October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Pisces

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Pisces

Turn inward! It’s Libra season until October 23

Dive into those mermaidy depths, Pisces. October always starts out as an intense and introspective time for you as the Sun makes its annual rounds through Libra and your private eighth house until October 23. The eighth house rules merging, and this solar cycle can strengthen your bonds with the innermost members of Team Pisces.

From investments and shared finances to engagements and pregnancies, the Sun in this perma-linking zone has you evaluating all your closest alliances—and how far you want to go together. Libra season could spark a strong mind-body-spirit attraction to someone, so keep your antennae up for a sexy soulmate or, if you're in a relationship, for ways you can deepen your intimacy.

Real estate, long-term finances and other assets also fall under the eighth-house domain, so use this month to assess your plans and make sure you're properly set up for the future.

Mercury retrograde ends on October 2

Back in sync! October 2 ends a stressful Mercury retrograde that began on September 9, disrupting technology, communication and travel plans. Your relationships have taken an extra hit from this retrograde, as Mercury reversed through Libra and your intimate eighth house, then backed into Virgo and your partnership sector.

While this could have caused wild misunderstandings with your closest colleagues or love interest, it was also an important time to iron out any disagreements and bring balance back. If you’ve been holding off on giving answers or signing contracts (a wise choice under Mercury’s mayhem), you’ll get the all-clear to make a decision. Well, mostly. Mercury’s lingering “shadow” phase will last until October 16. You’ll feel the dissipating effects and few more hiccups. Continue to take extra precautions—if you’re still uncertain about whether to move forward, ask for clarification!

Team turnaround: Pluto retrograde ends on October 8

On October 8, karmic powerhouse Pluto wakes up from a five-month retrograde nap, powering forward in your eleventh house of groups and teams. A stalled collaboration could pick up speed and you may find group dynamics improving (hooray!), especially if there’d been tension simmering below the surface.

Just be careful not to rush into any entanglements, especially with friends. Associating with a more mature and ambitious crowd is paying off for you, and Pluto’s course correction could turn a few of those folks into powerful allies who can open doors.

Money moves! The Aries full moon October 9

Mid-month, pull back from all that soul-searching and focus on practical matters. On October 9, the year’s only Aries full moon lands in your second house of work, money and daily routines, bringing out your sensual and productive side. The key message: Be here now! Take a moment to get grounded in your everyday life or to finish up a lingering project. Roll up your sleeves and plan to hustle. You’ll feel so glad once you’re done! Reward yourself with a long massage and a decadent meal for all that effort.

With the full moon’s fiscal emphasis, you could receive a raise, promotion or new job offer. If you’ve been wooing a client, you’ll hear a definite yes or no after today. (P.S.: Ask for a little more than you think you can get!) If your budget’s gone awry—or you’re thinking, “What budget?”—these moonbeams will support better money management. Have you gone as far as you can in a professional position? Since full moons can mark endings and transitions, you might decide to give notice soon after this date.

Special notice: The full moon is opposite magnetic Venus, the planet that attracts both love and money. Make sure you’re sending a clear message to the universe if you want something to manifest. And if you’re feeling uncertain, that’s okay—use this illuminating full moon to get to the bottom of what’s keeping you on the fence.

Scorpio season (October 23) and the Scorpio solar eclipse (October 25)

Perspective returns on October 23, when the Sun shifts into Scorpio and your ninth house of adventure, travel and expanded horizons. All that deep reflecting of the past month will yield a refreshing wider-angle view of the world.

On October 25, the Scorpio new moon really gets you seeing limitless possibilities—and talking about them! This is amplified times a thousand because it’s also a potent solar eclipse, which brings a bold pivot or fresh start. An honest conversation today could open up new levels of closeness and mutuality. Suddenly, all the dots start connecting, and you can see the bigger picture. Whew!

After an emotional three weeks, you’re ready to shake off the heaviness. Time to emerge a butterfly, Pisces! But don’t start flapping off just yet. On November 8, a lunar eclipse arrives in Taurus, which could bring major news or yet another sudden change of plans.

Saturn retrograde ends October 23

On October 23, structured Saturn wakes up from a four-month retrograde nap in Aquarius and your twelfth house of closure and healing. Saturn's been making a long tour of Aquarius from December 2020 until March 2023, when it will move into YOUR sign. You've done a lot of important inner work during this time, Pisces—and you've probably gone deeper into emotional, spiritual and vulnerable places than ever before. Next spring, you’ll have the opportunity to emerge as a resilient leader, or perhaps to start an entirely new path.

While there may have been some painful moments, you can also take stock of the transformation you've gone through! Is there someone you still have yet to forgive, a resentment that's poisoning you by carrying it around. Saturn helps you do the brave work. For artists and healers, this is a powerful time to establish yourself as an expert or to work with a mentor to gain mastery through a disciplined practice.

Jupiter backs into Pisces on October 28

Look who’s back in first place again! This October 28, lucky and expansive Jupiter makes its third and final visit to Pisces, giving you the “It factor” until December 20. The red-spotted giant has been weaving through your sign since May 2021, kicking off a fresh 12-year chapter of your life and inspiring you to put yourself out there more.

Jupiter has been visiting Pisces in a three-part act since May 2021. This May 10, Jupiter moved ahead into Aries and your money zone, setting off new opportunities for career and financial growth. Take a pause for an important cause: You! Between now and the end of the year, your personal passions and projects should get top billing. You never know: super-connector Jupiter could draw just the right people to help you spread the word!

Pace yourself: Mars turns retrograde October 30

Home has been a heat zone since August 20, when activator Mars first blazed into Gemini and your domestic fourth house for an extended six-month stay. For some Pisces, there’s been friction under your roof—and no surprise, given how many people are working from home or spending much more time cooped up with the same cast of characters.

From October 30 to January 13, Mars will decelerate in low-power retrograde, which could either crank up the crankiness or prompt you to make important household changes you’ve been putting off. A deep clean and declutter is always a good idea, and with cooler temperatures around the corner, you’d be wise to create zones in your living quarters where everyone can be productive and also de-stress. It could take some real innovation (and maybe a few HGTV binges) to carve up the space properly. If you live alone, make sure you also delineate zones for both work and relaxation.

October 2022 Pisces Love Horoscope

This month, love planet Venus is powered by the Sun, as the two travel mostly in sync with each other, imbuing your romantic efforts with confidence. Is the new season feeling kinda sexy? No surprise: The Sun and Venus are in Libra and your intimate eighth house until October 23. If the erotic energy hasn’t yet swept you up, maybe you just need to consciously unleash it. Even doing a few hip circles or dimming the lights and playing sensual music can draw out this magnetic energy. 

With Cuffing Season in full swing, you might be thinking about taking the next big step with someone. During the first three weeks of October, Venus lends you the courage to initiate that conversation.

But don’t rush into anything TOO binding, Pisces. On October 23, both the Sun and Venus soar into Scorpio and your expansive ninth house, widening your viewfinder. You may glimpse some new options and opportunities that you missed earlier this month while you were in tunnel-vision mode. The October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse could bring a surprising opportunity to travel (with or without a special someone) or an unexpected long-distance love connection.

Meantime, hale and hearty Mars is keeping the home fires burning during his lengthy trip through Gemini and your domestic fourth house from August 20 to March 25. If you’ve got a warm body to nuzzle with, you probably don’t need tips from us. Single Pisces might want to entertain. Host a party and invite close friends to bring an unattached eligible—or at least, to make an online intro. 

 Note: Mars will turn retrograde for two months on October 30, which can shorten tempers, churn up intense emotions and make you hypersensitive and a little too quick to react. If you don’t deal with your feelings, you may feel like a storm is brewing inside you. You might get defensive—or go on the offensive, which is not a good tactic now (or really, ever). Remove yourself from the fray and distract yourself with work or a deep-cleaning project. It’s a good time for a bedroom makeover. This can clear stagnant energy and make room for something new and stimulating.  

October 2022 Pisces Career Horoscope

The divine is in the details, Pisces! The Sun cruises through Libra and your intense eighth house until October 23, giving you enviable focus and willpower. If you have a detailed project to finish, tune out distractions and climb into the trenches. While you'll crave privacy, you don't have to do it alone. 

The eighth house rules joint ventures and shared resources, and with the Sun here, you can pool your superpowers for a win-win. If someone owes you a favor (or, um, money), this is a good time to collect. Financial planning, real estate and investments are also in the spotlight for some Pisces.

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October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius

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