August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius

Twosome time: It’s Leo season until August 22

Relationships are the headline act this August, as the Sun makes its rounds through Leo and your partnership sector until August 22. You crave the company of people who just GET you—all the better if they balance you out by having complementary skills and personality traits. Teaming up for love, work or a creative collaboration can make this month a memorable one.

With the Sun heating up this committed zone, you might decide to make a certain twosome official. Just be careful not to rush into anything simply because someone’s pressuring you or tugging on your heartstrings. Your emotions are particularly dialed up by Mars and Uranus in Taurus, which doesn’t happen very often. The advantage? Instead of being in your head (as you often are), you can balance that intellectual side and also listen to your heart.

Friction in your faction at the August 7 Mars-Saturn square

Squabbling with your squad or feuding with family? A certain troublemaker may be stirring up conflict today, as tumultuous Saturn in your sign brawls with stubborn Mars in your foundational fourth house. Can’t reason with this hotheaded person? It may be best to delay any confrontations until everyone has had a chance to cool off. Wise Saturn knows the power of being cautious and taking your time. However, Saturn also rules boundaries, and you may need to put some firm ones up. In the meanwhile, steer clear of triggering situations. You don’t always have to play the mediator, even if you’re good at it! Sometimes, it’s better to let people work out their issues themselves.

The August 11 Aquarius full moon brings your energy to a peak

It’s all about you today! The August 11 Aquarius full moon brings your most personal 2022 goals to fruition. Look back to the birthday resolutions you set (if any), or to events that kicked off six months ago at the February 1 Aquarius new moon.

This full moon is a decisive moment: Will you move forward with an endeavor or switch lanes and do something else? If you've been waiting for the green light on a passion project—or you're just ready to take a leap of faith—the full moon in your sign says GO!

This year’s Aquarius full moon brings a plot twist, though, forming a tense T-square with the Leo Sun and a volatile Mars-Uranus combo in Taurus. You could feel torn between your own needs and the dueling demands of a relationship AND a family member. You can’t please everyone, especially not at your own expense. And if you’ve been holding in resentment for all the people you didn’t say “no” to when you should have, your temper might just explode.

If you’re reading this before the full moon, do some prevention! Put a massage on the books, say “no” to helping your coworker move, turn down that bridesmaid invite for your college friend who’s not a bestie. It’s up to you to advocate for yourself—people can’t read your mind, Aquarius. Strive to be more honest and upfront instead of telling others what you THINK they want to hear.

Virgo season begins August 22

After your full moon moment, you may disappear into a rabbit hole for a while. On August 22, the Sun plunges into Virgo and your privacy-seeking, intimate eighth house. For the next month, you could deep-dive into a mission that requires lots of research. A relationship or detailed undertaking may become all-consuming. Luckily, energizer Mars enters Gemini and your expressive fifth house on August 20, countering some of the off-the-grid effects of Virgo season.

Watch for tunnel vision, Aquarius—but screen out distractions if you need to power through a task that requires concentration. The eighth house rules property, assets and joint ventures. If you've been looking at a real estate venture or considering a long-term financial investment, Virgo season could present some exciting new options.

With your erotic eighth house lit up, there could be some sizzling diversions. (And Mars in your passion province only turns the heat up higher!) When the Virgo new moon arrives on August 27, what seemed like a summer fling could turn serious. Someone might even have soulmate potential where you least expected it!

You may be offered a financial opportunity near the new moon that could yield hefty returns or be invited into a joint venture. Take your time—this new moon will unfold in the coming six months, so there's no need to rush. But DO set intentions for where you'd like to be financially, emotionally or in a key relationship by early 2023.

Out of control? Uranus turns retrograde August 24

You’re not afraid of change, Aquarius, but has your life gotten a bit too chaotic from it? You can get grounded again when your ruling planet, liberated Uranus, begins its annual five-month retrograde this August 24. The side-spinning planet will reverse through Taurus and your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations until January 22.

Disruptor Uranus is in Taurus for a long seven-year visit that began in 2019, and will end in 2026. If you've experienced ongoing shifts in the most personal part of your life—if not a total uprooting—things could settle a little bit during the retrograde.

But don't get too comfortable, Aquarius, because the calm is temporary! From house-hunting to a changing cast of characters under your roof to possible baby news, Uranus is here to stir the pot. Your mother or a maternal figure could be part of the shifts going on. A trailblazing woman who's not afraid to be totally authentic could enter your orbit while Uranus is in Taurus. If you've been dealing with a disruptive family member or a rebellious child, you may find the help you need.

August 2022 Aquarius Love Horoscope

Love starts out on a practical and sentimental note this month—but it certainly won’t end that way. August opens with romantic Venus in Cancer and your sensible, healthy sixth house until August 11. During this analytical transit, you’re interested in learning what makes you and your partner tick. It’s a great time to make concrete (and detailed) plans for the future and to do some self-improvement work.

Be warned: You can easily get lost in your head now…or your feelings. Intense Mars is in Taurus and your emotional fourth house until August 20, making you hypersensitive and thin-skinned. You could overreact to someone or even get a little clingy. You’re not usually the demanding diva in the relationship, but playing that role probably won’t win you any fans now.

The tone starts to change a bit on August 11, when Venus shifts into Leo and your seventh house of committed partnerships. A relationship could turn serious or you might attract someone with long-term potential. The best day to talk about the future with an open mind and heart? August 18, when Venus links up in a harmonious 120-degree trine to expansive Jupiter in your communication house.

Love becomes even more of a headline event after August 20, when spicy Mars blazes into Gemini and your passionate fifth house, staying five times longer than usual! Between now and March 25, 2023, the red planet will make you feel glamorous, magnetic and confident. With so much charm and charisma at your disposal, you’re quite a catch now. Enjoy the attention but be kind with people’s hearts—since you’re apt to break a few in the coming weeks.

August 2022 Aquarius Career Horoscope

Partner up and prosper! The Sun is soaring through Leo and your commitment-focused seventh house until August 22, emphasizing alliances of all kinds. Make the most out of your current network, reaching out to well-connected friends or other helpful contacts who could make a VIP introduction, landing you a job interview or plum client meeting.

Appearances matter during this aesthetic solar spell, so polish your presentation. Hire a photographer to snap a new headshot or a designer to put your message on a gorgeous visual backdrop. Brush up your media skills with a coach or mentor and be open to their feedback. Ask your best contacts to write glowing testimonials on your behalf, and hit the industry party circuit.

The August 11 Aquarius full moon puts the total spotlight on you! Assert yourself, make a bold move, get ready to launch a passion project. You could overhaul some part of your life dramatically or make a bold fresh start—ready or not.

When the Sun moves into Virgo for a month on August 22, you’re ready for a deep dive and to slip out of that watchful glare. Use this focused and private energy to do research, knock out a complex part of a project and to team up with powerful influencers for mutual gain.

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