October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Libra

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Libra

Do you! It’s Libra season until October 23

Happy birthday season, Libra! The Sun is making its annual voyage through your sign until October 23, handing you the talking stick and inviting you to prioritize your own needs and desires. With el Sol in your first house of image and assertiveness, you've got a little extra swagger at your disposal. Use that mojo to propel your own goals now.

Mercury retrograde ends on October 2

The fog is lifting! October 2 marks the end of Mercury retrograde, a signal-scrambling cycle that began on September 9, disrupting technology, communication and travel plans. This one was especially challenging because it was in YOUR sign for the first two weeks. Then, just as Libra season began on September 23, Mercury plunged into Virgo and your foggy twelfth house, extending the cycle of confusion and illusion.

While Mercury backed through Libra until September 23, you may have felt wildly misunderstood or doubted your own judgment. (Just what you need as a Libra: MORE things to overanalyze!) Once the quicksilver planet slipped into Virgo and your twelfth house of healing, closure and rest, it became hard to stay focused on, well, anything. Old resentments and grudges may have resurfaced, or skeletons tumbled out of every closet you opened. Not exactly the running start to your birthday time that you were looking for, eh?

Now that Mercury has corrected course, you can slowly get back to your senses. But it may take until Mercury exits Virgo and moves back into Libra on October 10—and then, for its lingering shadow to leave on October 16—before you can really get a clear head and move forward. Lean into your sign’s legendary patience for a couple more weeks. You’ve got this, Libra!

Home becomes a haven again: Pluto retrograde ends on October 8

Has your nest been stressed? Family and home take a turn for the better on October 8, when karmic Pluto ends a five-month retrograde through Capricorn and your domestic fourth house. Since April 29, you’ve been navigating intense moods and what felt like a series of emotional earthquakes, especially in your household. Power dynamics with a female relative in particular may have been volatile, with seething resentment or outright aggression welling up from the depths.

Maybe your thoughts turned to your ancestors, with dreams about departed loved ones so vivid that they felt like a visitation. Old family patterns and baggage could have surfaced, making this a productive (if painful) time to process the past and untangle those knots. If you’re a parent, you may have struggled with separation issues between yourself and a child—either feeling smothered by too much closeness or fearful when they pulled away. Your own childhood wounds could have surfaced, complicating matters even more.

That begins to change on October 8 once Pluto resumes forward motion, helping you pierce the veil of confusion. You’ll be better able to connect the dots and address household conflict at the root, and to let your loved ones be individuated people as you figure out a healthy level of bonding. If the energy in your house feels off, you might try some Feng Shui techniques, starting with a space clearing and deep cleaning. (Check out tips from our Feng Shui astrology section.) As you work through emotional issues AND beautify your space, you’ll begin to feel comfortable in your skin again—at home inside yourself.

Relationships in the spotlight at the October 9 Aries full moon

Harmony and balance (your Libra watchwords) return on October 9, when the year’s only Aries full moon beams into your seventh house of relationships. A key partnership comes under the microscope now. Does everything feel mutual between you? Since full moons can bring turning points, you might decide to make things official—or call the whole thing off. With romantic Venus (your ruler) directly opposite this full moon, a change of heart or indecisiveness could take hold.

If you can get past the confusion of this moon-Venus opposition, a budding connection that’s been building since the spring could turn into the real deal. Ready to sign a business contract or to commit to one special person? This could be the day!

Saturn retrograde ends October 23

Whichever direction a relationship goes, your love life is on the upswing starting October 23 as structured Saturn wakes up from a four-month retrograde in Aquarius and your fifth house of romance. Since June 4, the heavy-handed taskmaster has left zero room for error, forcing you to make mature romantic choices—and do the hard work required to have lasting love.

Perhaps you wrote an ex off too quickly and had to go back and truly create closure with them. An old flame may have resurfaced. Issues you swept aside with a partner could no longer be ignored. Saturn rules estrangement and distance; some Libras took a timeout to really heal your heart and evaluate your feelings. Others were just separated by actual geography—an arrangement your solitude-loving sign might not have minded one bit!

As Saturn powers forward in Aquarius between now and March 2023, your love life could start to slowly but steadily progress. You've hosted Saturn here since December 2020, and in that time, you've grown a lot, at times through hard-won lessons. Get ready for a mature new chapter as you move into Saturn’s final phase.

Scorpio season (October 23) and the Scorpio solar eclipse (October 25)

Some grounding energy comes in beginning October 23, when the Sun shifts gears into Scorpio and your second house of work, money and stability. The excitement and excess of Libra season gives way to an industrious groove. Prioritize your projects and devote your time to the ones that will build a sense of security—and a nest egg. If birthday binges left you with a lingering hangover (well worth the fun!), you can get back to some daily practices and healthy habits that help you feel centered. The key for any Libra who feels out of balance? Slow down.

Fresh financial starts are favored on October 25, when the annual Scorpio new moon kicks off a new six-month chapter for productivity and prosperity. This one also happens to be a potent solar eclipse, which could bring a brand new revenue source or income stream. If you’re starting a new routine or circulating your resume, these galvanizing moonbeams give your efforts a boost. Keep your ears perked for new work opportunities, clients or projects that can build your professional profile.

Jupiter retrograde backs into Pisces on October 28

Back on the wellness wagon, Libra! Good news: your healthy efforts can actually be a fun adventure. On October 28, lucky Jupiter exits Aries and makes one final lap through Pisces until December 20, activating your sixth house of wellness, organization and helpful people.

Jupiter has been visiting Pisces in a three-part act since May 2021. But this May 10, Jupiter moved ahead into Aries and your relationship zone, a time of major transition in your closest relationships. You may have outgrown a relationship, at least in its current state, either parting ways or recognizing a need to evolve the dynamic to support the people you’ve both become. Some Libras met a special person, possibly long-distance (Jupiter rules travel and cross-cultural connections), and you could have started exploring your potential.

Take a time-out from all of that to make sure that YOUR life is in order between now and the end of the year. Jupiter will return to your relationship corner from December 20 until May 16, giving you five more months to explore and experiment with dynamic duo possibilities.

Slow your roll: Mars turns retrograde October 30

Hang on there, Libra! Temperamental Mars turns retrograde in Gemini on October 30, pushing pause on anything that’s gotten a bit too big to keep up with. Huge, risky plans may need a scaled-back strategy­—at least, until the planetary motivator resumes direct (forward) motion on January 12.

With Mars backtracking through your ninth house of travel, expansion and blue-sky visions, you might feel like you’ve been put in the time-out chair. While that’s never fun, the saying “haste makes waste” rings extra true now. If there was ever a time for your trademark Libra patience, it’s now (yes, again…it’s becoming a theme).

Have you been feeling rushed? Mars retrograde could be a blessing in disguise then. Your passion could cool a bit, or a plan that seemed like a slam dunk could now reveal some potentially risky drawbacks. Give yourself a couple months to investigate further before you call the whole thing off. Mars is in Gemini until March 25, 2023. If you put the proper checks and balances in place, you could sail into spring with a big win!

October 2022 Libra Love Horoscope

Hey, head turner! With the bold Sun AND your ruler, magnetic Venus, both in Libra until October 23, your love story is looking pretty hot this month. What makes YOU feel happy and satisfied? Focus there and only there!

More mojo comes your way courtesy of lusty Mars, who’s on a prolonged trek through Gemini (August 20 to March 25) and your upbeat, worldly ninth house. If actual travel isn’t in your plans, you can still connect with new people—keep your ears peeled for sexy accents close to home or inspiring people on those message boards. Excitement is in the stars, but note: With Mars here and Venus in your sign, your greatest turn-on may be your independence.

Yet even your outsized passion could wane, or change direction, when Mars drifts into retrograde from October 30 to January 12. If someone questions your fidelity, why NOT be truthful? This could be the start of a whole new era of radical honesty since the ninth house also rules outspokenness.

Your practical side starts kicking in on October 23, when the Sun and Venus shift into Scorpio and your stabilizing second house. Security can be sexy too, especially when it’s balanced by the affection, luxury and sensual delights that are specialties of Venus in this posh sector. While you’ll want to be budget-conscious (this Sun-Venus combo can tempt you to spend it all in one place), a few haute or high-end date nights will do your Libra soul right.

October 2022 Libra Career Horoscope

New month, new you! The Sun is soaring through Libra until October 23, prompting fresh starts and signifying your own astrological New Year’s celebration. Spruce up your appearance, trade that overgrown summer mane for a chic new fall ‘do, and upgrade your wardrobe with a few signature pieces that will help you stand out among your peers.

Looking for a fresh source of funding? On October 25, a Scorpio solar eclipse activates your second house of work and money, which could bring an opportunity out of the blue. Just make sure you’ve got the help and infrastructure in place—a process that might take you the rest of the year or into early 2023 to sort out. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t field offers, or even accept one. But consider all the moving parts that will go into this decision, instead of just focusing on a dollar amount.

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Scorpio

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Scorpio

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Virgo

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Virgo