All in Fire Signs

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Sagittarius

Why walk when you can fly, Sagittarius? Stretch to your full wingspan this month as the Sun soars through Leo until August 22, heating up your ninth house of travel, personal growth and limitless possibilities. As the natural ruler of this zodiac sector, you're “in the zone” during Leo season. How big and how far do you want to go?

This year, you’ve got extra superpowers thanks to a potent triumvirate that meets in Taurus and your organized, no-nonsense sixth house on August 1. Action planet Mars, disruptor Uranus and the karmic north node will storm through your systems and revolutionize that way you keep your life and affairs in order. Sagittarius, you’re always ready to supersize, but this momentous mashup reminds you how important it is to have a solid support team in place.

The sixth house also rules health, and you’re being called to treat your body like the temple it is. Is it time for a radical revamp to your lifestyle, eating and exercise habits? Get moving! But be extra careful near this date, as the rash, volatile combination of Mars and Uranus could make you accident-prone. Stretch before that workout, don’t lift anything too heavy and stay aware of your surroundings.

The best way to go farther faster? Power up those partnerships! On August 20, action planet Mars will begin an extended trek through Gemini and your committed relationship house, staying until March 25, 2023. This seven-month cycle is five times the usual length of Mars’ visit to a sign. Incredible collaborations could come in, but you’ll need to be assertive in your negotiations and, when in doubt, hire a seasoned pro to help you.

Those experts won’t be in short supply once Virgo season begins on August 22. With the Sun heating up your tenth house of ambition and success for a month, you’re on a one-way trajectory to the top of your game. Earmark the August 27 Virgo new moon as a potent day to start a new professional chapter or to make a decisive move.

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Leo

The season of the Lion has arrived—and we can hear YOU roar! With your ruler, the radiant Sun, blazing through Leo until August 22, you're at peak levels of productivity and passion. How will you spend your birthday this year? (And yes, it encompasses the entire month of Leo season in our book.) With boundless Jupiter in Aries and your global, expansive ninth house, here’s hoping you get to pack your bags for an adventure, even just for a night or two. Either way, this year’s mandate is to think big and well beyond the borders of what’s familiar.

Your career is an extra-hot zone on August 1, thanks to an ultra-rare convergence of ambitious Mars, disruptor Uranus and the karmic north node making an exact meetup in Taurus and your tenth house of success. This could be a huge breakthrough day for your career, whether bringing a lightning bolt of clarity or an offer that comes out of the blue. 

Uranus and the north node haven’t connected since 2007, much less invited Mars to their private party. You may need to move swiftly and make a decision that changes the game with little (if any) time to “think it over.” This trio could also impact your relationship with your dad, a boss, a client or an important man in your life.

So, who ARE the people on Team Leo? Later in the month, you’ll want to assess that. For starters, mature Saturn is in your relationship house until next March, making you much more serious about who gets inner-circle status. And on August 20, action planet Mars will begin an extended trek through Gemini and your networking house, staying until March 25, 2023. This seven-month cycle is five times the usual length of Mars’ visit to a sign, and it could bring amazing collaboration opportunities, both virtual and in person! 

When the Sun enters Virgo and your productive second house for a month on August 22, you’ll have money on your mind. Stay focused on your priorities and keep a lighter schedule so you can say yes to the RIGHT revenue-generating opportunity, which could arrive on the heels of the August 27 Virgo new moon.

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aries

Lights, camera, Aries! This month is threaded with flamboyance and fun as the Sun burns a fiery trail through passionate Leo and your lusty, live-out-loud fifth house until August 22. This is one of your high-energy cycles (and a time when you're at your creative best. Think of the ripeness of late summer, when everything is bursting with riotous colors and life force energy. That's the only mood you should be chasing this month, Ram.

But first, brace yourself: On August 1, changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node will collide with your ruling planet Mars, a combustible cocktail that could bring dynamic change flying at you from every direction. This convergence will happen in Taurus and your second house of work, money and daily affairs. Get ready for a shake-up to your routines and a potent turning point around your finances.

On August 20, your ruling planet Mars will begin an extended trip to Gemini, activating your third house of communication and kindred spirits. Mars typically stays in one sign for six or seven weeks, but due to a fall retrograde, it’s here until March 25, 2023! This five times longer stay will bring some fascinating and fiery characters into your world (yay for that), and could help you put a powerful message out into the world.

When Virgo season arrives on August 22, you can restore some order to the Aries court. As el Sol heats up your healthy and grounded sixth house, you can resume your lapsed wellness routines and get into an early back-to-school groove. But don’t be too rigid with your regimens. On August 24, erratic Uranus will turn retrograde for five months, a time to make those sweeping life changes at a more measured pace.