All tagged Capricorn

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn

A reflective month is ahead for you Capricorn, so silence those notifications and block off plenty of time for yourself. The Sun is taking its annual plunge through Leo and your eighth house of merging, intimacy and privacy until August 22. Those #LeoSeason messages about living your best life? Sadly, you won’t be able to put play ahead of work right now. For you, this is a time to go into "focus mode.” Reserve your attention and considerable energy for a detailed project or a few close relationships.

Silver lining: One of those big ventures could be full of fun and creativity. On August 1, spicy Mars, changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node make an ultra-rare connection in Taurus and your fifth house of passion, self-expression and fame. Out of the blue, you could start blowing up—and we mean that in every sense.

Your popularity could make a sudden spike, so stay ready for your spotlight moment! Your temper and emotions could also be explosive under this Taurus triad. Avoid triggering people who make you feel jealous or threatened, and keep yourself grounded (easy on the drinks or anything else that can take you out of your center).

You’ll feel this intense energy until at least August 20. After that, Mars will begin an extended trek through Gemini and your sensible, healthy sixth house, staying until March 25, 2023. This seven-month cycle is five times the usual length of Mars’ visit to a sign.

You could get in great shape or tackle a wellness issue that’s been nagging you (persistent Mars here won’t let you ignore your body). Although you like to be in control, prepare to delegate! With Mars in this administrative zone, you’ll need a few extra hands on Team Capricorn to handle it all.

When Virgo season begins on August 22, you’ll be able to see the big picture of everything again. Come out from the cave! As the Sun heats up your zone of travel, growth and entrepreneurship, you’re feeling optimistic again, ready to interact with the wider world. Get back out there and explore the possibilities, Capricorn. Hint: Look far beyond your comfort zone to find them!