on your joie de vivre. An ex may have resurfaced or old drama might have flared, quickly escalating into a heated argument.

On September 23, Mercury backed into Virgo and your domestic fourth house, bringing the tension closer to home…or maybe right into the heart of yours. Friction with a female relative or roommate could reach a boiling point as September closed out. Geminis who moved house or dealt with a home repair probably faced extra chaos. Simple annoyances, such as an appliance going on the fritz, could have taken a toll on your patience and your pocket.

With Mercury back on track starting October 2, use its last days in Virgo (until October 10) to sort out any personal and home matters that got chaotic and confusing last month.

Back to your power: Pluto retrograde ends on October 8

Emerge from the emotional shadows! Pluto, the planet all things hidden, surfaces from a five-month retrograde in Capricorn and your intense eighth house. Since April 29, Pluto’s been back-spinning through this zone of merging, intimacy and shared possessions. You may have done some deep soul-searching and releasing of turbulent feelings like shame, resentment and codependency.

Pluto’s retrograde might also have revealed fissures in your closest relationships. An ex could have resurfaced, driving up jealousy or suppressed desires. Button-pushing people may have acted as “mirrors” who reflected back something you needed to examine within yourself. What did you learn, Gemini?

With Pluto back on track, it’s time to apply it. If you’ve been considering making a business or personal relationship official, you should now be able to gather the intel you need to decide. Feel like it’s a go? Merge your superpowers for mutual gain and watch the synergies multiply!

Teamwork time at the October 9 Aries full moon

October 9 serves up the year’s only full moon in Aries and your eleventh house of groups, networking and technology. These lunar beams mark an important day for any collaborative endeavors, so make sure you get out and mingle proactively. You could meet some amazing people who seem to be on the same page as you—and hopefully they are!

Have you been on the fence about a certain friendship and whether it can go the distance? This full moon could bring a decisive moment. You can address those issues at their root and move forward. Or you might wind up severing ties for the time being and shift to a new crew. The raw and primal energy of the Aries full moon can stir up strong sexual chemistry. A previously platonic pal might shift out of the casual zone and get bumped to “friends-with-benefits” status.

Just make sure you don’t do it in a compromised state (e.g., confessing your attraction after downing a couple shots of “liquid courage”)—especially given that this full moon arrives in a hedonistic and emotionally charged sky. With love planet Venus opposing the full moon, you won’t have a good sense of boundaries or limits, and could act in ways you regret later. If there was ever a day ripe for making that “wish we never went there” mistake, it’s this one. Better not to blur the line unless you’re serious!

Scorpio season (October 23) and the Scorpio solar eclipse (October 25)

Whew! Some order can be restored to the Gemini court beginning October 23, when the Sun shifts into Scorpio and your sensible sixth house of health, systems and efficiency. If you’ve tossed discipline out the window or just feel ready to get back on the wellness wagon, now’s your time to trade excess for a “less is more” ethos.

The Scorpio new moon on October 25 also happens to be a partial solar eclipse. While gentler than a lunar (full moon) eclipse—and there’s one of those coming November 8—solar eclipses give you a push off the wishy-washy fence. This one’s ideal for starting your fall fitness program, a clean-eating plan or a major decluttering project (one room at a time, Gem). No more procrastinating!

With beautifying Venus conjunct (together with) the eclipse, you’ll love the results of your efforts. Invite a friend or a flirty plus-one to join you on this mission. Social Venus loves having great company as you power through your tasks!

Saturn retrograde ends October 23

Your grand visions get even more fired up starting October 23, when structured Saturn wakes up from a four-month nap in Aquarius and your expansive, entrepreneurial ninth house. The ringed taskmaster has been retrograde here since June 4, slowing down some of your lofty plans to grow. With strategic Saturn powering forward, you could resume efforts to study, launch a startup business or travel.

Cautious Saturn favors slow and steady expansion, but at least you'll feel less of a bottleneck. If your faith was shaken, you'll start to see tangible signs that the universe indeed has your back. The ninth house is also known as the "god house" as it's the realm of philosophy, higher wisdom and truth. Saturn in this metaphysical zone could find you looking for a religious or spiritual home base to anchor you.

Career in gear: Jupiter moves into Pisces October 28

Power on your professional lights, Gemini. On October 28, lucky and expansive Jupiter makes its third and final visit to Pisces and your career sector, staying until December 20. Jupiter has been visiting this part of your chart in a three-part act since May 2021, but it advanced into Aries and your group activity zone back on May 10 of this year. Now, Jupiter makes its final run, giving your career a bold burst to the finish line of 2022. This should counter some of the impact of Mars retrograde in your sign (more on that in a minute), and help you focus on the priorities you’re most passionate about.

Ruh-oh! Mars turns retrograde in Gemini October 30

On October 30, the skies serve up a Halloween haunting as energizing Mars, slams on the brakes for a two-month retrograde in YOUR sign. Will a recent passion cool—or combust? Between now and January 13, watch out for anger bubbling up—or a tendency to stuff it down and build resentment. This challenging cycle could bring unexpected outbursts, fights and erratic behavior if you don’t get a grip.

With the red-blooded planet off-course, jealousy and anger can flare. Watch that you don’t come on too strong or lapse into self-centered behavior. Forcing your agenda will only backfire now.

The lesson? Despite your strong desire to be in control of everything, you aren’t. If you rushed into a romance that you’re now unsure about, you’ll have a chance to walk it back several steps. Let things unfold at a natural pace. Tweak your public persona and social media profiles, too. Tone down any over-the-top behavior that might come across as offensive. (Should you tweet that questionable joke or meme? Ummm, probably not.)

October 2022 Gemini Love Horoscope

Double trouble! No, we’re not talking about your Gemini nickname—but rather, the confident Sun and magnetic Venus, who are BOTH in Libra and your passionate, playful fifth house until October 23. You’ve got an extra dose of the It factor and you’re in the mood for some frisky fun as fall gets underway.

With sexy, sultry Mars in Gemini for an extended stay from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023, you’ve got the It factor. Mars pumps up your passion and magnetism, and you may notice people being drawn to you with no effort.

But watch out for possible whiplash when Mars turns retrograde on October 30, slamming the brakes on a moving-too-fast romance or attraction. Some frustration or unhealed anger could come up, and things may get dramatic between now and January 12. Another possible outcome: Life’s stresses can increase and interfere with your ability to feel romantic. 

If you got a little too comfortable with all that attention, you may be a bit thrown off when Mars retrograde turns down the dial. On the other hand, you may be relieved—the pressure was too much! Having a few less options will give you time and space to focus on the ones that rise above the competition. For coupled Gemini, you may slow down a little and take time for your favorite plus-one. 

Once Venus and the Sun both move into Scorpio and your healthy, analytical sixth house on October 23, you’ll turn a discerning eye to those #couple-goals. With lucky Jupiter returning to Pisces and your ambitious tenth house from October 28 to December 20, long-term priorities start to rise above that short-term burst of excitement.

October 2022 Gemini Career Horoscope

This Gem is on fire! Energizer-bunny Mars is blazing through Gemini from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023. You’ve got the serious It factor—and the courage to prove it. Ready to blaze a new trail? Now’s your moment. One of our Gemini friends recently lost a bet and had to enter a New York State beauty pageant. With the red planet revving up her charisma, she came in second place, beating out contenders whose entire lives had been dedicated to these competitions.

Mars in your sign, which only happens ever two years, makes you a serious contender! But the cosmic warrior will turn retrograde from October 30 to January 12, slowing down the action a bit. Make your big moves before the end of the month. You’ll get a boost of efficiency and productivity when the Sun moves into Scorpio and your organized sixth house for a month on October 23, and a special spike from the October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse. Need a savvy sidekick or a new support person on Team Gemini? The sixth house rules helpful people and employees. Put the word out!

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