All in Fire Signs

October 2022: LOVE Horoscopes

Are you ready to fall more deeply in love than ever before? Your love horoscope for October 2022 beckons intense, radical change that alters the timelines of love. Singles and couples may find that their romantic standards will undergo profound introspection. Focus on developing a heartfelt relationship instead of obsessing over romantic and sensual desires. After all, Libra is known for being the biggest flirt and a huge tease for a reason!

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Sagittarius

Back on the scene! This October, the planets draw you back into the world, where you’re happiest being. Not only is the Sun in Libra and your social, group-oriented eleventh house until October 23, but we’ve done with September and its SIX retrograde (backward) planets. If it felt like reality sort of vanished into thin air for a month, you’ve got the wayward stars to blame. In October, three of those planets—communicator Mercury, transformational Pluto and structured Saturn—all correct course.

So get out of the house, hold court and collaborate. Got something to debut? Circle the Aries full moon on October 9, which blows up your fifth house of romance, passion and fame. Anything from a fiery fall fling to clicking cameras could emerge at this month’s full moon. Just watch your temper, as strong emotional reactions could also surface without notice!

Things take a decidedly more hushed tone on October 23, when the Sun sinks into Scorpio and your twelfth house of rest, closure and healing. This year’s Scorpio season also features a solar eclipse in this sign, a bold push to let go of something you’ve been holding onto…which is also holding you back. Endings, transitions and powerful portals will help usher you into the next phase of your growth. But there are some things (or people) that might not come along for the ride.

The end of the month is a busy time in the stars. Jupiter, your ruling planet, slides back into Pisces and your domestic fourth house from October 28 until December 20. A cozy rest of the year is ahead, and you may prefer to hunker down at home base until the end of 2022. After a busy and active year, you may welcome that! Take it easy on your inner circle, too: with combative Mars turning retrograde in Gemini from October 30 until January 12, you could be at odds with your partner or a close person.

Halloween decision time: stay in or go out? While the Sun, mental Mercury and outgoing Venus are all snoozing in Scorpio and your restful twelfth house, the moon’s in Aquarius and your social third house, beckoning you to check out happenings in your ‘hood or make the rounds at a few parties. You might be one of the earlier guests—but hey, you never know. Keep your wits about you and watch your intake if you partake of the “witches brew.” Even better? Bring a friend along to make sure you both have a safe, fun time.

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo

Now we’re talking! Like, literally, Leo. September’s six retrograde planets did a number on us all, but your social life and communication took an especially strong hit. If you put a gag order on your trademark roar, we could hardly blame you. Good news: As October progresses, your fierceness returns—and this month, the world is ready for it.

Three of the six retrograde planets (Mercury, Pluto and Saturn) resume direct (forward) motion this October, which restores your confidence and helps get your plans back on track. With the Sun in Libra and your expressive third house until October 23, you can get back to sharing those selfies and inspiring an eager audience with all your novel ideas.

Scorpio season arrives on October 23, spotlighting your domestic, emotional fourth house and putting you in a whole ‘nother mood. Will you be the first one to put up those holiday decorations or hang the lights? Oh, probably. But home and family matters will jump to the top of the pile on October 25, when a solar eclipse sweeps through Scorpio.

With Jupiter backing into watery Pisces and your intense eighth house from October 28 until December 20, and Mars turning retrograde in your friendship zone on October 30, a little break from the social scene might do you good. Prioritize and focus on the key people in your life in the later part of October. What would you like to accomplish by the end of 2022? Turn your focus to that.

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aries

Welcome to your “relationship month,” Aries! In October, the Sun travels through Libra and Scorpio, heating up two of the most committed zones of your chart. For your independent sign, this is your annual time to partner up and share the talking stick. Not your sign’s wheelhouse, but an amazing opportunity to grow. Who knows? Someone else’s contributions could add a brilliant shine to your ideas.

Fear not, Ram: Your golden moment on the mic arrives October 9 with the year’s only Aries full moon! The spotlight’s on you, so belt out a memorable solo.

To support your assertiveness, communication planet Mercury will end its tricky three-week retrograde on October 2, lifting an irksome gag order. After September’s six (!) retrograde planets turned our lives upside-down, October starts to lift some of the pressure. Three of those wayward celestial bodies correct course this month: Mercury, Pluto (October 8) and Saturn (October 23).

October has a lot of moving parts: retrogrades ending, an eclipse and lots more. Sure, Libra season will bring balance, but it won’t be long before cosmic events flip the fulcrum. Luckily, your sign is ready for any challenge.

The energy gets a sexy charge once the Sun plunges into Scorpio and your intimate eighth house on October 23. Then, eclipse season starts October 25 with the Scorpio partial solar (new moon) eclipse. While eclipses can bring curveballs and sudden events, the solar eclipse is usually the gentler variety. This one sets the stage for an intense total lunar eclipse that will arrive at the November 8 Taurus full moon.

More changes are afoot as Jupiter exits your sign and reenters Pisces from October 28 until December 20 and your ruling planet Mars turns retrograde on October 30, reversing course until January 13. The rest of the year will take on a distinctly different flavor. Put some of those ambitious plans on temporary hold, as you’ll find much better luck if you launch them a couple weeks into the New Year. Retreat, reflect and recalibrate until then.

Blow off steam this Halloween, which features a freewheeling Aquarius moon in your friendship sector, the perfect moment for parties and lighthearted gatherings with friends. Of course, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio and your private eighth house, your appetite for crowds could expire long before the witching hour.