October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn

Ambition time! It’s Libra season until October 23

Get to work, Capricorn! Your marching orders come direct from the cosmos while the Sun makes methodical steps through Libra and your structured, ambitious tenth house until October 23. As the natural ruler of that realm, Capricorns should truly feel "in the zone," ready to take last month's lofty ideas and turn them into concrete goals.

Mercury retrograde ends on October 2

Sweet relief! October 2 ends a stressful Mercury retrograde that began on September 9, disrupting technology, communication and travel plans. Until September 23, Mercury was backing through Libra and your career sector, throwing a few wrenches into your professional plans. Since then, the quicksilver planet’s been retrograde in Virgo and your outspoken ninth house, tricking you into saying the exact wrong thing at the worst possible moment. Keeping a schedule has been nearly impossible, a challenge for your time-conscious sign.

Both Mercury and the ninth house are associated with travel, so if you’ve delayed plans for a getaway or faced roadblocks around a launch, you’ll get the all-clear now. Well, almost: Mercury’s lingering shadow phase sticks around until October 16, like the fumes left behind by a car. Practice extra patience and diplomacy now!

Pluto retrograde ends on October 8

Your call to greatness gets amplified by transformational powerhouse Pluto, which wakes up from a five-month retrograde in YOUR sign on October 8. As karmic Pluto zooms into forward motion, you’ll emerge from the shadows. If you’ve been hiding out or dimming your lights since late April, Pluto’s course correction turns up the intensity again.

A personal project could speed up, especially if you’ve been blocked by a few obstacles or resistant people who seemed to be undermining your efforts. Have you been considering a style revamp or a major life change? The soul-searching you’ve done since the spring (whether you realized you were doing it or not) could now pay off, inspiring you to make decisive moves.

Home sweet home: Aries full moon October 9

Need to pause for a personal cause? Mid-month, take a time-out from your ambitions to touch down at home base or savor a little self-care. On October 9, the annual Aries full moon will beam into your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations.

If you’ve been considering a move or a change in your living situation, these moonbeams can catalyze your plans. For Caps of the parenting set, this maternal moon could bring pregnancy news or an opportunity to bond with your children. A powerful woman could figure prominently into events today or over the next two weeks. But take care: this moon will oppose harmonious Venus, indicating potential conflict or disagreements with loved ones.

Scorpio season (October 23) and the Scorpio solar eclipse (October 25)

Lightness arrives on October 23, when the Sun shifts gears into Scorpio and your eleventh house of groups, teamwork and technology. Step away from your desk and go mingle—a mandate from the stars for the next four weeks. You’ll accomplish more when you focus on “who you know” rather than “what you do.”

A collaboration—or the start of a fruitful one—could take flight on October 25, when the year’s only Scorpio new moon beams into your eleventh house, sparking synergies. Even better? This one is a potent solar eclipse, which could bring a moment of powerful change. You might be invited to join a professional association that forwards your goals. Or maybe politics is calling your name sparked by the midterm elections?

Whatever the case, this new moon is here to expand your circle and bring some dynamic new thinkers into your orbit. It’s a great day to host a party or an event, especially one that benefits a cause that you care about. With celebratory and gracious Venus making an exact meetup with the eclipse, you can put your consummate class and style on display! Sparks could also fly with a friend, since romantic Venus could set off sudden sparks with someone you never thought of “that way.”

Saturn retrograde ends on October 23

There’s more good news coming this October 23. That day, structured Saturn—your ruling planet—will wake up from a four-and-a-half-month retrograde in Aquarius and your second house of work and money. The tough taskmaster has been plodding through this fiscal zone since December 2020, auditing your budget AND your discipline. How can you make your money work harder for you instead of working harder and harder for your money? You may have tightened your belt a few notches in the past couple years due to setbacks or shaky parts of your financial foundation.

Inspector Saturn has revealed the cracks in your master plan, especially during the retrograde. You may have lost a client or seen a dip in your revenues. Maybe a burdensome expense ate up resources, or you worked punishing hours because your plate was loaded so high. When Saturn exits Aquarius in March 2023, you could emerge on solid, solvent ground—provided you learn the lessons.

Saturn’s goal during this three-year run is to make you lean, mean and cash-positive by forcing you to create smarter habits. Caveat: You’ll have to pay some dues to get there! That means curbing your sign’s pursuit of instant gratification and focusing on the long game. Structured Saturn is all about planning and prioritizing. Instead of relying on luck or charm, you’ve had to hustle and grind. It might seem “boring” to lay down the bricks instead of doing all the fun, sexy stuff. But if you don’t cover the basics, you’ll stay stuck at a plateau. Do something different—and get a different result!

Jupiter retrograde backs into Pisces on October 28

Say what? On October 28, outspoken Jupiter backs into Pisces and your communication zone for its third and final visit since May 2021. If you’ve got a big idea, an inspiring message or a trailblazing project, you’ve got the mic until December 20.

Since May 10 of this year, Jupiter’s been in Aries and your domestic sector. You may have moved, expanded your family or just been keen to spend more time at home. But those shut-in days are going away right in time for the holiday season. Get ready for a flurry of invitations—and (surprise) you’ll suddenly want to RSVP “yes!”

Pace yourself: Mars turns retrograde October 30

Stress alert! Driven Mars starts its two-month retrograde on October 30, jamming up your sixth house of health, organization and employees until January 13. It could be challenging to keep a handle on all your projects and responsibilities. Working hard may be necessary, but you can’t do it at the expense of your health—sand you can’t afford to bottle up frustration just now.

Take stock of your systems and see where you can be more efficient. Having a hard time capturing everything you need to do? Test-drive efficiency apps like Asana, Slack or Trello to stay organized. Still can’t keep up? You may need to scale back plans or streamline your processes to get more done in less time. If you find yourself skipping meals or skimping on sleep, that’s a major warning light. Nothing is worth sacrificing your health for, Capricorn.

Watch out for pettiness and be careful not to get caught up obsessing over the small stuff. People can be nit-picky and critical now, and your own micromanaging tendencies could flare. Ramp up self-care to keep your inner critic at bay. There’s no reward in comparing yourself to other people. Focus on being your best self instead.

October 2022 Capricorn Love Horoscope

You’ve got the future on your mind (when don’t you?) and it’s hard to stay focused on the present this month. Not that you should ignore those burning #couple-goals or anything, Capricorn. But a gentle reminder that we’re not promised tomorrow, so please DO enjoy today.

It’s all happening because the ambitious Sun and romantic Venus are traveling the same routes this month. Until October 23, this divine duo is in Libra and your tenth house of career and long-term agendas. You’ve got ten-year plans on your mind—and you’re probably not feeling too shy about discussing that. Luckily, seductive Venus and the charismatic Sun will help you talk about these things in a tantalizing way. To the right person, it will be an aphrodisiac!

From October 23 on, the Sun and Venus will be in Scorpio and your eleventh house of friends, networking and technology. Lighten up a little and go mingle at those fall parties, football games and other group events. Single Caps could find luck on the dating apps or you might meet someone intriguing through mutual friends.

Meantime, the other love planet, passionate Mars, is on an extended trip through Gemini and your sixth house of details and organization from August 20 to March 25. This can spark some brainstorms around places and settings to meet new romantic possibilities, including fitness-related activities since the sixth house rules your health and well-being. For couples, this is a great time to get your lives and vitals in shape together!

But when Mars turns retrograde for two months on October 30, things could slow down or even start to backslide. Mars retrograde might reactivate an old wound or drive up your critical or micromanaging tendencies. It’s more important than ever to manage your stress levels, so instead of lashing out at someone you care about, channel that fiery passion into self-care (or exercise!). Watch your self-critical tendencies, especially around your body, and manage a perfectionist streak that could flare up with prospects and partners.

October 2022 Capricorn Career Horoscope

Libra season brings its annual wave of motivation to your career, but even if you haven't hit a bullseye yet, don't give up till you do! From now until October 23, you're plugged into a solar power surge, but as your patient sign knows, good things are worth waiting (and working) for! 

Once powerhouse Pluto ends a five-month retrograde on October 8 in YOUR sign, it will be that much easier to wield your influence and get through to those decision-makers. But don’t neglect the gatekeepers either! With savvy, speedy Mars making a long trip through Gemini, your sixth house of helpful people is a heat zone. Be kind to employees at every level—not just because they can get you in the door, but because, well, that’s what decent people do.

The October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse could bring an exciting collaboration opportunity or a chance to network. RSVP yes to any invites in the days surrounding this eclipse. You could meet a key person (or group of people) who can play a surprisingly pivotal role in events that unfold over the next six months.

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