August 2022: Love Horoscopes

August 2022: Love Horoscopes

The astrology of August is a mixed bag of energy, but it’s also asking you to make bold moves! It’s time to wear your heart on your sleeve, because your love horoscope for August 2022 wants you to dive deep into your desires and satisfy them to the highest degree. After all, the sun is in passionate and romantic Leo, urging you to express yourself.

Mercury—planet of communication—enters Virgo on August 4, which encourage you to find someone you connect with intellectually. When clever Mercury enters its favorite zodiac sign, it becomes easier to get your point across. Don’t shy away from divulging the details of your heart, especially once romantic Venus enters creative and over-the-top Leo, making romance the hottest topic on everyone’s mind. Go big with declarations of love and find artistic ways to let your feelings be known. After all, is turning every shy wallflower into a full blown Casanova!

The full moon in Aquarius occurs on August 11, urging you to commit to who and what you love. This is one of the most climactic moments of your love horoscope, so mark this date on your calendar. If you’re feeling unsure about your relationship, you may decide to let it go and move on. But if everything is falling into place, you may find a reason to commit for the long haul.

Mars—planet of drive and courage—enters Gemini on August 20, where it will remain until March 25, 2023. Because Mars will later retrograde through Gemini on October 30—bringing up unresolved issues from the past—it’s important to take note about what is going on in your love life right now. Chances are, something your current situation will come up again when that happens. Keep a journal and take note of how your relationships are evolving right now. That way, it will be easier for you to solve problems when they arise in the future. In the meantime, this transit will encourage you to use your words and say what you mean, but do so with kindness and respect. Communication is essential when Mars is in Gemini, so dive into long texting conversations and late night phone calls. However, beware—Mars in Gemini will turn your tongue into a sassy weapon whenever you’re feeling irritated (or turned on)!

The sun enters clever, organized and intelligent Virgo on August 22, bringing the grounding energy of this mutable earth sign into your life. Virgo season is a beautiful time to let acts of service be your most fluent love language, as this selfless zodiac sign understands the power of lending a helping hand.

On August 24, Uranus—planet of revolution and independence—will station retrograde, asking you to assess the level of stability and excitement in your relationships. This may evoke a series of breakups, but it could also mark the beginning of an exciting new connection. Regardless of what happens, you can expect the unexpected in your love life during this time. And once Mercury moves into Libra on August 25, it will smooth your communication skills and help you see eye-to-eye. If you and your SO aren’t getting along, Mercury in Libra could help you solve the problem and remain diplomatic. By the time a new moon in Virgo takes place on August 27, it will encourage you to set boundaries and rethink the terms of your relationships. This love story is starting to get juicy!

Here’s what the love department has in store for you this month, according to your sun sign and/or rising sign:


Sometimes less is more, dear ram! And as Venus makes its way through Leo starting August 11, you’ll want to remember that you don’t always need to push to make things happen. You don’t want to shut off completely, but keeping your cards close to your chest or being a little less available will bring a sense of mystery to you. While there might be an ulterior motive to your unavailable disposition, you actually will have a ton of personal engagements on your plate when Mars shifts into Gemini on August 20. This change will manifest on the new moon in Virgo, which rises on August 27, so pay attention to the way the chips fall. This new moon will be the perfect cosmic environment to peak your crush’s interest through social media posts, especially if you’re looking super cute while having fun with your pals. Just be mindful that your coy game of hard-to-get doesn’t go too far. If you truly do share a romantic interest with someone, it won’t serve you to totally blow them off (but it also won’t hurt for them to realize you have a vibrant life outside of your dating status).


You’ll likely feel unsure about the future in the beginning of the month. Although you’re not wanting to commit during the Aquarius Full moon on August 11, the same day Venus glides into Leo. Don’t stress! Your feelings may change in the upcoming weeks—so stay the course and keep the momentum going while you figure out how you want to proceed. Don’t let anyone pressure you into moving forward with them, and remember that it’s okay to stand still during moments of uncertainty. August 20 will bring a significant change when Mars enters Gemini, making you more in tune with what you want during this cosmic climate. This energy will act as an accelerant to your goals, plans, and relationships, so if something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. The new moon on August 27 will usher in a soft, romantic and dreamy vibe. You’ll feel like you’re walking on air throughout the day, marking the perfect occasion for a date with that special someone. If you’re not in the mood to pair up, use these vibes to float away and fantasize about what the future holds.


The Aquarius full moon on August 11 activates the sector of your chart that rules personal philosophy, which means you should seek emotional fulfillment spiritually before you look for it romantically. These vibes will be especially poignant days before the lunation begins on August 4, when Mercury enters Virgo and asks you to practice self-love. Going within right now can help bring clarity to your romantic path ahead. You’ll see some serious action on August 20, when passionate Mars aligns with your zodiac sign. This cosmic climate has no patience for games in matters of the heart. If your crush isn’t living up to your expectations, you should take it as a huge red flag and get out while you still can. On the plus side, if you are entangled with the right person, things could really heat up in the emotional, physical, and intellectual realms. Emotional breakthroughs will manifest on August 25, due to Mercury’s entrance into Libra. If there’s someone you’re hoping to grow closer to, use these vibes to break down barriers while holding space for honest and transparent conversations during the new moon in Virgo on August 27.


Speaking your truth is sexy, dear crab, especially if you can do so artistically and passionately during the full moon on August 11. Nurturing your expressive side will make you more appealing to others when the sun shifts into Virgo on August 22, all while building up your sense of self and confidence. No, you don’t have to become the next Picasso, but with three celestial bodies camped out in the sector of your chart that rules creativity, you’ll be pulled toward inspiring people you love, activities and projects. These vibes will feel especially prominent when the new moon in Virgo takes place on August 27. Internal conflict could arise, but if you’re able to push through and believe in yourself, you should come out on top. Your aura will be particularly magnetic and appealing at this time. This cosmic climate is perfect for flirting or spending time with your crush, as you are sure to leave an impression on anyone you encounter (regardless of how much you know them). You will feel tapped into both yourself and the universe, giving you a serene quality that others will be immensely drawn to.


You’ll feel wild, free, and creative on the 11th when Venus aligns with your sun sign and the full moon shines upon your romantic visions. This will give you the opportunity to have fun with your loved ones and express your heartfelt sentiments with that special someone. Luckily, the cosmos are bringing positivity to your love life this month. Use these vibes that the celestial energy brings to celebrate life, and embrace optimism. People won’t be able to resist your charm, so if there’s someone specific you have your eye on, ask them out for coffee or cocktails. Uranus retrograde begins on August 24, which will be especially healing for your heart, as it’s allowing you to tap into your peace and empathy. However, in order to do so you’ll have to embrace a fresh mindset about relationships. This will be easy under the new moon in Virgo on August 27, which will ground you. If there are any emotional wounds that need mending, or forgiveness that needs granting, this would be the time to strive for such outcomes. In order to get the partnership you crave, you’ll have to open up your heart.


You expect people to stand by their word, dear Virgo, and this month the universe will ask you to take a closer look at how others are conversing with you. With Mercury and the sun aligning with your Sun on August 4 and 22, personal dialogue will have a heavy role to play in any budding romances you’ve got on the periphery. You’ll want to pay extra attention to what your crush/SO is saying during August 11’s full moon. If you find that they’re not able to make good on their promises, then you should take it as a serious red flag. Just remember to use a pragmatic and logical approach while analyzing others right now, your high standards often save you from bad situations, but knowing when to give others the benefit of the doubt won’t always seem so clear.As the week comes to a close, more uncertainty is likely to manifest, during the new moon in Virgo on August 27. It would be easy to get lost in romance right now, and it’s okay if you do. Just try not to fall for any fantasies that seem unrealistic right now.


With your ruling planet, Venus, camped out in stoic Leo from the 11th onwards, you’ll be in the mood to think about your relationship goals over the next several weeks. These sentiments will become amplified during August 11’s full moon. The universe will ask you to think about what you want for the future, which includes the type of romantic partner you do and do not want. The energy could get a little heavy while you sort out your feels, so it’ll be important that you’re extra gentle with yourself, while still taking a realistic disposition toward your path moving forward. Finding your personal stability should come first, with romance taking its place as a secondary priority during the new moon in Virgo on August 27. Your hard work will have big payoffs during this time, but it’ll also be important to take some time out to meditate on what you want from your current partner or if you want to continue the partnership. Be honest with yourself and don’t forget to ask the universe for help. You’ll get the guidance at this time which will help you make important decisions.


Yes, love is all about balance within giving and taking, but lately you’re making it all about you. Getting out of the house will be important during the full moon in Aquarius on August 11 and Venus’s entrance into Leo. Try to make plans with friends at this time. This cosmic climate will activate the sector of your chart that rules friendships and leisure will be activated during the new moon on August 27, giving you a potent effect on the people you encounter. Should you find yourself at a party, you’ll easily fall into the role of “mysterious and alluring stranger,” which is perfect for attracting a new partner. A sexy romance will linger in the air, which means people will be looking to connect, and while these new encounters will be cloaked in fantasy, there’s major potential that something real can come from any romantic happenings that occur at this time. Trust your gut when it comes to this partnership. Mars’s entrance into Gemini on August 20 and Uranus’s retrograde motion which begins on August 24 will give you the confidence and psychic wherewithal to follow through (as long as the vibes are right).


Under the cosmic climate of the full moon in Aquarius on August 11, themes around what makes you feel secure or insecure in a relationship should be addressed. If you have a history of jealousy or are often suspicious of your partners, it would be worth it to further analyze these patterns. Historically speaking, have you been right when you suspected your exes of infidelity, or were you making accusations based on fear? Think about what your future partners can bring to the table to make you feel romantically safe, and then consider the ways in which you can healthily communicate these ideals moving forward when Mars enters Gemini on August 20. You will feel a swell of emotions during this time. Use this day to let others know how you’re feeling, especially if there’s someone you’ve recently had your eye on lately. This energy will also amplify your presence, so if there’s a social media crush you’ve been wanting to impress, you can do so with a super cute post during the new moon in Virgo on August 27—bonus points if there’s an intellectual element involved to get their total and complete attention.


You’ll be in an introspective mood this month. Pain from the past or romantic paranoia may find its way to you on August 11, when Venus moves into Leo and the full moon illuminates the cosmos. Ultimately, you should be able to soothe yourself out of any bizarre energy that descends upon your mind and consumes your heart. Your mind and motivation will be working together, but feelings of self doubt or uncertainty around how to manifest your dreams could hold you back if you’re not careful. Don’t put any pressure on yourself to actualize any goals on this day, and instead use this energy to brainstorm and write out small steps that you can take in the direction you want to head. It’ll be important that you have your personal affairs in order before the new moon on August 27, which will act as an all consuming dreamy day that’s perfect for romance. The more secure you feel within yourself, the more likely you are to have good romantic experiences, so be sure to give yourself a big pep talk before heading out to any social engagements.


Do you feel like you’ve been stuck in a romantic rut lately? When Venus is in bold Leo and the full moon in Aquarius occurs on August 11, the cosmic shifts will change things up in the bedroom. You’re not the most conventional lover anyway, but this pairing helps you take things to the next level (and maybe even into “kinky” territory) when Mars enters Gemini on August 20. After a couple weeks of innovative romantic behavior, causing a huge shift in the romantic energy due to Uranus’s planetary retrograde that commences on August 24. Idealizing certain situations in your relationship is inevitable, but you’d rather look the other way than emphasize the negative aspects now. You could make a chance encounter like never before. This may involve new people or old friends, bringing ideas, solutions and inspiration, especially with women around. Lower your inhibitions and let this day take you where it will, as the energy is bound to be at its pinnacle so if you can take your loved ones with you on this day of adventure, it will be even more memorable for the years ahead.


While the temptation to lurk your crush’s social media account will be palpable during the Aquarius full moon on August 11, try not to spiral out of control combing the comment sections of your latest obsession’s public profiles. No matter what the circumstances are with the object of your affection, you’re unlikely to find any concrete answers in the digital realms. Luckily, the vibe will shift later in the month, giving you a chance to relax and get a grip on your psyche when Mars enters Gemini on August 20. Uranus’s backwards march on August 24 also grounds and stabilizes your emotions. If you’ve been feeling under-appreciated recently, the Virgo new moon on August 27 will bring you back into your true self, connecting you with your personal power. This lunar event will also give your popularity a bit boost, as the cosmic climate adds an almost electric element to your already magnetic aura and social life. If anyone you’ve had your eye on disappoints you around this time, kicking them to the curb should come easier—giving you the opportunity to make way for new connections and love.

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