August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Taurus

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Taurus

Leo season spotlights home and family until August 22

Home is where your Bullish heart is for most of this month as the Sun makes its annual visit to Leo, emphasizing your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations until August 22. Whether you're traveling to a favorite vacation spot or hunkering down at Chateau Taurus, this month puts you in nostalgic and sensitive spirits. With the Sun nestled in this cozy nook, you may find yourself wanting to stay home more or spend more time with family and close friends.

The fourth house is the most private and personal part of the zodiac. It's where we find our roots and where we retreat to when we need to recharge. Use these reflective days to nurture yourself, both physically and emotionally. You may also find yourself thinking about your childhood or trailing back through your family history. The Sun in your fourth house also indicates a need for more privacy. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly want to withdraw from the fray. Enjoy some sweet solitude curled up with a good book or sneaking in a summer siesta.

Keep egos and tempers in check at the August 7 Mars-Saturn square

Whoa, Taurus—why so pushy? Your ego is NOT your amigo this August 7 as combative Mars in Taurus clashes with authoritative Saturn in your career house. In your quest to push your own projects ahead, you could alienate some key allies. Don’t assume the people who are slower to get on board with your ideas won’t support you. In fact, they might turn into your biggest champions if you just give them a fair chance to catch up. That said, if an overly skeptical person with a “fixed mindset” tries to derail your mission, stand up for yourself! If you believe in this, it’s worth fighting for, Bull.

The August 11 Aquarius full moon boosts your career

Sweet success! A professional victory could be in the works on August 11, when the year's only Aquarius full moon arrives in your tenth house of ambition, career and leadership. It's a decisive moment for a goal you've been working toward since early 2022.

Looking to change careers or move up to the next level? This lunar light could bring an offer or opportunity. Never mind if it's peak vacation season—this is your moment to make a move, Taurus! The tenth house rules fathers, authority figures and male-identified people. Your relationship with someone who fits this description could take on special significance.

This year’s Aquarius full moon brings a plot twist, though, forming a tense T-square to the Leo Sun and a volatile Mars-Uranus combo in Taurus. You may be pulled away from your ambitions by dueling demands of home and family and your own personal desires. It feels like everything and everyone is competing for your attention now, Taurus. Is there a supportive person you could lean on now? (Or maybe…a few of them?) If there was every a time to call in a favor, it might be today.

Pump up the passion! Virgo season and the Virgo new moon

Summer hibernation ends today! Your joie de vivre returns on August 22, when the Sun starts a monthlong visit to Virgo and your fifth house of pleasure, play and self-expression. From a sizzling new romance to a burst of creative inspiration, Virgo season should deliver heart-opening moments aplenty.

When the August 27 Virgo new moon arrives, it opens the chambers of your heart to new dating prospects or an artistic renaissance. Keep your schedule light for the end of the month so you have plenty of time to follow the muse or any spontaneous notion that strikes! For Virgos of the childbearing set, this new moon in your fertility sector could bring pregnancy news. Spending time with kids—or getting back in touch with your own playful side—can open new doors.

Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus on August 24

Have you gotten a little too autonomous lately, Taurus? Balance your independent spirit with a little more collaboration later starting August 24, when radical changemaker Uranus starts its annual five-month retrograde through Taurus. For the rest of the year (and until January 22), Uranus will backslide through your first house of individuality, fresh starts and passion projects.

This is all part of a longer cosmic “extreme makeover” you’ve been experiencing for a while. Uranus is in Taurus for a long trek (from March 2019 until April 2026), a once-every-84-years transit that reinvents your identity. Over the past few years, your life has taken on a whole new direction, and there’s no turning back. By now, most Bulls have adapted to the steady stream of changes. But…where the heck are you going next?

With Uranus retrograde, you’ll have time to ponder a pivot and map things out clearly. The rapid changes could slow down a bit, which could be a huge relief. Pause on any radical makeovers of your appearance, your career trajectory or your life—and correct course as needed. Which potential new paths and possibilities have any kind of staying power? If you've struggled to gain traction on a big idea, Uranus retrograde could finally help it take root.

Just don't get TOO settled or fixated on a single mission. Disruptor Uranus is the planet of change and progress. This retrograde is an excellent time to really look at yourself, your habits and where you might get in your own way. Admit it: Your sign's rep as stubborn isn't entirely undeserved. What are you clinging to that no longer serves you?

August 2022 Taurus Love Horoscope

You’re sexy and you know it, Taurus! So do the people…and the stars, so enjoy the attention you’ll attract while red-hot Mars blazes through YOUR sign until August 20. Once every two years, the lusty planet visits you for six or seven weeks, amping up your energy and giving you extra confidence and charisma.

If you're single and looking for someone new, put this magnetism to good use. And if you're already in a relationship, this is the perfect time to spice things up.

Your social circle is a great source of new connections and experiences in the first part of the month. Until August 11, Venus will visit your third house, which governs communication and short trips. Take a weekend getaway with your S.O. or ask your friends to introduce you to some of their friends. You'll be in the mood for lighthearted fun and will enjoy spending time with people who are up for anything: spontaneous karaoke, dancing or a good laugh at your favorite rooftop bar.

Things take a turn for the emotional on August 11 when Venus shifts into Leo and your sentimental fourth house until September 5. This transit can bring a heightened sense of romance and nostalgia. You may find yourself feeling more sensitive than usual, and drawn to activities that make you feel cozy and connected. Reconnect with loved ones—and maybe introduce a special someone to yours?

On August 18, Venus will form a harmonious trine to lucky Jupiter in the most emotional and vulnerable parts of your chart. This supportive aspect can help you express your feelings more easily and can also bring some much-needed romance into your life. Dealing with a recent heartbreak or disappointment? Open up to a loving person who wants to be strong for YOU. Whether it's from a significant other, a close friend or just a random act of kindness, let yourself bask in the supportive vibes.

On August 20, spicy Mars leaves your sign and enters Gemini for a super-long stay, parking itself in your second house of practical sensuality until March 25, 2023! Typically Mars stays in one sign for just six or seven weeks, but this time it’s here for seven MONTHS. This could be a boon for your shared finances, or you could meet someone special through work.

The downside is that we’ll weather an extended retrograde phase from October 30 to January 12. But until then, you’ll get a strong desire to explore new pleasures and experiences with a touch of luxury. Splurge on a new outfit or even a piece of jewelry that makes you feel sexy and confident. Just be sure to keep an eye on your budget since activator Mars could make you extra “spendy.”

Caution: You could be a bit intense about “where a relationship is going” with the red planet in this pragmatic zone. Or you might feel like someone else is pressuring you to lock in a commitment. Either way, try to keep a steadier pace, especially since you may have second thoughts or something to work through later in the year when Mars goes retrograde. What’s the rush, anyway?

August 2022 Taurus Career Horoscope

Go, Taurus, go! With competitive, energetic Mars in your zodiac sign until August 20, you’re on a mission to crush some personal goals. It’s like you’re in a race with yourself, and there’s no hurdle you can’t climb now. With Mars in your sign, you have the power and determination to make things happen. Don't be afraid to go after what you want. Just be careful not to overwhelm yourself (and everyone else you’re working with) since you’re likely to come on even stronger than usual. On August 1, Mars forms a combustible connection with changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node in your sign. You could make a major shift—and impact—from the potency of this communion.

The momentum continues to build in the first half of the month and reaches another peak moment when the August 11 Aquarius full moon beams into your career zone. This once-a-year lunar light could bring THE turning-point moment around a professional project. If you’re ready to pivot onto a new path or make a big ask, get ready for a power surge.

On August 20, Mars will begin an extended trip into Gemini and your second house of work and money, heating up your financial district until March 25, 2023. If you've been hoping to get a raise or land a new job, this is the perfect time to put your best gladiator sandal forward. Take a decisive and unapologetic step forward! Just be mindful to watch your budget and workload because Mars can add stress AND excitement in equal measure. With Mars staying for ten times the usual visit, huge career and financial strides could await.

Busy as you’ll be with your passion projects and moneymaking ventures, make sure to tend to your foundations! With the Leo Sun heating up your domestic fourth house until August 22, getting Chateau Toro in order is your main order of business. Declutter and revamp your home office—or create one! Streamlining your workspace will make you more productive. Carve out time to nurture yourself, practicing self-care rituals to manage any frustration surrounding your current job or money situation.

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