All in Air Signs

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius

Behold the power of two! This month the Sun will make the rounds through Leo (until August 22) then Virgo, heating up the two most relationship-driven parts of your chart. Your free-spirited sign can get squirrely about too much commitment. But August is the time of year when partnerships feel their most vibrant—or at least they come up for review. Assess your inner circle and the people you spend the most time with. Does everything feel fair and mutual? Is there a balanced give-and-take?

Your home is a particularly intense zone because on August 1, demanding Mars, changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node will make an ultra-rare meetup in Taurus and your domestic fourth house. You could feel major pressure on the homefront that catalyzes a sudden change—anything from a move to a renovation to someone moving in or out. Your mother or a female relative could play into events at the top of the month.

In some way, you’re feeling restlessness at a root level, ready to make changes to your lifestyle or break out of a comfort zone. Be careful not to make too many rash moves though, because this cosmic trio is highly destabilizing and impulsive.

Besides, if you’re looking for excitement, you’ll get some later this month. On August 20, action planet Mars will begin an extended trek through Gemini and your fifth house of passion, creativity and fame, staying until March 25, 2023. From finding true love to pursuing your talents to blowing up on TikTok, Mars is ready to be your hype-person. This seven-month cycle is five times the usual length of Mars’ visit to a sign. While things could get dramatic (keep that rarely-seen temper in check), life certainly won’t be boring!

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Libra

Gather your people, Libra—and tell them to bring THEIR people! The Sun is making the rounds through Leo and your idealistic eleventh house, the realm of groups and collaboration. You've got until August 22 to enjoy this lighthearted transit, so plan your epic summer garden party or gather your favorite friends for some rooftop bar meetups, beach outings and all the TikTok-worthy “best life” moments.

Your comfort zone is also about to blast wide open, and that starts from the get-go. On August 1, intense Mars, changemaker Uranus and the karmic north node will make an ultra-rare convergence in Taurus, shaking up your eighth house of intimacy, investments and long-term money. From romance to finance, it’s time to start doing things differently—and who cares what anyone thinks! This is your love life, not a publicity campaign. Take a cue from Libra Kim Kardashian, whose seeming odd-couple relationship with Scorpio Pete Davidson seems to be keeping her plenty happy.

Ready to flex your wings and flaunt your independent spirit? On August 20, action planet Mars will begin an extended trek through Gemini and your ninth house of travel, expansion and entrepreneurship, staying until March 25, 2023. This seven-month cycle is five times the usual length of Mars’ visit to a sign, and with this energizing force in your good fortune sector, you’ll be pumped to take risks and expand into new terrain. The ninth house also rules higher education, and you might return to school, either as a student or a teacher!

When the Sun slips into Virgo and your restful twelfth house on August 22, you’ll want to take the next month to explore options at a slow and intuitive pace. Hold off on big decisions until you feel 100 percent sure in your gut (in other words, the usual Libra way) and don’t force yourself to make moves before you’re ready. The August 27 Virgo new moon could bring a burst of divinely guided clarity if you tune into your soul. Grab your journal, stream a guided meditation or immerse yourself in nature to connect with that universal wisdom!

August 2022: Monthly Horoscope: Gemini

Get out and circulate, Gemini! This month brings some much-needed levity to your world. The Sun is in Leo and your third house of community and communication until August 22. As the natural ruler of the third house, you're in your element during Leo season, flitting between events, meetings and spontaneous outings. Kindred spirits can pop out of the woodwork, and you could explore some exciting synergies.

But first, is there something you need to let go of, Gemini? You’ll find out August 1 as intense Mars, volatile Uranus and the karmic north node make a rare three-way meetup in Taurus, activating your twelfth house of endings and release. This triggering trio could bring up a lot of old baggage, so keep tabs on your emotions and avoid people who intentionally stir up drama.

It’s unusual enough for Uranus and the north node to converge (that last happened back in 2007), much less to bring Mars into their union. You could have a powerful spiritual download or a moment when someone you thought you could trust reveals some shocking true colors. One way or another, August begins abruptly and might start with a swift transition that moves your life in a whole new direction. Is travel or a relocation in the cards? The August 11 Aquarius full moon could find you pointing your GPS in an entirely new direction.

This month’s biggest headline news (for you) arrives on August 20, when red-hot Mars starts an extended seven-month trip through Gemini that will last until March 25, 2023. Get ready for your sex appeal, charisma and confidence to go off the charts! Mars typically only stays in one sign for six or seven weeks. But thanks to a retrograde later in the fall, you’ll host this dynamic planet five times longer than usual.

Once the Sun shifts into Virgo for a month on August 22, you’ll be ready to unplug—but it might need to be a power nap with Mars fueling up your sign. Virgo rules your domestic fourth house, and this is usually when you’d slip off the grid for a family vacay or hunker down at home base. This year, you’ll be in high demand, so at best you’ll get a “hybrid” getaway. If you’re looking for a new address or considering starting a family, the August 27 Virgo new moon could inspire your first steps. Again, don’t get too settled. Remember to balance these ideas with your own ambitious goals and plans. With Mars in command, those could change by the hour!