October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Virgo

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Virgo

Money moves! It’s Libra season until October 23

The Sun is making its annual visit to Libra and your grounded second house until October 23— a sensible cycle that helps you put a proper plan in place. As a Virgo, you kinda need that before you go running off willy-nilly! For Virgo business owners, this should be a fruitful season for early holiday sales.

Mercury retrograde ends on October 2

At last, you can get back in the driver’s seat again, Virgo. October 2 ends a stressful Mercury retrograde cycle that began on September 9, disrupting technology, communication and travel plans. And let’s not even TALK about the havoc it wreaked on Virgo season!

Adding insult to injury, you’ve been hosting Mercury retrograde in your own sign since September 23. Prior to that, Mercury was rogue in Libra, which created confusion around money, work and technology for you. For the last week-ish, Mercury has been backsliding through Virgo, making you feel wildly misunderstood and thwarted around a personal project. You may have been bickering with everyone or on the outs with your usual supporters.

Luckily, you only have to endure a couple days of this madness in October. As Mercury resumes direct (forward) motion today, you can get back to your ambitious and exciting plans without all the consternation. That said, Mercury’s shadow phase will linger until October 16, so you’ll continue to feel its dissipating effects. But with the clever communication planet in Virgo until October 10, make the most of the next week to get your ideas back out that and your requests top of mind with decision-makers!

Pluto retrograde ends on October 8

Your desire to share your gifts resurfaces on October 8 as transformational Pluto wakes up from a five-month retrograde through Capricorn and your fifth house of creativity, passion and self-expression.

While Pluto was backspinning (a cycle that began on April 29) you may have dipped below the radar, hiding your radiance while feeling self-conscious. If you were struck by a bout of stage fright or performance anxiety, Pluto’s return to forward motion reminds you that you have something meaningful to offer to the world! Instead of worrying about doing it “perfectly,” focus on the lives you’ll change with your gifts and talents.

A love affair or relationship may have gone through intense cycles during Pluto’s retrograde. Perhaps an ex surfaced, or you had to work through some old fears and baggage in your current union. If it’s been a dance of “come here, now go away,” that’s no doubt been exhausting! You deserve a break from that confusion, Virgo, and as Pluto corrects course, clarity returns. Should you cut ties or stick around and work through a difficult dynamic? That answer will soon become clear.

Lunar lust? Aries full moon October 9

A lot of hidden details get illuminated on October 9, when the Aries full moon sends its potent beams into your eighth house of intimacy, privacy and secrets. Are you in or are you out? This full moon in your zone of extremes is ready to move you out of the gray area. The eighth house rules joint ventures, and this one could bring a proposal to the table—either for business or love. Could you merge your resources and talents for mutual gain? You might decide to make things officially official.

This lunation could have “power duo” written all over it. But not so fast, Virgo, because Venus, the planet of romance and harmony, is opposite the full moon today. As thrilling as this intensity is, you also need a certain amount of stability. Make sure you’ve thought this through on a practical level too. The heart may want what it wants, but a feasible future is nothing to minimize.

Scorpio season (October 23) and the Scorpio solar eclipse (October 25)

For the next month, the Sun will heat up your third house of communication, sparking productive conversations and filling your social calendar. Whatever answers you’re seeking, you’ll find them in books, podcasts, events—and more importantly, from chatting up the people you meet there. Your mind is hungry for intel, making this a great time to sign up for a course or restock your audiobook library. The third house rules neighborhoods, and Scorpio season could send you on a search for a community that suits your vibe or off to explore fresh local terrain instead of hitting the same old hotspots.

Brace yourself for big news or an exciting connection at October 25 Scorpio new moon, which happens to be a game-changing solar eclipse. Got an idea you’ve been trying to get off the ground? This lunar lift could spark a conversation that sets the wheels in motion. Over the next six months, a creative concept could turn into a viral media project or creative collaboration.

Under these supercharged eclipse moonbeams, you could meet a kindred spirit type and decide to explore the synergy, testing your chemistry on a joint project. With magnetic Venus exactly connected to the Sun and moon, a fast friendship or even a romance could develop! Didn’t see that one coming, did you? That’s how eclipses work—and heads up, there’s a second one coming on November 8 in Taurus and your ninth house of travel, education and risk-taking. An even bigger opportunity could be heading your way, so don’t sign on for anything too binding if you aren’t 100 percent certain. Keep your options open!

Healthy improvements: Saturn retrograde ends

Your eagle eye gets even sharper starting October 23, when Saturn wakes up from a four-month retrograde in Aquarius and your sixth house of health, organization and work. With the taskmaster planet powering forward in this methodical zone, you return to your analytical ways. Virgo, you can be as frugal as you are fancy-free, and Saturn retrograde may have made it tough to stick to any kind of austerity plan. If you've fallen off the wellness wagon, get back to healthy eating, exercise and regular self-care. On the flip side, you could have gotten way too extreme with rigid routines and perfectionistic standards. In that case, you’ll find the freedom to lighten up a little.

Tough Saturn has been in Aquarius since December 2020, and it's here until March 2023. You may have endured a couple of health or medical issues in the past couple years, which prompted you to take your wellbeing seriously. Saturn is here to help you prioritize. If you don't say no to some things, you can't say yes to what truly matters.

Jupiter retrograde backs into Pisces on October 28

On October 28, lucky and expansive Jupiter makes its third and final visit to Pisces and your relationship sector, staying until December 20. Jupiter has been visiting this part of your chart in a three-part act since May 2021. This May 10, Jupiter moved ahead into Aries and your intimacy zone, setting off an even deeper exploration of your bonds. The energy may have been intense, private and focused on a few key connections. With Jupiter in Pisces again, you’ll continue to explore and grow in your relationships. However, the energy may be a bit lighter—a welcome break from the intensity!

Pace yourself: Mars turns retrograde October 30

This October 30. action planet Mars turns retrograde in Gemini, hitting the brakes on your lofty goals and professional ascent. Have you been burning the candle at both ends or freaking out about the future? It’s time to slow down a little.

Mars will reverse through your tenth house of career and responsibility from October 30 until January 13. Take on less and focus on finishing the projects you’ve already started. Weed out the tasks that are draining your energy and give your best to endeavors that will pay dividends.

Maybe you’ve recently been on fire at work. Your motivation could sputter a bit once Mars starts to backpedal. But don’t worry. Instead of gunning for a promotion or getting ultra-competitive, recraft your pitches and show that you’re in this for a marathon, not a sprint. Less hierarchy and more cooperation will convey to people that you’re a true leader. Stay patient and be willing to take feedback, even if it means making a few revisions—or prioritizing another project if you can’t reach consensus around this one just yet.

October 2022 Virgo Love Horoscope

Getting serious about the future? Whether it’s your own or a shared one, the love planets have you thinking ahead like the true Virgo planner that you are. Luckily, they’ll also help you deeply savor the present tense in all its sensual glory. Until October 23, both the Sun and romantic Venus are in Libra and your second house of practical luxuries. Not only does this make you kind of a money magnet (bring it on!), it adds and sensual and affectionate glow to the first three weeks of the month.

Meanwhile, Mars is on an extra-long trek (August 20 to March 25) through Aries and your tenth house of future planning and career. It could feel essential to lock down relationships and talk about where “things are going,” especially if you’re single or feel like the clock is ticking on one of your #couple-goals. An attraction to a coworker could spark.

But note, once Mars turns retrograde one October 30, budding relationships could wilt a little, and passion can cool even for happy couples. Between now and January 12, there might be more bickering or competitiveness, or difficulty reaching consensus. Singles may feel especially frustrated by the logistics of meeting someone during the (seemingly endless) isolation mandated by the pandemic. Hang tight until the early new year, when Mars will turn direct (forward) again.

Time with great friends could make up for the trouble starting October 23, when the Sun and Venus shift into Scorpio and activate your third house of communication and community. Take a more lighthearted, “one day at a time” approach when you can. If thinking about the future feels too heavy, you should have no trouble finding holiday gatherings, culture and intellectually stimulating events. Follow your curiosity and hey, you never know who you could meet along the way!

October 2022 Virgo Career Horoscope

Get ‘er done, Virgo! For the first three weeks of the month, the Sun is chugging along in Libra and your second house of productivity. During Virgo season last month, you had cosmic permission to indulge in a little extra playtime, but October is all about getting down to business and tending to the nuts and bolts of your work and finances. To keep things fun, set small goals and then reward your progress along the way. Surely there’s a decadent treat or two that will keep you motivated!

Raising your flag even higher, energizer Mars is in Gemini and your tenth house of career, activating your ambitions all the way until March 25, 2023. However, Mars will turn retrograde (backward) from October 30 until January 12. Pace yourself to avoid burnout and bad decisions. Haste definitely makes waste now.

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Libra

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Libra

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo