October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Taurus

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Taurus

Health and order in the Taurus court! It’s Libra season until October 23

Here's to a healthy start to autumn! October begins with the Sun making its annual visit to Libra, heating up your sixth house of wellness and organization. You're on a mission to get all the moving parts of your life humming along like a well-oiled machine. And you've got until October 23, while el Sol is in this clean, green sector, to dive in to decluttering and DIY projects.

Mercury retrograde is over on October 2

Back to business! On October 2, bid adieu to a stressful Mercury retrograde that began on September 9, disrupting technology, communication and travel plans. Mercury spent most of its about-face in Libra and your efficient sixth house, making it extra challenging to stay on top of details. Stress levels spiked and you may have dealt with a health challenge.

On September 23, Mercury backed into Virgo and your fifth house of passion and self-expression, causing drama and egos to flare. An ex may have resurfaced, or maybe you had a few strong reactions that you now regret, especially if they happened in public.

As Mercury corrects course, get your temper and your personal life back under control. Watch those knee-jerk reactions, though, especially since Mercury’s retrograde shadow phase doesn’t fully dissipate until October 16. While it might feel good in the moment to be “right,” it doesn’t do much to win friends and influence people!

Expand your horizons! Pluto retrograde ends October 8

Look who’s bubbling to the surface again! On October 8, transformational Pluto will end a five-month retrograde in Capricorn that began on April 29, driving some of your projects into the “underworld” or even imposing a gag order on some Bulls. Well, it felt like that, anyway! In truth, this was an excellent time to go behind the scenes to learn, tinker and test a few iterations.

Sure, you may have encountered a few skeptics, even haters, along the way. But you’ve also learned something important: Stay true to your message but keep educating yourself and asking the important questions, even—especially—of yourself! Soon enough, your exciting and inspired ideas will start to move and flow. If you’re pondering a return to school or starting a business, potent Pluto moving forward in this sector can catalyze plans.

The October 9 Aries full moon is a time to let go

Not sure which direction to take? Wait to make any conclusive moves until after the October 9 full moon, which lands in Aries and your twelfth house of spirituality, hidden agendas and endings. This could be a powerful portal into an important transition that’s been brewing since the April 1 Aries new moon.

Does some part of your life need to be wrapped up before another can begin? There could be huge realizations now and an inevitable push to let go of something you’ve been trying desperately to control. Surrender, Taurus—and listen to the universe instead of forcing an agenda. With this full moon standing opposite (https://astrostyle.com/aspects/opposite) your ruling planet Venus, a key person in your life might have something important to tell you. Don’t kill off the messenger, Bull, even if what they’re saying doesn’t make sense or feel comfortable right off the bat.

Full moons AND the twelfth house both rule endings and surrender, so it’s possible you’ll finally stop resisting or forcing something and allow the universe to guide the ship. Aries, we know you love to be in charge, so this might not be the easiest moment—but the message is an extremely important one for you. Let go and allow miracles to come your way!

Scorpio season (October 23) and the Scorpio solar eclipse (October 25)

Relationships take center stage starting October 23, when the Sun starts its monthlong visit to Scorpio and your seventh house of partnerships. For the next four weeks, your focus is on people who complement you and fill in the blanks. Where you’re weak, they have strengths; where you need a boost, they’ve got you!

And you’ll actually welcome that. With the Sun now at its farthest-away point in the sky from Taurus (Scorpio is your opposite sign), your personal “solar power” pack is ready for a recharge. Use this month to lean on the folks who you always support and let them have YOUR back.

Ready to make your duos really dynamic? Here comes the October 25 Scorpio new moon, which happens to be a potent partial solar eclipse. Even if you weren’t planning on it, you could pair up with someone for business or pleasure. Maybe you’ll make your status official—or head in that direction in the coming weeks.

This illuminating eclipse will bring sudden clarity. And since the Sun and moon are making an exact conjunction (meetup) with harmonizer Venus, this eclipse could bring a surprising fresh start to your love life. If you’ve been at odds with a collaborator, this eclipse helps you put pride aside and extend an olive branch. Unlike the full moon, which was opposite Venus, this new moon eclipse is totally in sync with your galactic guardian. Ahh, now that’s more like it!

October 23: Saturn retrograde ends and your career moves forward

Ready for your career to get on a more solid track? On October 23, structured Saturn wakes up from a four-month retrograde in Aquarius that began June 4. With the ringed taskmaster now marching on-beat through your tenth house of ambition and leadership, you're ready to get back to business!

Discipline and integrity are Saturn's marching orders as he powers forward. But this is a longer cosmic evolution that you've been immersed in for nearly two years. This slow-and-steady Saturn cycle runs from December 2020 to March 2023—and Saturn only visits each zodiac sign every 29.5 years. You're learning crucial lessons about business, power and management. If you've been rebellious toward authority, you may find yourself in that top-dog position (and realize, to your chagrin, how rebellious you've acted at times). Or, if you've been hesitant to step into your power and take on the responsibilities that seem to clip your wings, Saturn will give you the necessary stamina. Working with a coach or mentor can keep you on track.

The tenth house also rules fathers, and you may have been navigating a period of maturity related to your own dad or a paternal figure. Your relationship to men and masculinity could be challenged by Saturn—and certainly it's a complicated matter in this patriarchal world. Although you don't want to rush to make gender-based generalizations, you've certainly become aware of anything "old-school" that feels oppressive. With Saturn moving forward in Aquarius, you may decide to change the system from within, working inside the ranks of an established hierarchy rather than attacking it from the outside.

Catching a break: Jupiter backs into Pisces October 28

Has this year felt like it’s taken place in a giant fog machine? It’s not you, Taurus, it’s Jupiter. Every twelve years, the red-spotted planet visits Aries and your twelfth house of healing, closure and release, and it’s been there since May 10.

Surrendering to the universe is the only option (wave that white flag high) during this Jupiter cycle. When you can cede your need for control—hard for any human but especially tough for your sign—miracles can happen. As our friend Terri Cole, author of Boundary Boss says, “Instead of swimming upstream, flip over and float.” Yes, it really CAN be that simple. Try it!

Luckily, you’ll get a nice flip in the form of a break this October 28, when Jupiter reverses into Pisces and your social eleventh house of teamwork and technology until December 20. Get ready for a hyper-festive holiday season and some prime collaboration opportunities, especially once Jupiter ends its retrograde on November 23.

While you’ll still have to weather a few more months of Jupiter in Aries in late December, there’s a major silver lining: On May 16, 2023, lucky Jupiter will move into YOUR sign, kicking off a fresh 12-year chapter of your life. All the more reason to do the closure and forgiveness work now. You’ll want to be fully cleared for a fresh start next spring!

Mind your money: Mars turns retrograde October 30

The next couple months call for a budget review—and possibly even a short-term spending freeze. On Wednesday, October 30, speedy Mars turns retrograde (backward) in Gemini, pumping the brakes in your second house of work and money until January 12.

The rash red planet is in Gemini for an extended visit, from August 20 to March 25. For some Bulls, your career is hot, bringing exciting projects with long hours and short deadlines. Others may have been dealt with Mars’ more stressful energy, confronting large expenses or shaky job situations. Between now and early 2023, seek a more balanced approach. You don’t want to burn out or drain your coffers!

Mars’ U-turn is your cosmic cue to be more vigilant about your finances. Set up auto-payments, make sure you’re not living beyond your means and reduce unnecessary costs. Retrogrades rule the past, so if you’re hunting for new work, contact an old client or employer. They may have a freelance gig or could slide you some part-time work that will get you through the holidays.

October 2022 Taurus Love Horoscope

Bring on the healthy living and loving! Until October 23, both the bold Sun and romantic Venus are in Libra and your sensible, systematic sixth house. Crushing your #couple-goals might look like starting a fall fitness program together or tackling a long-overdue decluttering project. Hey, who are we to judge your romance, Taurus?

Your practical side is already at the wheel with spicy Mars on an extended trip through Gemini and your industrious second house from August 20 to March 25. You may be seeking more assurance from a partner or looking for someone with traditional values to enjoy a secure but sexy relationship for the long haul. In the quest for more stability in your life, you might be logging longer hours at work, which could lead to a serendipitous meeting of the minds (and maybe more).

Relationships hit their high season when Venus and the Sun both enter Scorpio on October 23, activating your seventh house of committed relationships. It’s a perfect time to get serious, make things official or to meet someone who’s worth keeping around for the long haul. October 25 serves up a Scorpio solar (new moon) eclipse. You could suddenly meet “the One” or move into that next big step—a whole lot faster than you probably planned!

On October 30, Mars shifts into retrograde (reverse) until January 12, and tensions could flare around money. Job demands can add even more pressure, especially if you work from home or start spending more time indoors. Without realizing it, you might slip back into some old habits you thought you’d outgrown. Issues you thought you’d solved could rear their thorny heads, and in classic retrograde fashion, an old flame might return. Do your best to ride out this Mars retrograde cycle. And cut yourself some slack. It’s not so easy to sustainably change these deeply rooted patterns.

October 2022 Taurus Career Horoscope

Full steam ahead! The Libra Sun is revving your engines and blasting through your efficient sixth house, boosting your productivity until October 23. For the first three weeks of the month, this systematic star-map has you running like a well-oiled machine and could prompt a decluttering spree to help you get even more organized at home and the office. Streamline, simplify and prioritize, Bull, paring your to-do list down to the essentials.

Since the sixth house also rules helpful people, you might outsource some of the more administrative tasks to a service provider or a friend in need of a little extra cash. By the time El Sol soars into Scorpio and your commitment-focused seventh house on October 23, you'll have cleared the proverbial slate and gotten rid of the excess, creating space for promising partnerships to enter your sphere. And all the better! A solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 could bring an exciting alliance from out of nowhere…leading up to a huge moment when the November 8 Taurus lunar eclipse shines its spotlight directly on you.

Meantime, motivator Mars is in Gemini and your money house for an extended visit, from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023. You’ve been especially fired up about productivity and projects, as you should be. However, you might need to downshift a few percolating plans—temporarily, anyway—when Mars turns retrograde from October 30 to January 12.

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Gemini

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Gemini

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aries

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aries