August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aries

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aries

Leo season brings fun and pleasure until August 22

Come out and play, Aries! The Sun is in Leo and your passionate fifth house until August 22, giving you the urge to express yourself. Whether you're putting your talents on display, cranking up the heat in your love life or dominating the dance floor, this solar cycle is all about living out loud. After a more low-key July spent behind the scenes, it’s time to emerge from hiding. Trade the faded sundresses and shorts for a more glam, Insta-ready look or three. Dating or in a relationship? Leo season invites you to turn up the heat and make some bold romantic gestures. Single Rams could have a flirtatious late summer tete-a-tete. Whether it turns into something serious or not doesn’t really matter. The point is to enjoy being in the moment instead of worrying about tomorrow. You’ll see where tonight takes you!

Keep your temper in check at the August 7 Mars-Saturn square

What’s with all the drama, Aries? Your inner circle could start to feel like a bad reality show as stern Saturn in your collaboration sector clashes with your irascible ruling planet, Mars, upsetting the stability of your daily life. If conflict erupts among your professional team or friend group, step back rather than rush to fix it. Here’s an idea: Instead of shutting down communication, why not open up a dialogue? A big group brainstorming session could turn a tense situation into a moment of brilliance. Empower others to speak up and your crew could have a breakthrough instead of a meltdown.

The August 11 Aquarius full moon is all about teamwork

No need to do it alone, Ram! The August 11 Aquarius full moon can put you in the path of some brilliant collaborators. This annual lunar spotlight on your eleventh house of group activity could attract like-minded people, or you might have a team victory to celebrate.

With la luna in your technology sector, this is a great day for a digital launch, a viral social media post or an email blast. Or just gather some of your favorite people for a moonlit gathering. Use your consummate hosting skills to play superconnector and introduce those friends you've been dying to link up.

This year’s Aquarius full moon brings a plot twist, though, forming a tense T-square to the Leo Sun and a volatile Mars-Uranus combo in Taurus. You might feel some tension when it comes to negotiating money or making concrete plans. Some team members will want to goof around and have fun while others could be a little too serious about everything. Try to strike a balance between being budget- and calendar-conscious without squashing creativity. You want to foster an atmosphere of openness while still setting clear parameters.

August 22: Sun enters Virgo and August 27 Virgo new moon

The tone takes a turn for the practical starting August 22, when the Sun moves into Virgo and your sixth house of health and organization. Back-to-school season starts early for you every year, Aries—but hey, you prefer to be ahead of the pack! In fact, you may hear the wellness whistle blow while everyone else is still inhaling spicy margaritas and boardwalk French fries.

Swap your strappy halter for a breathable running tank, especially when the August 27 Virgo new moon arrives and catapults you in wellness warrior mode. If your exercise and eating habits are ready for a change, this new moon will support your efforts. Got a project you want to launch this fall? Start drafting your plans now. Your incremental efforts will pay off a little more every day. Set some goals for where you'd like to be with your vision and vitality by the corresponding Virgo full moon six months from now. Then set yourself up to win!

August 24: Uranus turns retrograde in your money house until January 22

Rein in the impulse shopping, Aries. On August 24, erratic Uranus begins a five-month retrograde in Taurus and your second house of work and money. Your finances could fluctuate between now and January 22, so keep your spending in check and trim back those extraneous and hidden costs. If you can stay flexible and open-minded, you’ll be able to deal with whatever comes your way. Trusting your gut instincts will also be key during this time.

Retrogrades can bring the past around, and Uranus retrograde could reinvigorate something that was back-burnered or bottlenecked. A stagnating project could pick up speed suddenly—and if it does, give it your attention. Money owed (either to you or by you) may come due. Perhaps an old colleague or client resurfaces out of the blue, or you return to a former passion project and now find that the time is right. Who knows? With a little polish—and a second look—you might have a genius innovation on your hands.

August 2022 Aries Love Horoscope

Venus, the planet of love and money, is in Cancer until August 11, bringing sensual energy to your fourth house of home and family. This is a good time to focus on your domestic life and create a cozy, comfortable environment for yourself and your loved ones. During this nostalgic Venus transit, you’ll want to spend more time with family members or close friends and reconnect with people who are important to you. If you live with your partner, co-host a party in your shared space. Got a case of cabin fever? Slip off to a little beach cottage or Airbnb a cute cabin for two.

Until August 20, spicy Mars will be in Taurus and your sensual, sophisticated second house. All the more reason to add some luxe touches to your dating life. If you’re single, head to a few more upscale venues to mingle with the gainfully employed (“no romance without finance” is the Mars in Taurus motto). You could also meet someone at a work event this month, so maybe don’t skip that industry mixer? Partnered Rams, don’t underestimate the power of a dress-up date and a prix-fixe menu curated by your favorite local chef. Is it Restaurant Week yet?

You’ll need no coaxing to throw on that head-turning “lewk” starting August 11, when Venus sashays into Leo and your passionate, expressive fifth house until. September 5. Get ready for some late-summer loving, whether with a new prospect or the one you’re with!

Circle August 18 as one of 2022’s hottest dates, when Venus forms an energizing 120-degree trine to lucky Jupiter in Aries, inviting a vacation romance or a superhot connection with someone from another culture, country or location. You may need to do a little stabilizing work in late August, when Venus clashes with erratic Uranus (on August 27) and opposes serious Saturn on August 28. Make sure your independence isn’t stepping on someone else’s toes or violating an agreement. If you need more breathing room, approach that topic with integrity.

August 2022 Aries Career Horoscope

Find your swagger and work it, Ram. The bold Leo Sun blazes through your fifth house of fame and recognition until August 22, boosting your confidence. Pitch your most outre ideas and put yourself in front of the heavy hitters and decision makers. With el Sol in your creative fifth house, you might not exactly be in the mood to get down to brass tacks. This solar spell is ideal for expressing yourself and putting your signature stamp on projects. Fame and attention could come your way, and you could soon see your name in lights!

However, you won’t be able to hide from your duties for long since red-hot Mars is blazing through Taurus and your finance sector until August 20, making for long hours and short deadlines. Keep tabs on your stress around work and money, especially when Mars, Uranus and the north node converge on August 1, which could be a day of incredible breakthroughs but also high stress. Make sure you stay grounded.

At the Aquarius full moon on August 15, a group project comes together with a flourish! You could be invited to join a creative collaboration or an inspiring tribe. A digital launch could put your name on the marquee.

Once the Sun moves into Virgo and your systematic sixth house on August 22, you’ll get into a more stable working groove, streamlining your productivity through meticulous organization skills you didn’t even know you had.

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Taurus

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Taurus

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope Overview