August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Virgo

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Virgo

Leo season until August 22

You are getting verrrry sleepy, Virgo. This month could find you struggling to keep your energy up during the first three weeks as the Sun slogs through Leo and your twelfth house of rest, closure and endings. You're winding down a long solar cycle in preparation for your next birthday—and Virgo season, which begins on August 22. Pace yourself and focus on projects that really have to get finished.

If you can take a vacation, especially near water, this is the time! You won’t want to miss out on Virgo season this year as it’s an especially ambitious one. Got a creative or spiritual project in the works? The Leo solar cycle is ideal for any “right-brained” endeavors (art, dance, music…) and for tying up loose ends before your next birthday.

Tempers erupt at the August 7 Mars-Saturn square

Thrown off track, Leo? Unexpected setbacks could get your blood boiling today as structured Saturn in your work-oriented sixth house clashes with aggressive Mars. Deep breaths! Though you may feel the urge to force progress, cutting corners could get you in even deeper trouble. Power down instead of powering through. Taking a moment to re-strategize is essential to saving this venture. An innovative troubleshooting session could be the perfect way to get back on your game.

Is it possible you’ve bitten off more than you can chew? Consider scaling a project down a wee bit if you’re feeling overloaded. Or ask for help instead of trying to do it all yourself—especially if your Virgo perfectionism is kicking in. Be specific when you delegate duties and make sure everyone understands exactly what their role is. If you all pull together, you can knock this one out of the park!

The August 11 Aquarius full moon boosts your vitality

Don your master planner’s chapeau on August 11, when the annual Aquarius full moon lands in your orderly and health-conscious sixth house. As the natural ruler of this zodiac zone, you'll make a brief return to your (micro)managerial ways today. But that's not a bad thing! Adding a little left-brain polish to your life right now couldn't hurt.

If you've been on a hedonistic bender, la luna could lure you back onto the wellness wagon. You don't have to go into deprivation mode here. Just implement a few simple, grounding routines—meditation, eating green and clean, adhering to regular bedtimes—to help you feel centered wherever you are. The sixth house also governs service and helpful people. At this full moon, your mind could be on ways to contribute to your community or on more practical matters, such as delegating drudge work to capable providers instead of doing it all yourself!

Birthday time! Virgo season begins August 22

And…you’re back! On August 22, the Sun begins its monthlong visit to Virgo, waking you up and getting you ready for action. Then on August 27, the annual Virgo new moon marks your "personal new year." Take the time to clarify your mission and set intentions for the coming six months. Over the next half-year, the dedicated effort you pour into something with YOUR unique stamp on it can really pay off!

Slow down a minute! Uranus turns retrograde August 24

Too much too soon? On August 11, Uranus, the planet of radical change, begins a five-month retrograde through Taurus and your ninth house of travel, entrepreneurship and higher learning. All year long, you've been on a speed course of personal growth and expansion, one that's been exciting but could also have left you feeling untethered and nomadic.

Disruptor Uranus is in Taurus for a long seven-year visit that began in May 2019 and will end in April 2026. With liberator Uranus in this freedom-seeking house, you’ve been slowly but surely shedding your need to be in control all the time…and it feels pretty good! The wide, uncharted spaces of possibility are calling you, ready or not.

While Uranus is retrograde until January 22, 2023, you'll have a chance to get your bearings. You might even find some sense of home for a few months, set your metaphorical (or literal) bags down and stay for a while. A bit of nesting is always good for the Virgo soul. Allow yourself to enjoy that but keep a weekender bag hanging on the back of the door. You never know when the opportunity to jet-set could arise. Since retrogrades rule the past, it's likely that any such invitations will be to a place you've known and loved and visited before. Go back, Virgo! You may experience the place in a completely different way. A publishing or educational project that got waylaid could be worth returning to. Ditto for a savvy business idea that's been simmering on the back burner.

August 2022 Virgo Love Horoscope

More freedom? Yes please! Autonomy is an aphrodisiac in the first part of the month as the love planets (Venus and Mars) travel through the most liberated zones of your chart. Even if you’re in a relationship, you’ll crave more time to follow your curiosity this August.

Amorous Venus is in Cancer and your friendship zone until August 11. You’ll prefer to keep things light and flexible now instead of making concrete future plans. Under this influence, you could be attracted to a friend or someone you know from your social circle. If you're single, you may want to explore the possibility of dating a friend. If you're in a relationship, this is a great time to socialize together and enjoy each other's company.

Meantime, spicy Mars is in Taurus until August 20, heating up your ninth house of travel and worldly adventures. You could be attracted to someone you meet on vacation or who’s from a very different background than yours. For coupled Virgos, this is a perfect time to take an active trip together.

Things take a turn for the sensual on August 11, when Venus plunges into Leo and your twelfth house of fantasy until September 5. Now you might want that mind-body-soul connection—and there’s no better day to merge with a kindred spirit than the August 18 Venus-Jupiter meetup, when your heart AND mind are both wide open.

Your consummate Virgo planner returns to the driver’s seat on August 20, when motivated Mars starts an extended seven-month trip through Gemini and your responsible, status-oriented tenth house. Between now and March 2023, you’ll no longer have a second to spare for people who string you along. You’ll be highly turned on by a decisive person who knows what they want and pursues it without apology!

When risk-taker Jupiter turns retrograde in your intimate eighth house on July 28, you’ll want to spend the rest of summer and fall getting on the same page with an important person. Have you experienced a betrayal or a trust shakeup? Between now and November 23, some inner work, and possible relationship repair with the help of an expert, could help you metabolize this situation. Fair warning: You’re likely to discover a few of your own blind spots and ways that you’ll want to evolve. Avoid finger pointing and seek wisdom instead.

August 2022 Virgo Career Horoscope

Pace yourself, Virgo. The Sun has slipped into Leo and your twelfth house of rest for the first three weeks of the month, turning your focus to inner work and less on your worldly obligations. Spend time in solitude and quiet contemplation, getting back in touch with your true desires. Or duck behind the scenes to finish up any lingering projects that can’t be put off any longer. The twelfth house rules completions, so you’ll be happy to get this done before Virgo season begins on August 22.

But don’t expect to start the month in siesta mode. On August 1, energizer Mars, innovator Uranus and the destiny-driven north node all collide in Taurus and your ninth house of entrepreneurship, publishing and massive growth. A huge opportunity to share your novel ideas on a global level could arise, possibly out of the blue.

On August 11, a page-turning full moon in your sixth house of organization and employees could bring a new hire or a necessary firing. It's also a perfect day for a decluttering and organizing rampage. You never met a color-coded spreadsheet you didn’t love, so put your consummate planning powers to use!

Once the Sun swings into Virgo and your purposeful first house on August 22, you'll be ready for the vibrant possibilities that are headed your way. Are you a contender for a new position? Research salaries in your field and start your negotiations from the top of that range.

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August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Libra

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo