August 2022: Career Horoscopes

August 2022: Career Horoscopes

Summer is alive and well! Take your career horoscope for August 2022 seriously, because every zodiac sign has the potential to serve up a hot plate of success this month! You’re starting this month off on an energized note, because Mercury—planet of communication—is entering detail-oriented Virgo on August 4, bringing you a deeper sense of clarity that will help you get more grounded at work. This transit will also make it much easier for us to communicate with authority figures, co-workers, and potential clients alike, so start sending out those memos!

Venus—planet of money and beauty—will begin dancing through passionate and loyal Leo as of August 11. For those who have a flare for fashion, art, modeling and entrepreneurial endeavors, this is a great time to step into the limelight! And for those who don’t need the exposure, Venus in Leo will at the very least help you to walk through life more confidently and fake it until you make it.

When the full moon in Aquarius arrives on August 11, it will encourage you to think outside of the box! However, as this full moon joins forces with responsible and restrictive Saturn, it will also encourage you to be realistic. Work with what you’ve got and keep showing up to your desk everyday, because Saturn  is reminding you that the harder you work, the luckier you get!

The sun enters calculated and meticulous Virgo on August 22, encouraging you to get organized and proactive! You might be in the mood to start a new project or revamp your workflow as a new moon in Virgo inspires you to put in the extra effort on August 27. Virgo is a mutable earth sign that loves following a plan and staying organized, so start streamlining your success! This will truly be a time to plant the seeds of your intentions and shower them with time, energy and patience. With the intelligent pragmatism of Virgo on your side, your entrepreneurial spirit is becoming a lot more effective and efficient.

Every zodiac sign can expect something groundbreaking from their career during August. Check your horoscope for both your sun sign and rising sign in order to get full clarity on what this month has in store for your professional endeavors:


As Venus moves through fellow fire sign Leo throughout this month, all eyes will be on you, especially as you start to move closer and closer toward your goals. Try not to shy away from opportunities that ask you to step outside of your comfort zone! Leo season wants you to start embodying the version of yourself that you want to be and letting go of the person you used to be. You’ve been there, done that! You are not tied to being the same person your associates remember you as. This month will be all about reinventing yourself and bringing only the best habits, thoughts and sidekicks along with you.


Taurus, with so much earthy energy supporting you throughout this month, you are being blessed with recognition! All your hard work has led you to this point and out-of-this-world opportunities are beginning to land in your lap. People are going to start recognizing you for all that you do, but it’s important to be your own biggest cheerleader before expecting that from others. Try to invite the people closest to you to celebrate your recent “wins”. Even if it’s something small like a picnic in the park or an intimate dinner party at home, the energetics behind celebrating your successes will only attract more success to you! As Mars activates your financial sector as of August 20, you’re in the mood to increase your cash flow. It might be the time to concoct new methods of making money!


On August 11, a full moon in fellow air sign Aquarius at the beginning of the month will be such an enlivening experience for you, Gemini! You’re expanding your field of vision and considering all sorts of different angles. As Mars enters Gemini on August 20 could be branching out in an entirely new direction or industry this month with this newfound perspective on your worth. Try to take consistent and sustainable steps forward as you leave the past version of you behind for good. You are worthy of living the life that you desire—do not forget this. With Mercury—planet of communication—entering your creative fifth house at the end of the month on August 25, you are being released from old emotions and painful memories surrounding money and success that will ultimately allow you to show up more confidently in your work life. It’s time to own your power and recognize your talent! 


This August, you could see a major turn of events in your career. Keep working hard, Cancer! It’s certainly paying off. So many new opportunities to make money and start new projects are landing in your lap. Most of these new opportunities will be reinvigorate your level of ambition, so let your colleagues and mentors inspire you. Your ruling planet—the moon—will be full in the sign of Aquarius on August 11, giving you the opportunity to set some lofty financial goals. And as this full moon opposes the sun in your eighth house of investments, you’re setting stronger boundaries and learning how to show up for yourself. Ask for what you want and be willing to walk away from people and places that aren’t willing to provide you with the compensation you deserve.


After what feels like forever, you’re finally breaking into the life that you’ve been dreaming of dear Leo. You are going to feel like life has a brand new texture in the month of August and as your sun sign season wraps up! However, you need to begin to open yourself and your heart up to others as you move forward. Remember, success doesn’t feel as sweet on your own. This may mean that you’re giving back philanthropically, referring a friend for a job, setting up two of your networking connections, or simply celebrating someone’s achievements with them this month. Give back to others and you will be receiving career or financial blessings 10x as big! And as a full moon in Aquarius shines a light on your seventh house of allies as of August 11, you may be forming a close business partnership with a colleague.


Dear Virgos, you’ve suffered in silence for too long and the universe is asking you gently to come out of your shell, because you’re ready to receive multiple financial blessings! If you’ve been struggling to get your career and finances in order, this month will be the month where all of your trouble gets blown away—that is, if you’re willing to work as hard as you know you can. However, these new opportunities are going to force you to let go of your self-doubt and truly take accountability for the ways in which you’ve held yourself back from happiness. Are you willing to let go of your bad habits? If the answer is yes, August is about to be full of blessings for you.


This month, you will have several chances to balance your finances and really get ahead of the issues you’ve struggled with! It’s time t rebuild your self-worth and commit to your own abundance. If you’ve been feeling stuck in old patterns, now is the time to let this all go by trying something new. Success will require action on your part, but the full moon in Aquarius on August 11 is here to help release old memories, habits and negative thought patterns. Plus, it’s lighting up your fifth house of fun and pleasure, encouraging you to indulge in your creativity! You may be coming to terms with what you want vs what you need. Should you stay or should you go? The answer resides in this important question—do you believe that the only source of happiness you can find comes from what you currently have? If not, it may be time to set yourself free.


This August, you’re starting to open your eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. And trust me—these opportunities will be endless. Whether you are moving up, moving to a new city or moving your goal post—there is a gentle but fierce rumbling under the surface that is asking you to prepare for more! Don’t take your foot off of the gas just yet, because your Scorpio sting is closing in on its target! The Leo sun is moving through your 10th house of career, which is encouraging you to ask for the promotion you deserve. In order to gain something new, you must be willing to try something new. Even if you’re letting go of old dreams in favor of new ones, trust that whatever comes next will bring you financial and energetic ease later on for you to make this next move.


You are the Centaurs, which means nothing can truly stop you! You’re someone who works with whatever you have and your adventurous spirit also makes you incredibly resourceful. This month, you’re stepping into chapter of your life where you’re finally realizing that working harder and working smarter are two separate things. You do not need to grind yourself to the bone in order to make ends meet, and August will show you the path to easeful abundance. If you start to believe that you are deserving of better opportunities, those opportunities will arrive to you. Put yourself in spaces where you can receive, and watch the way that conversations start to flow. Try attending events, workshops, and venues where the “right people” are. Get bold and confident, and whether you’re looking for a job, clients or employees—they are right here, right now.


Capricorn, the month of August is going to be full of perspective-shifting conversations that bring you from where you are to where you want to be. Even if this shift happens on a mental and emotional level, understand that sometimes the answer isn’t to run away but to sit in the discomfort and let yourself relate to it differently. You are not meant to be perfect, nor is anyone expecting this from you. However, you have to be willing to let yourself look at yourself through kinder eyes in order to achieve this new state of being. You are doing so well, and it’s time that you recognize all of your hard work before trying to move up again. Instead of focusing on your own self-critic, start acknowledging more of your accomplishments for a change!


Wow! What a month ahead you have, Aquarius! In August you will have a full moon in Aquarius on August 11, which is showing you just how much you’ve grown. As Mars enters fellow air sign Gemini just a few days later, you’re also feeling eager to express yourself and focus on what you’re passionate about!. Try to take advantage of how much this month’s energy is pushing you to take action (or better yet, leaps of faith)! You’ll be met with Mercury in Libra on August 25, making it easier for you to communicate confidently with yourself and those around you about your brilliant ideas. Now is the time to start faking it until you make it. Employers, clients, and colleagues are going to respond to your new walk and talk this month. Let yourself shine, and others will follow suit in boasting and bragging about your greatness. 


Pisces, the month of August will bring some unexpected adventures and blessings your way. Have you been feeling worried, comparative, or fearful about your career? That will all start to wash away as you see yourself getting recognized in new and exciting ways this month. You are changing your path and pace rapidly. Make sure that you take some time to be present with all of the blessings that are already present for you instead of wishing the time away to get you to where you’re trying to go. You are already on the right path, you need to hear me—you’re already on the right path. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be. And even if you’re not happy with your progress, know that it’s all teaching you something important.

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