October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Scorpio

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Scorpio

It’s Libra season until October 23

Disappearing acts are a Scorpio specialty, and this October, you might want to use that old astrological sleight of hand to your advantage. The Sun is in savasana until October 23, journeying through Libra and your twelfth house of rest, closure and healing. Slip off the radar for the first three weeks of the month—as much as you possibly can—and prioritize activities that replenish your mental, emotional and spiritual tanks. From meditation and spending time in nature (especially near water) to dancing and listening to music: Choose your escape route and float away!

Mercury retrograde ends on October 2

Sweet relief! October 2 ends a stressful Mercury retrograde that began on September 9, disrupting technology, communication and travel plans. Mercury was retrograde in Libra and your twelfth house of closure and confusion until September 23, then backed into Virgo and your teamwork zone, making the fall equinox anything BUT balanced!

For the first couple weeks, you may have felt overwhelmed or lost in your thoughts—a part of the crowd and, at the same time, a bystander on the sidelines. It was a potent time to do forgiveness work or plow through a task you'd been avoiding. You might have intense, disturbing dreams and restless sleep—a sure sign that you needed a mental break.

On September 23, Mercury backed into Virgo and your eleventh house of groups and technology. The quicksilver planet doubled down on the retrograde drama, and you may have had chaos trying to corral a group or deal with any electronic communications and devices. Frustrating!

Now that Mercury is back to direct (forward) motion, you can upgrade your phone, hold that brainstorming session and get everyone back on the same page, moving in a cohesive direction. But keep in mind that Mercury’s shadow phase will last until October 16, and you may feel some lingering effects of it.

Pluto retrograde ends on October 8

On October 8, your other co-ruler, transformational and karmic Pluto, wakes up from a five-month retrograde through Capricorn and your third house of expression, community and media. Messages may have gotten scrambled—or totally lost—during this retrograde, and you’ve been pushed to do a LOT of thinking about how you articulate ideas and interact with others.

Communication has been an ongoing issue for you to transform and improve for the past few years as Pluto makes its lengthy, once-in-a-lifetime journey through Capricorn from 2008 to 2024. You’ve already learned HUGE lessons about how to interact impactfully with others and when to trust someone enough to forge a friendship or creative collaboration. While Pluto was retrograde since April 29, many Scorpios struggled to get their point across. Old fears, some driven by shame and anxiety, may have created blocks in key relationships. As Pluto corrects course, you’ll be better able to untangle any dicey dynamics. Now you can get down to the root cause, which will help you make lasting change.

Wellness reboot! Aries full moon October 9

Just in time, the October 9 Aries full moon sweeps into your sensible sixth house of health, order and analytical thinking. At least for today you’ll emerge from that Libra-season fog and regain your astute Scorpionic ability to connect the dots. Simplify, streamline and prioritize. And ask for (good) help!

The sixth house rules employees and assistants, and full moons mark transitions. If someone’s slacking on Team Scorpio, it’s time for a performance review or maybe to relieve them of their duties. But be gentle—or at least, kind. With gracious Venus in a tense opposition to the full moon, you could come across as intimidating or worse.

Ready to get your fall fitness plans underway? The full moon in your wellness zone gives you the surge of energy to replace those bad habits with life-affirming ones before holiday hedonism kicks in. Schedule those checkups and tests you’ve been putting off. Under the light of the full moon, a nagging issue could finally be properly diagnosed and treated. Since this zodiac sector rules digestive health, a cleanse or detox can give you a great seasonal “gut” reset.

With the moon opposite harmonizer Venus, you might notice where certain foods (like sugar or gluten) don’t agree with your system. Take note, as it might be a good idea to have your doctor test for allergies or sensitivities.

Scorpio season (October 23) and the Scorpio solar eclipse (October 25)

And—you’re back! The Sun swings into Scorpio on October 23, flipping the lights back on. After an intense internally focused month, it’s time for some action! Great news: You’ve got four full weeks hosting the El Sol.

This year’s Scorpio season is ultra-charged up, and you’ll start feeling it right away. On October 25, the annual Scorpio new moon rides into town as a potent solar eclipse. Talk about a bold start to your “astrological new year.” Brand-new opportunities to reinvent yourself or pivot to a new path could arrive out of the blue, since eclipses bring surprises. Either way, this annual reset kicks off a six-month cycle for your personal goals and dreams. A style refresh could also be in the making now. It’s time to put yourself first again!

Heads-up: A second eclipse will arrive in two weeks (November 8) in your opposite sign of Taurus. This could bring a turning point to a key relationship or a major partnership opportunity. All the more reason to put yourself out there now—amp up your visibility so you’re easily found when they come looking!

Healthy improvements: Saturn retrograde ends

Family and home matters take a turn for the better starting October 23, when structured Saturn rouses from a nearly give-month nap in Aquarius and your domestic fourth house. Saturn has been retrograde here since June 4, which may have brought some challenges in your personal life. Luckily, they should have been in the name of maturity and long-term stability (Saturn's domain), but there could have been some tough "adulting" choices involved. Scorpio parents might have dealt with a kid who needed extra time or attention, or the stress of juggling childcare and work. Your relationship with your own mother or an elderly relative may have undergone a few growing pains.

Some Scorpios moved or downsized your living situation in some way—a money-saving and smart pivot, but one that required you to sacrifice certain comforts. Saturn has been in Aquarius since December 2020, and will remain here until March 2023, so this process is not exactly new. As the cosmic taskmaster corrects course, you'll get the all-clear to make important decisions around your home and family. Prioritizing self-care is also important during this foundational time. Schedule some before the holiday season kicks into high gear!

Jupiter retrograde backs into Pisces on October 28

Love, actually? A return to romance could arrive on October 28, when lucky and adventurous Jupiter rides into Pisces for its third and final visit, staying until December 20. The red-spotted giant’s gallant visit to your fifth house of passion and play has brought some exciting, lusty adventures since May 2021.

But Jupiter took a time-out on May 10, 2022, and marched into Aries, spotlighting your sixth house of health and organization. Talk about a record scratch: you went from decadence and desserts to, well, eating your vegetables. Luckily, Jupiter knows how to make that fun, too—up to a point. But if you’ve been longing for that excitement again, you’ll get two more months of it. Bring on the holiday season heat, the mistletoe and the festive flirtation. Cuffing season has YOUR name written all over it.

Pace yourself: Mars turns retrograde October 30

Slow down there, Scorpio! With impatient Mars turning retrograde on October 30, you may need to disengage from a heated situation. We know, with an eclipse in your sign you may be raring to go. But conduct your due diligence. Mars will backtrack through Gemini and your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources and investigation until January 13. This two-month period could cause passions to cool—and emotions to blow up. If you’ve been suppressing any jealousy or trust issues, those feelings could come gushing out into the open now. Channel your obsessive tendencies into a worthy cause, like a research project on a topic you love.

The eighth house rules long-term and joint finances, from property to debts to important investments. With Mars spinning in reverse, you might need to play catch-up on your expenses and cut unnecessary costs if you’re living beyond your means. Not sure if you should seal a deal or get involved with someone on a financial venture? Don’t rush into (or out of) anything without careful consideration.

October 2022 Scorpio Love Horoscope

Swept away on a fantasy? Until October 23, the bold Sun and romantic Venus are teamed up in Libra and your twelfth house of escape and imagination. This could be an incredible time for a pre-holiday season getaway with your favorite person. On the other hand, the twelfth house is also linked to healing, rest and retreat. If you’ve recently weathered a heartbreak or you’re feeling burnt out, use this time to nurture yourself and restore your energy.

Don’t worry, because on October 23, the Sun and Venus both move into Scorpio, bringing your magnetic mojo back full force. The October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse is a huge turning point, when your own priorities and needs make themselves clear. Spend the next couple weeks sorting through this, because on November 8, a lunar eclipse will rock your relationship house, and you may have some big moves or decisions to make.

Meanwhile, passionate Mars spending a lengthy interlude in Gemini (from August 20 to March 25), which is your eighth house of intimacy and eroticism. While you’ll enjoy steaming up the windows—especially as the nights get longer and cooler—this transit can also shorten your fuse and make you thin-skinned or even a bit paranoid. Everything from your emotions to a new relationship can heat up quickly.

But tap the brakes, Scorpio! When Mars shifts into reverse (retrograde) for two months on October 30, feelings may turn on a dime, or you might have “buyer’s remorse.” Rather than stay the course, be open and honest about what you’re feeling. If you need some time on your own to mull things over or to work through some trust issues, don’t be afraid to say that. It’s SO much better than suffering in silence! Mars retrograde could stir up jealousy and fixation, so watch those obsessive tendencies of yours.

October 2022 Scorpio Career Horoscope

With the Sun meandering through Libra and your twelfth house of rest, dreams and closure until October 23, your most powerful tool is your imagination! For the first three weeks of the month, the best way to be productive may sound counterintuitive. You don't necessarily have to take any vacation days, though you certainly wouldn't lack for great ways to spend them. 

To the degree possible, reshuffle your priority list so you can work on creative, visionary and interpersonal projects. If an issue has been vexing you, try more inventive approaches to problem-solving, like walking in nature or "randomly" browsing online for related-but-different situations. And pay attention to your dreams. There are gems of wisdom and insight there—if you can capture them!

Once the Sun enters Scorpio on October 23, you'll start feeling like your old self, ready to say yes to opportunities that arrive with the landmark Scorpio solar eclipse on October 25. Anything—and we mean anything—is possible today. Stay open and willing to explore opportunities far outside of what you could have imagined.

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October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Sagittarius

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Libra

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Libra