All in Earth Signs

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn

A reflective month is ahead for you Capricorn, so silence those notifications and block off plenty of time for yourself. The Sun is taking its annual plunge through Leo and your eighth house of merging, intimacy and privacy until August 22. Those #LeoSeason messages about living your best life? Sadly, you won’t be able to put play ahead of work right now. For you, this is a time to go into "focus mode.” Reserve your attention and considerable energy for a detailed project or a few close relationships.

Silver lining: One of those big ventures could be full of fun and creativity. On August 1, spicy Mars, changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node make an ultra-rare connection in Taurus and your fifth house of passion, self-expression and fame. Out of the blue, you could start blowing up—and we mean that in every sense.

Your popularity could make a sudden spike, so stay ready for your spotlight moment! Your temper and emotions could also be explosive under this Taurus triad. Avoid triggering people who make you feel jealous or threatened, and keep yourself grounded (easy on the drinks or anything else that can take you out of your center).

You’ll feel this intense energy until at least August 20. After that, Mars will begin an extended trek through Gemini and your sensible, healthy sixth house, staying until March 25, 2023. This seven-month cycle is five times the usual length of Mars’ visit to a sign.

You could get in great shape or tackle a wellness issue that’s been nagging you (persistent Mars here won’t let you ignore your body). Although you like to be in control, prepare to delegate! With Mars in this administrative zone, you’ll need a few extra hands on Team Capricorn to handle it all.

When Virgo season begins on August 22, you’ll be able to see the big picture of everything again. Come out from the cave! As the Sun heats up your zone of travel, growth and entrepreneurship, you’re feeling optimistic again, ready to interact with the wider world. Get back out there and explore the possibilities, Capricorn. Hint: Look far beyond your comfort zone to find them!

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Virgo

Power down, Virgo, or spend a little time off the grid. The Sun is in Leo and your restful twelfth house until August 23, your annual time to escape and rejuvenate. Your imagination is at an all-time high now, which could bring richly creative moments and powerful healing. Keep as much white space in your calendar as possible so you can follow the muse, do some deep inner work or just slip off for a siesta.

Or…how about an impromptu vacation? On August 1, a dynamic trio of go-getter Mars, spontaneous Uranus and the karmic north node makes an ultra-rare convergence in Taurus and your ninth house of travel, entrepreneurship and personal growth. This could be one of those #mindblown moments when you suddenly rocket to a much bigger level or start playing a whole new game.

Once Virgo season begins on August 22, you’re ready to dive into these lofty visions with renewed excitement and energy. A perfect day to start in earnest is the August 27 Virgo new moon—the only one in 2022. This lunar lift acts as your “personal new year,” a time to put your most cherished desires front and center.

Right before this Virgo season pick-me-up, a huge career-catalyzing cycle begins for you. On August 20, action planet Mars starts an extended seven-month blaze through Gemini and your tenth house of success, heating up your grandest goals until March 25, 2023. Talk about a professional power surge! This cycle is five times the usual length of Mars’ visit to a sign, giving you a super-rare opportunity to rise into a leadership role, boost your status and do meaningful work that gets recognized by some heavy hitters.

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Taurus

Talk about making an entrance! August opens with full-frontal Taurus energy in the skies as energizer Mars, disruptor Uranus and the karmic north node all converge in YOUR sign. This rare event, which is at its peak on August 1, could shake up business as usual for you in a big way. This can be a time of change and upheaval in your life. You may be feeling restless and eager for something new. Be open to change, and you may find yourself embarking on an exciting new adventure.

Despite all of this shifting energy, August is also a time to plant deeper roots. Until August 22, the Sun is in Leo, warming up your fourth house of home, family and foundations. It’s a cycle for reflecting on your domestic situation, and you might even use Leo season to move, renovate or make some significant changes around the house. With el Sol in this personal and nostalgic zone, spend time with loved ones and create some cherished memories.

A career-boosting Aquarius full moon on August 11 could open up exciting professional opportunities. But it might take until August 20 for your ambitious side to kick back in full force. That day, energizer Mars will launch into Gemini and your money zone, staying for five times the usual length (until late March 2023). As the red planet revs up your revenue, you could make serious cash. However, you’ll need to pay attention to expenses and keep work stress at bay because you could spend it as fast as you make it.

Summer ain’t over till it’s over, Bull! On August 22, Virgo season begins, starting a monthlong party for you. With the Sun shining in your fifth house of romance and play, you’ll have plenty of action (even a late-summer romance!) all the way until the autumn equinox. The August 27 Virgo new moon could bring a wave of attention, whether from an amorous new admirer or a fan of your many talents.