October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius

Take flight! It’s Libra season until October 23

Spread your wings, Water Bearer! The Sun is soaring through Libra and your expansive ninth house until October 23, giving you a wide-angle view on life and emboldening you to take risks—creatively, emotionally and in every way. To your future-forward sign who's happiest when you have something big to look forward to, Libra season might be one of your favorite times of year. With your mind so open to new possibilities, you'll easily stumble upon spontaneous moments that can lead to new friendships and adventures. Follow your curiosity, Aquarius, and see where it takes you.

The ninth house rules travel, learning and entrepreneurship. The October 8 Libra new moon is the perfect time to get any such plans underway. You could head to far-flung shores for a bucket-list trip (or at least start saving up for one), enroll in a mind-expanding workshop or class, or publish your work.

Mercury retrograde ends on October 2

Can we get an amen? October 2 ends a stressful Mercury retrograde that began on September 9, disrupting technology, communication and travel plans. Until September 23,the mischievous planet was retrograde in Libra and your globetrotting ninth house. Talk about inconvenient! Travel plans may have been thwarted or riddled with annoying curveballs. With mouthy Mercury gone rogue in this outspoken zone, your loose lips may have sunk a few ships—or at least, ruffled feathers among friends.

Since September 23, Mercury’s been retrograde in Virgo and your intimate, secretive eighth house. If you’ve navigated jealousy-fueled spats and people trying to draw you into their dramas, relief is in sight. With technology-driven Mercury meddling in your long-term-finances house, you may have experienced a password breach or attempted identity theft. No fun! Mercury’s “shadow phase” will linger until October 16, so continue to take precautions with your logins and sensitive data!

Pluto retrograde ends on October 8

Wait, what? On October 8, karmic Pluto wakes up from a five-month retrograde in Capricorn. This could be a bit like a bear rousing from hibernation—you don’t know if he’ll be grumpy and reactive or just groggy enough to seem harmless.

Since April 29, Pluto’s been back-spinning through your twelfth house of healing and closure. Some Aquarians weathered a loss or were plunged into the depths of some emotions you might not have wanted to deal with. Perhaps you did some important closure or forgiveness work, or faced an addiction.

If you’ve been forcing things and swimming upstream, Pluto retrograde was a time to stop pushing an agenda and to practice radical acceptance—to the best of your human ability. Other important lessons from the retrograde? Allowing others to support you and for things to unfold in their own time. Now you’ll start to see that tough inner work pay off.

Speak your mind at the Aries full moon October 9

The more, the merrier! On October 9, the Aries full moon activates your third house of communication, bringing resolutions or answers you’ve been seeking. A conversation started back at the April 1 Aries NEW moon could come to fruition or conclusion now. Need to clear the air? These moonbeams hand you the microphone to get things off your chest.

But use extreme tact if you do have “the talk,” Aquarius. Diplomatic Venus is at odds with the full moon, locked into a tense opposition. Even your best efforts to be polite and tactful could be taken the wrong way. Set ground rules and intentions before you go there!

Scorpio season (October 23) and the Scorpio solar eclipse (October 25)

Career becomes your focus starting October 23, when the Sun moves into Scorpio and your tenth house of ambition and professional goals. What would you like to accomplish over the next month, before the holidays kick into high gear? If excess and hedonism sent your life a bit off the rails over the past three weeks, you can corral things into more of a structure during this disciplined time. Or if you’ve had a million “ahh-mazing” ideas, you can now sort the winners from the crops and get to work on building those out.

The October 25 Scorpio new moon is an ideal day to kick off an ambitious project or apply for a new job if you’re in the market. And ready or not, opportunity could find YOU—when you least expect it! That’s because this new moon is also a potent solar eclipse, which can bring a bold new beginning out of the blue.

Got your sights set on a leadership role or a next step? New moons can take up to six months to fully unfold, so map out a trajectory. Speak to a mentor or supervisor about what you need to do (acquire new skills, advanced training or professional certification) to position yourself for that. And brace yourself: A second eclipse will arrive in Taurus and your domestic sector at the November 8 full moon. Change is coming to the major parts of your life. Let the dust settle before making any huge leaps, tempting as the offers may seem.

Saturn retrograde in Aquarius ends October 23

Well hello, Aquarius 2.0! This October 23, structured Saturn awakens from a four-and-a-half-month retrograde backspin through Aquarius that started on June 4. Saturn is making a long tour through your sign from December 2020 until March 2023, which has helped your rebellious sign approach structure and boundaries from a mature new perspective. Luckily, Saturn happens to be your minor ruler, as it was the planet assigned to Aquarius before Uranus was discovered in 1781. If you’ve ever wondered why you have both a Type A side and a wild streak, this is it!

Saturn only visits your sign every 30 years or so. It’s a profound period that can tear down and rebuild an entire part of your life. Your identity has been getting a total makeover (or at least, a renovation) for the past three years. With Saturn in your first house of appearance, you may have done some "exterior renovations" to your style as well as your overall look.

Saturn's main mission is to make you take an unflinching look at your priorities and pursuits, ensuring that they're aligned with your values. Are you spending your time and energy on things that matter to you? Investing in yourself? Or are you taking care of everyone else's needs first? During the retrograde, you may have had a no-BS look at this energy distribution and hopefully seen ways to correct course.

Between now and March 2023, you have an opportunity to really show the world your most refined and sophisticated self. Play your cards right and you could end this Saturn cycle as a respected expert—even if your reputation has taken a few hits along the way. If that happened, anoint yourself the "comeback kid" and get busy crafting the image of you that the world deserves to see!

Peak prosperity! Jupiter backs into Pisces on October 28

Bring on the abundance! On October 28, lucky Jupiter makes its third and final trip to Pisces and your money sector, revving up your revenue between now and December 20. Since May 2021, Jupiter’s been weaving in and out of Pisces, and on May 10, 2022, it moved on to Aries and your third house of ideas. Maybe you’ve been dreaming up some creative ideas since then or putting together big plans. Great news: before this year’s through, you could come up with a way to monetize one (or more!) of those brilliant concepts and turn it into something tangible.

Pace yourself: Mars turns retrograde October 30

Watch your temper! On October 30, energizer Mars turns retrograde in Gemini and your passionate, expressive fifth house until January 13. Is it time to dial back the decadence or wave the white flag on a relationship that’s gotten a bit too heated? Your sign normally likes to play it cool, but during Mars retrograde, you could have some fiery reactions. Add more exercise to your routine so you can channel that angst into a physical outlet.

For the next two months, put some of your hedonistic impulses on time-out and bring some moderation back. Keep your frustration in check if you’ve been quick to fly off the handle when someone pushes your buttons. A creative project might need to be shelved for a bit as you handle more practical and pressing matters.

With lusty Mars going rogue in your romance sector, you might hear from a tempting but possibly toxic ex. Is it time to finally address a tense issue head-on? You could have second thoughts about a connection that’s been heating up since Mars arrived here on August 20.

The red planet will remain in Gemini until March 25, 2023. A little cooldown period could be healthy, giving you a chance to regain your bearings. Then you can power ahead on more solid, self-aware ground in mid-January. It’s a great time to get back to your fitness routines, especially if you’ve fallen off the workout and wellness wagon.

October 2022 Aquarius Love Horoscope

This month, the Sun and Venus are traveling through the same signs, first in Libra and your adventurous ninth house until October 23, then moving into Scorpio for the duration. For the first three weeks of the month, you’re down for whatever—and whoever—as this bold and flirtatious duo moves through the most open-minded part of your chart.

Before you go getting TOO serious, a reminder that Mars is partway through an extended trip to Gemini and your flirtatious fifth house from August 20 to March 25. Things have probably been hot in and out of the boudoir for many Aquarians. From fall flings to a romantic resurgence, it’s been a sexy start to the season!

But that could slow down—or come to a short-term halt—when Mars reverses course from October 30 to January 12. In retrograde, the feisty red planet can stir up drama and spark heated arguments. Regardless of how hot the attraction, you may need a break to cool down from the intensity. If you rushed into something new, here’s your chance to regulate your speed, if necessary.

Your mind is on the future in a more serious way starting October 23, when the Sun and Venus shift into Scorpio and your tenth house of long-term goals. When a solar eclipse rides through Scorpio on October 25, there’s no more ignoring your priorities. Do you want the same things for the future or don’t you?

October 2022 Aquarius Career Horoscope

You'll be open to new ideas and opportunities with the Libra Sun sailing through your global, risk-taking ninth house until October 23. Suddenly the prospect of working from a remote location might sound irresistible. Throw your hat in the ring for any jobs that appeal to your sense of adventure.

You don't have to accept the first thing you're offered, but your nomadic side might enjoy a gig with a little less structure and a lot more flexibility now. This is also a good month to take a workshop or acquire advanced training. Anything that expands your mind and gives you a competitive edge is favored.

On October 23, the Sun moves on to Scorpio and your ambitious tenth house for a month, reinvigorating work goals that you'd love to tick off the list before the year draws to a close. But the crowning moment arrives on October 25, when a Scorpio solar (new moon) eclipse brings an opportunity or possible career change out of the blue.

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October 2022: LOVE Horoscopes

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