August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo

It’s Leo season until August 22

Show them how it’s done, Leo! The Sun visits your sign until August 22 and puts your personal agenda front and center. After an emotional July, you're ready to pull things together and make a big solo endeavor happen. Where would you like to be by next year? Give that some serious thought since this year’s Leo season has some extra mojo to support your efforts with leadership and ambitions goals.

Tempers erupt at the August 7 Mars-Saturn square

Faced with a difficult choice, Leo? Resist the urge to rush any major decisions today as fiery Mars in your professional sector brawls with careful Saturn in your partnership zone. It’s important to be strategic about major career moves, and this murky transit may temporarily cloud your judgment. If you’re on the fence, it might be best to delay any official commitments until later in the week. In the meanwhile, do your research. Make sure you’re 100 percent happy with the terms of your contract before signing on the dotted line!

Spotlight on partnership at the August 11 Aquarius full moon

Dynamic duo moment! While you’ve been on a solo mission for most of the month, there’s one exception to the trend. On August 11, the annual Aquarius full moon beams into your seventh house of committed partnerships. Are you ready to seal the deal on an important relationship? This full moon could bring talk of engagements, moving in together or taking a more official step for couples. (Think: the Leo-on-Leo Bennifer wedding in Las Vegas.)

In business, you could move an offer to contract phase, reel in a big client or solidify an exciting brand partnership. If you're ready to say yes to anything long-term and mutually beneficial, this full moon supports you. As for the things that don't resonate or feel fair? Use these moonbeams to negotiate a better arrangement. If you can't find a way to make it work for both of you, the Aquarius full moon can help you part ways or shift to a different relationship structure—one where nobody feels held back.

With traditional Saturn in Aquarius all this year, you’ve had serious commitments on your mind in some form or fashion. What have you learned from past mistakes or times when you jumped the gun and said yes too soon? Saturn asks you to be more discerning now, which will help you avoid those unnecessary regrets. A little extra due diligence goes a long way!

This year’s Aquarius full moon brings a plot twist, though, forming a tense T-square to the Leo Sun and a volatile Mars-Uranus combo in Taurus. You may feel pulled between the demands of career, a relationship and family. Obviously you can’t attend to all of these major life areas at once. Be clear and decisive—and set people’s expectations accordingly—to avoid getting a deluge of demands that you can’t possibly handle alone, even as a mighty Lion!

Virgo season begins August 22

The Sun moves into Virgo on August 22, setting off a grounded four-week phase. Think “practical luxury” for the rest of summer and be selective about where you spend your time and money. Quality will definitely beat out quantity during this pragmatic phase. With the Sun in your second house of work and finances, you’re eager to knock tasks off your list and feel a sense of accomplishment. But you don’t want to be controlled by your to-do list, Leo. What’s the bigger vision here? Think about what you’re building and work on that one incremental step at a time.

When the annual Virgo new moon arrives August 27, you'll get a burst of clarity around all of this. Looking for a new job, a fresh income source or more satisfaction from your day-to-day work? Ready to replace an unhealthy habit with a life-affirming one, such as eating clean or exercising three times a week? This new moon opens a window to all of it. The next two weeks—and the coming six months—will show you steady results if you start a plan now and stick with it.

Career revolution: Uranus turns retrograde August 24

This August 24, changemaker Uranus will turn retrograde (backward), making a five-month pivot through Taurus and your tenth house of career until January 22.

Your professional life is going through a seven-year reinvention that began in May 2019, when Uranus swept into this ambitious domain of your chart. Your goals, public image and responsibilities may have shifted dramatically…or at least you’ve been feeling the rumblings of a larger change that's occurring while Uranus is here through April 2026.

Now that we’re about halfway through this Uranus transit, you should already see how much you’ve grown and changed as a leader. You may have made multiple career pivots or explored new ways to incorporate technology into what you do. Feeling trapped in your line of work? Liberator Uranus can free you from any structure that feels repressive or confining to your soul. It's time to move past "nice" and become the fierce being that you are! While Uranus is retrograde, avoid rash moves but DO step back for a little bit of soul-searching.

The lightning-bolt epiphanies of Uranus aren't always comfortable or easy—even if its goal is to awaken you to your most authentic self. The celestial shock jock specializes in disruption, not mere change. So this retrograde slowdown could actually be a welcome opportunity to integrate the many changes of 2022. Sounds like a blessing in disguise!

The tenth house also rules fathers and men. Your relationship with your dad or an important guy could also be undergoing a revolution. Progressive Uranus will reward you for marching to your own beat rather than trying to please others. During the retrograde, look for creative ways you can repair an important bond.

August 2022 Leo Love Horoscope

If your love life gets off to a sluggish start this month, fear not! It all turns around before the middle of the month. On August 11, romantic Venus starts its once-a-year visit to Leo, putting all eyes on you until September 5. You’ll shake off any of the “meh” vibes that you’ve been feeling since mid-July and be ready to step out with your Leonine confidence and charisma back in full force. The rest of the summer is yours to own. Lights, camera, Leo! When Venus and risk-taker Jupiter form a gilded trine on August 18, you’re ready to open your heart—and your mind—to new possibilities

Until then, what are you holding onto? Venus is in Cancer and your twelfth house of endings through August 11, a transitional period for you. Emotions could be raw and your moods could fluctuate. You're ready to let go of some things that are no longer serving you. Maybe it's time to say goodbye to a toxic relationship or donate those gently used clothes you never wear (especially ones that have memories of a bygone relationship?). Whatever it is, do the work to process this so you can move forward.

A long-term commitment could be top of mind for the first three weeks of August as determined Mars in Taurus heats up your goal-oriented tenth house from July 5 to August 20. While it’s always good to get in sync on what you want for the future, anxious Mars could make you (or someone else) a bit too pushy. There IS a way to talk about “what’s next” without piling on the pressure. And if you’re both ready to make things official, the August 11 Aquarius full moon spotlights your committed-partnership house, a perfect date for that!

Could a friendship turn into something more? You’ll find out starting August 20, when Mars embarks on an extended seven-month trip to Gemini and your eleventh house of groups, platonic connections and technology. Between now and March 23, you could luck out on the dating apps or meet someone special through mutual friends. Coupled Leos might prefer a more casual hang with mutual friends or in a social setting like a sports game, karaoke night or at a barbecue. As long as you’re with your favorite plus-one, it can feel every bit as special as a date that pulls out all the stops.

August 2022 Leo Career Horoscope

Current mood: In it to win it! Not only is the Sun in Leo until August 22, heating up your assertive first house, but go-getter Mars, innovative Uranus and the purpose-driven north node are all clustered in Taurus as August begins, igniting a revolution in your career sector. This Taurus trio will commune until August 20 (although their most potent mashup moment is August 1. Ready or not, there could be a swift change at your workplace with a client or on your own path. Is it time to put your personal stamp on something in a totally unique way? 

Eager to sign on the dotted line? This August 11, the annual Aquarius full moon pings your partnership and contracts sector. You might officially join forces or get a major offer out of the blue. An alliance that's been building over the past six months could come full circle now. You may also part ways with a key collaborator you've outgrown or have an air-clearing conversation that makes you love your job again.

When the Sun enters Virgo and your productive second house for a month this August 22, you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and start making things happen. The August 27 Virgo new moon could bring a fresh revenue opportunity, as well as a chance to put your name in the ring for a promotion, raise or new account.

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Virgo

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Virgo

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Cancer

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Cancer