August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn

It’s getting hot in here: Leo season until August 22

Passion! Intensity! Intrigue! August could unfold like a bodice-ripping beach read as the stars turn up the heat. The Sun is in Leo until August 22, blazing a fiery trail through your eighth house of joint ventures, intimacy and merging. You're craving more privacy now, perhaps with the sizzling company of a sexy plus-one. An attraction could get downright combustible, turning into an epic summer affair. A business deal could lead to major money; real estate and legal matters could also be in the spotlight. Dull moments? You might secretly wish for a few more.

Passion overload at the August 7 Mars-Saturn square

Good luck taming your passionate side today, while fierce Mars burns bright in Aries and your flamboyant fifth house. But a square from Saturn flips on the warning light. How much are you willing to spend, risk or gamble with here? What you add to your cart—and who you invite into your life—could have far-reaching consequences. Enjoy your attraction to shiny objects and seductive people, but maybe just enjoy a moment instead of taking anything home with you.

The August 11 Aquarius full moon could bring a money breakthrough

Your mind is on stability on August 11 when the year's only Aquarius full moon plants itself in your second house of work, money and daily routines. The spotlight's on your budget and routines now, Capricorn. Review your spending and saving. Tweak your plans for the remainder of 2022 and put a few solid habits in place while the temperatures are still warm and you have the motivation. What makes you feel anchored? Simple shifts like going to bed an hour earlier or eating at regular times can make a world of difference.

Ready to change careers or just be more productive? Tap into the Aquarius full moon energy for support. If you've been wooing a client or going back and forth with negotiations, today brings a decisive moment.

This year’s Aquarius full moon offers a plot twist, though, forming a tense T-square with the Leo Sun and a volatile Mars-Uranus combo in Taurus and your dramatic fifth house. Expect a lot of intensity, heated emotions and people trying to push your buttons. It will be up to you to stay calm and cool—but it won’t be easy!

If you keep banging your head on a glass ceiling, consider this: Maybe you've gone as far as you can in this role. Full moons can bring endings, so if it's quitting time, here's your exit strategy, Capricorn. If appropriate, you could also introduce the idea of a promotion or a raise—or make a bold request to be switched to a more stimulating project. If you can't leverage that, perhaps you could get a couple hybrid work-from-home days, if not an entirely remote schedule. That flexibility could be a lifesaver.

Think bigger: Virgo season begins August 22

Freedom becomes even more of a coveted state starting August 22, when the Sun starts its monthlong visit to Virgo and your ninth house of adventure, travel and risk-taking. When the August 27 Virgo new moon arrives, a long-distance opportunity or a chance to take a grand leap of faith could present itself.

You don't have to give an immediate “yes,” since new moons can take up to six months to fully reveal their gifts. But DO spend some time pondering your purpose and being deeply honest with yourself and others. This outspoken new moon encourages you to get real, even (maybe especially) if it's uncomfortable. This year’s Virgo season lends you even more of the guts to express yourself and your truth. Take extra care to be diplomatic but direct!

Drama alert: Uranus turns retrograde August 24

Are things getting a little TOO hot to handle? This August 24, unpredictable Uranus begins a five-month retrograde through Taurus and your fifth house of fame, self-expression and love. Dial down the intensity between now and January 22, Capricorn. Disruptor Uranus is in Taurus ( for a long seven-year visit that began in 2019 and will end in 2026. Over the past few years, you may have noticed yourself acting much cheekier and a LOT less camera-shy. Maybe you've developed an attraction to a free-spirited type or you just got a lot edgier with the things you say. Your libido may also have woken up from hibernation. Rrowr!

Applause rightly goes to you for breaking out of any Capricorn confines since you tend to hold yourself back in public. (Behind closed doors is another story.) But have you become a bit TOO much of a Sea Goat gone wild? The temptation to rebel is intensified by shock-jock Uranus, and as it tears through this passionate zone of your chart, drama could also ensue. An attraction—or a desire for attention—could be the source of this.

With Uranus retrograde for the rest of the year, an old romance could resurface, but it could also create a bit of chaos—so be careful before you open that door. You might return to a back-burnered creative project or distance yourself from a situation that's bringing up anger and tempestuous emotions.

August 2022 Capricorn Love Horoscope

What a lineup! The first half of the month is oh-so romantic, as the love planets converge in the most passionate AND committed parts of your chart. Until August 11, vixen Venus is in Cancer and your long-term partnership house, sweetening the connection for coupled Caps and attracting solid prospects for single Sea Goats.

Meantime, lusty Mars is in Taurus and your passionate, wildhearted fifth house until August 20. Whatever your status, you’ll be in the mood to glam up and speak out boldly. You could draw lots of admirers without even trying. Enjoy it while it lasts—Mars only comes here every two years and when it does, all eyes are on you!

Summer gets even hotter on August 11, when Venus moves into Leo and your sexy, intimate eighth house until September 5. When Venus forms a potent trine to adventurous Jupiter in your home and family zone, you could be introducing someone to your loved ones, making a pregnancy announcement or exchanging keys. For couples this Venus cycle is a great time to strengthen your sex life and your emotional bond. Make sure to prioritize one-on-one time together.

On August 20, Mars moves things in a practical direction, shifting into Gemini and your healthy sixth house for an extended seven-month stay. Between now and March 25, 2023, you have a surge of motivation to treat your body like a temple with healthy food, lots of movement and ample sleep. Watch out for a perfectionistic or critical streak that you could turn on yourself or your S.O. Find a constructive way to work through your differences rather than picking them apart. How about tackling a shared project or mastering a new skill together?

August 2022 Capricorn Career Horoscope

Any methodical Capricorn worth their pink Himalayan salt loves a good strategy session, and August provides plenty of opportunities to craft that world domination plan. The Sun is in Leo, heating up your eighth house of shared wealth and long-term ventures until August 22.

How can you make your money work harder for you? You might contact a financial adviser, check out real estate options or look for ways you can earn passive income through royalties, affiliate earnings and commision.

Looking for a new job? Since the eighth house rules one-on-one alliances, work those Capricorn connections. Does someone owe the Sea Goat a favor? Cash in on that karma, tapping a well-connected power player to pass along your resume or write you a recommendation. Perform your due diligence, researching the company you’re applying to so you can dazzle them with your preparation.

Meantime, if you’re low on flow, this fiscally minded starmap sounds the call for better budgeting. How can you be more cooperative and communal? Get creative, Cap! Pool your resources: ride shares, potlucks or bartering your skills in exchange for needed services.

On August 11, the year’s only Aquarius full moon illuminates your work and money house, which could bring a big payday, a job opportunity or a change in what you do for a living. Be ready to make your pitch! If you’re due for a promotion or hunting for new clients, schedule a meeting on this date and bring your A-game.

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August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius

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