October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo

Restore your roar: Libra season hands you the mic

You've got something to say—and the world is eager to listen! The Sun is in Libra and your third house of communication until October 23, stimulating your curiosity and giving you the urge to connect. Your sign is famous for making friends wherever you go, and during this social high season, you could add some savvy new members to your squad. If you've got a message or a visionary idea to share, start spreading the news. Give your brilliant creations some Godspeed through social media, word-of-mouth marketing and clever campaigns.

Mercury retrograde ends on October 2

Buh-bye, confusion and crossed wires! October 2 ends a stressful Mercury retrograde that began on September 9, disrupting technology, communication and travel plans. Mercury spent the bulk of its backspin in Libra and your interactive third house. Under this signal-scrambling spell, you've could have been triggered by trolls, flummoxed by friends and misunderstood by the masses. At least one of your electronic gadgets may have sputtered out, and in general, you may have found it hard to think and express yourself clearly.

From September 23 to October 2, Mercury rounded out its retrograde in Virgo and your second house of work, money and daily routines. Getting into a back-to-school groove could have been a (not-so-funny) comedy of errors. Hopefully you spent a little extra time poring over your budget and expenses, but it was still probably hard to get a firm handle on where your money was flowing.

Now that Mercury has corrected course, take another look: Where can you trim a few extraneous costs, maybe slashing a subscription that you never use? Revamp your routines and start setting your fall financial plans in motion. Keep in mind that Mercury’s lingering shadow phase lasts until October 16, so you could still feel effects for a couple more weeks.

Pluto retrograde ends October 8

Is the devil in the details? You may find out starting October 8, when transformational Pluto ends a five-month retrograde through Capricorn and your sixth house of health, organization and analytical thinking. Since April 29, Pluto’s been backing through this part of your chart, which might have driven up issues around control and micromanaging. Power struggles could have erupted, especially with employees or coworkers.

If you’ve been dealing with anxiety or a health issue, it may have been hard to figure out the cause with shadowy Pluto back-spinning like this. Chronic stress could have disrupted your sleep patterns or caused you to lapse into self-soothing habits like emotional eating. Now that Pluto is direct (forward), you can be more decisive about your next steps with health and fitness.

Lucky day! The October 9 Aries full moon

Got a big idea, Leo? October 9 is an auspicious day, and your efforts can really hit the mark. The year’s only full moon in Aries beams into your ninth house of luck, expansion and limitless possibilities. You can see the big picture clearly, and you’re ready to take a risk. These moonbeams could bring opportunities to travel, study or start a business. A visionary concept you hatched six months ago could come to fruition now. If you’ve been unsure about whether or not to take a leap of faith, this full moon will give you the guts—and the gusto—to go for it.

Just tread lightly if you’re making a pitch though. This full moon will be opposite gracious Venus, which could make you come across as pushy or even rude. Temper that edge, Leo, especially since the moon-Venus opposition will tear across your communication axis. Ask lots of questions and make an extra effort to listen, rather than bulldozing over their objections.

October 23: Saturn retrograde ends, powering your partnerships

Partnership power! On October 23, structured Saturn wakes up from a four-month retrograde in Aquarius, where it’s put the slowdown on your relationship house. Since June 4, the cosmic curmudgeon has been slogging through Aquarius, forcing you to take a hard look at your closest relationships. You may have done serious repair work on a few of those ties or possibly taken some distance. Saturn rules maturity, so you’ve learned a few important lessons that ultimately led to greater stability. (Hello, second-chance marriage of Leo-Leo couple Bennifer!)

Now that Saturn's back on track—and plodding steadily through Aquarius until March 2023—you can apply those hard-won lessons to all of your interpersonal affairs. Whether it's a close friendship, a budding love connection or a long-term union, Saturn will help you make wiser choices. Have you been vacillating over whether to sign a contract or make a business partnership official? As Saturn corrects course, you'll feel more confident saying yes or no.

Scorpio season (October 23) and the Scorpio solar eclipse (October 25)

Some much-needed downtime arrives starting October 23, when the Sun shifts into Scorpio and your fourth house of home and family. It’s time to nest and rest—or at least to bring some balance back by attending to the more personal parts of your life. For the next four weeks, focus on fortifying your foundations. Connect with your roots, take care of your emotional wellbeing and start a savings account for a dream purchase.

But don’t get too comfortable! On October 25, the Scorpio new moon arrives in the form of a change-making partial solar eclipse. This eclipse sets off a six-month cycle that boosts your bonds and could bring a new living situation (or an improved one) into fruition. If you’re home-hunting, this is a great day to start your search in earnest! You might find yourself making moving plans out of the blue, as eclipses bring surprises. Pregnancy news, for yourself or someone close to you, could also arrive unexpectedly.

With a lunar eclipse coming to your career zone in two weeks, there might be job news that intersect with living situation shifts. Sit tight until November 8 if possible!

During Scorpio season, your loved ones will appreciate your undivided attention. Just make sure you don’t slip into playing caretaker for them and using all that free time to attend to THEIR needs. That is so not the point here, Leo. Scorpio season is your time to be pampered and to refill YOUR tanks with unconditional love and support.

Jupiter backs into Pisces October 28

One more plunge into the deep end, Leo! On October 28, expansive Jupiter makes its third and final visit to Pisces and your intimate eighth house, staying until December 20. Jupiter has been visiting this part of your chart in a three-part act since May 2021, putting the spotlight on sex, emotional depth and shared resources, from finances to joint ventures.

On May 10, 2022, Jupiter moved into Aries and your adventurous ninth house, a much more uplifting part of your chart. You’ve been better able to see the big picture, and may have traveled, studied or ventured into entrepreneurial terrain.

Now, you’ve got about two last months to go back into the weeds, bringing your newfound insights, to crack the code on whatever’s eluded you. While the energy will be a lot more intense and private, you could be too consumed with a project to notice! Some Leos could have a holiday season proposal or a big year-end bonus (the eighth house rules large lump sums, and Jupiter is the jackpot of the solar system). Make like Leo-Leo couple Bennifer and head to the Vegas chapel—gambler Jupiter approves. When Jupiter returns to Aries from December 20 to May 16, you can take an epic vacation, maybe even with your favorite plus-one.

Team losing steam? Mars turns retrograde October 30

Pump the brakes, Leo. On October 30, energizer Mars turns retrograde for two months in Gemini and your eleventh house of groups, technology and ideals. Action could stall around a collaboration, and your virtual ventures might get glitchy. Back up your important data to the cloud AND an external hard drive. While you’re at it, might as well create new, stronger passwords, too.

With aggressive Mars going rogue, limit your time online—unless you want to waste your most productive hours fighting trolls or scrolling through endless Facebook debates about masks and school re-openings. (Time to hit the “mute” button on a few friends?)

Mars is making a long trip through Gemini from August 20, 2022, to March 25, 2023. You want to be free to express your individual views­, but perhaps you’ve been a little TOO much of a renegade? Watch for normally mild-mannered people to reveal their unabashedly competitive sides. Pull back from the boat-rockers and consider cutting a few antagonistic or stressful players from the Team Leo lineup if they’re causing more trouble than good. Be slow to confide in anyone till the red planet corrects course mid-January. And then, use the intel you collected during this pivot to be more selective about who you collaborate with.

October 2022 Leo Love Horoscope

The first three weeks of the month are flirty and fun! The Sun and Venus are traveling together through Libra, adding sparkle to your third house of communication and kindred spirits. You could feel sparks with a friend or meet someone intriguing through a mutual connection.

Meanwhile, the other love planet, Mars, is making an extended trip through Gemini and your eleventh house of friendships and platonic connections. From August 20 to March 25, the lusty planet is stirring things up in your inner circle, possibly inspiring you to take a friendship into the romantic seas. The eleventh house is also your tech zone, so you could make a love connection with someone you meet on the apps or by a little DM flirtation.

 Use discernment when Mars shifts into reverse (retrograde) from October 30 to January 12. For couples, this backflip can add pressure and intensity—perhaps more than the union can stand. In general, Mars retrograde churns up heavier emotions like rage, competitiveness or jealousy. Those feelings could come out of nowhere or hark back to issues you thought were long since resolved. Just remember: Whatever happens now is likely to shift again in mid-January when Mars resumes forward motion. So tame the impulsivity monster and try to ride this out until the new year!

The prescription? Take a time-out and give yourself plenty of nurturing self-care after October 23, when the Sun and Venus both shifting Scorpio and your fourth house of emotional foundations. You could be processing a lot with Mars retrograde, but either way, you’re extra sensitive to people’s energy. Choose your company with a lot more care. This is a great time to decorate your home, co-host a cocktail or dinner party (keep the guest list intimate), and to make plans to meet each other’s families if you’re getting serious.

October 2022 Leo Career Horoscope

This month, opportunity could knock in your own backyard. The Libra Sun is blazing through your third house of local action until October 23, spotlighting kindred spirits and promising partnerships. If you're seeking a new job or side hustle, start by spreading the word through your inner circle. A friend of a friend might have exactly the gig for you.

Got an exciting project to share about? Word of mouth is the best marketing now (and bonus—it's free!), so get a buzz building through your crew, at parties and on social media. You could also mobilize with like-minded people and organize an event—like a salon, workshop or trunk show—that brings people together. Casual conversations can lead to synergistic connections and stoke the embers of inspiration.

With go-getter Mars in Gemini, your eleventh house of teamwork and technology is ablaze. A potent collaboration could form. Just go in a step at a time, since Mars will be retrograde from October 30 to January 12, cooling your passion a bit.

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October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Virgo

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