August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Cancer

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Cancer

Get grounded: It’s Leo season until August 22

Your birthday season was an active time, and now there's some anchoring energy coming in. Until August 22, the Sun is in Leo and your second house of work, daily routines and security. Set priorities by keeping your schedule lean and sticking to the basics. Priorities please! Even if you’re not in full #boss mode, you can catch this rhythm by NOT overbooking yourself. Less is more for the first three weeks of August, so aim for quality over quantity.

You don’t have to be at every family barbecue or accept that bridal party invite for someone who’s not an absolute ride-or-die friend. Who matters most to you? What makes your life feel meaningful? Save the lion’s share of Leo season for these people and projects. When you feel stressed, simply slow down! Reconnect to your body. Get out in nature. The simple things will soothe your spirits now.

Watch for power struggles at the August 7 Mars-Saturn square

Clashing for control? Power grabs could leave you stunned today as potent Mars in your teamwork sector brawls with protective Saturn in your possessive eighth house. It’s possible that someone is attempting to undermine you behind the scenes or manipulate things for their own gain. Don’t play into their political games!

With Mars in your freedom-loving zone, a certain relationship might start to feel too restrictive. You may need to remind a certain someone that they don’t own you! On the flip side, your own trust issues might start going off if you sense your partner isn’t being entirely upfront. You may just have differing styles about “checking in” and how long a rope you feel comfortable extending before getting anxious. Sort out if it’s YOUR issue or find a way to gain reassurance without anyone’s sovereignty being stepped on!

Strong emotions at the August 11 Aquarius full moon

Privacy, secrets, seduction! Life could feel spicier than the thriller series in your streaming queue on August 11, Crab. That night, the year's only Aquarius full moon spotlights your eighth house of intimacy, mysteries and shared finances. As the zodiac's moon child, you're always impacted by the phases of la luna. This one invites you to take a deep dive into your emotions, really processing how you feel about the rapid and powerful changes that 2022 has served up for you.

Warning: Feelings you’ve been holding back could come surging up all at once, flooding you and whoever’s in your line of fire. As the “HALT” saying goes, don’t get too hungry, angry, lonely or tired under this full moon. Because whatever comes out will be 100 times magnified!

One special person could figure into events under these merger-minded moonbeams. With your erotic eighth house on fire, a sizzling connection could consummate. Some Crabs might decide to make things officially official with an engagement, plans to move in together or a joint property purchase.

This full moon also spotlights wealth and joint ventures. With a conclusive full moon here, you might hear word on a real estate transaction, a legal settlement or an investment. If you've been dealing with debt, a tax bill or looming credit card costs, this full moon can help you regain control.

This year’s Aquarius full moon brings a plot twist, though, forming a tense T-square to the Leo Sun and a volatile Mars-Uranus combo in Taurus. You may need to shift around a few practical details to make room for a new level of power and abundance. Is your life set up for you to accept opportunities—or is your calendar cluttered with too many “meh” obligations? Clear away the filler, Crab. Better to have nothing on your schedule than something that drains and zaps your energy!

Virgo season begins August 22

Your social side bubbles right back up a week later, when the Sun starts its monthlong visit to Virgo and your third house of communication and local events. After a productive three weeks, you're ready to commune with your crew again. In fact, you’ll probably get more done if you step away from your workspace and go mingle. During Virgo season, it’s all about who you know!

When the Virgo new moon arrives on August 27, an opportunity to join forces with a kindred spirit might arise. A brainstorming session or conversation can spark major synergies. This meeting of the minds could turn into a bigger project that unfolds over the next six months. Explore slowly with a low-risk trial to test whether your working styles really mesh.

At this new moon, a sibling, neighbor or colleague may figure into events. Open the door to more honest conversation. If you've been talking a lot lately, ask questions. Or if you've been keeping things to yourself, open up. Looking for some new places to hang out or even live? Explore different neighborhoods, head to a concert or festival or sign up for a workshop to sate your curiosity. Lead with a sense of discovery and openness: the perfect segue into a new season.

Teamwork twist? Uranus turns retrograde on August 24

Check in on your crew, Cancer. On August 24, radical changemaker Uranus starts a five-month retrograde through Taurus and your collaborative eleventh house. Between now and January 22, there might be a few interruptions or curveballs to a team or technology project. A group that you connected with could now feel out of sync, or maybe a friendship is in need of a serious, authentic air-clearing.

Uranus is about halfway through its long trek through Taurus and this group-oriented part of your chart, which has awakened an urge to connect with kindred spirits since 2019. This seven-year itch of a transit only happens every 84 years (Uranus was last here in 1942), and it’s going on until April 2026. If life has become weirdly nomadic for your home-loving sign, it probably feels more than a bit surreal. Yet, much like a crab that carries its home on its back, you’ve learned how to create a feeling of comfort in some unusual places!

Still…if you've been feeling adrift or unmoored, this Uranian backspin is a wise time to retreat a little and get back to base camp. Reconnect with old friends who celebrate your individuality AND feel comfortable enough for you to be yourself around. With tech-savvy Uranus retrograde in this uber-connected zone, it's a great time to do a little audit of your social media and online presence. Update all your profiles and try Googling yourself. If you don't like what comes up in the search results, use this backspin to get some fresh content onto the interwebs with your name, flattering photos and recent accomplishments.

August 2022 Cancer Love Horoscope

Who’s got the It factor? You do, Crab! With amorous and beautifying Venus in Cancer from July 17 until August 11, you’re enjoying your yearly romantic renaissance period. Whether you’re attracting more admirers or just feeling extra affectionate and “in the mood,” this sensual cycle is balm for your sensitive soul.

Don’t be afraid to take the lead in love now! Venus in your assertive first house gets a boost from confident Mars in Taurus and your eleventh house of friendship until August 20. Whether you’re planning a fun party or mixing things up with a well-curated night of cultural activities for two, this is a time to have fun and break out of your usual routine. Sparks could fly with a platonic pal you never thought of “that way”...and who could be better for your self-protective sign than a person who’s already earned your trust as a loyal friend?

When Venus moves into Leo and your sophisticated second house from August 11 to September 5, your appetite for luxury gets dialed up. As a good Cancer, you’ve probably saved a few pennies for a “special occasion.” Now, you can find a reason to spend those funds on a memorable meal, gift or getaway—whether you’re treating just yourself or a special someone too. How about on August 18, when Venus and openhearted Jupiter form an extra-special 120-degree trine, a day when you can talk about “where this is going” and feel possibilities, not pressure!

On August 20, the tone shifts dramatically as Mars plunges into Gemini and your twelfth house of rest and endings, an introspective and reflective time. You may find yourself turning inward for answers and looking to your dreams and keen Cancerian intuition for guidance. Get in touch with your spiritual side and connect with your higher self through mindful activities like journaling and listening to a sound healing playlist (Google “binaural beats” if you can’t stop those spinning thoughts).

Caution: With Mars in this compassionate and nostalgic zone, your heartstrings are easily tugged. You’re more susceptible to a sob story or a guilt trip (some call it emotional blackmail, Crab). Be careful not to get stuck playing life coach or therapist to your partner as caretaking can tip into codependence while Mars is in Gemini. Don’t feel bad Googling new people or asking tough questions early on. Mars in this illusion-spinning zone can attract a few sketchy characters, so keep your eyes peel any red flags.

If you've been feeling run down or are mourning a relationship that ended recently, it’s okay to take a dating sabbatical and give your heart some time to recover. You may need more sleep than usual while Mars supercharges your subconscious. Don't worry, this is all part of the process—and the good news is, your dreams can be healing and prophetic. Overall, this transit is helping you move on from the past so you can start fresh when Mars moves into YOUR sign next March.

Until then, embrace this as a time of deep introspection. As you reflect on your life and wonder where it's all going, know that there’s a mystery unfolding in divine time. But if you get too caught up in your own head, you may start to feel overwhelmed or even depressed. Don't be afraid to seek help if you're feeling lost.

August 2022 Cancer Career Horoscope

If money has been burning a hole in the pocket of your gingham mini, it's time to make some sensible moves. The Sun is in Leo and your security-seeking second house until August 22, sounding the call for better budgeting to complement a new “abundance mindset.” During this efficient time, don’t just think about how you can MAKE more money, Crab. Brainstorm clever ways to use what you’ve got and to be a better steward of your resources. You may find that you earn more by doing less when you put your time into the things that actually give you a return on your investment.

On August 11, the Aquarius full moon spotlights your eighth house of joint ventures, long-term finances and wealth. This lunar light broadens your perspective on the many ways you could earn a living. A passive-income opportunity could materialize under these potent moonbeams, skyrocketing your base salary to the next level with affiliate earnings or commissions. 

Keep riding this wave of success, Cancer, because once the Sun glides into Virgo and your communicative third house on August 22, you could have opportunities to pitch yourself, both at work and through people you meet at social events. RSVP “yes” to that rooftop party that your client is sponsoring. You could find a prime opportunity to network and share your ideas, especially near the August 27 Virgo new moon.

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Gemini

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Gemini