All tagged Pisces

October 2022: LOVE Horoscopes

Are you ready to fall more deeply in love than ever before? Your love horoscope for October 2022 beckons intense, radical change that alters the timelines of love. Singles and couples may find that their romantic standards will undergo profound introspection. Focus on developing a heartfelt relationship instead of obsessing over romantic and sensual desires. After all, Libra is known for being the biggest flirt and a huge tease for a reason!

October 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Pisces

Into the cocoon you go! With the Sun in Libra and your private eighth house until October 23, you may be spending more time in the depths of the emotion ocean. It’s safe to peek above the surface now, though. After September’s SIX retrograde planets messed with even the best-laid plans, you might be a little shy about it!

Luckily, three of those backspinning luminaries will correct course this October: communication planet Mercury (October 2), transformational Pluto (October 8) and structured Saturn (October 23).

You’ll emerge from hiding once the Sun moves into Scorpio and your ninth house of travel, adventure and growth for a month on October 23. Ah, that’s more like it! At the October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse, an exciting opportunity to see new horizons could arrive out of the blue. Get ready: this eclipse could bring anything from a vacation to an opportunity to start a business to an invitation to share your expertise.

Surprise treat: On October 28, lucky Jupiter will make its third and final trip to your sign until December 20. For the rest of the year, you can get back to one of your cherished personal goals. Put your loved ones on alert, because stressful Mars turns retrograde from October 30 to January 12 in Gemini and your domestic zone. Demands and pressure from the family could cut into this sacred “me time” that won’t come back for another 12 years. Teach them to fish, Fish…and you’ll all feast for a lifetime.

You might not be up for howling at the Halloween moon this year, as it falls in Aquarius and your sleepy, foggy twelfth house. The candy bowl might not even be cleaned out by trick or treaters before you’re ready to hit the porch lights and watch “It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown” (or your favorite terrifying horror flick). Pro tip: Slip in a nap before sundown so you can stay up to enjoy the adventures that also await. No Pisces should miss the opportunity to slip into an alter ego and exercise their imaginations—least of all one that’s mandated by the calendar!